Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Study Reveals Key Alzheimer's Pathway – And Blocking It Reverses Symptoms in Mice

This is promising and may well lead to a theraputic protocol which is now lacking.  Is this damage even age trelated?  That remais unclear and that is unexpected.

Any odd imbalace could produce this narritive and it can be lifelong'  only showing up late.

I do wonder because genetic disorders can be held off an entire lifetime.

Study Reveals Key Alzheimer's Pathway – And Blocking It Reverses Symptoms in Mice

04 January 2025

(BlackJack3D/E+/Getty Images)


A sequence of stress signals among specialized clean-up cells in the brain could at last reveal why some immune responses can cause significant nerve degeneration that results in the loss of memory, judgement, and awareness behind Alzheimer's disease.

Blocking this pathway in mouse brains modeled on Alzheimer's prevented damage to their synapse connections and reduced the buildup of potentially toxic tau proteins – both hallmarks of the condition.

The researchers, led by a team from the City University of New York (CUNY), believe this pathway – called the integrated stress response (ISR) – causes brain immune cells called microglia to go 'dark' and start damaging rather than benefiting the brain.

The researchers looked at the effects of stress on microglia cells. (Flury et al., Neuron, 2024)

"We set out to answer what are the harmful microglia in Alzheimer's disease and how can we therapeutically target them," says CUNY neuroscientist Pinar Ayata.

"We pinpointed a novel neurodegenerative microglia phenotype in Alzheimer's disease characterized by a stress-related signaling pathway."

Haywire immune cells have previously been linked to Alzheimer's, prompting the team to use an electron scanning process to identify the buildup of dark microglia in human brains affected by Alzheimer's.

Finding around twice as many stressed microglia in brains with the condition compared with healthy brains, the researchers went on to show how the ISR pathway was causing dark microglia to release harmful lipids into the brain's tissues.

It was these damaging fats that caused the damage to synapses and neuron communication seen in Alzheimer's.

Brain scans were used to identify dark microglia. (Flury et al., Neuron, 2024)

As is often the case with Alzheimer's research, a better understanding of how the disease operates can also give scientists more ideas for how to treat it. If treatments that block ISR can work safely and effectively in humans, the method could potentially slow the chaos that Alzheimer's causes in our own brain.

"These findings reveal a critical link between cellular stress and the neurotoxic effects of microglia in Alzheimer's disease," says molecular biologist Anna Flury from CUNY.

"Targeting this pathway may open up new avenues for treatment by either halting the toxic lipid production or preventing the activation of harmful microglial phenotypes."

The team behind this study found that the misfolded protein malfunctions that often drive dementia could be triggering the ISR to begin with, meaning that these signals are both a result of Alzheimer's and a reason for its further progression.

Further studies should make this relationship clearer, now that we have a better idea of how the ISR pathway and dark microglia act in the brain – and from there, hopefully, new approaches to therapies.

"Such treatments could significantly slow or even reverse the progression of Alzheimer's disease, offering hope to millions of patients and their families," says neuroscientist Leen Aljayousi, from CUNY.

The research has been published in Neuron.

Scientists Discover Mystery Volcano That Cooled The Globe in 1831

Rather clearly we need to do two things.  We need to sample every known volcano and also every signatre in the ice cores.

Our biggest threat in the northern hemisphere are those nasty volcanoes in the Northern Pacific.  And we can get a 12,000 year history from Greenland.

understand we have cultural history here, including fifth century AD and 1159 BCE as well.  If we can sort out 1831 ,we can get the rest.

folks, it has been actually quiet for a long time.  We truly need to be much better prepared, not least with cold weather crops ready to apply if it happens.  You cannot change what is planted, but you can go to oats for new plantings.

Scientists Discover Mystery Volcano That Cooled The Globe in 1831

Nature04 January 2025

Cores extracted from the Greenland ice sheet. (Michael Sigl)

In 1831, somewhere on Earth's surface, a portal to the underworld appeared.

A massive volcano opened wide its jaws and belched forth so much ash and smoke that the skies dimmed, cooling the Northern Hemisphere.

Crops failed. People starved. Yet for all the devastation, the volcano's location remained a mystery.

