Friday, January 12, 2024

Medical Doctor Drops Post-Vaccine Ivermectin Bombshell

Three separate items here and one is pretty serrious.  We have a fifty percent jump in disability claims now to go with our sustained death rate jump.  As posted, i am waiting for a real decline here and an end to the bad stats.

The better news is that ivermectin amelirates known JAB side effects which is great news.  We need that.

And finally, the JAB is been shut down in florida because they front ran the clearance procedure with stuff that was safe and then folded in the crap on roll out.  Actual proof of criminal behavior and pre meditated murder.

In the meantime the MSM stays the course and plays the clam.  nothing to see here folks, even if it is the governor and we cannot shut bhim up.

Medical Doctor Drops Post-Vaccine Ivermectin Bombshell

on January 4, 2024

Ivermectin, AKA “horse dewormer,” has not only been vindicated as an effective treatment for COVID, but now it is proving to be one of the best remedies for vaccine injury.

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden attests to this. In her own clinical practice, ivermectin has offered profound results:

“I usually start them on ivermectin because it binds the spike protein. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It actually has 20 different mechanisms of action, and the reason I start with ivermectin, other than what’s written in the literature, but clinically, I’ve seen some patients with really severe rashes from these shots, and they’ve cleared up pretty dramatically with the ivermectin.”

Dr. Ladapo Prepared to Ban mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Florida

“It’s literally immoral to be offering these products.”

Published 30 mins ago

on January 4, 2024

The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.” The public received vials contaminated with plasmid DNA.

A study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold.”

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo raised this issue with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the agency provided no reassurance, in Dr. Ladapo’s mind, that DNA integration assessments were conducted to address the safety concerns outlined by the FDA itself in 2007.

As such, Dr. Joseph Ladapo called for a halt to the use of all COVID-19 mRNA injections on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Here’s a short excerpt:

“DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”

The entire bulletin from the Florida Department of Health is available to read here.

Dr. Ladapo is now prepared to make moves to ban the mRNA COVID-19 shots in Florida altogether.

On Steve Bannon’s War Room, the political show host asked, “Are you going to stop and ban the use of these vaccines? Are you going to tell state-run facilities [and] schools, which has been so controversial, what technically happens with your proclamation?”

“Yeah, we’re working on that,” answered Dr. Ladapo. “We’re going to do everything that we possibly can, and certainly, with our county health departments, we should not be offering them.”

Dr. Ladapo continued. “It’s literally immoral to be offering these products, and we’re going to explore what else we can do because, frankly, it’s so wrong for people to be, whether it’s CVS or Walgreens or some other drug store or hospital, it’s very wrong for people to be putting this in human beings when the proper testing hasn’t been done to confirm that there’s no integration of the DNA and the lipid nanoparticles into the human genome. My kids can probably understand this, and my oldest is ten. It’s W-R-O-N-G wrong.”

Dr. Ladapo’s full appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room is available in the video below:

Disability Claims Among Women Shot Up 55% After Rollout of COVID Vaccines

This article originally appeared on The Defender and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Mike Capuzzo

Since February 2021, more than 1 million working U.S. women ages 16-64 have told the U.S. Department of Labor they are disabled, according to a new government report.

Doctors and scientists who spoke with The Defender attributed the unprecedented 55% increase in disabilities to the rollout of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains the vaccines are safe and effective and recommends them for everyone age 6 months and older.

But according to former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd, the rise in disability claims represents an ongoing silent catastrophe — one that public health officials and major media are ignoring.

Dowd, the first to report the historic rise in excess U.S. deaths and disabilities in his book, “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” continues to harvest data overlooked by mainstream media. He issues statistics-rich reports on everything from excess mortality and fertility to U.S. and U.K. disabilities, reported the new U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly disability survey results last month on X (formerly Twitter).

The Department of Labor survey data was issued in graph form by FRED, the acronym for Federal Reserve Economic Data, an online database of hundreds of thousands of interactive data series maintained by the Research Division at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

The monthly report is a survey of respondents self-identifying as disabled and not a claim for disability and monetary compensation, Dowd said.

But the government’s disability survey is an important statistical window into U.S. public health that is tragically predictive of excess deaths, Dowd said. “Morbidity leads to mortality,” he said.

“The data is confirmation that the trend of rising U.S. disability as measured by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is not abating,” Dowd told The Defender.

“The rise began in earnest in February of 2021, and we have added about 4 million Americans since the vaccination rollout,” he said. “The civilian labor force, employed men and employed women have had a steeper rise than the general population. Unless this issue is addressed it will compromise the labor force over time.”

Dr. James Thorp, a Florida obstetrician and gynecologist who documented catastrophic harm to mothers and children from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, said he was outraged by the unrelenting health damage to all segments of the U.S. population and the greater victimization of women in the wake of the vaccine rollout.

