Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wormhole portal created by NAVY

to start with all real space research has been happening over at the Navy.  And now we are seeing the space station bicycle wheel i have been talking about.  This is not the first time that i have dropped something to shortly see it be actually announced.

It is both obvious and logical of course but here we are.

Better yet they have produced micro wormholes.  Rather important..

understand that we will use these to link two points in space instantaneously for direct comms on the way to Sirius.  Larger wormholes is a promise for now but also pending.  Understand we have picked up odd reports of such from time to time.  Thus i knew this discovery was likely a pending event and here we are.

from a purely human perspective, the time aspect is most interesting because it allows total species restoration in refuges around the world.  

I suspect someone reads my posts and uses them to overcome secrecy rules.  certainly, no one has ever given me a hint.

The US Navy Reveals Thinternal They Have Created Spacetime Modification Technology And Opened A Portal

7,215 views 21 Mar 2023

Recently, the United States Navy made a groundbreaking announcement that has sent shockwaves through the scientific community and the public at large. In a press conference held at a military research facility, Navy officials revealed that they have successfully developed a new technology that can modify the fabric of spacetime itself. This remarkable breakthrough has far-reaching implications for the future of space exploration and the study of physics. 

FACEBOOK: According to the Navy, their new technology utilizes a unique combination of cutting-edge particle accelerators, high-energy lasers, and advanced quantum computing systems. Through a series of experiments conducted over the past several years, scientists at the research facility have been able to manipulate the behavior of subatomic particles in a way that has never been achieved before. The Navy's breakthrough technology enables them to create and control miniature wormholes, which are tunnels through spacetime that connect two distant points in the universe. By manipulating the properties of these wormholes, the Navy scientists have been able to create a stable portal that allows for near-instantaneous travel across vast distances. The implications of this technology are staggering. With the ability to travel vast distances in mere moments, space exploration could be revolutionized. The Navy's new technology could make it possible to explore distant galaxies, study black holes up close, and even travel back in time. While the Navy has not yet announced any specific plans for using their new technology, the implications are clear. The ability to modify the fabric of spacetime is a game-changer, and it's sure to attract the attention of other governments and private entities around the world. The race to unlock the secrets of the universe has just gotten a whole lot more exciting.

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