Now, through the careful analysis of ash from the eruption that had been trapped and preserved in the Greenland ice sheet, a team led by volcanologist William Hutchison of the University of St Andrews in the UK has found the culprit.

The world-changing event has at last been linked with the Zavaritskii volcano on Simushir of the Kuril Islands, an uninhibited strip of land barely 59 kilometers (37 miles) in length located between Russia and Japan.

Hutchison and his colleagues compared the chemistry of microscopic shards of ash extracted from Greenland ice cores with samples from the Zavaritskii caldera, and found a perfect match.

The rim of the Zavaristkii caldera shows striking red layers of deposits from past eruptions. (Oleg Dirksen)

"Finding the match took a long time and required extensive collaboration with colleagues from Japan and Russia, who sent us samples collected from these remote volcanoes decades ago," Hutchison says.

"The moment in the lab when we analyzed the two ashes together, one from the volcano and one from the ice core, was a genuine eureka moment. I couldn't believe the numbers were identical. After this, I spent a lot of time delving into the age and size of the eruption in Kuril records to truly convince myself that the match was real."

Today in the 21st century, humanity has access to a suite of tools that allows us to identify the sites of geological activity, from global seismic monitoring stations, to a swarm of Earth-monitoring satellites in low orbit. Back in 1831, nearly 200 years ago, these tools didn't exist; so a volcanic eruption on a remote, uninhabited island could easily evade identification.

One eruption thought to be responsible for the global cooling event from 1831 to 1833 was attributed to Babuyan Claro in the Philippines.

This, a 2018 paper discovered, never actually happened.

Another theory, based on the sulfur belched during the eruption, suggested that the volcano may have been on Graham Island, a disappearing-reappearing volcanic mass in the Strait of Sicily. Hutchison and his colleagues found that the sulfur in the ice cores confirmed an 1831 eruption in the Northern Hemisphere, but did not match this location.

Instead, their work found evidence of what is known as a Plinian eruption, one that is similar to the eruption of Vesuvius. A closer examination of microscopic volcanic glass shards recovered from the Greenland ice showed an exact match to samples from Simushir.

The Zavaritskii caldera, as photographed from the International Space Station. (NASA)

And we have a crater to prove it. Today, Zavaritskii is dominated by a caldera – the hollow basin that remains when a volcano explodes. This caldera likely formed during that 1831 eruption, the researchers say.

The team's estimates for the volume of volcanic matter spewed forth from Earth's guts would cause cooling of around 1 degree Celsius – comparable to the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.

Volcanoes on Earth often continue to remain active for eons; and one that catastrophically erupts once can do so again. The team's findings suggest that remote volcanoes need to be studied and monitored more closely.

"There are so many volcanoes like this, which highlights how difficult it will be to predict when or where the next large-magnitude eruption might occur," Hutchison says.

"As scientists and as a society, we need to consider how to coordinate an international response when the next large eruption, like the one in 1831, happens."

The research has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Learning from the Family Cow

What we need to relearn is that this agricultural protocol fed the massive population expansion of both Europe and the Americas.

Not so easy today in the urban environment but daily delivery of fresh milk can become a business again.  After all, the economic basis for urban living is diminishing.  And every natural community needs a small herd of dairy cows to provide supply.  Much easier to manage than one cow for a family.

Read through this and you will readily understand just how potent this all was.

Learning from the Family Cow

What Rosie, the family milk cow, taught me about being a creature – and a mother.

January 1, 2025

It was a perfect spring day. Fluffy clouds floated in the sky overhead. Lush grass carpeted the ground. A chorus of wrens and chickadees chirped continuously in the trees. Mother, father, and three towheaded children enjoyed the vernal splendor; two friends joined us. Together, we walked the pastures in search of newborn lambs.

Finally, we saw one. Actually, two. Two newborn lambs stood by their mother under a tree. Their legs wobbled; their coats matted from their mother’s cleaning. One lamb drank vigorously and butted the mother’s bag, demanding more; the other lamb fell down. Then, her mother kicked her out of the way. We watched nervously. “Did you see her swallow?” my friend, Martha, whispered. “Should we help her latch?”

I looked over at Martha; we’d had this conversation before. When I gave birth, Martha provided my maternity care. When my firstborn daughter did not want to nurse, Martha was at my side, coaching me: “Look! Did you see her swallow? Should we help her latch?” As I looked from the sheep to my doctor to my daughter, I had a moment of recognition. I am not just a farmer, I am a creature too.