He pointed to the Pfizer 5.3.6 post-marketing data, part of the 450,000 pages of Pfizer’s internal reports on mRNA vaccine damage in the first 10 weeks of rollout, Dec. 14, 2020, to Feb. 28, 2021.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tried to keep the Pfizer documents from the public for 75 years, but a judge ordered their release.

Table 1 of the Pfizer report shows the cumulative total of “adverse event reports” and “presents the main characteristics of the overall cases.”  It shows that of 42,086 “relevant cases” of adverse events after being injected with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, 1,223 people — 2.9% — died.

The table also shows that Pfizer reported adverse events, including deaths, in 29,914 women and 9,182 men — a rate of harm 3 times greater for women, Thorp said. He blames the disparity partly on the tendency of women to make a family’s health decisions and the likelihood that women rushed out to get the vaccine before persuading men to do so.

Pfizer’s adverse events record also showed the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine caused injuries at a rate, relative to deaths, far beyond those caused by diseases, with an astonishing “injure-to-kill ratio” of 34.4 to 1, Thorp said.

Thorp, a disabled veteran honorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force, said he believes such a dramatic ratio of injuries to deaths is unheard of in the histories of modern warfare or medicine, where typically the ratio of injuries to deaths caused by COVID-19 and other diseases hovers around 3 to 1.

The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are “the deadliest vaccine-medicine-drug ever rolled out in the history of medicine,” he said.

Asked what disabilities are most common according to the Pfizer reports Thorp said, “We don’t have time for that. More than 1,500 types of injuries” are cataloged in the Pfizer documents, he said.

Amy Kelly, DailyClout chief operating officer and program director for the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, said the new disability data offers more clues to the “disappearance of American workers.”

“Even if a working-aged person isn’t vaccine-injured, what if she or he has a vaccine-injured loved one and needs to leave the workforce to be a caregiver?” Kelly asked.

“It’s hard to even fathom the potential scope given the percentage of U.S. citizens who have been COVID vaccinated and boosted.”

The key findings from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, according to Dowd:More than 1 million working women in the U.S., ages 16-64, have become disabled since the rollout of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the data indicates. Employed women in the U.S. who tell the Labor Department they are disabled rose an unprecedented 55% from 2.1 million women in February 2021, when Dowd first spotted the trend, to 3.2 million women in November 2023.

Employed men and women ages 16-64 suffered a greater rise in disabilities than the general population ages since the widespread mandating of the mRNA vaccines — an unprecedented reversal of industry-wide insurance data that insurance experts cannot explain, as employed Americans have historically been the healthiest segment of the population. Dowd said the evidence strongly suggests the reversal was caused by nationwide vaccine mandates for working people.

Approximately 299,000 more Americans ages 16 and over, employed or not, said they were disabled in November, while some 199,000 more Americans ages 16 and over in the civilian labor force told the Labor Department they had a disability.

“The bad news is that it appears the breakout in June for the U.S. population 16 and over is holding,” Dowd said. In February 2021, when Dowd first noticed the rapid escalation of disability data, 5,961 Americans ages 16 and over said they had a disability. The number increased to the August high of 8,477 respondents reporting a disability — a 42% jump. The number dropped 1% in November, but the trend of an unprecedented leap in disabilities is holding, Dowd said.

Americans are getting sicker at unheard-of rates and the sick are dying at unheard-of rates, Dowd said. In an earlier study covering February 2021 to December 2022, Dowd found “an increase of about 1,400,000 disabilities in the civilian labor force aged 16-64, while there were about 300,000 excess deaths (for the 25-64 age group), during that period.”

Dowd said he expects the record disability numbers in November for employed women, and the continuing massive increase in disability for employed men, to translate to continuing record U.S. deaths for the 25-64 employed cohorts. He also expects the data will show a strong correlation between disabilities, deaths and mRNA COVID-19 vaccine updates.

Using Labor Department disability statistics, CDC vaccination data, and United Nations population estimates for the period February 2021 — December 2022, Dowd found “clear evidence of a strong relationship between the Covid-19 vaccination rollout and increases in disability rates.”

“We must always consider other external factors that might explain the rise in disabilities, and which are also correlated to the vaccination data,” Dowd said. “This is usually stated as ‘correlation is not causation.’”

“However, in the absence of other explanatory factors, and strong medical evidence of the vaccines causing injuries and deaths, one must consider the relationship seriously,” he said.

Kelly said the U.S. is witnessing “just the beginning of the vaccine fallout. Babies, toddlers, and children have now been vaccinated and boosted. I got an email today from a woman whose doctor pushed her to get vaccinated when she was four months pregnant. She miscarried that baby and has since had two more miscarriages. Sadly, I receive emails similar to that all the time.”

Dowd said he remains hopeful. “Insurance companies are seeing a rise in long-term disability claims,” he said. “That will come out over time. The establishment is spinning nonsense at this point.”

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