Friday, November 23, 2007

Algae Trial in New Zealand

Hamish Macfarlane has introduced me to a company that he has had involvement with named Aquaflow bionomic corporation out of New Zealand. What these folks have done is to tap municipal sewage settling ponds that are already producing algae for their feedstock.

They do not describe all the details of their process, but it is obvious that their first step has to be to run the algae rich water through a filter press. They are then able to harvest the contained lipids from the concentrated algae. No one is talking about yield which must be quite low since we are dealing with a mix of wild algae at this time.

Since the initial feed stock is sewage, it also suggests that the de-oiled dry mass may be unsuitable for cattle feed. This does beg the question of what to do with the substantial dry mass in any attempt to create a commercial industry.

What is important, is that these sewage settling ponds are nutrient rich and need to be biologically reprocessed before the fluids can be reused in whatever manner. Maximizing algae production while capturing the bio available nutrients is a very good intermediate step that preserves the nutrients.

Separating the algae from the grey water is simple, economic and easy with a rotary filter press, and if that produces a product that can then be used as a feed stock for further processing, we may have an economic basis for doing all this.

This harvesting of an algae feed stock from sewage settling ponds can be maximized and be an important contributor to the bio remediation of the sewage cocktail. The algae will not likely be a collector of toxins that it cannot handle or even break down. This means, that by and large this process separates the sewage feed stock into two separate feed stocks.

Through aeration and stimulation the settled and dissolved components will lose a lot of their reactivity and become usable even as high quality crop dressing. The surplus nutrients will end up been carried away in a living algae biomass that can then be perhaps used in further processing.

So far the New Zealand company has been able to collect the lipid content of a natural blend of wild algae. I suspect that the yield is at best a trivial amount of the total bio mass but will at least establish a threshold. We will discover what percentage of oil is retained regardless of processing energy and input. Anything over that may be deemed as potentially recoverable.

Then the interesting question is whether it is possible to selectively stimulate the growth of superior oil bearing strains, and just as important to keep them in suspension. We know that the most important oil algae species likes to sink to the bottom which is not very good in a sewage settling pond.

A simple fix might be the installation of a secondary pond that is fed by a surface waters only drawn off by a skimming barrier and packing the dissolved nutrients and micro organic particulates. Then the algae can grow out primarily in the secondary pond and be aggressively harvested there with pumps.

In a perfect world, the grey water then exiting the secondary pond would be totally spent with all the nutrients absorbed into the algae byproduct.

This would also allow a stimulation of algae populations to improve oil yields.

The other question is if it will be possible to treat the pressed algae in anyway that could make it fit for cattle feed. There is only so much molasses can do, but if the algae mix can sponge up the unpalatable components during the growing phase, then this becomes a very effective way to produce rich fodder for cattle and the oil yield is not necessarily the most important part of the process.

This is a lot of speculation, but at least someone has a working prototype system to explore the possibilities. We will have to keep watching.

In the meantime others will experiment with a mono culture approach fed by chemical feeds.

I personally like the idea of been able to use a wild algae blend, but must admit that I am not optimistic that economic yields of oil can be achieved that way.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Termite Cellulose Conversion Research

Picked up another bit of encouraging news in the press today. A group of scientists have begun the process of determining how termites digest wood. So far they have separated out a potpourri of enzymes from the insects gut that must be responsible for the breakdown of wood cellulose. This is work that I can support whole heartedly even though it is a very beginning.

As I have already posted, the best method currently available to upgrade a wood based feedstock is to use slow pyrolysis to produce a black acidic liquid at a 70% yield. It looks like oil but it is not. For it to be usable, additional reforming would be needed, and the silence on that subject is not promising. The only positive benefit that I can see using that method is ease of transportation. All this reforming and chemical processing begs the question of actual process energy efficiency.

Yet wood chips are the one biological feedstock that is sufficient to our needs, actually need to be collected in order to properly maintain the health and vigor of our woodlands and forests, and also collects nutrients from deep down that can then be put into our croplands.

And the really frustrating aspect of this feed stock is that cellulose is a molecule produced chemically from long chains of tied together glucose molecules. The fact is that our forests are arguably forests of almost one hundred percent sugar and water that we cannot touch at the moment. Anything that successfully releases that sugar immediately allows the conversion of those sugars into alcohol and thus into ethanol fuel. This can be a wonderful fix to our pending loss of fossil fuel as a transportation energy source.

Simply allowing the material to rot releases the bulk of the material back into the atmosphere as CO2 without any serious gain to ourselves. The soil gain is actually comparatively negligible although this seems to go against common sense. That is why we would like to at least convert a lot of it into charcoal in order to use it as a near surface nutrient sponge.

Now we have a biological research strategy that could actually take us to an industrial production protocol that is capable of converting the global wood chip feed stock that can be readily produced through simple good forest management into a feed stock for ethanol.

Of course, the first painful step is to discover what path ways are been utilized by the digestive processes of a termite. Their extraordinary high efficiency is very compelling and that suggests that the reaction pathway will turn out to be super efficient when we actually can replicate it in a bottle. My only comment is to wonder that no one has tried this already or even done some of the basic research. Of course, there may be an extensive literature out there and we are actually seeing ongoing work been trumpeted as a new idea.

Back in the middle of the twentieth century, it was not uncommon for scientists chasing a new idea to first quietly go to the various scientific journals produced in the late nineteenth century in German to make absolutely sure it was not a new idea. Those boys had a head start on everybody when it came to chemistry and the depth to explore a lot of avenues.

I will be looking for more literature on this subject because it is very important to the future of agriculture and fuel production.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Clear seas in the Arctic by 2015

NASA published this report a month ago on the Arctic sea ice conditions over the past two years.

A couple of very suggestive observations are made and need to be noted. Of course, the fact that ice coverage has been reduced is obvious to everyone and the known 60% reduction in total ice volume between the two data collection dates of 1957 and 2000 has also been commented on extensively by myself. In fact, this has led to my own analysis and prediction of a likely date for total sea ice disappearance as early as 2015.

I am only able to say for sure that it should not be much sooner. The NASA report calls even that into question.

The last two years saw a significant shift in the arctic wind regime that has had the effect of speeding the clearing of the sea ice off most of the Arctic and inducing the release of substantial long term ice into the lower latitudes. The article reads as if this has never happened before or has never been observed before.

This presumably implies that a lot more atmospheric heat is now finding its way into the Arctic helping the process of melting along. This is new, then the next question is whether it will be stable. It certainly supports a global transition in the weather regime and explains the warmer winters that we have experienced in the temperate climes.

In any event, hugely larger open water areas allowed a lot more solar energy to be absorbed by the Arctic Ocean this summer, perhaps because this switch was turned on. The question is whether this is a new wind regime that helps bring northern temperate zones back to their pre little ice age highs.

It actually makes a lot of sense that this is exactly what will happen. The high temperatures experienced in Scandinavia over five hundred years ago could well be the result of a natural wind regime adding a couple of degrees of extra warmth in combination with a clearing out of sea ice from Arctic waters.

In other words, we have already reached the optimum temperatures previously established in the past and it is simply taking time for all the effects to be fully expressed.

The past two years have seen the Arctic start the clearing process in a fairly convincing manner. Even though I was even predicting the rapid decline long before the process was underway, I did not fully recognize the actual onset.

A permanent wind system that delivers heat into the Arctic is a natural and predictable outcome of an atmospheric warming cycle regardless of it's causes. How else might we get rid of surplus heat in the Northern Hemisphere?

A wind system sustained by an ice freed Arctic in the summer should be a powerful engine in spreading the new regime around the Arctic Basin.

The next interesting question will be if this trend is sustained as we go into the next season. I thought that last season's behavior was very much a part of the normal ebb and flow of the warming process itself.

I can now suggest that if this climate trend is shifting to a new Arctic regime, that the winds and related heat transfer will actually be as strong or stronger than this season and will continue to strengthen over the next several seasons until all the summer sea ice is gone and the system can stabilize.

In other words, clear sailing in the Arctic by 2015 is possibly more likely than ever.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

UN promotes Global Warming Propaganda

I suppose I should comment on that story put out under the auspicious of the United Nations over the weekend. It came down very strongly on the side of the climate warming as a human caused natural disaster in the making position. Fair enough as special pleading but a little offensive in that they keep trying to masquerade as an authority delivering a sermon from the mount. They even crank out the obligatory petition of scientists in support of their well polished position.

Come on guys, there is plenty of good and excellent reasons to promote doing the right thing in properly husbanding our resources. I just do not think we have to act like it is a matter of democratic choice playing I have more scientists than you. Real change happens when one man says no and sets out to convince others.

You have watched me champion several credible choices that we can all support, knowing that they will change things for the better. They are not even a swindle, as far too many schemes doomed to failure are.

You only need to review my work of terra preta to know that we have created a mechanism that will sequester all the CO2 ever dumped into the atmosphere, while establishing a best practice agriculture worldwide. We can do this without even been too concerned about energy inputs and water supplies during the early stages.