In his book The Bible and Ecology, New Testament scholar Richard Bauckham writes:

Modern Western people, beginning with the Renaissance, forgot their own creatureliness, their embeddedness within creation, their interdependence with other creatures. They sought to liberate themselves from nature, to transcend their own dependence on nature, and conceived themselves as functionally gods in relation to nature.

We no longer look at a lamb and recognize our own experience. When we regard a cow, we do not remember ourselves. We may consider ourselves lovers of nature or lords of nature, but we do not consider ourselves part of nature.

Genesis 1 recounts the creation of the heavens and the earth. The Lord created night and day, sky and water, dry land and plants, the sun and the moon, creatures in the water, birds in the air, and beasts of the land. Then, on the sixth day, the Lord makes humankind. Humans alone are made in God’s image; no other creature bears this distinction. Humans alone “rule” over other creatures; no other creature receives this vocation. When we read Genesis, we tend to focus on human distinctiveness and human dominion, but we fail to notice – or forget – that humans are creatures too. Like the fish and the birds and the beasts, we are created. Like the fish and the birds and the beasts, each one of us has a body, a beginning, and an end.

Photographs courtesy of the author.

We are creatures not the creator. This is the fundamental distinction of scripture and Christian theology: the distinction between God and all that is not God. However, humans, in their hubris, have changed the terms. Humans – Christians – have established a new, primary distinction: the distinction between man and everything else.

But it is not so in the Bible. Again and again, scripture places humans among – not above – the vast multitude of creatures. Psalm 104 declares: “How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” Here, humans stand alongside lions and the leviathan as those who receive their food from God in due season. Psalm 148 describes the praise of lightning and hail, fruit trees and cedars, men and women. The writer of the great Christ hymn in Colossians 1 does not single out humans but includes them among “all things” in heaven and on earth. In the apocalyptic vision of John, the redeemed worship alongside every creature in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, giving praise and honor and glory to God (Rev. 5:13).

The Bible does not focus on human uniqueness and supremacy. In most instances, scripture assumes, but does not belabor, the human calling to rule and subdue the earth. The Old and New Testaments simply do not reflect our anxiety about human supremacy. Instead, scripture focuses on the glory of God, and it is the great multitude of creatures – not man alone – that magnifies God’s name. The variety and number of created things, all made by God and dependent on God, demonstrate God’s power and creativity. Sun and moon, shining stars, mountains, sea creatures, humans, and more; together these creatures form a chorus of praise to the one, uncreated Lord of heaven and earth. Together, they display the breadth of God’s generosity and creativity in a way no single living thing may do alone. To listen only to human praise is to muffle the song of creation. To elevate and isolate human creatures is to diminish the glory of God – and to distort humanity.

Historian Lynn White Jr., himself a churchman, famously blamed the church for our modern ecological crisis: “Christianity is the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen.” Yet the distinction between man and nature persists in the secular environmental movement as well. In his book Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community, Wendell Berry makes this case:

The idea that we live in something called “the environment,” for instance, is utterly preposterous … An “environment” means that which surrounds or encircles us; it means a world separate from ourselves, outside us. The real state of things, of course, is far more complex and intimate and interesting than that. The world that environs us, that is around us, is also within us. We are made of it; we eat, drink, and breathe it; it is bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh.

As Berry points out, when we speak of the environment, we refer to something that is fundamentally separate from ourselves. The environment is what humans save or protect, but humans are not part of it. The environmental movement erects this separation to limit human devastation of the nonhuman world, but, still, the separation is false. It fails the test of science and scripture.

Genesis proclaims that from the dust of the earth God made the flesh of man. This strange birth resembles the origin of Eve, whom God formed from Adam’s rib. In both cases, the Lord uses something that God has already created – the earth, a man – to make something new. In both cases, the new creation takes its name from the old, woman from man, Adam from earth. Yet we read these accounts differently. We readily acknowledge the kinship of man and woman, but too often deny the relation between man and the earth.

