There is a lot here and it is worth a slow read. We map out the
physical aspects of our psychological universe. What is most hopeful
here is that we are beginning to glimpse ways to cleanse the mind and
body of its overlay of damaged software. This is important because
it is certain that all humanity needs a lift up in this aspect of
their lives.
The greatest blessing that this generation might bestow on the human
race is cleansing protocols for the mind. I begin to suspect it is
feasible and needs to become a primary mission of research.
This is not the whole story but it a clearly a large part of it. I
am seeing the need for multiple therapies applied in series and in
parallel like an engineering project. I have a similar problem in
advancing a brain trough all the useful skills that it should have.
There we are already apparently discussing a couple of dozen separate
The problem of brain development management is becoming interesting.
The Vagus Nerve and
the Healing Promise of The Sudarshan Kriya
May 20, 2013
Frank Huguenard
At the center of our
bodies resides a long, sinewy nerve that extends all the way from our
medullas down through our chests to beyond our stomachs. This nerve,
known as the Vagus Nerve, happens to be at a most fascinating
intersection, not only between our two physical nervous systems (our
central and autonomic nervous systems) but also between our conscious
minds and subconscious minds. As such, it also acts as a bridge
between our gross bodies and our subtle bodies. And it’s a nerve
probably 99% of the population have never heard of nor even have a
clue where it’s located. And yet the Vagus Nerve (ironically
pronounced the exact same way as sin city itself, Las Vegas) may be
the single most relevant organ in our body relative to our peace of
mind and happiness.
Research indicates
that a healthy vagus nerve is vital in experiencing empathy and
fostering social bonding, and it is crucial to our ability to
observe, perceive, and make complex decisions. Tests have revealed
that people with impaired vagal activity have also been diagnosed
with depression, panic disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD), irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, panic disorders, violent
mood swings, fibromyalgia, early Alzheimer’s and obesity. Given the
state of society today and the vast array of dis-eases associated
with unhealthy Vagus Nerves, it doesn’t take a medical doctor to
conclude that by healing our collective Vagus Nerves, we can heal a
lot of societies woes.
Scientists have
discovered that artificial Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), through
electrical impulses via a surgically implanted pacemaker like device,
shows promising results in reducing depression, anxieties and even
conditions such as epilepsy and obesity. VNS has also shown positive
effects in promoting weight-loss as the signals to the brain of
‘fullness’ are more easily transmitted. But what if there
were a less intrusive and more natural way to stimulate and heal the
Vagus Nerve?
Automated Habit
Human Beings have an
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that is the body’s automatic
regulatory system of nerves and controls that do all the background
tasks that keep the body operating. The ANS is comprised of three
separate subsystems, the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), the
Sympathetic Nervous System(SNS) and the Enteric Nervous System (ENS).
The Parasympathetic
Nervous System is responsible for many of our resting functions
such as lowering heart rate, increasing digestive & gland
activity and sexual arousal.
The Sympathetic
Nervous System is mainly associated with modulation of hormones and
neurotransmitters relating to “flight or fight” responses.
The Enteric Nervous
System is generally considered by scientists to be involved
predominantly with food digestion, waste elimination and sending
full/hungry signals to the brain. However, that doesn’t
explain why 90% of the nerve fibers of the ENS run one way, from the
stomach area, through the vagus nerve and up into the brain.
Furthermore, 95% of
the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut, not in the brain as
most people would assume, making it even more likely that the total
functionality of the ENS is far greater than managing our
gastrointestinal needs. When you stop to consider that 90-95% of our
thoughts occur in our subconscious minds, and also the idea that the
Enteric Nervous System is also the organ of the subconscious mind, is
it any surprise that most of the nerve fibers between the two systems
originate in the ENS or that most of the serotonin is also produced
in the ENS?
The cerebrospinal
system is the organ of the conscious mind and is the channel through
which we receive conscious perception from the physical senses, and
exercise control over the movements of the body. While the
cerebrospinal or central nervous system (CNS) has the brain as its
control center, the ENS has a ganglionic mass in the belly known as
the Solar Plexus, often referred to as our second brain*, as its
central processing unit and it is in this coprocessor that most of
our everyday tasks get executed from. When things in our life become
‘second nature’, they are effectively processed through our
ENS rather than our CNS.