In the meantime, the UN is pushing its private agenda by promoting the climate warming bandwagon by an ongoing series of press releases. This is ultimately a diminution of their own credibility and is disappointing.

You can also be very sure, that if we came to them and said 'we have solutions that require your support', we would only get obstruction. Is it ever possible for a group of people to shift their position without active leadership somewhere? As always, the sheep like their paychecks and will never rock the boat. And though we have leaders, most are only leaders and lack imagination.

We as readers need to do our part in ending the climate warming debate by telling our own circle of contacts that there are policies that are not costly and will resolve the problems causing damage to our environment. A good start is to introduce them to this blog. We have covered most of the bases here.

On its own though, that is not enough. We have created a world in which change can be brought about through political action. And that means that we must educate reporters and politicians about our creditable options. You have all the copy that you need in these pages. Spread the story to these folks and encourage them to lead the fight to a better world.

And we all have to. The UN is clearly pushing a political agenda through their press release program and actually doing something takes a very distant back seat to acquiring money and resources. Of course, that is merely my opinion, but a plea for support without a clear program for success is all about money and always makes me uncomfortable.

Anyone who has worked his way through my blog knows we have solutions. In fact they are fantastic solutions that can be readily proven out. The idea that half the global population can develop a successful agricultural lifestyle while sequestering carbon was just too much to ask for. The discovery that the Amazonian Indians had actually done so in some of the worst agricultural conditions possible was a very pleasant surprise. My modest contribution was to figure out how they actually did it so that we could replicate it worldwide.

This is the nucleus of a global agricultural revolution that needs to be told. Can you imagine the UN actually getting behind such a program? A real action program?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Holocene Climatic Stability Cause

Reading a little of the press this weekend on the subject of Lake Agassi, the giant melt water lake that developed as the ice age melted away got me thinking. Just how much ice was sitting on land in the first place? We know that it was enough to raise the sea level by a good 100 meters over three millenia.

Knowing the area of the world ocean to be around 361 million square kilometers (wikipedia) we quickly convert this to a total volume of around 3,000 to 4,0000 cubic kilometers of ice. Surprisingly, this actually matches our expectations and we would have accepted a lot more. Of course, crustal depression may have accommodated a lot more as a rising crust theoretically produces more volume for the ocean.

Surprisingly, the annual melt rate therefore averages around a cubic kilometer per year. which is quite moderate. It looks like a lot but it was actually rather slow, melting at a stately few net inches per year rather like our current glaciers.

All the melt water did end up in the Atlantic and this created a annual pulse of fresh surface water into the ocean that must have mixed with and impacted the dynamics of the oceanic current system and its related weather. We can also be sure that this annual pulse was relieved by the escape of water into the South Atlantic and around the gap between Antarctica and South America, possible in the form of warm equatorial waters. We will let the speculators go crazy over that possibility.

On average, however, the sea level rose about one meter every generation or so for a period of three thousand years. More importantly, it did not go catastrophically faster at any time with perhaps the sudden release of Lake Agassi. This meant that populations had plenty of time to plan their response.

It certainly explains why a rising sea mythology is so deeply embedded. This was continuously observable to anyone near the sea. One other effect that is not so obvious is that the inter coastal region was always migrating and the related biosphere was always playing catch up. This surely had an impact on the productivity of these traditional sources of food that we do not yet appreciate.

So we can dismiss the idea of a sudden deluge that swept away countries although countries were overwhelmed such as the Indonesian Plain and the North Sea Plain in particular. Both were important sites of human habitation. And do not forget that what was lost globally was the continental shelf fairly early on. The creation of that plain may be our best proof of the duration of the Northern Ice Age.

I think that the current crustal configuration is incredibly stable, because it will be impossible for a Northern ice age to get going. No other crustal configuration could have served us as well, so long as the Atlantic is closed at the Equator and the Northern portion of the Equatorial Waters is forced into the Arctic. It is also obvious that a Northern Ice Cap is the norm throughout most of Global history, even if we have not found all the records. The only way that it is avoided is if the pole is open ocean as we have today to some degree and a source of warm water is available.

It is also interesting that the crust in the Northern Hemisphere appears to be somewhat in dynamic balance balance around the pole as is the continent of Antarctica around the South Pole. It may mean nothing, except to give encouragement to those supporting the idea that the build up of the northern ice cap was sufficient to trigger crustal slippage that ultimately stabilized into this very advantageous position. Maybe human good luck was inevitable.

On the other hand, those coastal plains were pretty extensive and also pretty livable unlike the arid hinterlands and related highlands. They could well have supported large human populations as equivalent lands do today. We simply do not know and perhaps can never know.

The point that we can make is that for the past ten thousand years and perhaps for the next million years, the global climate will no longer be kicked around by a growing Northern Ice Cap whose impact reaches deep into the temperate zone. We may even see the Greenland Ice Cap partially disappear while parts of the Antarctic cap should actually grow by a like amount.

This gift of Holocene climate stability should go on giving for a long time after we come to our senses and stop using the atmosphere and the ocean as a dumping tip.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Global Climate Engine

I have just commenced reading a book that focuses on the past 20,000 years of human development as seen through the eyes of archeology. It appears useful and once I have properly gotten into it I will do a review for you all. What really jumped out at me however, was a chart that maps the oxygen isotope ratio in the ice caps.

Variations in the ratio is a proxy for whether the global climate is warmer or colder. It is also reasonably reliable over the twenty thousand year time span as is the ability to take ice samples in the Antarctic covering the same period. I think that we can accept the results as useful over the designated time span. What certainly can be trusted is the observed variability ratio.

What stands out in the chart is that the Pleistocene Nonconformity is more abrupt than perhaps understood before. The global climatic shift was not just from a seriously cooler climate to the our warmer era known as the Holocene, but from a clearly very volatile regime of shifting worldwide climatic conditions to the current regime of very low variability.

The chart is utterly compelling. For twelve thousand years the chart has flat lined showing minimal variability. Prior to that, not only was the average temperature colder, it moved back and forth over a wide range of variability that is at least an order of magnitude greater than is apparent today.

In reality, this confirms the geologic nature of the Pleistocene Nonconformity more that any other argument. A one million year regime that included a huge northern icecap ended in a couple of thousand years due to the ice cap been shifted thirty degrees into a nonsustaining environment that also was able to prevent the mere rebuilding of the icecap in one place as it was been melted in another. We had an incredibly lucky throw of the dice that has actually likely seen the global climate restored closer to the type of climate experienced over the past billion years.

My readers will want to revisit my posts under Pleistocene Nonconformity back in June and July.

For the record, the onset of the northern ice age coincides with the establishment of the Panama - Central American land bridge that closed off the Atlantic a million years ago. A pretty unique event in global geologic history. It has also taken a pretty unique configuration to prevent the establishment of a full icecap at the pole during our era. It is principally dependent on a large imbalance of northern equatorial waters been forced into the Arctic. It is almost an engine.

That engine has made the northern hemisphere hugely habitable to ourselves. Without it, North America, Europe and all of temperate Asia becomes largely uninhabitable, as was true during all of the Pleistocene.

Perhaps now we understand better why humanity broke out of the tropics only ten thousand years ago. Prior to that it was not really a very good option. All the advantages of the temperate climate were simply not available and in those small areas were they existed, wide climate swings made any culture other than game hunting terribly vulnerable. Our so called climate shifts are trivial by comparison.

Thus, prior to the shift from Pleistocene to Holocene, mankind could hope to establish a proto civilization in only the tropics and semi tropics. This included all of Africa, the Indonesian Plain and India and not much else.

The advent of the Holocene gave us the world and the possibility of agriculture as we know it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lukewarm Fusion

It is worthwhile reading Jed's comments on the status of so called cold fusion in Monday's post. He particularly reports on recent experimental work on 'lukewarm' fusion and cold fusion that has very successfully replicated the original results plus some. The experimental results are hugely ahead of any theory and it is perhaps time I waded in.

It is my contention that we are observing phenomena induced by the peculiarities of short range fields at molecular distances. They are obviously difficult to model and impossible to model using current particle theory derived from back engineering from observation. The Heisenberg uncertainty principal makes sure of that.

Having said that, my own efforts over the past forty years have yielded a core metric that allows the fabrication of particle system models and is actually the long dreamed of theory of everything, or at least that is my speculation. The metric also establishes solution protocols for third and higher ordered differential equations.

My current limitation is that to progress further, I really need access to an army of scientific programmers who know how to work around the limitations of our hardware. I personally was able to take the equations only so far until they blew up. Convergence is a bitch. And it is a long march to construct a neutron model let alone an atom.

In any event, from my perspective, it makes sense that electron bombardment of these structures and their complex fields could trigger anomalous events however induced. We are actually witnessing the birth of a major new area of experimental physics as confusing as the original research on radiation without nuclear theory.

Having said that, I would like to see my audience expanded before introducing any of this work so that we can have a lot of folks working on the modeling problem itself. I am not kidding when I say that the modeling will quickly balloon the need for manpower and some sort of web based community to keep everyone together and sharing information. The good news is that anyone capable of getting into college level first year mathematics will be able to work with the problem.

