Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Richat Structure

This is an excellent Richat Structure update.I first identified the Pleistocene nonconformity back before 2007 when I started this blog.  We then had scant data except conforming geology of a crustal movement of fifteen degrees south from the Pole through Hud Bay.

Several years later the Grreenland impact large enogh was identified.and only 12900 BP.  We even have l9cated cultural sources.

What made Platos tale unbelievable is the size of the build, and ten thousands years past.  We thought it was an island of some sort as well.  I was truly surprised to find a natural structure just as unlikely as the Grand Canyon or even Niagra falls.  These are pointedly unique and impossible to imagine.  

The population was mostly wiped out.  This item points out it is likely the Arctic ocean shifted south, overtopped the Atlas Mountains and then scoured Western Sahara.  The crustal shift makes this plausible.  Understand on the other side of the Earth all China was inundated several hundreds of mies inland.

I also do think that this event also threw up the Himalyas and the Andes for which we do also have conforming evidence.  That is over the top for most of us but having this model opens up a global discussion.

Once again, the antediluvian world lived on the continental shelves.  Before this event.  I am also certain that this impact was planned and aimed in order to end the northern Ice Age.

Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" title="Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

4.3M views 2 years ago
Astonishing NEW details have been uncovered involving the Lost Ancient City of Atlantis, and the Eye of The Sahara. These details are so significant that the Richat Structure should without a doubt, be considered the most likely location of the lost capital city of Atlantis. …...more


@mortimerschnerd38462 years ago
Sir, as a (retired) scientist and researcher I find your arguments both highly interesting and compelling! It is refreshing to discover new and out of the box ideas that are so well researched and defended. I also find it gratifying that your position seems to kick a bit of sand on the scientific establishment, who are way too proud of themselves and their dogma.

Hello Jimmy a fellow comrade, I’ve been trying to get your attention on something very important and always ignored by others, The city of Sefar located in Algeria in the heart of the Tassili mountains, very little is known about this city except its at least 10 thousand years old, and was once home for more than half a million people, no one knows how this city was built or by who, near it is the largest cave paintings in the world Tassili n’Ajjer, Over 15,000 paintings, drawings and engravings have so far been catalogued, the oldest dating back to around 10,000 years, and all of this is near the Eye of the Sahara the supposed location of Atlantis. im Algerian so i had the opportunity to visit this city and its mind blowing, i hope this subject will be interesting to you so that you may shine some light on it. Thank you, keep up ur good work.Read more

@jimgriffiths90712 years ago
A missing piece of this mystery is why the Navy/CIA was so interested in this spot decades ago and they once surveyed it thoroughly. I would be curious to see if that study is available via a FOIA inquiry.

@rsbrehm8 months ago (edited)
The comet impact on Greenland about 12,000 years ago and wave-form trajectory leads right to north Africa. The the massive tidal waves of flood waters from the North Atlantic would have been miles and miles high, flowed over the top of the Atlas mountains, and then changed their flow towards the South to West due to the Coriolis Effect.

@christopherthumm43482 years ago
The fact that he didn't back down when everyone else said he was wrong instead he just did more research puts him at the top of my list

@robinmackenzie91552 years ago
Jimmy, I think you have proven that when you focusing on one a topic and put you heart & soul into looking for the truth,You dont need to be a scientist to discover something amazing. Thank you for never giving up

@pauliusiv61692 years ago
with the whole 'eye of the sahara' thing, i think we have another troy on our hands, where everybody thought the city of troy was a myth untill they actually found the ruins of troy in western anatolia

@proparanoid7 months ago
I risked watching expecting yet another click-bait Youtuber's effort to wast my time (hard to do, actually; I'm retired). I was pleasantly surprised that you made a strong case and convinced this Doubting Thomas type. that you are both an excellent researcher, and a great presenter. Well done, and appreciated to the max. Bless. I'm now off to deep dive your Channel... and Subscribe.

@sirskvnk18432 years ago
Please don't stop this research. You have to keep going. Not only is someone reputable talking about the possibility of the lost city, but actually providing extremely compelling evidence to back up the claims. This is amazing. Please keep going.

@darlenedubois55952 years ago
Wow! I'm almost 70 years old and have never heard of the eye of the Sahara before. Your facts about Atlantis and this place are so compelling! I think you've definitely got something here! I'm going to recommend your video to all my friends who are interested in Atlantis! Thanks for this great, informative video!

@JustThisGuy.YouKnow4 months ago
As far as I’m concerned, you’ve solved this mystery. I’ve never seen a better explanation to answer every question regarding this mystery.

@GinaSpacegirl2 years ago
So, I went to listen to Joe and came across the episode with you and Ben. Immediately, without even finishing listening, I came here to see what is all about. I was blown away at the fact I never ever heard about this. Now, I am no expert in anything but I have enjoyed documentaries my entire life. Not to mention books, etc. This was not in school. And not a common knowledge. Amazing discovery for me. I will be sure to continue to follow your channel with excitement.

@johndoe-dj3iy2 years ago
It hurts just how much I desperately desire to be able to peek at the past to see such an ancient civilization in its prime yet knowing it is something we will never have the privilege to see.

@RAYMO5812 years ago
I saw your previous video on this subject and was 70 % convinced you were on the right track. After This video I am 99% sure you are on the right track .

@laurinnovations2 months ago
Pretty synchronistic that I'm seeing this today! My daughter was literally just telling me about this. I literally just sent the link to her! Thanks for putting this out... I can tell it took a lot of time and effort. 