Readers of the Bible have promoted the false distinction between man and everything else, but I believe that the Bible can help correct it. Within the pages of scripture, there is a counternarrative. Humans are part of the community of creation. We stand among – not above – all created things. Our flourishing depends upon the flourishing of our nonhuman neighbors, and we all depend upon God. God has not abandoned the world he created; he has suffered with the world, and for the world, in the person of his Son, who promised that he would one day make all things new. God is the only one who can save the world; humans are created to care for it. But in order to be good stewards, we must remember that we are creatures.

Something surprising happened to me on that perfect spring day. I had three children and had vowed that I would not have more, but the lambs changed my mind. I had remembered motherhood as isolation, being cooped up inside on a cold winter day with a newborn and two toddlers. However, watching the ewes and lambs helped me think differently, to see myself as part of a community of mothers, human and nonhuman alike.

A year later my daughter, Phoebe, was born. Like the newborn lambs on our farm, Phoebe had to figure out how to latch and how to stand. Unlike our sheep, I benefited from the help of older children and a dedicated mate. I never kicked my newborn when she wanted to nurse, though I admit that sometimes I ignored her. Even so, when the time came to wean our daughter, I wasn’t quite ready. I was ready to give up the regular schedule of nursing, but I was not quite ready to give up my role in providing sustenance for my child. So, for our birthdays – Phoebe’s first and my fortieth – I asked for a milk cow.

A few months later, my husband brought home Rosie. Rosie was the most beautiful cow I had ever seen. Her face has the delicate bone structure of a deer, not the stockiness of our beef cows. White flecks dot her brown coat, including a jagged heart on her left side. Her big, dark-rimmed eyes suggest a Disney princess, not a bovine. What a birthday gift!

For a year now, Rosie’s milk has been the staple of Phoebe’s diet. On most mornings, Phoebe walks down to the stanchion with me, and she plays nearby while I milk. One day, when Phoebe was enthusiastically petting Rosie’s calf, I had another moment of recognition: the two of them have the same diet. The calf drinks from the udder, and Phoebe drinks from a cup; but the two of them get most of their calories from the same animal.

Animals who provide care for young, vulnerable offspring to which they are not related are called alloparents by anthropologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, who has written extensively on the topic. Hrdy notes this kind of cooperation among birds, humans, and other mammals. Magpie jays in Costa Rica bring back food to someone else’s nest; lemur mothers take turns nursing the young, freeing the other mother to look for food.

You might say that I weaned my daughter, or you might say that I found an alloparent. Rosie provided what I could no longer give: milk. But I retained a role, getting the milk from Rosie’s bag to Phoebe’s cup each day. In this small way, I share one of my parental duties, not just with my husband, but with a cow.

Would you call this dominion or dependence? Maybe both. For me, it’s a new kind of partnership – a partnership that makes me feel more human and, at the same time, more like the dust of the earth.

The Ben Gurion Canal project

This got a little press recently and it should be built.  We are now seeing true mega projects been built all over even with sketchy economics.  Build and they will come.  What this will do is provide shipping security through Suez which we have seen disrupted already a couple of times.  That is reasonable.  

The Israelis should also make Egypt a working partner as well.  This may sound crazy, but why not.  After all add in my transport corridor running through from Alezandria around to the West Bank and up through Lebonon at least and then to Aleppo and Istanbul and we can have a huge inland port as well.

Way more important is that this canal becomes a natural resovoir able to water vast tracts of the Negev at the least with sea water.  The objective would be to initially create a saline wetland allowing ample plant cover. and full on humidity.

We should be able to create mangrove forests covering the entire Negev and progressive daily hydration be rain at night will slowly lower the salt content.

In this way the Canal can provide a duel purpose.  And egypt can do the same thing on either side of the Sue

The Ben Gurion Canal project

Published on 05-12-2024 12:38 Last modified: 05-16-2024 15:42


The Ben-Gurion Canal project is an ambitious proposal by Israel to construct a massive canal connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. This 160-mile (257 km) canal would traverse the Negev Desert and the southern end of the Gulf of Aqaba, bypassing the Suez Canal and challenging Egypt's long-standing monopoly on the crucial shipping route between Europe and Asia.