The first step is to expand the audience, and that means you telling friends who have an interest in maths and science and challenging them. And once I am satisfied the audience is big enough, I can publish a page at a time and open the door for comment and discussion.

In the meantime, I welcome fresh topics to talk about on the issue of Global Warming. I am only one person, and surely I have missed something. In fact the launching of this blog led me to discover terra preta and from there to figuring out how the Indians actually did it. Because of this, I am now very confident that an agricultural revolution is on the way that will eliminate the CO2 problem and restore global fertility. The rest of the world will just require several years to catch up to us. Can we do more?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Good news on midterm Oil Production

The world is currently pumping around 85,000,000 barrels of oil per day. Global demand is increasing as the global urban middle class triples in size from a base set in 1980. They have the money to own a car. The natural decline curves tell us that just to maintain current levels of production, we must add 30,000,000 barrels of new production over the next twenty to twenty five years.

If production cannot grow, the supply must be rationed by price. We are now seeing the first sniffs of that with oil at $90.00 per barrel. As I have been posting, price rationing will not really set in until oil climbs into the $150 to $250 range. And since it is not possible to maintain supply in the short term, this is about to happen. The next oil shock will most likely be triggered by the recognition that deliveries are persistently falling.

The fact that the Saudis finally went for full disclosure of their production capabilities is a major defensive action. Their production has been 2,000,000 barrels per day lower over the past couple of years and back in line with earlier rates after several years at at the higher rate. This is a recognition that secrecy will be dangerous in the face of oil at $200 per barrel when everyone will be demanding that they fix the problem.

The fact is is that the Saudis are saying 'don't look to us to fix this'.

We already know that further expansion of global oil production is not in the cards. The real problem is that we are just as ill placed to handle global contraction. The only strategic reserve is the oil used for the private automobile. It is even enough to perhaps carry us over.

So the question really is, can the oil industry replace 30,000,000 barrels of production over the next two decades so that we can make the adjustment and transition into an alternate fuel regime? We know that it is going to be touch and go for the duration simply because of natural lead times. And the Oil industry has to a large degree failed to find the new reserves fast enough, let alone develop them.

Another problem that must not be discounted is the sheer political orneriness faced by the Industry. I personally am aware of a billion barrel prospect onshore. I just need the screaming eagles to give me a hand. And other projects have come across my desk over the years that are also attractive geologically but impossible politically. There is just too much money for human greed not to run amok.

I am heartened however by the announcement of a major multi-billion barrel field in deep waters off Brazil. These basin remnants have always been very prospective and promise a number of major fields around the globe. The much more important observation is that they were actually able to do it.

That opens the door to a number of coastal prospects that may be as attractive. The bad news is that it will require one such field each year for the next thirty years just to maintain current production levels. The boys are good but that is a tall order.

The tar sands can increase by another two million barrels per day within the current mining regime. To do more than that will require extensive reserves of non existent natural gas. This is not a happy prospect when we are now facing a real shortage there also. The only viable alternative is the gasification of some of the bitumen to produce the necessary process energy.

Other issues will constrain the mining rate to these levels for the foreseeable future. However, that gives us a comfortable 300 hundred year reserve of this particular feedstock.

The really good news comes from the apparent success of the THAI test in Alberta. They now have three well pairs in operation for months and this can be expected to be sustained for some years.

You may recall my earlier postings on this subject. The technique consists of drilling a horizontal production well along the base of the tar sand for a distance of at least a thousand meters. A second vertical well is drilled to communicate with the end or toe of the horizontal well. Air is pumped down under pressure to initiate spontaneous combustion. This creates a flame front migrating along the the horizontal well impacting on a cross section that will reach the top of the formation and extend out to the sides. I do not know the actual area of the flame front at this time and so can not really predict the total capacity of the well. The flame front produces some char and hot bitumen and pyrolysised bitumen as process fluids. These drain the flame front and end up in the production well from which they can be pumped. We can expect a remarkable recovery rate of 70% of the oil in place using this process with all the process gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen been dissolved in the oil improving viscosity or exiting through the production well. This process has the effect of directly improving the gravity of the oil by at least five so that typical 12 gravity oil becomes 17 gravity oil, making it eminently transportable unlike the original bitumen.

At this time, making allowances for barriers which may not be necessary, the deeper tar sands are producible using conventional techniques with THAI at a recovery level of at least fifty percent. Most of these deeper reserves are actually fairly shallow and are simply outside the scope of mining.

All of a sudden, The Alberta tar sand reserve jumps to a trillion barrels as does the known reserves in the northern Amazon. And the environmental and other costs are already largely contained, particularly if little of the process gas escapes into the atmosphere.

This technology can also be implemented as fast as conventional oil and can also be applied to partially depleted conventional oil fields anywhere in the world. I suspect that the cost per produced barrel will be very similar to that of conventional oil. Maybe twice as much.

In other words, THAI turns two trillion barrels of heavy oil and a trillion barrels of remaining non productive light oil into a viable resource. At least that is the promise. So with this technology actually working, we have a accessible working reserve that is good for a century or two.

This does not solve the CO2 problem, but it allows high oil prices to shift us onto alternative options that are CO@ neutral.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Time to sharply expand Fusion Research

I realized yesterday that my comments on the Brussard initiative lacked a good description of what he and others are tying to do. Without a picture it is a bit tricky, but a picture has the additional flaw of shaping the reader's conceptionalization from the get go.

The core idea is to create a spherical potential well that is used to create the necessary conditions for fusion. The tokamak creates a potential well along the toroidal axis leaving, if you like, a degree of freedom along the axis. Can we imagine another geometry besides these two?

Since our understanding of the physics has hugely expanded over the past fifty years, it certainly was time to take a good run at the spherical potential well. So far the results have been encouraging and not terribly expensive, though if you are paying the bills, you would not think so.

The analog article does describe the details to date and certainly shows that this is fully justified research. At this point it would actually make sense to have several major countries to competitively fund the ongoing effort which may still need to proceed for a number of years. It is always a great mistake to take an optimistic interpretation of current results as a target with funders whose enthusiasm will always wane in the later stages turning the enterprise into an exercise in 'budget control'.

I personally think for example, that cold fusion will not prosper until we can model fields properly at the molecular level. In the meantime we have gotten hints at best.

On the other hand, the entry costs of advancing this knowledge base is not as prohibitive as we all once believed. The recent bursts of optimism even suggests that we are closer than we think.

Fusion energy, if produced cheaply enough, completely eliminates our dependence on any fuel cycle and its natural constraints. It would be delightful if at the end of the day it could even be produced in small devices eliminating the need for batteries and the like. In a way, that has always been the promise of fusion power.

Our disappointment comes from the reality that we really do not appear to be any closer after fifty years of directed effort. We have learned to simply not expect a thing.

In the meantime, the death of Robert Brussard has surely impacted on his initiative. The project needs fresh innovative research and very stable funding. A new funding source should come on board and set up a system whereby a capable physicist cum engineer is engaged on five year contracts to pursue this work. Also a high level of disclosure needs to be implemented so the community is able to follow and contribute.

Everyone knows what the goal is and everyone accepts that it will not be easy. Secrecy ceases to become very applicable and can be managed to protect any particular advance. In fact, secrecy will be the death of this project.

It is time for everyone with knowledge to take this problem of the back shelf and investigate their options. Innovation is clearly overdue and needs to be competitive.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Fusion Energy and Robert Brussard and Tom Ligon

I have never commented on the subject of fusion energy because for the past few years there has been a dearth of material available. It is almost like fifty years of ongoing research on the tokamak is simply coming up empty and no one wishes to admit it.

After saying that, recent articles in Analog have brought us up to date on the efforts of private groups tackling the issue. In particular, work by the late Dr Robert Brussard are now been reported on and they appear to be very encouraging. It seems possible that where money failed, imagination may succeed. Once again, we can be nervously optimistic.

I recommend that everyone reads these articles, even though they are not easy to track down. In the meantime, I would like to make two observations.

Firstly, the enthusiasm over cold fusion generated by Pons and Fleishmann over their experiments should have been stillborn. A successful experiment would have resulted in the instant death of the scientists, but few observers understood that and those that did were unable to stand in the way of a good story.

Secondly, once you forget about tokamaks, one can consider a number of other fuel scenarios like the boron cycle which is totally safe. This makes multiple efforts to make a fusion reactor very promising.

The key article in Analog is by Tom Ligon who reported on the subject as early as 1998 and then got directly involved with Brussard. He has published an update in the January 2008 analog.

There is now a necessary belief that fusion energy will be achievable and perhaps even cheap. And its availability will actually eliminate over time all other sources of static energy.

A note to my readers. It has been just announced that a massive deep water oil field off Brazil has been discovered that is several hundred kilometers in length and will contain several billion barrels of very good oil. It will not see the market for a decade but will certainly allow other producers to produce full out in the meantime. Of course, it is not enough to plug the soon to be expanding hole in production but it provides hope that an extra decade of conventional oil may be located in the deeps.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The threee options for global transportation fuel

As should be now clear, mankind has three options capable of supplying transportation fuel similar to what we are used to. That is fuels that derive their energy from the burning of molecular carbon and hydrogen.