@m.c.martin2 years ago
Just going to point out, if you draw a straight line from the Straight of Gibraltar through Africa, you reach the Richat Structure eventually. Plato just said go straight, which could be going straight South. So Plato wasn’t wrong, he just wasn’t very clear

@OrgelWare2 years ago
Jimmy! Your work on the city of Atlantis is fantastic. You're pulling together information I've never even heard of and it is all making sense.

@logankirst83942 years ago (edited)
Hey Jimmy, as a Geologist who's master thesis was about timing the retreat of Antarctic Ice sheets from the last glacial maximum (ice-age) I found your research extremely thought provoking and quite interesting to say the least. Not sure if this has been said yet in the hundreds of comments before me, but I just wanted to help give a little context in regard to the Saharan seaway you speak of. Due to the help of ice cores and much research throughout the world we have a massive amount of data to help understand the timing of eustatic (global sea level) rise and fall within the last 500k-1 million years ago. Thousands of glacial cycles happened that we have either no data or very little data for but given the cyclical nature of natural climate change we can use proxies to help correlate many of these events. This means that sea has gone up and down at significant scales many many many times between 12k to 60Ma. I think that what the research you allude to in your video is getting at is that they have a hypothesis and data to evidence this type of climate cyclicity going back as far as 60 million years ago. So this actually in a way backs-up your argument in showing that this type of natural global flooding phenomenon has been occurring in a cyclical manner way longer than the city's existence, thus providing more evidence to support the idea of the lush environment and rivers/seaways you mention. Also, not sure if you've heard of the hypothesis that the Sphinx in Egypt could be much older than 4,500 years. From what I remember it could be potentially in the teens of thousands (don't quote me, saw on TV a while ago) based on geologic features that showed evidence of massive flooding and water movement. This could be interesting to look into and correlate with your work! Loved the video and your appearances on JRE, keep up the good work! -LoganRead more

@LadyGreySpacePirate4 months ago
This is VERY compelling! Of course there'll always be doubters who will try to debunk it, but this guy did his research well!

@duckfartalabama2 years ago
Damn Jimmy, you may have just solidified your place in the history books my man! " Compelling" is an understatement!! Good job brother 

@SILSKY2 years ago
This indirect debate between you and Randall Carlson is extremely interesting. Both of you have made very compelling arguments and the deeper you both dig the more interesting it gets. You both are provoking a massive amount of thought on the subject of Atlantis, and I predict it will eventually lead to the answers we all are anticipating.

@TheMalibuman792 years ago
I'm foaming at the mouth, rabid and hungry for more. This is insurmountable information. It's sparked a wonder in me I have never felt... sir, you have my deepest thanks. I didn't even know this structure existed, and I've not had my eyes closed... I feel silly and small, like a kid at his first day of school. There is so much to learn!

@christopherb14838 months ago
YOU have been beckoned. AND your very insightful intuition has NOT been disproven. Following for quite some time and appreciate the compelling detail and endless perseverance to this quest for TRUTH. Thank you.

@lesliejas2 years ago
I really love this theory. The possibility of finding Atlantis here is truly amazing. But it is odd how this structure really has meant nothing to most everyone for a very long time. Prior to Jimmy’s videos I had never heard of it. So, I love the idea and if for no other reason I hope Jimmy’s research makes some scholars look closer at what he proposes even if it means proving Atlantis never existed. You have to at least try. Can’t wait to see what is next.

@SchwererGustavThe800mm2 years ago
Jimmy, you're quite possibly looking down the barrel of making one of if not the greatest ancient discoveries in human history. Don't stop brother.

@user-fb7or1wt3t2 years ago
What intrigued me about the route to Atlantis that made me mistrust all theories about a middle of the ocean location was the phrase "oceanos potamos" which means "flowing/running sea". Always thought it has to be somewhere near a huge river but your research solves that doubt as well.

@jwkjohnston75126 months ago
That was at the very least thought provoking and at the other end a great deduction. So pleased I discovered this video.

@mikelee98862 years ago
Everyone forgets that Atlantis was a KINGDOM of 10 great cities. So the Azores... the Richat... BOTH could be Atlantis. The Richat however, is likely the capitol city.

@Sarasor2 years ago
One of the important details you also mentioned which many people seem to forget is that there were more than one city of Atlantis. They might have had one capital but both the Richat and the Azores for example could be Atlantis cities. Some people seem to want to dismiss all other places if they favor one specific place the most. Great video Jimmy! You really seem to do your research and keep and open mind to possibilities intead of thinking one theory is definitely right and no new evidence can change it. Even though they take time to make, it's always worth the wait. Keep stacking the evidence until they can't be ignored anymore. Thank you for your work Jimmy!Read more

@elinventorcito2 years ago
with all the distortion history have suffered in the last 10,000 year I'm not surprised that the Atlantic has a different origin, and for some reason, they decided to erase everything concerning to Atlantic from history, but the detail is there, for jimmy to find with his expertise in hidden curiosity, we really appreciate your finding and theories.

@nabilsellami27072 years ago
Outstanding. The fact that you keep an open mind to every possibility is really outstanding. Perhaps it's Atlantis, perhaps not, but what's sure is that massive trail left in the desert wasn't made by the wind. This is absolutely new to just to me, but with more researchers like you, I'm confident that the more existing "PAST" will be revealed. Congratulations for the video. Excellent work.Read more

@ivydune41858 months ago
Glad you mentioned the Horus eye. I was thinking the same. That would change the meaning of many writings. I’ve been following this “ancient builders” subject for years now, and I’m learning new things. Thank you

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