This an expansion of the scope of his investigation as the work on the Obamagate is essentially done. That it leads back to hilary is no surprise.
There is some speculation that some arrests will be postponed but this is all planned and scheduled as well and that is wishful thinking.
It is clear though that the heavy lifting in terms of public disclosure is independent of what Durham is doing. He gets the high profile arrests. We have not heard from 200,000 sealed indictments and thgat is surely a poli0tical earthquake.
Meanwhile voter fraud arrests are taking place. We have a steady trick;e of unpleseant news in the background almost out of sight.
REVEALED: John Durham looking into prior FBI ‘investigation’ of questionable millions that flowed into the Clinton Foundation
Sunday, September 27, 2020 by: JD Heyes
Tags: 2016 election, bill clinton, Clinton Foundation, criminal racketeering, deep state, FBI, foreign donations, foreign donors, Hillary Clinton, investigation, John Durham, Justice Department, President Obama, Probe

(Natural News) After Hillary Clinton left the Obama regime in 2013 as secretary of state, rumors began flying almost immediately that she was lining up second bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Time, of course, would prove those rumors to be accurate.
In the interim period between the time she left the Obama administration and Election Day 2016, the foundation she began with her president husband and serial philanderer Bill Clinton brought in money — a lot of it — and from some very questionable (as in foreign) sources.
Because not everyone at the FBI and Justice Department are criminals and deep state sycophants hungry for power, a number of these transactions were examined by the bureau.
Nothing, of course, ever came out of those investigations — and now we know why: Hillary Superfan James Comey was the FBI director and Loretta Lynch was the attorney general. No way was ‘Obama’s successor’ and ‘the first woman president’ going to be ensnared in anything as sordid as allowing foreign governments to buy access to the ‘new administration’ couched as ‘donations’ to a ‘charity.’
But there’s a new sheriff in town — AG Bill Barr — and he’s in command of a team of law-and-order career prosecutors and FBI officials who really don’t have a political dog in the fight and who want to do the jobs they swore an oath to do, regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.
As such, one of those careerists, U.S. Attorney John Durham, who has been looking into the origins of the very bogus, very illegal ‘Russian collusion’ and ‘Spygate’ scandals, is also investigating the ‘investigation’ into the Clinton Foundation.
From the beginning, John H. Durham’s inquiry into the Russia investigation has been politically charged. President Trump promoted it as certain to uncover a “deep state” plot against him, Attorney General William P. Barr rebuked the investigators under scrutiny, and he and Mr. Durham publicly second-guessed an independent inspector general and traveled the globe to chase down conspiracy theories.
It turns out that Mr. Durham also focused attention on certain political enemies of Mr. Trump: the Clintons.
Mr. Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut assigned by Mr. Barr to review the Russia inquiry, has sought documents and interviews about how federal law enforcement officials handled an investigation around the same time into allegations of political corruption at the Clinton Foundation, according to people familiar with the matter.
Naturally, the Times — whose reporters and editors hate Trump and are about as objective with their reporting as Josef Stalin would have been writing for a magazine about capitalism — is framing this probe as a politicized investigation ‘at the direction’ of President Trump (without ever framing the Southern District of New York’s pursuit of charges against the president over alleged tax improprieties in a similar manner).
But the facts are thus: The Clinton Foundation served as a cash conduit for influence peddlers for years before Hillary officially threw her hat in the ring.
Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams reported in August 2016, just months before she lost to Trump:
What every international business person running any sort of profiteering scheme knows today is that to get a meeting with the Secretary of State, you first have to donate huge dollars to the Clinton Foundation. It’s classic “pay for play,” and it’s illegal.
Flatly stated, Bill and Hillary Clinton are career criminals who have been running a grand scale criminal racketeering scheme to defraud America and peddle political influence to the highest bidder. Sometimes, the bribery money was given directly to Bill Clinton as “payment” for his “speeches.” Soon after, Hillary would initiate some State Dept. action in favor of the organization that paid Bill $250,000 or more for his speech. Voila! It’s political magic!
How do we know this? Because after she lost the election, donations to her garbage foundation dried up.
As for Durham, his investigation into the investigation seeks to find out whether any laws or rules were broken to ‘look the other way’ — because that’s what everyone has always done when it came to the Clintons.
Sources include:
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