An excellent little presentation that puts it together properly. All five errors issues are covered in this blog and in fact resolved.
A pyramidal control system inevitably delivers rather ordinary folks to a so called control position which is far removed from on the ground activity and can only hinder. Global development has been under the control of a committee of folks whose net result is a dumbing down.
All that changes completely with application of my rule of twelve and the sovereign capitalization of the natural community.
A Little Green Revolution: The Rainbow Warriors Will Heal The Earth Mother
“When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come onto the Earth of many colors, creeds and classes, and by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They shall be known as the warriors of the rainbow.” ~ Hopi
The Native Americans saw the European newcomers as being spiritually afflicted. There were probably many descriptions for the craze, but one that survived is Wendigo. A Wendigo is a legendary Algonquin monster. A human infected with the Wendigo devours the proverbial or actual flesh/life force of other people, places and things with insatiable hunger.
Wendigo psychosis is similar to the Hopi description of Two-Hearts. The expression is similar to two-faced, but goes beyond it. A Two-Hearts will speak one way with you and another way about you. Two-Hearts masquerade like they are kind, when all the while they’re the ones holding people in binds. A real unhindered human being leads self with his heart and the mind follows. Two-Hearts allow the heart of another to control them, usually the imaginary, empty heart of an institution. They then speak and act for another entity and have two hearts to feed.
Ten thousand years of developmental permaculture and living in spiritual unison with Mother Earth doesn’t just happen. In fact the Hopi founded their home in the harsh Arizona desert as part of a plan; there they would all have to cooperate because of the harsh desert environment. The American Indian tribes have many stories about how conditions had to be just hard enough so they did not grow soft, fat and weak essentially and so that they maintained strong brotherhood.
The Rule of The Seven Generations
Native Americans lived according to the Rule of The Seven Generations and foretold the Prophecy of the Seven Generations as a warning to the gold crazed Europeans. The Rule of The Seven Generations is to consider the impact of one’s actions for seven generations in the future.
The gold hungry adventurers arrived and called Turtle Island (name for North America) ‘The New World’ partly because it was so well taken care of and partly to reinforce the idea that it was open for the taking.
On seeing mining, forestry and trophy hunting, the people of Turtle Island predicted negative outcomes seven generations after the Europeans takeover. Known as The Prophecy of the Seven Generations, it’s said birds would fall from the sky, the air would burn the eyes of men and fish would perish in undrinkable water.
“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.” ~ Iroquois Maxim
Another specific warning shared by many different peoples from Chile to Alaska; digging up the guts of Earth Mother will unearth great tragedy. About seven generations ago, mining for gold and precious metals was the main illustrated danger. Such mining reinforced crazed genocide and today about half the rivers in the U.S.A. are toxic to life – just like foretold in The Prophecy of The Seventh Generation – mainly due to digging up Earth Mother.
“If we dig precious things from the land we will perish.” ~ Hopi Prophecy
We are in the time of the seventh generation. Today we face total environmental degradation and destruction and today is the time of the NWO.
The Time of the NWO
NWO is used as the abbreviation for the New World Order. But what is new about the New World Order? The world is the same now as at any other time. The overall concept and design is basically the same, only now more technologically reinforced, more centralized and globalized. The institutional structures behind the dogmatic political trickery are basically the same and the bureaucracies are about equally rigid, favoring institutions over individuals by just about how much people will tolerate.
The order of The New World Order, society today, is basically the same as it ever was; oligarchical and pyramidal. The newness of the New World Order is not the order, but the world, the polluted, environmentally degraded netherworld of ever increasing toxicity and radioactivity spun by digging up and burning up the guts of Earth Mother.
The only thing new or transformed about the world is our environment, our water, our air, our entirety. It is newly depleted, polluted and has been everywhere marginalized and sporadically made totally toxic and permanently uninhabitable; Hanford, Chernobyl and Fukushima are a few of the more well-known locales ruined and permanently releasing poison. All the elements of the world have been permeated with the toxins of our collective creation, from cannibalizing the guts of The Earth Mother like a couple billion Wendigos.
The Five Claws of the Wendigo
The toxins humanity has unleashed upon the world can be categorized into five sources of destruction, the five claws of the Wendigo.
The first source of death and destruction, perhaps the one most demanding of our immediate attention, is global nuclear experimentation; this includes the recent utilization of “depleted” uranium as ammunition, the hundreds of power generation experiments across the planet and the thousands of detonations of the past which produced radioactive particles that still ride the wind, freckle the soil and spark your bones.
The second contributor to global environmental destruction is the extraction and burning of fossil fuels; oil, natural gas and coal included. The nuclear era began the day the first nuke went off in New Mexico, the petrolithic era began the day Diesel died. Rudolph Diesel designed his Diesel engine to be fueled with locally sourced biofuels or earthly sourced petroleum if locally available so as to power locals, not to build up globalization.
Diesel died at sea under mysterious circumstances.
