Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Chlorine Dioxide for Vascular Disease with Dr Sircus

Dr Sircus has been talking this up for some time, although i have not even tried it.

Of course it depends on needs.

All good and apply as indicated

Special Edition – My Birthday Present – Breakthrough in Cardiology

Published on September 25, 2024

Today, I am fortunate to have been around this planet for 72 years and still get a chance to contribute to the future of medicine, specifically in cardiology. This is truly a blessing when one can offer a substance that the masses can afford with no downside and no side effects. So today, it is my gift to humanity.

Chlorine Dioxide for Vascular Disease

This is a very important chapter of Natural Cardiology. It offers a low-cost, safe medicine for a problem that kills millions yearly. Not everyone can afford expensive alternatives to remove blood plaque. And it provides a new way of administering chlorine dioxide, the same way dentists legally use it-sublingually. I am using it successfully to avoid a heart attack and slowly improve my vascular health. It is not the only substance that will strip blood plaque, but there is no doubt that it offers a unique path to health in general.

The American Society of Analytical Chemists stated in 1999 that chlorine dioxide was the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. In 1988, NASA declared chlorine dioxide ‘A Universal Antidote,’ saying it was “able to destroy mold and fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, with minimal harm to humans, animals, or plants.” Though approved by U.S. regulatory agencies, it was not considered for internal use. Now, not only is it still not approved for medical use, but the FDA will huff and puff and blow your house down and send you to jail if you dare sell chlorine dioxide as a medicine for the treatment of disease.

I called chlorine dioxide the Tiger Tank of medicine, the point of the spear, an essential treatment that the FDA will never accept. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is widely used in water treatment because it is an effective oxidant, biocide, and disinfectant at relatively low concentrations. It also has minimal reactivity with organic matter, and minimal byproducts are formed during treatment.

Chlorine dioxide can kill bacteria, viruses, and other microbes in water that will help prevent the spread of waterborne diseases without hydrolyzing. Chlorine dioxide will stay as a dissolved gas in a solution, is around ten times more soluble than chlorine, and can be removed by aeration. This potency and safety make it an appealing option for water treatment use. Campers use it to purify water, and dentists love and use it legally to deal with problems in the mouth.

Chlorine dioxide is “hungry” to find any object with electrons to give up. That is its magic. Upon coming near any virus or pathogen, it snaps into contact with the germ, ripping four or five electrons from the wall of the pathogen by way of magnetic force. The internal parts of the pathogen fall apart unprotected by their normally resistant outer shell.

Now, the big question is, will chlorine dioxide do its magic on the walls of the blood vessels when they are full of plaque? Dr. Stevens Landaeta thinks so and suggests a new way of administration using sublingual absorption. The protocol uses 25% CDS and 75% distilled water in an aerosol. 10 Pushes of the aerosol are introduced under the tongue. Wait 30 seconds and swallow what is left with extra water added to the mouth. I have been using 14 pushed, increasing the CDS to 35 percent concentration, and keeping it in my mouth for a full minute before swallowing with more water. The testimony Dr. Landaeta offered is more than interesting:

With total blockage of a Coronary Artery, they performed catheterization on me, but they could not place the stent because the obstruction was total. They recommended an open heart bypass at $21,000 and $4,000 for catheterization. I had Cardio Cerebral Ischemia. I stuttered and couldn’t move my arms. Nine cardiologists saw me, plus all the exams and seven treatments. I was evicted. They would not treat me more.

I could not even walk 50 meters and couldn’t speak or breathe well. I started with the CDS sublingual spray technique and launched it to the world after one year of using it with amazing results.

Today, I breathe normally, I can walk 5 kilometers and bike 20 kilometers, my blood pressure is 120/80, and my resting heart rate is between 62 and 65 bpm.

I am 64 years old I just turned 64, I take only one pill, and I apply the CDS SPRAY 7 to 8 times a day sublingually. I share it with you so that many people who are confined to their homes and cannot do anything, not even have sex, can change their lives for the better.

Technically, chlorine dioxide is not an anticoagulant. Still, it inhibits the Rouleaux effect, reducing the risk of blood clumping and creating blood clots, which can be critical in cardiovascular disease. Chlorine dioxide does not thin the blood as a blood thinner like Coumadin would. It simply allows a more free flow of hemoglobin cells around one another. It does not impact the patient’s ability to create blood clots normally.

Chlorine Dioxide Used To Clean Cooling Towers of Biofilms

I present the use of chlorine dioxide to clean cooling towers as an indication of what it might do to clean up plaque from blood vessel walls. (My wife did not like this analogy, but I do.) It does the same for cleaning pipes, so will it do the same for the thousands of miles of pipes in our vascular system?Biofilm Control: Regular dosing of ClO2 helps to prevent and remove biofilm formation on heat exchange surfaces and within the entire cooling system. By disrupting biofilm, ClO2 improves heat transfer efficiency and reduces the risk of Legionella contamination.

Scaling Prevention: ClO2 aids in controlling the precipitation of scale-forming minerals. This not only enhances heat transfer efficiency but also prolongs the lifespan of the cooling equipment by reducing the frequency of descaling operations.

Corrosion Mitigation: By controlling microbial growth and maintaining water chemistry, ClO2 helps to reduce the corrosive effects on metal components. This leads to fewer leaks and structural issues, lowering maintenance costs and extending the life of the cooling tower.

Benefits of Using Chlorine Dioxide in Cooling TowersImproved Efficiency: By effectively managing biofilm, scale, and corrosion, ClO2 enhances the overall efficiency of cooling towers, leading to better heat dissipation and energy savings.