The proposed canal would originate from the Israeli port city of Eilat on the Red Sea, cross the Jordanian border, flow through the Arabah Valley, enter the Dead Sea, and then head northward around the Gaza Strip before reaching the Mediterranean. The estimated cost of this colossal undertaking is a staggering USD 100 billion, with significant security concerns arising from the constant military threat in the region.

Speculations abound that Israel's desire to control Gaza and eliminate the influential Hamas organization is inextricably linked to unlocking the immense economic opportunities presented by the Ben-Gurion Canal. The potential economic gains from this project are projected to far outweigh the astronomical construction costs, with the canal expected to become highly profitable within a short period. By sharing the financial burden with co-developers, the canal's construction would become more affordable and manageable.

Proponents of the project envision the canal generating an annual revenue of USD 10 billion as international trade between the East and West continues to soar. This strategic waterway would not only create a direct and cost-effective alternative to the Suez Canal but also serve as a potent tool in restraining China's burgeoning economic might and its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative.

The Ben-Gurion Canal would boast remarkable engineering specifications, with each of its two branches designed to be 50 meters deep and approximately 200 meters wide. These dimensions would surpass the Suez Canal's depth by 10 meters, allowing for the seamless passage of the world's largest ships measuring up to 300 meters in length and 110 meters in width. Additionally, the canal's rocky walls would require minimal maintenance compared to the sandy shores of the Suez Canal.

Beyond its economic and strategic significance, the Ben-Gurion Canal could also serve as a catalyst for regional cooperation and peace. In an optimistic scenario where Israel and Palestine reach a mutually agreeable solution, such as a two-state model or a union of independent states, the canal could traverse both territories, fostering economic interdependence and serving as a symbolic bridge between the two peoples.

While the Ben-Gurion Canal faces numerous challenges, including immense costs, security risks, and potential environmental concerns, its proponents argue that the potential rewards far outweigh the risks. As the global economy continues to evolve and power dynamics shift, the Ben-Gurion Canal could emerge as a game-changer, reshaping trade routes, bolstering regional economies, and potentially redefining geopolitical alliances in the Middle East and beyond.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Toe Nail Fungus Resolution


There has been a lot of marketing aimed at this problem, pretty well all of which are ineffective.  There is also ample commentary on social media also addressing this issue.  Again actual practise turns out to be disappointing.

Your doctor will suggest a surgical solution which forces the body to regrow the removed tissues.  That fails as well.

As it turns out, I have been afflicted by this problem on two minor toes and one large toe for years and have actually experimented with just about everything out there.  Again with no success until this past year.  i will not waste your time talking about those failures like all the marketers do. The reality is that your nail protects the root fungal infection from external applications and the infection is also external to your internal system.

Castor oil is a penetrating oil and also a fungicide.  I always wondered what the old machinists meant by a penetrating oil.  When i first applied  Castor oil, the first effect was that the thickened popcorned nails shrunk back to normal thickness.  This had never happened before with anything else.  I kept at it.

It took a while, but what i learned to do finally was to apply a thick layer and allow it to actually penetrate.  This takes a full twenty minutes and it will be absorbed.  Doing this after a few days  of repetition the cuticle separated leaving a fresh skin contact zone. Again, take your time with this and be generous with the oil.

No one can guaratee a result,  but I do think that my nails will finish off clean. They appear clear right now while I wait for the nail to carry off damaged nail portions. If not, I can simply do a do over anytime it shows up.  This is definately superior to having an infected nail.

My take home is that it impacts immediately and an ample application is necessary to really get on top of it with a twenty minute absorption time.  I went months before I did a heavy timed application and then it worked fast.

The Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology

I am deeply interested in these snippets of information arising from norse literature, most of which was truly lost.  they were actively literate and did transcribe their travelers tales and cultural lore as well.  The Greek Mythos was much of the same and it is my contention that the so called GODS were human beings who had a handy access to an elixer that gave them life extension.

Inasmuch as the global Atlantean sea borne civilzation lasted at least from around 3000 BCE or 5000 BP through 1159 BCE,  A sharing of culture and those pantheons of important folks was possible for both.  Do also recall that the Greeks left the Baltic in 1159 BCE and fell upon the Aegean as the dorean invaders.  ( two decade climatic disaster including tsunami ).

