This is a a compendium of the science linking Roundup to epidemic levels of cancer in exposed individuals. Add in the collapse of the amphibian population and we can describe this as one of the worse biological impact crisis ever.
I will go further. All pasticides that are not naturally localized and normallyy part of the environment as well need to be withdrawn as soon as possible. Organic methods are our future regardless and fast forward is an option.
This has become a man made disaster and it has only truly accelerated to catastrophic levels in the past two decades. We are now getting the wave of impact disease as well as the usual corporate denial.
Monsanto's Roundup Linked to Cancer - Again
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)A brilliant and celebrated inventor, John Franz, gave us an herbicide, Roundup, which has changed the
face of agriculture.
This herbicide has become the foundation for an entirely novel approach to farming - biotech agriculture - that has expanded rapidly throughout the globe.
This herbicide has become the foundation for an entirely novel approach to farming - biotech agriculture - that has expanded rapidly throughout the globe.
Monsanto makes seeds for soy, corn, canola, cotton, alfalfa and sugar beets that are genetically engineered to be tolerant to Roundup.
The seeds are marketed in 120 countries. Throughout the world,
Roundup is sprayed heavily as a weed killer without fear of damaging the
cash crops, which have been engineered to survive the herbicide's
Roundup seemed, at first, to be the perfect herbicide. It blocks the ESPS synthase
enzyme, which prevents the synthesis of amino acids that plants need
for growth. Since animals don't have this enzyme, it was initially
hypothesized that they would be safe from Roundup's effects.
Unfortunately, Roundup has now been shown to affect much more than
the EPSP synthase enzyme. The herbicide has been proven to cause birth defects in vertebrates, including in humans, and it may also be the cause of a fatal kidney disease epidemic.
An increasing number of studies are now linking the herbicide to cancer.
Roundup Linked to Increased Cancer in "Soy Republic"
Roundup is now heavily sprayed in what is known as the "Soy Republic," an area of Latin America larger than the state of California. This region has undergone a profound transformation since genetically modified (GM) crops were first introduced in 1996. Some 125 million acres in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay are now devoted to GM soy production.
Roundup is now heavily sprayed in what is known as the "Soy Republic," an area of Latin America larger than the state of California. This region has undergone a profound transformation since genetically modified (GM) crops were first introduced in 1996. Some 125 million acres in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay are now devoted to GM soy production.
Doctors serving these areas have documented an alarming increase in
cancers. A group of dedicated physicians formed an organization, Doctors
of Fumigated Towns. They held a national conference in
August of 2010 in Córdoba, the center of Argentina's soy region. The
Department of Medical Sciences of the National University at Córdoba
sponsored the conference. An estimated 160 doctors from throughout the
country attended.
Dr. Medardo Avila Vazquez, a pediatrician specializing in environmental health, explained his concerns:
"The change in how agriculture is produced has brought, frankly, a
change in the profile of diseases. We've gone from a pretty healthy
population to one with a high rate of cancer, birth defects and
illnesses seldom seen before. What we have complained about for years
was confirmed and especially what doctors say about the sprayed towns
and areas affected by industrial agriculture. Cancer cases are
multiplying as never before in areas with massive use of pesticides."
Dr. Avila Vazquez blamed the biotech agricultural corporations for placing their profits over the public's health:
"The tobacco companies denied the link between smoking and cancer,
and took decades to recognize the truth. The biotech and agrochemical
corporations are the same as the tobacco industry; they lie and favor
business over the health of the population."
It was the health of the population that concerned Dr. Damian
Verzeñassi, professor of social and environmental health from the
National University at Rosario. In 2010, he began a house-to-house
epidemiological study of 65,000 people in Santa Fe, also in Argentina's
soy region. He found cancer rates two to four times higher than the national average, with increases in breast, prostate and lung cancers.
Dr. Verzeñassi commented on his findings: "Cancer has skyrocketed in the last fifteen years."
Much the same was found in Chaco, Argentina's poorest province. In
2012, two villages were compared, the heavily sprayed farming village of
Avia Terai and the non-sprayed ranching village of Charadai. In the
farming village, 31 percent of residents had a family member with cancer
while only 3 percent of residents in the ranching village had one.
Carlos Fria lives in Avia Terai. He has complained about glyphosate spraying in close proximity to his home:
"If the wind changes, the agrochemicals come into the house. My uncle
just died of cancer. My wife too, passed away from cancer. Now many,
many people are dying of cancer. It didn't used to be like that. In my opinion, this has to do with the poison they put on the fields."
Roundup Linked to Lymphoma
Research has also been done in the United States, Canada, Europe,
Australia and New Zealand investigating possible links between
glyphosate, Roundup's active ingredient, and cancer. A large number of
studies have focused on glyphosate's possible association with
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have
analyzed studies spanning almost three decades. The IARC is the branch
of the World Health Organization that promotes cancer research.