It is our Vagus nerve
that provides the gateway between the two systems, acting as a
bioinformational data bus that routes the impulses going through in
both directions. Since the Vagus Nerve acts as the central
switchboard between our two nervous systems, it should not come as a
surprise that impaired functioning of this one nerve can lead to so
many different conditions and problems.
Our consciousness’s
natural tendency is to compartmentalize tedious tasks so that the
brain can focus on higher priority activities. As we go through life
and learn to do things, such as tying our shoes, it would take far
too much of our brain’s capacity to have to focus on every small
aspect of life so once most things are learned with our conscious
awareness, they then get handed over to our automatic background
systems. Over time more and more repetitive tasks go from
originating in our conscious minds to happening in our subconscious
When an athlete is
said to be ‘in the zone’ and performing at near perfect levels,
it is because they are practically and literally almost unconscious
and functioning entirely through their ENS. And when someone has an
intuition, or in other words they have a ‘gut’ feeling, that
information is coming to them through the Solar Plexus and when we
say that someone has learned to play a song ‘by heart’, in
reality, it would probably be more accurate to say they learned how
to play ‘by solar plexus’!
Why Laughter IS the
best medicine
Humans have two
natural albeit involuntary methods of VNS that have been long
considered to be therapeutic, both laughter and weeping. There is
ample scientific evidence suggesting that both laughing and sobbing
are extremely beneficial for our health and in the context of Vagus
nerve research, it is obvious how these two acts can promote healing
and wellness through the increase in vagal stimulation.
However, there is also
powerful breathing technique to manually and naturally stimulate the
vagus nerve, called the Sudarshan Kriya. Scientists have found that
SK&P (Sudarshan Kriya along with the related Practices, of yogic
asanas, pranayams (including Nadi Shodana) and meditation) can be
extremely effective at opening up this vital channel of energy.
In the ancient
Sanskrit language, Sudarshan translates to ‘right vision’ and
Kriya mean purification process. The Sudarshan Kriya is rhythmic
breathing method that has been known to create profound
transformations in the people who practice it. The Sudarshan Kriya
has been scientifically proven to help cure symptoms associated with
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, provide relief for people suffering
from addictions of many forms, helps reduce cortisol (the human
‘stress’ hormone), cut down on cholesterol, improve sleep
patterns and in general, create a better sense of peace of mind and
well being. Basically, the same list of symptoms associated with
impaired Vagal activity are all conditions known to be significantly
improved through SK&P.
Scientific Research on
Sudarshan Kriya
Scientists in the west
have been studying the effect of various forms of breathing exercises
on our mental and physical health for many years and Yogis from India
have been emphasizing a variety of techniques featuring the breath
for thousands of years so this is nothing new, but what is new about
the Sudarshan Kriya is just how it works.
Of all the various
functions of our autonomic nervous systems, from heart beat,
perspiration, hormonal release, gastrointestinal operation,
neurotransmitter secretion, etc., the breath stands alone as the only
subsystem the conscious mind can put into ‘manual override’ and
so it is through manipulation of the breath that we can recalibrate
the entire system.
Dr. Richard Brown M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
at Columbia University, is one of the first clinicians to
successfully correlate impaired Vagal activity with so many different
diseases. He has theorized that SK&P contributes to a state of
alert calmness by its effect on the Vagus Nerve, which is vital in
transmitting data between our two nervous systems. Dr Brown also
suggested that other mechanisms by which SK&P works are by
relaxing of stress response systems, neuroendocrine release of
hormones, nitric oxide neurotransmission, fear conditioning circuits
(prefrontal cortex and limbic system), and thalamic generators.
There are many
environmental factors that have been associated with impaired Vagal
Activity including stress, excessive adrenaline and hormone
secretion, over stimulation from television/film/video games, diet
and lack of exercise. Interestingly, brain wave rhythms measured
during and after SK&P are similar to those of babies.
