Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Barefoot and health becoming a tthing

I have posted in the past about the likely virtues of walking  barefoot on the ground.  These werte simply my own observations ,but i did put a note together to see if we could drum up some interest.  As it was, i need not have bothered because others have also woken up to the possibilities.

This is from seven years ago already and it turns out that serious effort is underway to make it easier to do.

I actually went barefoot in the summer until I turned six and went to school.  That was the common deal then.  winter time saw rubber boots and thick socks of course.  also i stayed with leather shoes for office work until recently.  All that is now harder to do.

The real take home is that been grounded empowers your body to heal pro[erly, simply because your nervous system can scavenge free electrons when needed.  all those stories here go back to allowing your body to do its job and wrapping yourself in insulators is obviously stupid.

 <iframe width="661" height="372" src="" title="Grounding - The Grounded Documentary Film about &quot;Earthing&quot;" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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