Scientists throughout the world with skills in epidemiology, laboratory
sciences and biostatistics are brought together to identify the causes
of cancer so that preventive measures may be instituted. The agency
views cancers as linked, directly or indirectly, to environmental
In April of 2014, scientists at the IARC published their review of twenty-five years of research on
the relationship between pesticide exposure and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
They found a positive association between organo-phosphorus herbicides,
like glyphosate, and this cancer. The B cell lymphoma sub-type, in
particular, was strongly associated with glyphosate exposure.
Roundup Linked to Brain Cancer
The linkage to lymphoma is the most recent research raising concerns about glyphosate's connection to cancer. Scientists from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services, specialize in illnesses caused by toxic substances. They published the results of the US Atlantic Coast Childhood Brain Cancer Study in 2009. Children with brain cancer from Florida, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania were compared to age matched controls. The researchers found that if either parent had been exposed to Roundup during the two years before the child's birth, the chances of the child developing brain cancer doubled.
The linkage to lymphoma is the most recent research raising concerns about glyphosate's connection to cancer. Scientists from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services, specialize in illnesses caused by toxic substances. They published the results of the US Atlantic Coast Childhood Brain Cancer Study in 2009. Children with brain cancer from Florida, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania were compared to age matched controls. The researchers found that if either parent had been exposed to Roundup during the two years before the child's birth, the chances of the child developing brain cancer doubled.
Roundup and Cancer: Human Observations Summarized
The research shows that Roundup is linked to a host of cancers in
those living in the heavily sprayed regions of Latin America. It has
also been linked to B cell lymphoma, and to brain cancer.
While the epidemiological studies show close correlation, they cannot
prove causality. The gold standard for scientific proof is a randomized
controlled trial, which would be unethical in this instance. You cannot
ethically expose humans to an herbicide. Scientists therefore use a
variety of experimental models to assess cancer risk.
Roundup Causes DNA Damage, Errors During Cell Division
Cancer risk can be evaluated by experiments that measure Roundup's ability to induce DNA damage.
One of the initial steps in the development of cancers is often
damage to our DNA. Each of our cells gets its operating instructions
from its DNA. If the DNA is damaged, the faulty operating instructions
can re-program cells to divide rapidly and chaotically. When this
happens, cells become transformed into cancers.
A number of experiments have been done using various animal models,
all showing the same results: after exposure to Roundup, cells exhibited
DNA damage. This was true in fruit fly larvae, in mice, in the blood cells of the European eel and in the lymphocytes of cows.
Another experimental model that has been used to judge glyphosate's
cancer risk focuses on the herbicide's impact on cell division. Cells
are vulnerable to being turned into cancers if an error is made during
this delicate process. In the process of cell division, the DNA must be
copied precisely. Each daughter cell must receive from its parent cell
an identical copy of the DNA. If a mistake is made, the daughter cells
will receive faulty DNA copies. Cells with damaged DNA can turn into
In a 2004 study done at the National Scientific Research Center and
the University of Pierre and Marie Curie in France, Roundup caused
significant errors in
the cell division of sea urchin embryos. The scientists commented that
these abnormalities are hallmarks of cancer and delivered a particularly
chilling warning: The concentration of Roundup needed to cause these
errors was 500 to 4,000 times lower than the dose to which humans may be
exposed by aerial spraying or handling of the herbicide.
Roundup Damages Human DNA
The most worrisome of the DNA studies are the ones that show DNA damage in humans.
Dr. Fernando Manas, a biologist at the National University of Rio
Cuarto in Argentina, has been investigating the effects of pesticides
for years. He believes that glyphosate spraying is causing cancer by
inducing DNA damage. His research has documented genetic damage in
those exposed. When Dr. Manas studied pesticide sprayers working in the
soy industry in Córdoba, he found significantly more DNA damage in their
lymphocytes than in those of an unexposed group of controls.
Roundup was one of the most commonly used pesticides.
Interestingly, scientists have known since 1998 that when normal
human lymphocytes were exposed to Roundup in a test tube, the
lymphocytes developed DNA damage.
The pesticide sprayers in Córdoba, the Ecuadorians living in
Sucumbíos, and the normal volunteers all developed Roundup-induced DNA
damage in their lymphocytes. A cancer of the lymphocytes is known as a
"lymphoma," the very same type of cancer that the International Agency
for Research on Cancer showed to be strongly associated with glyphosate
Roundup Boosts Cancer in Tissue Culture Studies
Another method that scientists have used to assess Roundup's cancer
risk is to expose cells grown in "tissue culture" to the herbicide.
Sheets of cells are grown on a small dish with nutrients. Glyphosate is
added and its effects are observed.
In 2010, researchers in India exposed mouse skin cells grown in
tissue culture to Roundup. When the herbicide was added, the cells
became cancerous.
Scientists in Thailand studied the impact of Roundup on human
estrogen-responsive breast cancer cells in tissue culture. They
published their results in 2013. Hormone-responsive breast cancer cells
are known to grow when exposed to estrogen.
Roundup also stimulated these cells to grow. The herbicide was able to
bind to the cancer's estrogen receptors, thus mimicking the effects of
estrogen and accelerating tumor growth.
Roundup's effects have been assessed in studies with a variety of test animals for more than three decades.