One of the foremost
research experts on the effects of Vagal nerve stimulation through
SK&P is Stephen Porges, PhD. Dr. Porges postulates that the
different rhythms of breath in SK&P may stimulate different
diameter fibers of the vagus nerve. This makes SK&P unique and
likely to have a much wider range of applications and effects than
the currently available electronic vagus nerve stimulator.
SK&P Promotes
Changes at the Molecular Level
Probably the most
exciting scientific findings regarding the benefits of Sudarshan
Kriya come from Dr. Fahri Saatcioglu PhD. of Oslo, Norway. In his
most recently published findings, Dr. Saatcioglu has provided
evidence for how SK&P actually enhances gene expression and
alteration which leads to a plausible explanation for how practicing
Sudarshan Kriya regularly promotes anti-aging in the body by
encouraging DNA strands to repair themselves. According to Dr.
Saatcioglu, “during Sudarshan Kriya, yoga and related practices,
changes in the way our immune cells use the genetic information in
their DNA are increased. This may then result in processes in these
cells which may contribute to their function and may also affect the
functioning of tissues and organs which then can affect the whole
physiology “, adds Saatcioglu, “these data suggest that
previously reported therapeutic effects of yoga practices have an
integral physiological component at the molecular level”.
SK&P has been
shown to have a 68%–73% success rate in the treatment of
depression, regardless of severity. Relief from depression,
determined by psychiatric evaluation and standard psychiatric
measures (Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Rating Scale for
Depression, and others), was experienced within three weeks. At the
three-month follow-ups, patients remained stable and in remission.
Published studies further suggest that SK&P normalizes patients’
brain-wave patterns, increases serum prolactin (a “well-being”
hormone), and has been proven to be as effective as standard
anti-depressant drug regimens.
Dr Stephen
Larsen, Ph.D., has researched the neurophysiological responses
before, during and after SK&P. He conducted experiments measuring
EEG (recorded at 19 cortical sites), EKG, heart rate, galvanic skin
response, hand skin temperature, pulse plethysmography and blood
pressure. He found that SK&P produced significant changes in
every physiological measurement. Significant increases in beta
activity were observed in the left frontal, occipital, and midline
regions of the brain in the SK&P practitioners, as compared to
controls (p<0 .05="" activity="" alertness="" amp="" and="" are="" as="" awareness="" beta="" by="" control="" daily="" development="" displayed="" focus="" greater="" group="" heightened="" i="" in="" increased="" indicative="" interpreted="" is="" it="" medical="" mental="" neurologists="" note="" of="" physicians="" practitioners.="" practitioners="" profession="" requires="" researchers="" results="" significantly="" sk="" skills.="" striking="" than="" that="" the="" these="" to="" use="" very="" whose="">
Blood lactate is
another biochemical measure of stress. Participants in police
training constitute a highly stressed group. They undergo intense
physical and emotional training daily. Blood lactate was measured in
10 such individuals, both before learning SK&P and after the
first session. There was a significant fall in lactate levels after
SK&P, suggesting that it induces a state of relaxation.
Dr. Larsen’s results
indicate that over a period of time, the practitioner’s health
becomes more robust, flexible and able to deal with the challenges of
stress. This research further reinforces the theory that through the
Vagal Nerve stimulation that the Sudarshan Kriya provides, the many
conditions associated with impaired Vagal activity can all be
Antioxidant Response
to SK&P
The body is constantly
exposed to environmental toxins, and its cells continuously produce
normal metabolic by-products. Both of these factors can result in the
formation of free radicals. These react with oxygen and cause oxidant
damage, contributing to many diseases, including cancer and such
cardiovascular diseases as heart disease and stroke. To counteract
these free radicals, the human body has a defense system in the form
of antioxidant enzymes. A study was conducted to assess the effect of
SK&P on antioxidant enzymes. Levels of three major antioxidant
enzymes—superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione—were
all found to be significantly higher in SK&P practitioners than
in the matched control group. These data suggest that people who
practice SK&P have an improved antioxidant status and an enhanced
defense against oxidative stress on the body.
