Friday, April 26, 2024

Faux Ukraine history

Back in the day, the Rus where Norsemen  who then converted to Christianity.  Even further back my own ancestry was Saxon by way of the Carpathians and self described as German.  In fact ,with a name change these Rus are our norse men out of the baltic.

Thus no such thing as Ukrainian people ever existed.

Essentially a faux nationalism was created with no true basis.   it is now been reformed through education.  Nothing wrong with that.  Recall all those little americans and Canadians.  it obviously works in the day of universal education.

The more serious problem is external meddling.

Faux Ukraine history

(Two NY Times Headlines What's different?) 
May 7, 1986: Nuclear Accident in the Ukraine 
April 23, 2024: Aid to Ukraine is on Its Way

From time to time, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times is asked why we refer to that corrupt puppet state based in Kiev as "Ukraine" (using quotes). That's because the so-called nation of "Ukraine" -- known for the longest time simply as "the Ukraine" --- and the very idea of "Ukrainian Nationalism" itself are actually artificially created concepts cooked up and incited by western intelligence agencies for the purpose of splitting up the Soviet Union / Russia. The Ukraine is a REGION --- like say, the Ohio Valley, or the Caucasus, the Florida Everglades, or the French Riviera etc. The Globalist script writers dropped the grammatical article "the" so as to transform this 1200-year-old REGION (the Ukraine) of Russia into a proper, though concocted nation (Ukraine). Modern day brainwashed normies of "Ukraine" -- having been suckled on toxic Globalist teats dripping irrational hatred for their Russian brothers for several decades -- now take offense to the use of "the" as a prefix for their "nation." But the facts of real history show how foolish this artificial "nationalism" really is. . 

The massive federation of 800s Kievan Rus was the historical, ethnic, linguistic Viking ancestor entity of Belarus, Russia, and "Ukraine." The Mongols took control in the 1200s, and when their grip was finally broken some 200 years later, the center of power and influence emerged in Moscow, though Kiev always remained an important part of the Russian Empire. Thus, from the early days of Kievan Rus, down through the centuries of the Tsars, and for most of the 20th Century as part of the Soviet Union, the Ukraine was nothing more than a region -- with its westernmost inhabitants speaking a bastardized dialect of Russian, and the now oppressed easterners never deviating at all from their Russianity.

1 & 2. The Ukraine was Russian / Rus since the day when the Vikings arrived and merged with the Slavics, who had invited them to rule over them. // 3. Modern day "Ukrainians" now take offense at the descriptive "the" for their region. A large number of gullible dupes in the western half have been poisoned with fake"ultra-nationalism" and "neo-Nazism" created in CIA / Mossad laboratories and injected by the NGO groups.

Ukraine's western distance from the Russian center and its slight cultural differences gave the "usual suspects" an opening to use "nationalism" to play their usual divide and conquer scheme -- very similar to the fake-ass "Bavarian Nationalism" movement which (((they))) juiced up in an effort to further splinter Germany after World War I -- and also strikingly similar to how secessionist secret society conspirators in the American South spent the 25 years leading up to the Civil War riling up the newspaper-reading normies of Dixieland into an irrational fear of Union "tyranny" and hatred for "Yankees." . After the Soros-CIA-engineered disintegration of the Soviet Union, "Ukrainian" secessionism became a reality -- though there was still much propaganda work to be done to generate the hatred needed to sustain a war which (had it not been for the ascension of Commander Trump) would have expanded into World War 3. The dangerous final phase of this decades-long project to turn brother against brother began with the violent CIA-Mossad coup of "Ukraine's" elected Russia-friendly government, in 2014. That bloody infamy was incited by Senator John McStain (later executed by Trump) and Victoria Nuland (probably dead and replaced by now as well). For that reason, and with all due respect to the mentally and physically captive inmates of the Orwellian asylum that is today's "Ukraine" -- the Anti-NY Times will continue to "cancel" this fake state entity known as "Ukraine" by using quotes, or simply reverting back to the age old Russian regional name: the Ukraine.

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