One of the earliest studies was done in 1979-1981, under the auspices
of the United Nations Environmental Program, the International Labor
Organization and the World Health Organization. Rats exposed to low
levels of the herbicide developed testicular cancer. A
larger dose did not produce the cancer. Unfortunately, at the time of
the experiment, it was not understood that certain substances have more
potent effects at lower doses than at higher doses. The evaluators
erroneously dismissed the results showing the low-dose effect.
In a study from the Institute of Biology at the University of Caen in
France, researchers studied glyphosate's effects on rats. Originally
published in 2012, the resulting report was retracted after the biotech
agriculture industry complained.
After extensive review failed to show any fraud or problem with the
data, the report was re-published in 2014. In this study, Roundup was
shown to double the incidence of mammary gland tumors. These cancers developed
much faster in rats exposed to Roundup than in controls. There was also
an increase in cancers of the pituitary gland.
Rounding Up the Evidence
Epidemiological studies in humans, in the soy regions of Argentina
and in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have
shown Roundup to be linked to an increase in cancer risk. There is a
strong association between Roundup and B cell lymphoma, brain cancer and
a variety of other cancers in those living in heavily sprayed areas.
In addition to these epidemiological observations, laboratory studies
have shown that Roundup causes DNA damage, disturbs cell division,
increases cancer growth in tissue culture and induces cancer when fed to
test animals.
Proving Causality
Does the evidence linking Roundup to cancer prove causality? In the 1964 landmark Surgeon General's Report, which for the very first time linked tobacco to cancer, Surgeon General Dr. Luther Terry presented criteria for the establishment of a cause and effect relationship in a scientific study.
Does the evidence linking Roundup to cancer prove causality? In the 1964 landmark Surgeon General's Report, which for the very first time linked tobacco to cancer, Surgeon General Dr. Luther Terry presented criteria for the establishment of a cause and effect relationship in a scientific study.
To meet Dr. Terry's criteria, an association must be strong, specific
and consistent. Cause must precede effect. And the association must be
biologically plausible.
How well does the association between Roundup and cancer fit these criteria?
Roundup exposure is consistently and specifically associated with
precancerous abnormalities in a wide variety of experimental settings.
Epidemiological observations show a tight linkage between glyphosate and
cancer. In the laboratory research, as well as in the epidemiological
studies in the field, exposure to the herbicide precedes the development
of the abnormalities. There are plausible biological mechanisms that
explain how glyphosate can transform cells into cancers.
In citing the Surgeon General's report, Drs. Wild and Seber, in their highly regarded statistics textbook, Chance Encounters, provide an example of a strong association. If
an "illness is four times as likely among people exposed to a possible
cause as it is for those who are not exposed," the association is
considered strong.
Most of the glyphosate exposure experiments and epidemiological
observations show a doubling of cancer risk. This leaves some room for
But who, given the science, would want to expose their loved ones to Roundup?
The State of the Science vs. the Science of the State
Roundup has
now been conclusively proven to cause birth defects and to be closely
linked to cancer. If we do not want this herbicide to accumulate in our water, land, and food, we need to stop using it.
The science is clear, but powerful economic interests have, thus far,
prevailed. The executives of the biotech agricultural corporations and
their backers have ignored or denied the science documenting Roundup's harm.
Biotech agriculture's most powerful backer, it seems, is the government of the United States.
This official policy was explained in a 2010 US State Department cable from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:
"Our biotech outreach objectives for 2010 are to increase access to,
and markets for, biotech as a means to help address the underlying
causes of the food crisis, and to promote agricultural technology's role
in mitigating climate change and increasing biofuel production."
The US government has been willing to exercise its muscle in support of the biotech agricultural corporations.
In El Salvador, for example, the United States recently pressured the
government to buy Monsanto's GM seeds or risk losing $277 million in
development aid. El Salvador refused and stood firm, preferring to buy
the seeds from its own struggling farmers.
Cancer's Lessons
There is a disturbing parallel between the exponential growth of
biotech agriculture and the spread of a cancer in the human body.
Cancers are cells that reproduce rapidly and haphazardly with no
regard for the greater good of the organism. Cancer cells consume
valuable energy, starving out normal cells. They grow so wildly and so
quickly that they crowd out their neighbors. They send off emissaries to
start new cancer colonies. They make harmful substances that damage
healthy cells. They spread relentlessly. In the final sad irony, when
the cancer cells reach their growth peak, they kill their host and die
in the process.
Like a cancer, biotech agriculture has crowded out its neighbors and
is spreading relentlessly. Also like a cancer, it makes harmful
substances. Roundup is one of them. As more acreage comes under GM
cultivation, we can expect Roundup use to continue to increase.
Roundup kills plants, causes birth defects in vertebrates, and is
linked to cancer. Can a living planet withstand the continuous assault
from this poison any more than the human body can withstand the attack
from an aggressive cancer?
Do we need to fight biotech agriculture with the same persistence,
commitment and force that we bring to bear in battling cancers?
The author thanks Vivien Feyer for contributions to this article.
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