Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Biology of Politics

The problem with our political systems and all that is not actually rational.  It is foundationally biological.  All the opinion and conversation is simply the content.

Let me explain.  I am a human being.  I have encountered  many human beings.  Some I am seriously attracted to, most I discover that i can at least like and the odd person I actually dislike.  It is then I make up a story to support this biological reaction.  Otherwise, i had no need to do this.

It takes unusual insight for even a wise person to question his own story and this may well be after a long interaction.

I myself found myself questioning my dislike of a colleague and discovered no case whatsoever.  That actually woke me up.

The take home is that we all have a range of instinctual biological dislikes lacking rational validity.  So then, how do you educate children to be aware and really woke to their own biological imperatives?

All this then informs our political dispensations.  you dislike your uncle and his opinions less.  Rational or not, you step into opposition and debate works to sort out an agreed upon rational framework.

All of this is fortunately binary and can be then channeled into a two party political framework over the generations.  Or used to throw up a good candidate for a leader.

What is real though is that consensus takes time, a lot of time.  This can be both channeled and obviated through the Rule of Twelve.  Other  political systems then to be winner take all, right or wrong.

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