The third contributor to global environmental destruction is the tendency to resource our goods from digging up and cannibalizing Mother Earth. Mining leaves land ruined permanently and spreads toxins far and wide. The related plasticization of packaging and products has resulted in the throwaway society that poisons land and sea. Plastics are petroleum products, all of which are replaceable with less toxic alternatives obtainable through agricultural sources, particularly the conveniently illegal crop of hemp. Plastics are just another petroleum product of the petrolithic era, but plastic by itself, littered about like mined carbon, is as destructive to life as it is offensive to look at. The plasticization of our waters, rivers and oceans alike, permanently poisons, just as mining for minerals does.
The fourth major contribution to the netherworld oligarchy is the planetary war state. Nuclear experimentation as a whole could simply fall into this category, if it were not so insidiously destructive on its own. The conundrum of nuclear experimentation, spawned from war, reflects the haunting problems of the planetary war state. The war state takes, steals and kills. It makes all in the present poorer, destroys the environment and leaves death and horror equivalent to nightmares of karma demons for future generations. War poisons the present and the foreseeable future. The war state takes directly and kills people, and indirectly removes potential and quality of life those who would want peace.
The fifth claw of the Wendigo world, the fifth purveyor of the netherworld is corporate controlled factory farming/food production. The very essence of our growing children and our sustenance has been transformed into a pay by the pound business, where nutrition is meaningless. Monsanto and DuPont among others have genetically modified our food – the fruits of Mother Earth – so they can withstand toxic pesticides which kill pests and any creatures that go near the stuff while its growing. Toxic pesticides and fertilizers end up in the food chain and water sources. Corporations also raise animals in overcrowded conditions resulting in hazards for the animals, the surrounding environment and belittled quality food.
The five claws of the Wendigo world are controlled by an ill-informed and ill-minded collective. Each problem is rooted in selfish and misdirected thinking. Each of these problems on its own is horrendous and each related, and can be traced to our collective state of mind. The destructive claws are the result of our real problem; ourselves.
Interrelated Systems of the Wendigo
The extraction, refinement and distribution of dangerous fuels, both petrolithic and nuclear, is the primary polluter of the world’s air, water and whole regions, and likely the main producers of carcinogens which spurred if not initiated the cancer era. Most plastic is a petroleum product combined with chemicals. All energy and all plastic could be sourced from agriculture, in cooperation with the Earth Mother instead of working against her. All our agricultural processes could be fashioned in a way that is cooperative with all the Earth Mother’s creatures; the creatures labeled as pests that ultimately the very soil is dependent on and integrated with.
However such systems would not be oligarchical in formation and would not profit the controlling few. There are always natural, viable choices beneficial to all life, however these are labeled as alternative because they would benefit everything instead of paying an elite few.
Perhaps war is ultimately the worst destroyer of the Earth Mother and society. War is the great expander of environmental entropy and societal stagnancy, leaving ruin no matter the weapon used. It causes destruction and leaves people unmotivated and incapable to build the environment. Whether it is a war on terror or a war on drugs, or war for Kuwait or war for anything, all war is detrimental to the whole planet and all war limits the quality life of all individuals. All war harms and hinders future generations.
The fast food diet, the live-to-eat mentality as opposed to the eat-to-live character, is destroying the planet and increasing the culture of separation. We eat food of unknown origin from plastic containers and throw them out without knowing where they’ll go. Such uncaring consumption without consideration of what is involved in raising a plant or an animal is destroying the world. It’s parasitic. Conventional monoculture and genetic modification – based on allowing a plant to survive being dosed out on petrochemicals – could have biological impacts on humanity and the ecosystem that will be comparable to horror movies.
These systems are all interrelated like fingers of a Wendigo claw. The most stark and main commonality; they are oligarchical to the Nth degree, to the Netherworld degree. All these systems benefit a very few people and cost entirety. These operations are so deadly they cost everyone alive and future generations, yet unborn will have to pay the environmental costs, basically forever equating the netherworld oligarchy of environmental destruction to the Nth degree.
The Rainbow Warriors
The Wendigo claw can only be confronted with an open human hand. Only by sharing and caring with an open hand and open and mind is the Wendigo defeated.
A rainbow is made up from clarity and also is a reflection of every color. A rainbow represents no thing and all things at the same time. In order to be clear, one must first shed any Two-Heartedness so as to stop feeding the Wendigo. When one resides in one’s own heart, without impulses to speak for and eat for a second heart of an institution, further clarity from institutional mediation is possible. A rainbow warrior is of no thing. A rainbow warrior represents no institution. And at the same a rainbow warrior represents all things. A rainbow warrior stands up for every individual. Instead of a wielding a sword, the rainbow warrior has a clear heart and open hands accompanied with a clear message that all people can understand; such as “the Wendigo world failed, let’s come together to heal Earth Mother”.

“Then I had a dream, and in my dream one of these small round stones appeared to me and told me that the maker of all was Wakan Tanka, and that in order to honor Him I must honor His works in nature. The stone said that, by my search, I had shown myself worthy of supernatural help. It said that if I were curing a sick person I might ask its assistance, and that all the forces of nature would help me work a cure.” ~ Tatanka-ohitika, Brave Buffalo.
The Little Green Book of Revolution

A pro-individual and anti-institutional look at the history of peaceful proactive revolution, it explores the environmental destruction inherent to our present energy distribution systems and offers ideas to counter the oligarchical institutions of the failing ‘New World Order’.
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