As shown yesterday, it appears likely that we can extend the usage of geological hydrocarbons for around a century or so because we are mastering the art of their extraction. This will continue to be cheapest once it is all sorted out over the next twenty years.

The second source is the two stage conversion of wood chips into firstly a bio liquid through fast pyrolysis and then into a usable fuel perhaps through several reforming technologies. Since the first stage is liquid, and the feedstock is sufficient to globally replace oil, the payoff is obvious and the research should succeed.

The third source is algae oil. Research on production is in its infancy and it is still impractical and poorly understood. Did you ever wonder how many centuries it took to master the art of making wine? Same problem. The reward however is a huge leap in productivity on a per acre basis and the ability to preferentially use deserts. And the product will need little processing to use. It is also capable of completely replacing geological oil.

Then it comes down to preferences. The best solution is to successfully harness wood chips, not because of the fuel itself but because of the secondary need to manage woodlands properly worldwide. We truly kill two birds with one stone.

This second goal must also be met if we hope to handle much larger populations. The integration of agriculture, woodland management and the human population is very necessary in order to achieve a fully energy efficient civilization.

The farm and woodland needs access to a community with available surplus labor in order to be able to maximize productivity of the resource. Ultimately that is how we prospered when the only available energy came from our backs.

One reason I totally appreciate the amazing achievement of the Amazonian Indians is the fact that they managed to create terra preta soils with a resultant high population density and a semi urban society using only their backs. If they had had to cut anything, it would never have happened. It simply would have taken too long to both cut material and to build out a proper kiln. Having a crop that could easily be pulled out of the seed bed with its soil contribution made the job possible.

Modern technology allows a small community to have all benefits of the urban world while still integrated with farm and woodland. This was not true ever. Such formal integration must now be planned for and implemented for civilization to achieve maximum energy efficiency while handling much larger populations.

Recall that five condo towers tied to one square kilometer of farm land gives us a population density of around 1000 people per square kilometer. We can all imagine that. Since around 15,000,000 square kilometers are readily available to us for human occupation in some form or the other, it becomes fairly clear that we can accommodate a population of 15 billion without becoming cheek and jowl. The real secret is to plan so energy needs are minimal and self sustaining.

It is all very possible.

As an aside, I have focused on strictly organic solutions to the transportation energy equation. Other options exist but are technically much more challenging and face the natural problem of an inability to integrate at all with the current legacy of gasoline and diesel power plants and engines.

Electrical systems require super batteries that are cheap. This research has been ongoing forever and has not changed anything that matters. And other storage systems ultimately give us the problem of traveling around with a bomb in our fuel tank. Not very likely even though I like a couple of the methods.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Michael Klare and Oil Insuffiency

This rather excellent article can be found at:

Preparing for Life After Oil

By Michael T. Klare, The Nation. Posted November 8, 2007.

Welcome to the Age of Insuffiency: As oil prices hit new highs and supplies sink, our way of life will drastically change.
This past May, in an unheralded and almost unnoticed move, the Energy Department signaled a fundamental, near epochal shift in US and indeed world history: we are nearing the end of the Petroleum Age and have entered the Age of Insufficiency. The department stopped talking about "oil" in its projections of future petroleum availability and began speaking of "liquids." The global output of "liquids," the department indicated, would rise from 84 million barrels of oil equivalent (mboe) per day in 2005 to a projected 117.7 mboe in 2030 -- barely enough to satisfy anticipated world demand of 117.6 mboe. Aside from suggesting the degree to which oil companies have ceased being mere suppliers of petroleum and are now purveyors of a wide variety of liquid products -- including synthetic fuels derived from natural gas, corn, coal and other substances -- this change hints at something more fundamental: we have entered a new era of intensified energy competition and growing reliance on the use of force to protect overseas sources of petroleum.


This article gets all the numbers and facts on the record without been hysterical about it. That option is left to us. I think that we all know that we will not be adding major new production let alone replacing declining production, anytime soon. What has actually happened is that the declines have finally caught up to the oil companies' scramble to produce new oil. When a wolf pack finally runs down a deer, it is silly to think that there is anything left in the tank to fix the problem.

Astonishingly the public is still in total denial as are the political leaders. And perhaps why not. They will face a massive readjustment and it will be uncomfortable and there will be a real struggle to adjust priorities. But in practice it is going to mean that sooner or later, you are going to park your car and utilize alternative transportation.

Those who have followed my carping on the eminence of this painful transition can work their way through the five page article and get fully briefed. The bad news is that it is all true and cannot be fixed.

Everyone forgets that the first oil crisis came about with the peak of US oil production and was actually fixed because Middle East Oil could quickly match demand at $20.00 per barrel.

Today, it is theoretically possible to match demand at $100 to $200 per barrel but not quickly.
That is a huge difference from the seventies when OPEC was showing their strength but their capacity to produce was never in question. Today it is very much in question. In fact, they are likely lying to boot.

Strangely enough there is one possible way that we may be able to extend the age of conventional oil very quickly, although I am loathe to promote it to loudly. I am rather inclined to see the massive conversion to successful carbon neutral bio fuel technologies in my lifetime because it is important that this happens.

Readers are invited to read the recent disclosure statements of Petrobank(PBG.TO)

The company is operating a clearly successful pilot test of the THAI process on deep bitumen based oil. In a nutshell, it has become possible to use a well pair to consistently drain a reservoir at the rate of 1000 upgraded barrels per day. 7api is delivered as 16api which is a huge break. And all the process energy is produced underground with no significant additives.

The reserves available to this new technology is likely almost all the tar sands not now declared as reserves. Since the declared reserves are around 375 billion barrels out of a resource that is thought to be 1600 billion barrels, we are saying that over one trillion barrels needs to be reevaluated.

Since this type of production is not needing any additional natural gas or the like to be built out, the actual roll out can be almost as quick as conventional oil in Alberta. Recall that the three well pairs currently been operated have only been in the ground for about a year. The placement of proper sand handling equipment will allow capacity production. This is under way.

Thus a mere 1000 well pairs draining very small acreage can establish sustained 1000 barrel per day production each which is a million barrels per day. This is completely within the current capacity of Alberta's oil industry. And it can be done year after year displacing the anticipated 30,000,000 barrel global shortfall over the next thirty years.

Of course, at that rate of depletion, even the Athabasca tar sands can be fully depleted within this century. Of course we will still have the same type of resource in South America and there are many additional forgotten strat traps holding this stuff around the world. The method may even work on the Green River oil shales though I am not very optimistic. In the meantime, the tarsands will always be better, particularly since we are mastering them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nasty nature of pyrolysis oil

As I posted a couple of days back, it is apparent that the exploitation of waste wood whose supply is maximized with better husbandry will supply feedstock that can then be converted through fast pyrolysis into something called Bio-oil. This conversion yields close to 70% by weight fluids, which is a pretty encouraging result.

The initial processing realistically includes harvesting in the form of wood chips, long term covered storage to permit a high level of air drying, and on time haulage to a processor. This is all within the capacity of the agriculturist. So far so good.

The second phase has two more preparation steps. The chips must be ground screened to the size of say coffee grounds and must also be heat dried to bring the moisture content to under 10%. This particularly true in the tropics were dry wood will absorb moisture from the atmosphere.

This material is then shoved through a reactor at a high speed and high temperature to produce the vaporized fluids and some char. It is then condensed to separate out the fluids and process gas.

I assume that we can scavenge the process gas and heat and use same to support the process.

The end result is a heavy cocktail of nasty fluids that is called bio oil, but chemically has little relationship to what we normally use. The good news though, is that this is a fluid that can now be compactly stored, handled, and transported. We also can have as much as we ever thought that we might need. It is actually practical, for a price, to produce a couple hundred millions of barrels per day of this stuff.

The actual energy content of this fluid is about forty percent of conventional fuel oil, which implies that we need at least twice as much to do the job. Extensive research over the past decades has found a way to burn this fluid in a static large engine. However, the nasty nature of this material has precluded anything more refined.

We have produced a fairly uniform and blendable feedstock. Can this feedstock be reformed into a hydrocarbon or alcohol product that we can actually use as a transportation fuel? Certainly there is a great deal of effort going toward that end. We are simply not there yet.

As I have posted, our salient unsolved problem today is the production of transportation fuel. Everything else is completely doable with the tools in hand. Been able to harvest waste wood and converting same into a liquid fuel would eliminate that problem in a carbon neutral way.

I do think that algae oil will present itself as a vastly superior fuel once its production is mastered. However, the benefits to the globe from active management of our woodlands are also compelling and should be economically sustainable if it is integrated into the fuel supply system. We very likely need to master both.