What this shares is a name for the inner earth which is new information.  Our extant sketch of the Inner Earth shows us one such world and surely several more is plausible.  Their cultural memory informs us that all this is downward.  Perhaps our spirit bodies reconstitute there as physical beings.  It seems plausible in view of our deepening understanding..

The Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology

Jan 2

Modern heathenism has been fascinated by the concept of the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology and readily provides the names of these worlds and their meanings. Academics are equally guilty. Whereas this is a good practice from a psycho-analytical point of view, we should remember that this has little to do with what our ancestors understood by the concept.

Only three passages mention the Nine Worlds and they are Voluspa 2, Vafthrudnismal 43 and Gylfaginning 34. One more passage briefly skims the concept, and that is Skirnismal 35.

Völuspá is the first and best known poem of the Poetic Edda. "Odin and the Völva" (1895) by Lorenz Frølich. (Public Domain)

Let’s look at the relevant fragments.

Of Nine Worlds, I Remember:

Voluspa 2

Níu man ek heima, níu íviðjur, mjötvið mæran fyr mold neðan.

‘Of nine worlds, I remember, nine giantesses, the famous Mjötvið, beneath the earth.’

Vafthrudnismal 43

Níu kom ek heima fyr Níflhel neðan; hinig deyja ór helju halir.

‘Nine worlds I traveled beneath in Niflhel, where die the heroes from Hel.’

Gylfaginning 34

Hel kastaði hann í Niflheim ok gaf henni vald yfir níu heimum.

‘[Odin] cast Hel in Niflheim and gave her power over nine worlds.’

Skirnismal 35

Hrímgrímnir heitir þurs, er þik hafa skal fyr nágrindr neðan; þar þér vílmegir á viðarrótum geitahland gefi; æðri drykkju fá þú aldregi.

‘Hrimgrimnir is called the Thurs who will own you beneath in Nagrind. There villains at the tree’s roots will give you goat piss. Another drink you will never fetch.’

In each case, the “nine worlds” are under the earth. And in three out of four times, these “worlds” are related to the Underworld, at one time Niflhel and Hel, at another time Niflheim. Lastly it is related to Nagrind, which is Valhalla’s main gate, but Valhalla is a place of the dead, too. And it is certainly depicted below the earth. Hel, Niflhel and Niflheim are interchangeably used in the sources. Originally, Valhalla may have been situated in Hel. Ellis-Davidson certainly argues so.

A depiction of valkyries encountering the god Heimdallr as they carry a dead man to Valhalla (1906) by Lorenz Frølich. (Public Domain)

Especially the quote from Gylfaginning seems to identify the nine worlds with the realm of the dead. The line can just as well be translated as “he cast Hel into Niflheim and gave her power over the nine worlds.” Niflheim and the nine worlds then cover one and the same domain. The goddess Hel traditionally governs the dead. Even Balder arrives in her halls when he is slain.

Hel corresponds to Vrouw Holle or Frau Holle from Dutch and German folk tales. In her legend, two girls reach her world by jumping into a well. She lives underground, and this is where the girls find her. The well may be reminiscent of Urd’s Well at Yggdrasil’s roots.

Bill Gates: The Ugliest Evil on Earth with Dr sircus

When it comes to Gates  I am inclined to keep a low profile.  his career looks way to much like a DEEP STATE Operative followng his parents globalist agenda.  Claims of intellectual talent have always been overstated.

Somehow he literally owns or controls the global vaccine industry.  Why him? We certainly understand that death rates do not bother him.  That was impossible at Microsoft, but here we have a eugenisists dream.  His parents were so deep into that.

He truly appears to be a plausible clone of hitler and equally convinced of his infallibility.  It all must end badly.

Yet we simply can only watch.

Bill Gates: The Ugliest Evil on Earth

Dr. Sircus

Jan 2

There is a sickness of the mind, a debilitating disease of the soul, that vexes the world’s ruling class. However, some stick out as being evil beyond the others, with Bill Gates probably taking the first prize. “I know most about Gates because I’ve written a book about him,” says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “He’s gotten control of the World Health Organization so that they mandate vaccines all over the world, and the companies that make those vaccines are, Gates’ and many of them the major shareholder.”

It is also notable that Gates linked vaccines not only to public health, but also to his other great project for humanity and planet earth—reducing carbon emissions.

