Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Global Birthrate Collapse Will Be Worse than The Black Death

We have modernity.  Turns out that this naturally collapses the birthrate and this is now global.

We can only fix this through Global policy.

This policy must do two things.  It must mandate four babies per young mother beginning at age 18.  It must also mandate full community support including financial and full labor sharing of all childcare.  We want optimal but there will be variations of course.

I am posting four babies because we also need to expand the human population as well,  As vI have posted, fully Terraforming Terra will need 100,000,000,000 folks.

At least now folks are finally waking up.  I have been saying this for about twenty years.

Global Birthrate Collapse Will Be Worse than The Black Death

September 28, 2024 by Brian Wang

Jim Rickards warns of the collapse in China’s population and collapse in global population. Nextbigfuture described these issues in mid-2023 over 15 months ago. I described the collapse as worse than the black death and Jim use the same description.

Jim Rickards is an economist, lawyer, and investment banker with 40 years of experience in the capital markets on Wall Street.

Jim emphasizes China population collapse problem but it is more than just China. It is Japan, Korea and all countries.

The Rule of TWO… point one

Husband and wives MUST average 2.1 children. It is not optional for humanity and society.

2.1 children replace 2 (the husband and the wife). Half of the children are female. 1.1 females at birth means 1.0 females should get to child bearing age and have a child.

In biology, when a population starts declining, it is usually not a controlled thing that re-stabilizes at a lower level.


If Aliens from space or an other country were forcing the disappearance of large numbers of the next generation, then the population would fight and resist. Japan losing 30 million people from a peak of 128.2 million in 2008 to 98 million in 2055 would be worse than all its losses in WW2. It would be 200 times worse than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs.

China could lose over 300 million people 2050 out of 1.42 billion. China lost 20 million people in WW2 out of 525 million. China could kill its future at 15-40 times more than what Japan did to China in WW2.

If the cycle of not replacing women continues at only have half as many daughters then every 35 years there would be half as many women in 100 years there would be 12% as many women and in 200 years there would be 1% as many.

Black Death

The Black Death was the most extreme pandemic. It killed 30 to 50 percent of the entire population of Europe. The plague might have reduced the world population from c. 475 million to 350–375 million in the 14th century. (1346-1353)

A global TFR of 1.4 over the remainder of the century could bring global population from a peak of 9-10 billion in 2050 to 6-7 billion in 2100. It would be a Black Death over 50-60 years instead of 7 years. But the low birth population decline might not stop.

China with 1.0 to 1.18 total fertility could drop 30% from 1.41 billion to 980 million by 2055. The drop could happen in 30 years.

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