In the meanwhile, the price of oil and the Canadian dollar is on a tear as investors slowly wake up to the reality that the only place on Earth today that has any hope of making up some of the shortfall is in Alberta. And we are all now waiting for the other shoe to drop. That will be the first measured decline in oil deliveries and that information will already be months late.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Climate Chart manipulation and Key Data

I set out yesterday to pull together whatever evidence could be marshaled for annual temperature ranges since the Bronze age. after a short review of the literature, I was disconcerted to recognize that our available information has been aggressively manipulated to play down the Medieval warm spell and more recently to enhance the apparent effect of the recent rise. This last rise has been challenged and debunked. Do not get me wrong. Temperatures have risen as is their natural inclination in the northern hemisphere, but not even to the level of previous optimums as yet. The hockey stick chart was pretending otherwise.

The point that I am making is that I cannot trust the data presented, because scholars have apparently taken political positions and are pushing the limits of the data as offensive as that is.

So how do we get past that difficulty. As I have posted earlier, It is clear to me that the natural tendency of the northern hemisphere is to annually gain a little heat, while the opposite is true for the southern hemisphere. Certainly land distribution alone sets up this unique capacity. This means that the northern hemisphere will sustain a long slow warming trend that goes on for hundreds of years while the south simply gets a little colder. The north will eventually achieve an optimum that will appear quite stable.

More importantly, since the north is generally warming, any measured chart will tend to be volatile upward and very difficult pin down. That means that for any small section, the upward volatility will be the same. The same will not be true for periods in which there has been an injection of cold. The floor will drop dramatically and hold for a long time until warming effects take charge. I am of course positing that an injection of cold water takes place into the Atlantic basin over a fairly short period of time, turning over the heat imbalance that has built up.

What this means is that we need to carefully study the historical record for the onset of North European cold spells. That will typically reset the warming clock.

We had a cold spell kick off in the late fifteenth century, and also the late fifth century and somewhere back in the post 1000 BCE world. The two earliest had the effect of depopulating northern Europe and gave us the Sea peoples(also likely known as the Greeks) and in the fifth century wiped out the Western Roman Empire. This last time around, we merely suffered and overcame. Of course, we enthusiastically invaded the Americas and I suspect that the Indians never noticed the difference..

The point that I am making is that these cold spells are abrupt and very effective. The recovery seems to take around a thousand years. It also appears that the last half is quite balmy, as demonstrated by the conditions attested in the historical record.

Perhaps it is not an accident that the Romans were able to grab Western Europe for 500 years with the state of their agricultural technology.

There is every reason to think that the only important data point(s) on the temperature chart is the onset point of very cold weather, representing the injection of a mass of cold water. The only thing that we do not know is the actual scope of the event. It may last only one season and inject enough cold water to do the job. That would be my preference and supports the abrupt apparent temperature shift.

An alternative is an expansion of the flow rate of the respective currents that is sustained for years. The difficulty with that scenario is that we would have a slow climatic decline rather than the abrupt conversions that seem to have occurred. Of course we will never know for sure until it happens again in perhaps 400 years.

What I am saying is that instead of studying the warm years of the chart, we need to focus on perfecting our knowledge of when it became nasty cold. Remember, that the barbarians who invaded Gaul gathered at the Rhine and waited it for the river to freeze!

The rest of the data can be impacted by everything from Volcanoes to forest fires and who really notices if spring is a week early or not when the effect can be very local. Knowing that a sustained cold spell is not a normal event is very helpful in understanding our options and our temperature charts.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Fast pyrolysis and Wood Chips

I attached a link here to a critical review paper on the pyrolysis of wood and other biomass that was published last year in Energy and Fuels(2006, 20, 848 - 889). As I have recently posted, our two options for the production of transportation fuel that can use our current engine technology without a massive overhaul is algae derived biodiesel and wood chip derived oils using heat and or pressure.

Algae, though largely undeveloped offers the promise of a very labor efficient oil and cattle fodder production system operated even on otherwise non agricultural lands. It really lends itself to automatic pumping systems, filter presses and the like with potentially very high yields.

Wood chip processing will produce oil and char through the process of heating. The article gives us an approximate 25% yield for a slow pyrolysis with a 24% char yield as well. Fast pyrolysis promises to give us nearly 75% yield with a 13% char content. Obviously, fast pyrolysis needs to be perfected. Without question pyrolysis will produce a liquid component that I am loathe to call oil as yet but can obviously be processed into a working fuel.

The difficulty of course, is that wood chip production is never going to be particularly labor efficient. We have discussed the need to properly manage woodlands throughout this blog. If woodlands can now produce an economically viable crop in the form of wood chips, we go a long way toward the restoration of the productivity of these woodlands.

The optimal annual yield of an acre of temperate woodland will still be around one ton per year per acre of woodland. The value to the owner operator of this ton of wood chips will need to cover its cost of recovery and removal. With fast pyrolysis we are suddenly looking at around five barrels of oil equivalent production per year per acre. This may actually be financially viable for the owner a participate in with oil in the $100 plus range.

Other occasional agricultural bio waste can also be fed into the system, although the direct value of most of these feed stocks as local bio char will surely dominate.

Again, we face a very significant haulage cost component. A 1000 ton per day processor needs to draw from 365,000 acres of woodland. This quickly looks like 500 net square miles or in country with a minimal woodland component, a draw radius of thirty miles at least. That is a lot of haulage.

And that 1000 ton per day facility will produce perhaps 5000 barrels of oil equivalent and some charcoal. By oil industry standards this is significant but still fairly modest.

The principal benefit of a wood chip conversion system is that it can be easily tweaked to drive good woodland management practices, which has been sorely missing to date. It may even end up been completely self sustaining.

The benefit for the owner operator is that his woodlot is economically self sustaining while he is growing a profit in the form of sawn wood and any fruit production.

The technology will also be easily implemented in the tropics were the wood waste content per acre is several times what can be achieved in the temperate zone. Of course, moisture content will be difficult to manage.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Rise of Tar Sands and new Energy regime.

While the press has slept over the past year. the prices of oil has rather quietly risen from $60 per barrel to the current $95 per barrel. It has happened without geopolitical excuses or a catastrophic drop in specific production anywhere. It has happened because no single producer can ramp up production to take advantage of this rising demand.

This past two months, the price has been moving against the historical seasonal trends and just yesterday the projected inventory gain of 500,000 barrels turned out to be a 3,800,000 barrel deficit. Obviously everyone has accepted the fact the price of a tank of gas is going up. It is also going to be costlier to keep the house warm this winter. This should begin the first gentle wave of oil usage contraction.

I started reporting on this story back in July because all the evidence that was available strongly supported the emergence of a production crisis. It could no longer be increased to make up even for declines. It has been called global peak oil and will certainly be remembered as such. More importantly, the only government in the world that has moved forcefully in an attempt to stay ahead of the problem has been the Canadian Government, and that only because they could with the tar sand resource.

The massive long term investment cycle needed began with the first oil crisis in the late seventies. The government and its industry partners committed the huge financial resources necessary to solve the production problems. Thus while Canada's conventional production peaked at around 1,000,000 barrels per day and has since declined, the production of synthetic crude from the tar sands has moved Canadian production to a current plus 3,000,000 barrels and a projected 5,000,000 barrels of production as our likely optimum production rate.

We say optimum under current technology which uses up an unsustainable amount of natural gas. I personally think that the advent of THAI technology, now been proven out will completely change everything. This is toe and heel production which I described in an earlier post. This method also skips the massive impact on the environment of tar sand mining and hot water/surfactant separation.

The real payoff for those who do not understand the tar sands is that the real geological reserve is estimated at 1.6 trillion barrels of oil or more than the rest of the world combined. We have burned about 1 trillion barrels over the past 100 years, so 1.6 trillion barrels of new oil would tide us over very nicely into the next few decades. In addition, there is another trillion barrels of tar in Venezuela with our friend Hugo should we run out in fifty years or so. And of course there are many strat traps around the world loaded with heavy oil that was simply walked away from. Perfected THAI will access all these resources.

Yet Canada is still the only country that has had the foresight to spend the money and years to advance the necessary technology. And even if it were already possible to tap this total resource, Canada would have to achieve production levels of 50,000,000 barrels per day over the next two decades to replace the pending shortfall in global oil production let alone needed growth.

At that production level, the annual depletion will hit 18 billion barrels per year and it will take around a hundred years to clean out the tar sand reserve and perhaps another hundred years to clean out Venezuela and the other smaller reserves we know about. What I am saying is that is possible, though obviously undesirable to sustain a form of our hydrocarbon based civilization for another two centuries at least.

The real long term difficulty is that this is expensive fuel. It compares fairly directly with the expected cost structure of a wood chip sourced fuel which is vastly preferable.

Since a massive new investment in the production of transportation energy is now eminent when the other shoe drops with the rapid decline of global production, it is now that policy makers can redirect that investment energy into the reforming of the global agricultural and forest paradigm.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Thorium option

We are going to see a huge expansion in the application of nuclear power over the next few decades. It is simply too convenient and too repeatable to not fully deploy. The projected expansion actually puts current known supplies into question as to sufficiency, particularly since breeder reactor technology has yet to be developed. In other words, there are glitches.