John Leake

Kenndy, thinking about Gates, said, “I think the real tell is was what happened with the DTP vaccine, which is diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Because Gates is pushing this shot, it’s now the number one vaccine in the world, DTP. And it’s mainly given in Africa. It was that particular shot was discontinued in the United States because it was killing or badly injuring 1 out of every 300 kids who took it. We ended it in Europe and the United States, but Gates gives it to every kid in Africa.”

In a recent statement, Russia’s top general accused the United States of using Africa as a testing ground for medical experiments, including drug trials, and alleged that the U.S. is spreading pandemics through a network of secret biological laboratories. It smells like something Gates loves to be involved in.

What can we say about Gates’s friends and anyone who would listen to him?

Billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are funding schemes that seek to fight “global warming” by using “climate vaccines” in the food supply. Gates and Bezos are pushing plans to vaccinate livestock animals destined for human consumption to reduce “methane emissions supposedly.” Bezos, the founder of online retail giant Amazon, is investing $9.4 million to develop a “climate vaccine.” The “vaccine,” in theory, would be designed to reduce the number of methane-producing microbes in a cow’s stomach, Agriland reported. No such “vaccine” currently exists, despite scientists sporadically researching the use of vaccinations to reduce methane for over four decades.

Inciting Vaccine Violence

There is so much bad to say about Gates and knowing where to begin is hard. The Headline: Bill Gates goes full totalitarian: Insists AI could censor ‘threats’ from ‘vaccine hesitancy’ “Bill Gates often has expressed extremism in supporting his agenda that appears to include massive levels of one-world government, such as the submitting to World Health Organization agendas, and mandatory vaccines for people whether they help or not. Now, he’s stepped further into the morass. He is suggesting artificial intelligence, or AI, censor people who are “inciting violence” by expressing doubt about vaccines. The fact that vaccines are not always beneficial is no longer a question mark, given the tens of thousands of people injured by the side effects, which include death, of the COVID-19 shots that were mandated during the pandemic.”

A report at Slay News explains that Gates is now calling for “members of the general public to be censored by artificial intelligence (AI) if they question the official narratives regarding ‘vaccines.’ “He was discussing the ‘threat’ of ‘anti-vaxxers’ and promoting plans for handling ‘vaccine hesitancy’ using ‘real-time’ censorship imposed by AI,” Slay News explained. He charged that since “anti-vaxxers” are “inciting violence” by urging people to avoid vaccines, they therefore are a “threat” to the public.

Chinese population Stats


Chinese population Stats

Hi folks. Back at it after a holiday break.

I came across an item on utube challenging the official population stats from China.  The author makes the specific claim that todays numbers show an 500,000,000 overcount since 1980.  And those numbers in 1980 may also be inflated.  His key point though is that China's population was around one billion or more likely much lower and that india came in around 800,000,000.  The obvious point though is that they were similar and may well have been the same.

what matters is that India did nothing and is arriving at a poulation now of around 1,500,000,000.  At almost no time except just recently has fertility fallen below replacement.  During this entire period, the CCP has enforced a one child policy in no uncertain terms. We even know this from the crying and winging it produced.  that was never faked.

Thus for over forty years, we have had an imposed fertility rate around 1.1 at best while india got 2,? all through it.  Obviously it is impossible for the Chinese population to keep pace with India.

Simple indicated calculations tell us that the Chinese population is overstated by 500,000,000.  worse, is that all those young people who built the chinese economy over the past forty years are retired right now.  They were also replaced on a one for two basis as well.

China's real population could even be as low as 600,000,000 though a near one billion count seems secure..  my big take home here is that all those mothers are now past child bearing and it is their offrspring who we are relying on and their head count is under half the original cohort.

however you  write this story, China's poulation is going to lose the original cohort over the next three decades and their replacements will struggle to replace half of the losses.  my take home is that Chinas real population must converge on 600,000,000 or less as the stats are properly sorted out.

My real surprise is that we have been lied to in terms of fundamental population statistics for a long time and likely going back into Mao's era.  They certainly had ample motive then and never gave it up.  and so long as the pre one child population was about, population collapse could never be visible.

at the same time rapid modernization of agriculture released manpower into the urban complexes to maintain staffing levels.  This happened to us as well, but over a much longer time frame.