Effect on Cortisol,
the “Stress Hormone”
Several studies have
demonstrated SK&P leads to a significant reduction in cortisol
levels. In one study, blood cortisol, known as the“stress hormone,”
was measured in 21 individuals, 35–50 years of age. Regular SK&P
practitioners (Group 1) were compared with beginning practitioners
(Group 2) during their SK&P sessions. The beginning practitioners
were also measured before learning SK&P, while listening to
classical music (Group 3). Among beginners, the fall in cortisol
levels was significantly greater during SK&P than when listening
to classical music, suggesting that SK&P produces a better
relaxation response. Regular SK&P practitioners had significantly
lower blood cortisol levels at baseline than beginning practitioners,
indicating that they experienced less physiological stress under the
demands of daily living. The significant further fall in serum
cortisol levels, during and following SK&P, among beginning and
regular practitioners, suggests that regular practice of SK&P
progressively develops greater levels of both relaxation and
resilience to stress.
The Mind Body
The interaction of the
conscious and subconscious mind requires a congruent interaction
between the corresponding systems of nerves, our Autonomic Nervous
Systems and our Cerebrospinal Nervous Systems. Again, the interface
between our two nervous systems is made by the vagus nerve, which
passes out of the cerebral region as a portion of the voluntary
system to the thorax, networking out to our hearts and lungs, and
ultimately passing through the diaphragm it loses its outer coating
and becomes merged with the nerves of the Solar Plexus, thus
establishing a binding connection between the two and making humans
the self aware beings that we are.
Having an
understanding of the dual nervous systems, the relationship between
unhealthy vagal activity and a myriad of diseases, the knowledge of
how the health of our nervous systems directly corresponds do our
mental health, it makes sense that healing the Vagus Nerve can
provide profound benefits.
Practicing Sudarshan
Kriya, in conjunction with a comprehensive set of yogic postures and
pranayamas, assists in fine tuning the nervous systems and healing
this most vital organ. While it seems obvious that the action of SK&P
works through Vagus Nerve Stimulation, this is probably a gross over
simplification of the overall beneficial biophysiological effects of
the practice and scientists continue to analyze other ways SK&P
functions on the nervous systems as well.
Sports Performance
Although no specific
empirical data has been scientifically gathered yet on enhancing
athletic and sports performance through SK&P, it only stands to
reason that a technique with the proven benefits of improved
intuition, increased clarity of mind, quicker reaction times, greater
composure and significantly more stamina and endurance would aid any
competitor in any sport increase performance levels.
Self Defeating Mental
In conclusion, there
is one more vital piece to this puzzle to ponder over. If you
think about the automatic habit forming mechanism in place and how
thought patterns (such as the act of tying a shoe) go from the
conscious mind to the subconscious mind, it is important to
understand that this same transference also happens in the case of
mental habits as well. So many of us have self-defeating mental
habits such as guilt, blame, victimness, complaining, the sense of
lack, defensiveness, etc. and what’s important to keep in mind
is that many of these thought patterns have been committed to our
subconscious thoughts. They’ve become as automatic as so many other
habits and unless we actively bring these mental habits back up into
our conscious awareness, they will continue to persist and bring
misery and sorrow into our lives.
It is important to
remember that once an impaired Vagus Nerve has been returned back to
health, the harmful negative habits that have been accumulated over
years of impaired Vagal Activity don’t automatically disappear. It
is vital therefore, to be mindful of these common mental patterns and
bring them to your awareness, back into your conscious mind, so they
can be disarmed and removed.
*While the Enteric
Nervous System (which includes the Solar Plexus) has also been called
the second brain over the past few decades, the Solar Plexus has been
called the second brain in the east for thousands of years.
**Some portions
reprinted with permission from the original author(s)
About the Author
Frank Huguenard is an
author, teacher and documentary film producer, specializing in films
on Science and Spirituality. You can see a trailer of his Beyond
Imagination Trilogy here:
and you can see all three of his films, Beyond Me, Beyond Belief and
Beyond Reason at his website
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