This has tentatively opened the door to the exploitation of the Uranium alternative, Thorium. Thorium is superior inasmuch as there are less trans-uranics produced like Plutonium. It actually was the first choice for commercial applications at the beginnings of the nuclear age and has the additional advantage in that it can replace uranium in certain reactors.

The easy and perhaps accidental availability of Uranium has given that metal the lead, but thorium is still a viable option.

What we do know is that Thorium is four times more common than Uranium in the crust. On the other hand, mother nature has done a magnificent job of concentrating Uranium. It is not clear that the same ever happened with Thorium, or at least I am not aware of encouraging information and it is clear that almost no one has been looking for high grade Thorium.

This leads me to an observation that I became aware off thirty years ago when we were evaluating Airborne radiometric highs in Saskatchewan. It was that Thorium was much more common than Uranium. This may mean that low grade thorium is very common and recoverable.

It is just that no one has been given a reason to look.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Synthetic fuels and other options

Without question, the great economic problem confronting the world today is the pending collapse, yes I said collapse, of oil supply. I do not believe that we can even buy an additional year or postpone this event in any way shape or form. You have to believe surplus pumping capacity exists that has not already been tapped by the advance of oil from $20 per barrel to $90 per barrel. What were they waiting for? The point that I am making, is that this resource is mythical.

We now have maximum production and no elasticity while demand has yet to decline in a meaningful way. These are painful words to write, but the folks we rely on to keep our civilization ahead of things are in deeper denial than anyone. The developed world needed to support the massive diversion of resources into solving this problem about ten years ago. It will now be done in a crisis environment. George Bush may even be able to slip out of office just ahead of the angry peasants. This is one of he greatest policy failures in history, but then no one wanted to believe it was so, including ourselves, dear reader.

Even if all the political constraints on oil exploration world wide disappeared tomorrow, the reprieve would be brief. And to be perfectly honest, the sooner we replace the fossil fuel economy, the better it is for all since that will also end the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. We still have several trillion barrels of oil in the ground available for other uses if justified. They are simply becoming far to expensive to chase from a energy cost point of view. It is pretty hard to justify spending a barrel to earn a barrel unless it is used for something other than fuel.

Faced with the same constraints in the past, South Africa and wartime Germany were able to produce synthetic fuel using coal and natural gas as a feedstock. The coal can be replaced by wood chips to great effect. This is not necessarily the best solution but it is certainly the one proven solution with all the technology extant and deliverable. The main challenge will be to maximize the use of wood chips as feedstock world wide. The Fischer - Tosch process does work.

The two other solutions which are high pressure depolymerization and algae oil culture are in the beginnings of full development and therefore as yet unproven. No one has sorted out the algae equation quite yet and it may well take hundreds of trials to sort out the cheapest and most stable production protocol. The initial focus of depolymerization has been toward select high quality waste to prove out the viability.

The technical viability of the process, as reported seems to stand up although the pilot plant economic model appears to be unsustainable primarily because the high value waste turned out to have high value. To redirect this effort into the conversion of wood chips is the best direction for this approach. The massive potential supply, the absolute uniformity of the feedstock and the production of a high quality crude, allows the process to be standardized and made cost efficient.

The only problem is that several years of aggressive development needs to be already done. Your wish to live in exciting times is about to be granted.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Human rewards of Energy Regime Change

I would like to point you to the following data on global land usage for specific numbers as to global forestland and grassland/woodlands.

Forests report at 39,886,000 square kms and woodlands report at 34,421,000 square kms. As a comparable, total farmland comes in at 15,335,000. Rather clearly, on a global scale, there are five acres of woodland to every acre of cropland. That suggests that every farmer should be responsible for the management of five acres of forest for every acre that he crops. Of course, it is never so conveniently set up for this, but we now have at least a rule of thumb for any planning efforts.

The other aspect of forest management that we need to recognize is that the inputs need not be overwhelming, although when ones confronts a wild forest, it is totally overwhelming. In practice, a forest will produce a ton of waste while growing a ton of new wood on an annual basis. The forest management trick is to get that ton of waste removed every year. That is also the sole input required for good forest management.

It sounds like a lot, but it is readily handled with modern equipment like chippers, chainsaws and perhaps a hydraulic grabber for larger chunks on a small cart. In fact there is a real price per ton for this type of effort that is readily quantifiable. It is also quickly none by semi skilled workers.

We have 7.5 billion hectares or about 15 billion acres of forest and trees able to produce on average around one ton of wood waste globally. In other words, through the simple expedient of better forest management, we can produce around 15 billion tons of wood chips that would otherwise be released back into the environment mostly as CO2 for those who think this all ends up as soil.

If a ton of wood chips could produce one barrel of oil only, we end up with a oil supply of 40,000,000 barrels per day. I think it will be possible to do twice this, but you can all see where this takes us. Good forest management practices combined with efficient conversion to hydrocarbons could by itself replace geological oil.

No one has taken a sharp pencil to the economics yet, but $90.00 oil very likely is good enough to cover the cost of actually doing this, even perhaps in the developed world and certainly elsewhere with low cost labor.

It would also be wonderful to put every idle body of earth to work harvesting and manufacturing oil in this way. Obviously, no one would lack a base job and this would be a social revolution never needing giveaways.

I also cannot promise that other methods of producing biological fuels will be any easier or ultimately much cheaper, so this can become a permanent component of the global economy.

The ultimate cost of our energy subsidized western lifestyle will be the necessity of extending this lifestyle to everyone on earth. We cannot go backwards.

The signal that this transition has begun will be the establishment of the price of oil at around $200 per barrel. That will be sufficient to support this type of projected infrastructure.

It will also trigger and encourage an unrelenting investment in alternative energy protocols and its swift expansion.

This plus the establishment of terra preta will be the greatest single economic shift in human history with two outcomes. We will have completely sustainable energy and completely sustainable agriculture powerful enough to permit a huge increase in global population.

We have 6 billion people now. The population densities of India and China is very sustainable throughout the tropics and sub tropics once the water problem is properly managed and augmented by atmospheric water. On the other hand our primary constraint of population growth will be this continuous struggle to produce sustainable energy.

As I have shown, it is completely believable that we can harness the biosphere to produce transportation oil for the current population. It is not so believable if the population jumps to much more than twice the current levels. It is also a certainty that the convenience of high energy density fuels like biological oil will make them our first and actually our best choice for portable energy.

The alternatives are possibles but certainly not nearly as convenient. After all no one is afraid of cold cooking oil. Most everything else that you may wish to use, including gasoline will quite happily flatten the neighborhood in an accident.

So yes, there is a lot of fairly simple technology to perfect, but all the ingredients are there.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Wood chips and fuel.

As my readers well know, over the next twenty years, humanity has to replace the majority of the current 83,000,000 barrels of daily oil production that we rely on to day. And it has to be in a form that allows it to be used for transportation energy. In spite of the naysayers, we really have no problem with any other part of the energy equation.

In other words, we are going to survive this horrific shift in our energy options. Personal transportation will find better ways to access other energy forms through hybrids as we are seeing now.

I have already described the one best option for the production of transportation fuels, which is the production of biodiesel from a high oil algae feedstock. It promises to be super efficient and to be integrative with cattle farming. The theoretical numbers cannot be achieved today, but I think that a viable pilot operation can be run that could easily bring the cattle industry on side producing the requisite infrastructure. The feed byproduct alone may carry the investment.

There is one additional option, that meshes with my original thesis. That is forest management. Our technology now allows labor efficient protocols for forest management. The owner can salvage wood waste every spring from his forest in the form of wood chips and sawn blocks. We want to rebuild and transform our woodlands globally into maximal ecologies. This key element of forest management is poorly capitalized, yet if it is capitalized we can establish a waste wood stream that will be uniform and transportable.

In fact the vigorous removal of wood waste will stimulate strong regeneration of forest growth and suppress the prospect of powerful forest fires limiting us to managed brush fires.

This massive stream of wood waste can be be treated in two ways. The first and least desirable is atmospheric combustion that uses the heat to support pyrolysis. A liquid fraction will be driven of that can be used as a fuel. The rest will be either burned or converted into charcoal that may or may not be used for agriculture, though I suspect that is the only useful application without burning again.

The point is, is that the output is rather small and the quality is problematic and complex. There is currently a lot of enthusiasm around it, but I must admit that I am not overly optimistic. I simply think that we can do a lot better.

A lot better, means running this same feedstock through a high pressure chamber at 600 atmospheres and 600 degrees which reprocesses all the constituents to their simplest form. This is the principle of depolymerization. This approach is very promising and the wood waste provides a uniform feedstock that can be implemented globally. The output will be hydrocarbons.

Of course, creating this wood chip gathering infrastructure also opens the door for the folks who believe that it will be possible someday to convert cellulose into the constituent sugars. The key to all these technologies is a steady supply of waste wood chips that can then be processed.

The point that I want to make, is that a wood chip recovery program can be created at the national level, inducing the woodlot owners to start systematically managing the waste output of their forests and to stockpile chips. These chip inventories are then available for processing in some form while the superior forest management and economic considerations mature.

