Saturday, May 7, 2022

Biochar imn Malawi

I find this report very encouragiung.  The Amazon terrapreta was produced using maize to make biochar and here we are using completely primitive methods to produce enough..

It turns out a simple pit works fine and ample time to cool down.  I am sure that simply throwing in dirt will cap the pit kiln, though we projected a crust of clay as well in the Amazon.

Slowly but surely, the manufacture of terra preta is catching on in Africa and also elsewhere.  It will end all fertilizer wastage globally and trhu.s allow all soils to be optimized.

The president of Malawi met today with Clement Taonani about organic farming, primarily making and using biochar by smallholder farmers. Clement said the president was "excited" about biochar for smallholder farmers and they plan to meet again soon. Clement gave the president Christa Roth's report on biochar which features Clement's work with biochar. I am again attaching the report.


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