Real science keeps coming out and this now includes a surge in cancers. The global target is around 5.300.000.000 excess deaths. We have several KILL vectors at work which serves to mislead but can no longer evade causation due to the JAB.
The shoes keep dropping and right now stats are hidden for around a year so far. I am looking for hard numbers for 2021 which are so far missing.
At least the true believers have shut up.
Cells Don’t Lie: Cancer is on the Rise Due To mRNA Injections
“The spike protein is a toxin,” says pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole and it is also almost certainly causing cancer in many cases. “We know that the spike protein can induce cancer pathways. It’s happening. Cancers are on the increase across the board,” says Cole. Edify Research and Consulting recently published a report on the rise of cancer due to mRNA injections.
Cole says it doesn’t matter who the manufacturer is, “they all make the spike protein.” Dr. Cole has been a pathologist for 26 years and has “never seen anything like this.” Cole examines blood and performs biopsies on tissue regularly. “Cells don’t lie, clots don’t lie, damaged organs don’t lie,” said Cole in his October 22 interview with Jan Jekielek on Epoch Times TV. Trained at the Mayo Clinic, Cole practices “high-volume pathology.” He believes he has done more biopsies than most biologists—around 500,000, a number that represents the “career of three biologists.” Cole said in an introductory video in the report:
“Lymphomas, leukemias, blood cancers [are on the rise] because that spike goes to the bone marrow. The lipid nanoparticle carries the mRNA to your dividing stem cells. Because it doesn’t stay in the arm, it can go into any cell in your body, and it turns that cell into a spike factory. It inhibits the ability of your DNA to repair itself. It binds to our mitochondria and destroys the energy of our brain cells. [It] Destroys the energy of our liver cells and destroys the energy of any cell that gets into your own immune system, attacks those cells. That spike protein causes mechanisms of cancer in many people. And I’ve been seeing that in the lab. I’ve been having it confirmed by oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, and pathologists all around the world as I travel,”
In another interview with Steve Kirsch on October 16, Cole also states he is seeing people pass away 5 to 6 months after the injection. “The spike protein causes inflammation in the blood vessels, and blood vessels are in every organ of the body,” adds Cole. He contends it is the chronic inflammation in the vessels that can cause chronic disease over time, whether it is coronary disease, cancer, or other potentially fatal diseases. It is important to note that the spike protein present from natural infection clears much more quickly from the human body than does the spike protein from the mRNA injections.
Cole cites Dr. Aseem Malhotra in the UK, whose perfectly healthy father passed his cardiac exam with flying colors but died six months later of “severe coronary disease after his second shot.” Cole maintains the spike protein causes “a smoldering wildfire until the burden of the disease and the burden of the inflammation finally adds up to incompatibility with life.” He adds there is no reason death couldn’t happen even a year after the jab. “Five or six months seems to be the peak,” says Cole. “But there is no reason, based on the lack of studies, that it [death] couldn’t happen within a one-year period of time.”
The mRNA and Cancer report from Edify Research is divided into three sections of slides which show a statistical correlation “on a specific timeline between U.S. mRNA injection rates and cancer rates.” Part 1 provides key data, graphing data sets for cancers and mRNA injection rates “graphed over time.” Data was collected from the “CDC, The Ethical Skeptic, VAERSanalysisinfo., and teammate John Beaudoin.” The graphs show a strong correlation between mRNA injection and cancers with “high confidence in findings.” The graphs are overlaid with lines for median cancer and median mRNA to minimize the effect of statistical outliers.
Parts 2.1 and 2.2 essentially expose the collusion between the CDC and WHO and their use and/or alleged manipulation of ICD-10 coding to further their agendas and to perpetuate “the COVID-19 fraud construct,” as explained in Sept. 2021 by Political Moonshine. The Ethical Skeptic referred to the manipulation of data and information as the “lyin’tific method” back in February of 2022 when anyone who deviated from the narrative about COVID or the vaccines was called a conspiracy theorist.
The Ethical Skeptic provides evidence showing the manipulation of data by the CDC, including the removal of “40 to 75 cancer death records from the MMWR database altogether, each and every week of the last 18 weeks.” He also reports the manipulation of ICD-10 codes to “obfuscate” or “to artificially suppress cancer mortality rates.” Parts 2.1 and 2.2 of the report expand on the governmental “interdependent system” that exploits ICD-10 vulnerabilities in design as a mechanism for fraud. The Ethical Skeptic exposes diagnoses that are “steered” through National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) memos, coding guidelines, and incentivized federal dollars. The “gaming” of the system allows the CDC to “make its mRNA vaccines appear to be performing better than they are.” The emerging data shows a tragically different picture, despite the CDC’s best efforts to hide the data.
The CDC Has a Problem: Part 2 of 3/Ethical Skeptic

