Friday, February 7, 2025

John Brennan Is in BIG Trouble – His Crimes Are Catching Up with Him

I do suspect one John Brennan is no longer with us.  We will still have a show of course.  The man was a lifetime communist and should never have been allowed in government service.  He was really as awful as they come.

His silence has been welcome.

Yet we watched him commit those crimes.

John Brennan Is in BIG Trouble – His Crimes Are Catching Up with Him

February 2, 2025 by Joe Hoft

Deep State Trump

Corrupt Obama CIA Director John Brennan is in big trouble. The truth is coming out.

John Brennan has been a cancer to this nation. He was a communist and had a prayer rug in his office while CIA Director. He was a monster who used his position to target President Trump and attempted a coup of his first administration.

General Flynn noted this morning that President Trump is on a roll. This was in response to news that John Brennan committed a crime in signing off on and praising the effort to lie about the Hunter Biden laptop along with 51 other monsters who were involved in interfering in the 2020 Election.

Yesterday, Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations addressed John Brennan’s actions and crimes and what is really going on.

Though even Donald Trump’s harshest critics now concede he may not be the “Russian agent” they once speculated he was, the consensus among Washington’s elite remains that he’s a beneficiary of Kremlin skullduggery.

This persistent belief springs from a January 2017 U.S. intelligence document crafted by the Obama administration, which classified the sourcing behind it at the highest levels.
Known as an intelligence community assessment (ICA) and titled “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections,” its unclassified finding that Russian President Vladimir Putin interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump win has gone largely unquestioned by the Washington media and by Democrats and Republicans alike. They’ve accepted its conclusion that Putin abetted Trump as incontrovertible fact, and many suspect he continues to cast a spell over the now-reelected president.

Hillary Clinton still blames her 2016 loss on Putin. She’s asserted, “There’s no doubt in my mind [that Putin] wanted me to lose and wanted Trump to win,” echoing the ICA’s judgments, which she and other leading Democrats continue to cite to explain Trump’s ascendency.

But former intelligence czar John Ratcliffe has seen the evidence underlying the ICA, and is not convinced it supports that conclusion. His skepticism, reported here for the first time, appears in written testimony he submitted to the Senate in advance of his confirmation hearing for CIA director…

In a pre-hearing questionnaire obtained by RealClearInvestigations, Senate Democrats asked Ratcliffe, “Do you agree with the ICA’s judgments,” specifically that “Putin’s goals in influencing the 2016 presidential election included ‘denigrat[ing] Secretary Clinton, and harm[ing] her electability and potential presidency’ ”?

They also asked Ratcliffe if he concurred with the ICA’s finding that “Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

Ratcliffe answered that after reviewing the ICA’s underlying intel, including sources and methods, he could only agree that “Russia’s goal was to undermine confidence in U.S. democratic institutions and sow division among the American people,” according to page 38 of the document.

He noted that “Russian social media campaigns included efforts to both support and criticize candidate Trump as well as candidate Clinton, further suggesting an overarching goal of promoting discord.” In other words, he saw no concrete evidence to support a plot by Putin to side with Trump against Clinton.

And then there is this:

Ratcliffe saw for himself the underlying evidence while acting as Trump’s director of the Office of National Intelligence.

In 2020, he discovered a CIA document from 2016 stating that Clinton, in July of that year, had approved “a plan” by her foreign policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, to create a scandal tying Trump to Putin and the alleged Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee. The CIA material seemed to contradict the findings of the ICA, prepared and widely disseminated just months later by his predecessor John Brennan, who, as Barack Obama’s CIA director, was tasked after Trump’s surprise victory to assess Russia’s role in the election.

Raising more alarms, Brennan had attached as an annex to the ICA false rumors about Trump and Putin conspiring during the election, plucked from a political dossier underwritten by the Clinton campaign.

Suspicious, Ratcliffe decided to look deeper into how the ICA was developed, according to his Senate confirmation testimony.

“I requested a briefing from the CIA from some members of the team that were involved in that,” he said.

After interviewing CIA analysts who helped draft the ICA and examining the underlying intelligence, he reached different conclusions. Ratcliffe’s review found the evidence was much weaker than Brennan had claimed and did not support his explosive judgments about Putin and Trump.

This flies in the face of what the public has been told about one of the most consequential pieces of intelligence in modern American history.

John Brennan should be in jail today, not tomorrow, today.

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