Showing posts with label antarctic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antarctic. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Return of the Dinosaur Age

If you have been following my posts on the apparent reports on the existence of dawn age reptiles scattered around the globe, you know that my principle conjecture is that all such critters are members of the specific ecological niche formed by swamplands. The moment that your thinking goes there, all the limited data and the actual nature of the animals falls cleanly into place. They all are aquatic in nature yet retain the ability to travel extensively on land. They are also likely most active at night in order to avoid been overheated.

The vegetarians can spend their days browsing underwater and maintaining an ambient unchanging temperature, only rarely emerging to get at choice food. The carnivores simply fetch up against a group of drowsing crocodiles in the dark and seize a likely meal before dragging it underwater to a lair.

I now have a number of compelling eyewitness reports for both the Amazon and the Congo in particular and other similar locales to both support the core conjecture but also to support the conjecture that a wide range of such critters are extant today.

The probability associated with the existence of a whole family of dawn age reptiles is no longer zero, and I can assure you, I never thought that I would write such words. In fact the niche is globally pervasive and the ecology so inimical to human penetration that it is avoided by even primitive hunter gatherers. We always had easier game out on the open plains and in the ocean shallows.

That now brings up another issue. A previous post on the Antarctic ice core, established that every 100,000 years or so we swing by Sirius and get bathed in ultraviolet radiation for a thousand years or so. The effect of this is to essentially melt out a large part of the ice caps and add perhaps another couple of hundred feet of sea level. The temperature will rise several degrees on average and that surplus must migrate north.

Far more importantly huge amounts of water will find its way into the atmosphere introducing enough rain to establish tropical conditions almost to the poles themselves. It also means a massive expansion of Amazon tropical rainforest like conditions far to the north. The Mississippi valley, the Sahara, the Outback, the Middle East will all become saturated swamplands fully able to support their own populations of crocodiles.

Mankind will simply migrate up into the hills to avoid the worst while managing tropical agriculture.

The point that this addresses is that this cycle has been in place for millions of years and nicely explains the world wide extent of these critters, while we live in a world in which their particular niche while not small is also limited to tropics and coastal swamps. It is in fact at its lowest ebb for the moment.

It is noteworthy, that before the Pleistocene nonconformity mankind was principally operating on coastal lowlands and in constant confrontation with crocodiles at the least and a whole range of rather large carnivores. The moment you left those lowlands, it in fact got much worse. The size alone made it no contest to confront a saber tooth, a mega lion, or a cave bear. Entering swamps holding hungry theropods and crocodiles was a non starter. I am certain mankind was able to wring out refugia for their safety but the confrontation would never have let up. Once the crustal shift occurred, those populations were shattered and in extremis everywhere opening up the uplands to human occupation.

Thus the Pleistocene Nonconformity allowed mankind to swap out of coastal lowlands that were assuredly malarial crocodile infested swamps of restricted areal extent for continents of climatically stable uplands. A rather good deal you know?

Since I have made the conjecture that this was all put in place by humanity in the first place, it is an obvious extrapolation that they went the extra mile and hunted out the top predators for us.

If you are reading some of this stuff for the first time, I suggest searching the blog for earlier posts on these topics. We have progressed a long way here and are long past initial skepticism which is a bit unfair to a new reader.

Also, we are piecing together an alternate human history that is vastly more compelling than any present explanations that is drawn from the evidence at hand and telling us where to go look for additional evidence. More critically, it is telling us to look.

After all, just how many explorers have penetrated deep swamps in order to run down large critters? The number is in fact shockingly small. It will be difficult today and was almost impossible in the recent past

Monday, May 12, 2008

Arctic Melt

This recent release gives us the current take on pending sea ice behavior. I am not anticipating a major continuation of last season’s abrupt ice removal. In fact, I think that a small accumulation is much more likely.
But I emphasize small approaching unnoticeable. As of a week ago ice coverage remained above normal in the Western Arctic but remember that it is thinner than usual so will soon disappear at least on schedule.