This column will now focus on Part 1, the correlation between the injections and cancer during specifically named periods of time.
Part 1 Overview: Cancer Is Highly Correlated with Injections
As of September 21, 2022, the CDC showed vaccination rates of at least one dose to be 79.5% of the total population. 67.8% completed the primary series. Those who completed the first booster doses were 48.7% of the total population. 35.5% of the population greater than the age of 50 received the second booster, and 42.8% of the population greater than the age of 65. At the time of the CDC report, over 800,000,00 vaccine doses were distributed, and over 600,000,000 were administered. (See slide 18) As time passed and news of the alleged harmful effects and lack of efficacy of the shots emerged, strong evidence of resistance to taking the jabs emerged. (slide 19).
CDC Vaccination Rates/Slide 18/Edify mRNA report

Slides are broken out into various cohorts in slides 21-26; CDC reporting of total vaccination rates, total booster rates by age, and total booster rates by race/ethnicity, total vaccination rates by sex/age for two different timelines; August 31, 2021 – September 21, 2022, and December 14, 2020 – September 21, 2022. Those and other graphs seem to show an unequivocal correlation between cancer and injections.
Also discussed is the finding from Swedish researchers alleging that “immunosuppression caused by the COVID spike protein entering the cell nucleus is a red flag that cancers may also result” after the COVID vaccination. Additionally, when the immune system is suppressed, the body is more likely to fight diseases like cancer. Ultimately, the report shows that the “increase in U.S. cancer rates after the mRNA introduction is highly anomalous and highly concerning.”
Rise In Excess Deaths
Excess deaths are also up significantly worldwide. The Ethical Skeptic comments on the excess deaths, which he attributes to an “intervention” introduced in early 2021—the mRNA injection. There was a critical inflection point in week 14 of its introduction, around April 10, 2021. There was a second critical inflection point on December 11, 2021. See the complete graph on slide 36.
Per the Ethical Skeptic in slide 34, excess non-COVID natural cause mortality hit an all-time high in week 36 of 2022, representing a five-week average of 5+ sigma in excess while “hedging conservatively for lag.” According to the Ethical Skeptic, the rise in lymphomas and cancers did “not exist during the 2020 COVID pandemic period.” December 11, 2020, was the date “the first mRNA “vaccinations” were authorized for use.” The graph below shows the “variance against trend,” where things were relatively stable, and suddenly, the slope took off with a steep increase in cancers.
Slide 49/Ethical Skeptic/Edify Report/Curve Takes Off

“372,000 younger Americans have died of some additional factor since CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) week 14 of 2021,” according to the Ethical Skeptic.
Slide 34/Exhibit E/Ethical Skeptic/Edify Report/Exhibit E – Excess Non-Covid, Natural Cause Deaths, are at an all-time high as of MMWR Week 36 of 2022. 372,000 US citizens have died of some additional factor since MMWR Week 14 of 2021. The current excess mortality rate represents a five-week average of 5+ sigma in excess (hedging conservatively for lag). The faded green curve is the rate of full vaccination percentage by week, historically, in the United States. See PFE Footnote7

By MMWR Week 3 of 2022, according to the Ethical Skeptic, “a disruptive pattern began to manifest in the non-COVID mortality group…which could no longer be denied.”
The data is presented without remarks. Skeptic/Edify Report

Jean Beaudoin Examines MA Death Certificates
To track various malignancies, Jean Beaudoin looked at death certificates from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. His graphs showed deviations from the norm beginning in 2021 using years 2015-2019 as a baseline starting on slide 60. He also shows abnormal tumors at the injection site. Some of his graphs are shown below:

Beaudoin, who matriculated in 2020 at the Massachusetts School of Law, applied for a religious exemption for the vaccine when it was mandated at his law school. It was neither accepted nor rejected, but he was subsequently “unenrolled” from the school in “late August 2021 before the registration deadline for the semester.” Beaudoin attempted to enroll at other law schools, but they all required the COVID-19 vaccine. All schools based their mandates on the “safety profile” of the vaccines. He was then moved to investigate the cause of deaths as well as “patterns in death certificates authored by a few medical examiners” and other “fraudulent or error-prone patterns” related to deaths classified as COVID-related.
Beaudoin Affidavit

Beaudoin later filed a lawsuit in August 2022 alleging that COVID-19 was “wrongly listed as the cause of death” in countless cases “when, in fact, COVID-19 had no causal relationship to the death. All these fraudulent misrepresentations aggregate to support a false narrative that has injured Plaintiff and continues to injure society by depriving generations of people of accurate information to make an informed consent and convincing institutions to coerce people under color of law to take an experimental biological product not fully tested in humans, and one that can possibly kill them and has killed many.” A complete summary of his findings from MA death certificates can be found in the exhibits listed in his lawsuit.
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