I will develop some numbers tomorrow, but in fairness, I do not think that we can use it to offset the largest fuel burner of all. It will help though.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Kevin Potvin and peak oil

Kevin Potvin, who publishes a give away eight page newspaper in Vancouver called The Republic of East Vancouver did an article titled 'Peak Oil Already Arrived in 2006. The article will not be available electronically for a couple of weeks. It is drawn from the study done by Energy Watch Group of Germany.

Kevin's politics are fairly obvious but he has done us a service by attempting to appreciate the impact of the anticipated decline in oil production.

The report essentially says that we are now facing an unrelenting 2% annual decline in oil production. This means that todays 83 million barrels per day will fall to 58 million barrels per day in 2020 and 39 million barrels per day in 2030. The truth is that everyone in the oil industry knows this and are positioning themselves accordingly. In the meantime everyone else is whistling in the dark and the political leadership is paralyzed by the glare of the freight train. I am sure George Bush is fervently hoping that this chicken does not come home to roost in the waning months of his mandate.

This is, of course, no more than what I have been saying in my posts. Energy Watch has fleshed in the details. This report can be downloaded from the referenced link.

It gives me no pleasure to play Cassandra at the Oil party. We can all see that no one really wants to believe that this is happening. The rest of the media has not even started to realize how big this story actually is. So long as the pain is fairly minor it is easy to pretend that tomorrow will never come. I expect that the US will release part of its its strategic reserves as a move to hold down domestic prices when the push comes, but this will be only a band aid.

We are facing a twenty year scramble to replace transportation fuel. During that twenty year span, the automobile as we know it will be driven from the road. It is the one single source of non essential oil consumption that we can displace to make up the shortfall. We are all going to have our garages storing hanger queens. Recall that China has built out its share of the modern world with really very limited use of the automobile. We can retreat back to similar levels of usage.

This story is the single biggest news story of this new century and its solution(s) the biggest shift in technology innovation ever imagined. In a single generation we will and must convert over to a purely sustainable energy tool kit.

Those who have read all my various posts know that the necessary solutions are either in hand or are at least identified. The use of algae agriculture is the main event, regardless of the nonsense spouted by champions of various other far more limiting methods. Algae needs a sunny desert, a recyclable water supply and a supply of nitrogen to produce all the fuel we will ever need. We just have not developed the art of it yet, but that is what we are really good at.

Even better, the only byproduct is proven to be excellent cattle feed.

However, let us get all this into perspective. It is ugly.

We consume 83,000,000 barrels of oil per day. Each barrel is about 160 liters of oil. That works out to about 6,000,000,000,000 liters of oil per year. And this has to now also be spread out to each individual of earth to be ultimately fair. What it really means is that each individual needs to produce a thousand liters of oil per year. Yet Oil seeds are hard put to produce 1000 liters per hectare. Algae can theoretically reach production levels of 10,000 liters per acre. This all means that algae oil production using desert lands is our only credible option, with a little help from our many friends in the alternate fuel game.

To replace all that oil, every farm must fit algae culture into their production cycle world wide. And substantial blocks of desert must be put to work. This is all possible, but we now must move quickly. That is the real problem. Glacial action is not a choice anymore. Welcome to the $300 gas tank that I have been promising.

All my suggestions for terra forming the Earth put forth in my posts are now starting to look conservative and will turn out to be almost tentative. The alternative is economic genocide for the globe, and believe me population reduction is not an option.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kyoto protocol denounced

In a recent article in Nature magazine, well regarded economists have declared the Kyoto protocol as a failure at generating tangible results. Of course, this should have been obvious to all. Without direct technology change, the only way to reduce CO2 emissions is by direct economic contraction.

To date we have had neither. And fantasies that forced CO2 reduction is an option are in dreamland. At most we will get transferrance which is most certainly not reduction. So far transferrance has been to China and India who are even less careful about what is dumped into the environment.

The harsh unrelenting reality remains. We are going to burn most of the extractable oil, gas and coal that we can get our mitts on over the next century. We will work hard at doing it more efficiently, but somehow I do not think that the coal mining industry is laying off its workers anytime soon.

As I have pointed out, the only credible replacement for these high quality fuels is algae based bio fuels. This will become well established over the next fifty years and we will get very good at using it. That will not stop us from pumping cheap oil and mining cheap coal until it is no longer cheap. Only when agriculture can bring the cost of such fuels well below that of fossil fuels, will the fossil fuel economy disappear.

Since we are going to burn it all regardless, our only economic strategy that has any validity is to systematize a global carbon credit economy that starts with a direct global tax of CO2 emission. This is as simple as taxing the fuels directly with absolutely no exceptions. This directly underwrites a carbon credit system. A meaningful dollar value could be $20.00 per ton of carbon contained.

In this way, absolutely no new distortions are introduced that will fuel political manipulation. At the same time, been a true global tax, it will inspire a working forum for tackling other global problems.

This tax will accomplish two things. It will swiftly induce a massive investment in more efficient energy regimes for all participants to remain competitive and will thereby strongly shift investment into better technologies. And secondly it creates a financial carbon credit worth $20.00 per ton for newly sequestered carbon.

I showed you yesterday how easy it will be to use this credit to induce the 2,000,000,000 subsistence farmers to sequester carbon while also upgrading their land. They alone can actually solve the whole problem, or come so close that it is the same thing. After all, with this type of support and land improvement and perhaps a little proper social support, these farmers are no longer subsistence farmers. Go look and see what has happened in China, much as I am sure they complain.

And the absolute beauty of the proposed system, it is dead trivial to audit the process. A ten percent allocation at most for the financial institutions and we will even have enthusiasm at all levels. Of course the crooks will try to divert ninety percent into their pockets while turning the farmers into slaves. Since this is a global system, this may actually be global opportunity to lift the bottom third of the global population out of their difficult circumstances. Certainly this is a new option.

Besides, though it is absolutely critical to get the subsistence farmers on board in order to have the maximum social and economic benefit, it goes without saying that the rest of the global economy which has the available capital to deploy will work overtime to earn their fair share without any further intervention by any government.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Assaying soils for carbon

We passed over it lightly yesterday, but the one most important aspect of the biochar protocol at the subsistence level is the inherent ease of accountability. At the end of the day, a financial institution will be dispensing funds to small operators. It must be easy.

With terra preta it is. For the first few years, it is simply a matter of a field representative walking through the acreage a couple of times during the season and then confirming the distribution of biochar.

Whatever distribution strategy is used it will be self evident to an experienced field representative how well the operator is doing his job and even how many years of biochar has been distributed. The color will change.

The additional threat of a carbon audit consisting of a formal sampling program and an assay of the blended samples every several years will keep the operators honest. Even this is simple to do. It consist of bagging a bunch of shovel fulls of soil and then blending them together and then assaying a sample. It is also something the farmer can do himself if he disputes the independent assay.

The assay process itself could be as easy as putting a one kilo sample into a bottle of water of water and shaking. I know that when I did this with soil, that any charcoal separated and was quite visible. Of course this visual cue needs to be properly correlated with analytical results but once done, a good field assay is possible and very likely sufficient.

The only type of soil that may resist this type of assay is the high humus type. This is actually rather rare in agricultural lands, in spite of our efforts to maintain a good humus content. And if the humus is very high, we hardly have a pressing need to improve fertility.

In other words, just as the Brazilian Indians, the farmer can do all the required science himself and be totally independent.

Vastly more important, if we want to dispense carbon credits as cash, it is now easy to do. The only remaining question is regulating the social contract under which this happens. We want those farmers to be owner operators so that the cash and fertility benefits is not siphoned off by a landlord. The owner operator needs the added incentive of the improving land so that he treasures his soil.

The point is that we can be picky and use this leverage to improve the economic model under which these people live be simply demanding it. Cash is truly king sand can be used for good or satisfying any one man's greed.

Otherwise, the rewards of poppy growing will compete even with this protocol.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eliminating global hunger and poverty with terra preta

When all is said or done, it is reasonable to say that on average that we are burning approximately one ton of geological carbon for each human on earth each year. That finally scopes out the real human scale of our problem. If every human being becomes responsible for sequestering one ton of carbon, then the globe becomes carbon neutral. It is easy to piece together the economic models from that core idea.

What I think we have also accomplished is to show that this is very feasible. Imagine 2,000,000,000 subsistence farmers annually sequestering three tons per head while producing terra preta soil and hugely upgrading the fertility of their land and generating a crop of corn to feed their family also.

It we subsidized this process at only $20.00 per ton of carbon, we will augment family and farm income also. The total global budget would be as little then as $120 billion dollars. If we are generous and take this figure to $50.00 per acre we end up with a trillion dollar annual budget. This is all within the operating parameters of the carbon credit system.

This is likely the cheapest way available to eliminate the carbon problem and certainly the best way since we simultaneously are creating new capital in the form of fertile lands and well fed and healthy families. Such a program can eliminate global hunger and global poverty, and we have a wonderful check and balance in the need to produce enhanced soil. A simple assay can prove out performance as needed.

