Now it truly begins. Once proven all cars will be self driving simply because it is way safer and able to allow high density. This will happen soon because the software is already good enough to handle human drivers.
It will be easy once human drivers leave the equation.
We all enjoy driving, but will enjoy been driven just as much
It has really taken a long time. Even when the objective is precise, getting there is often a rough road.
TEsla Approved to Give Robotaxi Rides in California
The California Public Utilities Commission has granted Tesla the first in a series of approvals from California to operate Robtoaxis. The cars will be driving themselves, but a Tesla employee will be in the drivers seat. As Tesla receives its remaining approvals needed, there will eventually be no one in the drivers seat.
Tesla’s application was for a transportation charter-party carrier permit, a license that is typically associated with chauffeur-operated services.
What Does Tesla’s TCP Permit Allow?
• In November 2024, Tesla applied for a TCP permit to operate vehicles that they own using drivers that are Tesla employees.
• According to Tesla’s application, Tesla will initially utilize the TCP permit to transport Tesla employees, on a prearranged basis and in Tesla-owned vehicles.
• Tesla plans to transition to using the permit to transport members of the public on a pre-arranged basis. Tesla will notify the CPUC when it transitions to transporting members of the public.
What Does Tesla’s TCP Permit Not Allow?
• Tesla has not applied for a Transportation Network Company (TNC) permit. A TNC authority is often informally referred to as “ridesharing” or “ridehailing.” TNCs provide prearranged transportation services for compensation using an online-enabled application or platform (such as smart phone apps) to connect drivers using their personal vehicles with passengers (e.g., Uber, Lyft).
• Tesla’s application does not seek participation in CPUC’s Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Passenger Programs in either a drivered or driverless capacity, and a TCP permit alone does not authorize them to provide rides in AVs. Prior to applying to the CPUC’s AV Passenger Service programs, a carrier must also possess the relevant AV authority from the California Department of Motor Vehicles; Tesla does not possess authority from the DMV to offer any driverless rides for testing or deployment purposes.
BREAKING: I have just contacted and confirmed directly with the California Public Utilities Commission that @Tesla has been granted the first in a series of approvals from California to operate Robtoaxis.
Tesla's application w
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