In the Siberian Arctic, ice removal is ahead of schedule, perhaps reflecting strong wind activity. It is early enough and strong enough to make one think that we have a chance this year for a cleared Eastern sea route this year. There is plenty to watch.

Since the Northern Hemisphere had the close equivalent of a normal cold winter this year, it appears unlikely that there is any available excess of heat to dump into the Arctic this year. So we need expect little beyond a clearing out of last winter’s sea ice.

In the mean while, since 1980, the sea ice in the Antarctic has expanded 140 plus percent over 28 years. This again suggests that at least on that the basis of that rough measure alone, that the net global heat equation variation between hemispheres approaches zero.
The challenging question is what switches the poles? I am asking that because of the evidence we have of the little ice age and similar past events of sustained cooling that is best explained by such a switch in the Atlantic.

I am reasonably convinced that left to itself, the Northern Polar region would be a couple degrees warmer matching the apparent temperature regime of the Bronze Age. Perhaps we will find out in a couple of hundred years.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Arctic sea ice, sometimes billed as Earth's air conditioner for its moderating effects on world climate, will probably shrink to a record low level this year, scientists predicted on Wednesday.
In releasing the forecast, climate researcher Sheldon Drobot of the University of Colorado at Boulder called the changes in Arctic sea ice "one of the more compelling and obvious signs of climate change."

If that prediction holds true, it would be the third time in the past five years that Arctic sea ice retreated to record lows, the scientists said in a statement. That retreat is caused by warming temperatures and the spread of younger, thinner, less hardy ice in the region.

Based on satellite data and temperature records, the researchers forecast a 59 percent chance the annual minimum sea ice record would be broken again in 2008.

In the past decade, Arctic sea ice declined by roughly 10 percent, with a record drop in 2007 that left a total minimum ice cover of 1.59 million square miles. That represented a decline of 460,000 square miles from the previous record low in 2005 -- an area the size

Three more chunks like that and there is no sea ice at all!

of Texas and California combined. Scientists measure ice cover at its low ebb at the end of summer.

"The current Arctic ice cover is thinner and younger than at any previous time in our recorded history, and this sets the stage for rapid melt and a new record low," Drobot said.

Overall, 63 percent of the Arctic ice cover is younger than average, and only 2 percent is older than average, he said.

If Arctic sea ice keeps melting, it could hurt local wildlife, including polar bears, walruses and seals, the scientists said.

For humans, however, larger areas and longer periods of open Arctic water could make for cheaper merchant shipping between Europe and North America.

Arctic sea ice helps cool the planet with its usually reliable stores of white, sun-reflecting sea ice.

Sea ice melts and refreezes seasonally, but recent years have shown a smaller area of maximum sea ice in the winter, which suggests it is more difficult to restock the supply of polar ice after a record summer melt like last year's.

(Editing by Peter Cooney)

Friday, August 3, 2007

The end of the Ice Age forever

For the last two weeks, I have posted my chapter on the Pleistocene Nonconformity in order to fully present and properly develop my principal thesis that the million year ice age ended permanently 12,500 years ago, because the earth's crust slipped thirty degrees.

Our climate is still adjusting, but we can make some general conjectures.

1 The Antarctic sea ice perimeter, stabilized around the time the Bronze Age ended causing a slight drop in ocean temperatures.

2 The invigorated Gulf Stream, a direct result of the nonconformity will continue to dump heat into the Arctic. Will it be enough to eliminate the multiyear sea ice pack?

We can also state a couple of iron clad facts:

1 Solar output variation is subject to extremely minor variation, simply because the inputs are almost invariable, certainly by human time scales. There is no more hydrogen been added. And yes, we have just come off a variation high and it has gone back to rest. These are almost predictable.

2 Polar ice caps are polar ice caps. No other type can exist at sea level and their natural perimeter is within 15 degrees of the pole. All the apparent counter evidence we have immediately disappears with the Pleistocene Nonconformity.

You can now perhaps understand my global perspective on the issue of climate change a little better in my future posts.