The truth is is that these farmers will not need these credits at all to justify the creation of terra preta once they know that it is possible. However, the money is certainly there already and it will sharply kick start the whole process. Knowing that switching to corn on some of his acreage and making biochar will double his family's income will motivate them all. And once the benefits are throughly understood there will be no going back.

You may want to reread my many posts on using corn stover to make an earthen biochar kiln without any outside tools found in this blog.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Market Shivers

The one thing that I learned decades ago about markets is that over the long term, the bulls win. The bears may be right on selecting the losers but over time the winners eat up the garbage left over by the losers and the only real losers are those holding stock in the losers. A certain amount of cash is disappeared but the expanding credit system easily produces more.

The tragedy of 1929 is that the banking system did not understand this and over reacted to a bad market break by cutting of credit and savagely reducing the money supply. It took years for the global economy to claw back to the economic levels of 1929 and we have not made that mistake twice.

The difficulty we have today is that our money supply is not a true fiat currency. It is linked inexorably to oil, since oil still represents over ten percent of the global economy. This means that continued economic expansion will be stifled by tight oil supplies. And a real contraction in the daily oil output will have the same massive effect as a contraction in the money supply.

Hello Houston, we have a problem. In this blog we have investigated and discovered alternate strategies to replace this pending oil shortfall. I know and if you have followed my reasoning, you know that we can completely free ourselves of using any geological oil by making agriculture our principal partner in the solution. It will still take time. But once done our economy will never again be dependent on a finite resource and we will be good for a million years.

In the meantime, the market is slowly waking up to the nasty fact that we are unable to expand oil production significantly anywhere in a hurry. After all we have now had almost five years of high prices to encourage expansion and it simply is not happening fast enough. That is why the overall market is starting to adjust downward with a series of 300 point breaks and consolidations. This is a good time to assemble cash and to learn patience.

Right now the market is waiting for the other shoe to drop. That would be a 2,000,000 barrel drop in production somewhere. There are candidates and it is inevitable somewhere. Saudi Arabia would be the most dramatic. It would end all denial.

This type of very bad news will induce a deep market break and take a long time to overcome. As should be clear, however, the probability of bad news like this is steadily increasing while the probability of good news is declining.

In fact the only source of commensurate good news on oil can only come from the drilling rigs out in remote difficult basins. There may be another Saudi Arabia out there that can give us another fifty years to get our energy act together. After all my readers have seen the future. Fifty years of progressive scientific development will make the implementation of these ideas easy.

On an optimistic note, I suspect that the one great untapped trillion barrel oil resource will turn out to be conventional oil in the Mackenzie delta and the Beaufort Sea. Discoveries have been made and anyone who has worked through the geological logic described in my article titled Pleistocene Nonconformity can figure it out. This oil was produced in the last million years and has not had millions of years to escape. At least there is little evidence that it has with the exception of the trillion barrel tar sands.

There may also be others. Most people do not realize how hard it is to understand the geology of an oil basin or how much has to be spent to get lucky. I never forget the 100 hundred dry holes in Alberta before Leduc #1. You look at the map today and you wonder how they ever missed.

In the meantime, there is a real Sword of Damocles hanging over the market and the market will be unsettled for a long time.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Algae production for the feed lot

I quote the following summary from a paper on feeding algae to cattle. The paper is well worth reading in its entirety because they discuss feeding protocols to cattle. The results were very positive and even suggestive.

The possibility of using unicellular algae (Chlorella and Scenedesmus) as feed for cattle has been studied. Mixed algal culture was grown in a shallow polythene-lined pond and gave a recorded daily yield of 95 tonnes of algal suspension (packed cell volume 5-10 ml/litre) or 247 kg dry substances per hectare. The cost was about $1.25 (Tk. 50) per tonne of algal suspension production. Dried algal cells contained 613 g crude protein (N x 6.25) and 155 g fibre per kg DM. In a 120 d feeding trial 8 growing cattle (7 females and 1 male), of indigenous breed with mean initial live weight kg 146"9 kg, were fed ad libitum urea- molasses-straw and 2 kg/d wheat bran as basal diet. The treatments were 0.5 kg/d Til (sesame) oil cake per head in group I and ad libitum algal suspension in group II. The suspension was drunk at 10% of animal live weight. These animals received no other liquid (water).

Inclusion of algal suspension did not improve total metabolizable energy (ME) or crude protein (N x 6.25) intake but increased daily gain, although insignificantly (P > 0.05) from 399 g for the oil cake treatment to 458 g in the algae group. The feed conversion efficiencies were 6.2 and 7.4 g live weight gain per MJ ME intake for the oil cake and algae groups, respectively. Crude fibre digestibility was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in the algae (81.1%) than the oil cake group (76.2%). For the 120 d feeding trial, the estimated net economic loss was $5.0 (Tk. 200)/animal on oil cake while there was a $14.4 (Tk. 576) profit/animal on algae.

This is actually along way down the road in the road in the mastering of algae husbandry. Dry weight algae is a prime animal feedstock on its own. If we successfully select an algae blend that also maximizes the production of biodiesel, we have a very economic protocol for the production of both feed and oil.

At present the best oil production is around ten times the oil production from oilseeds. The potential is ten times that. Of course at the present time I am mixing apples and oranges as these two applications must have some level of conflict which we need to overcome.

What I am reaching for, though is a least effort protocol for the algae production stream. A system that produces oil and feed through a one step process is very attractive to farm operation. You are continuously shipping oil at the farm gate and consuming the pressed algae as cattle feed. The indicated efficiency of the feed aspect means that any oil production is a bonus to the feed lot.

A conversion of the global cattle industry over to algae feed has the additional benefit of releasing huge amounts of acreage from feed grain production.

In fact this revelation will create a huge demand for an algae production protocol on the part of the agricultural industry. The oil aspect and the release of land will be a bonus.

It was also noted that the production rate approached 100 tons of dry product per hectare compared to a previously reported 10 tons per hectare. Comparing either figure to grain production of perhaps a ton per acre is very compelling. A lower oil yield may even be acceptable in this type of regime.

Of course, this requires a nitrogen fertilizer input that is significant but obviously vastly superior to cropland fertilization in which the bulk of the fertilizer is currently lost. and never used.

The idea of having a one acre algae field replacing as much as fifty acres of grain production is very compelling.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thermal Depolymerization

The history of this technology is fairly extensive and can be reviewed through the link to wikipedia. In its simplest manifestation, it attempts to emulate the process by which oil is produced in the geological environment. This a laudable objective.

Changing worlds technology has taken the lead in this commercialization attempt. From the press coverage they have garnered and their disclosure, it is fair to say that they have told their story well. Their silence over the past year speaks loudly to to the actual difficulties that are always encountered in this product development process.

I have personally have held back from jumping on their bandwagon simply because I truly appreciate the type of learning curve that they are trying to climb. And the curve can be incredibly costly. The fact is that high pressure process chemistry has lagged over the past one hundred years because of this. You really have to be able to throw away a very expensive pressure chamber when it fails. Imagine throwing away a submarine. The pressure to stick with what is built becomes overwhelming and perpetuating.

After saying that, I happen to love high pressure process chemistry because of its huge potential. The idea that we can flow organic wastes into black box and produce oil, mineral and water is compelling. The problem is the small five or ten ton pressure chambers that must handle pressures of around 600 atmospheres and high temperatures of 600 degrees.

These are the same specifications that are needed for the Haber process for producing nitrates. It is very much a technology that you want someone else to perfect so that you can license it.

Then there is the problem of feedstock. The only practical feedstock is the municipal waste and sewage stream. It is already been gathered in central locations so there is absolutely no need to factor in collection to the economic model. Success will quickly draw any surplus agricultural waste into the system if the city facility is operational.

Huge volume numbers are bandied about but underestimate the water content, which will add an unwanted second level of beneficiation to the waste(sewage) stream.

This led me to a thought experiment in which a mine shaft was sunk to a depth in which a water filled shaft would achieve the necessary pressures. This would provide an inlet for the waste steam which would descend down through the water column to the working pressure zone. We still have to engineer the chambers and the heat production equipment and heat exchange systems. A lot of issues would need to be considered, but I think it has a chance now that we are mastering the materials issue in Iceland on the geothermal systems.

Assuming that the fuels produced can sustain the temperature needed, and that the surplus water can exit as live steam, we have a high volume continuous process with a minimal labor input. It would be a remarkable engineering feat.

The bottom of the chamber would have to be sloped to allow the slow migration of materials to a solids recovery device and the oils and other lights need to be trapped in chambers forming the roof of the reaction chamber. Fluid jets can be placed in the floor to keep material moving and perhaps as a way to move heat.

Microwave energy might be used to top up the necessary heat content. As I said, it would be remarkable engineering feat. But if it worked properly, we convert the urban waste problem into an asset that produces a large volume of fuel oil as a benefit in a way that will be inexpensive to operate. A little like a dam.

At the present, the more likely approach will be an above ground processing plant in which tipping costs are reallocated to subsidize the plant. This is a great solution and has soluble engineering issues. And we are paying anyway, so why not for a better solution that produces auto fuel?