Cost Savings: The use of ClO2 reduces the need for frequent maintenance and repair, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

Compliance and Safety: ClO2 treatment helps cooling towers meet health and safety regulations by reducing the risk of Legionella and other microbial hazards.

The association of bacteria with atherosclerosis has been only superficially studied, with little attention focused on the potential of bacteria to form biofilms within arterial plaques. Atherosclerotic carotid artery explants from 15 patients were all shown to test positive for the presence of biofilm deposits. 6 of the 15 plaques analyzed showed 16S rRNA genes from Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms.

Chlorine dioxide reduces plaque and gingival indices and bacterial counts in the oral cavity, so it should be the same in the blood vessels. Chlorine dioxide is renowned by dentists for its ability to penetrate, remove and prevent biofilm (plaque) easily. Plaque is the starting point of common dental issues like gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease. With 75% of adults displaying signs of gingivitis, using a mouthwash with stabilized chlorine dioxide is a simple way to keep plaque and tartar buildup under control, with everyone knowing that periodontal disease is a precursor to heart disease.

Chlorine Dioxide is a game-changer for cooling tower maintenance, offering a comprehensive solution to biofilm, scaling, and corrosion challenges. Chlorine dioxide is a miracle molecule that multitasks in your body, healing, repairing, and balancing. It is one of several miracle molecules you will meet in Natural Cardiology.

More Testimonies

Edgar Quispe Salas wrote, “I read and see all kinds of cases cured with the CDS, and I am very happy to see my wife who was on the verge of death with incurable diseases such as heart ischemia as her coronary artery was obstructed and there was nothing to do after two heart catheter procedures and many medications. She also had diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, knee osteoarthritis, and allergies, for which she had to take 14 to 18 pills. Thanks to the CDS, after two years of treatment, she is healthy and does not take any medication, only her blessed CDS.” (Translated from Spanish)

(Translated from Italian) “My mother, 85 years old, had undergone angioplasty on one leg seven months ago due to severe arterial disease, which had caused necroses on her foot. Her condition had improved, but a small necrosis remained, which did not heal, and the foot was still swollen and burning. She had continued to take anticoagulants and painkillers, and her energy had decreased significantly. A month ago, I started doing protocol C, starting with 5 ml per liter of water, but this dosage made her feel nauseous; then, I dropped to 2 ml per liter for about one week. Then I gradually increased it, and at the moment, she takes 7 ml in a liter of water.”

“At the same time, I started spraying the necrosis with pure CDS, followed by about five drops of DMSO with a bit of water and CDS again, this 4 or 5 times a day. Now, the necrosis has closed, and her foot almost no longer burns. A few days ago, I started giving her half a teaspoon of magnesium chloride dissolved in water with three drops of 70% DMSO in the morning as soon as she got up. Now Mum has more energy, and I can only thank the CDS.” Fabrizio

Key Advantages of Sublingual Absorption

Sublingual absorption refers to administering drugs under the tongue, allowing them to dissolve and enter the bloodstream directly through the mucous membranes. This method offers several advantages over traditional oral administration. I am finding it relatively easy making it easier to incorporate a complete protocol of other agents.Rapid Onset of Action:Drugs absorbed sublingually can enter systemic circulation quickly, providing faster therapeutic effects. This is particularly beneficial in emergency situations, such as administering nitroglycerin for angina.Avoidance of First-Pass Metabolism:Sublingual administration bypasses the gastrointestinal tract and liver, avoiding first-pass metabolism, where a significant portion of the drug may be metabolized before reaching systemic circulation. This can enhance bioavailability and effectiveness.Ease of Use:Sublingual medications can be easier to administer for patients who have difficulty swallowing pills or for those requiring rapid relief from symptoms.

Chlorine Dioxide and Clots

Chlorine dioxide works on the central damaging aspect of COVID-19 vaccines: coagulation in the blood. “Normally doctors prescribe an anticoagulant, such as warfarin, which is a substance equal to rat poison, which, in the long term, will cause strokes, etc. So it’s not a solution at all. However, chlorine dioxide is a solution because we have seen that it directly dissolves mini clots before they get bigger,” says Dr. Andreas Kalcker.

“Oxygen deprivation is the cause of death for most COVID-19 victims. Chlorine dioxide floods the blood with oxygen, immediately enriching the hemoglobin molecules on red blood cells and allowing patients to breathe again,” continued Kalcker.

Blood clots have emerged as the common factor unifying many of the symptoms of COVID-19. Researchers in Germany have discovered that the virus changes the size and stiffness of red and white blood cells in the human body. Moreover, these changes can last for months, possibly explaining the seemingly never-ending symptoms of COVID-19.

In December of 2021, Astra Zeneca scientists finally admitted that their vaccine was causing deadly blood clots. A Utah mother blames COVID-19 vaccines after her 17-year-old son and her husband were hospitalized with rare blood clots soon after receiving the shots. “So it is true after all. After nearly one year of stonewalling and denials, they officially admit that the COVID vaccines can cause blood clots,” writes Vasko Kohlmayer.

Patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 infections who have high levels of the blood-clotting protein factor V are at elevated risk for serious injury from blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, according to a study by Harvard Medical School.

“On the other hand, critically ill patients with COVID-19 and low levels of factor V appear to be at increased risk for death from a form of coagulopathy that resembles disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)—a devastating, often fatal abnormality in which blood clots form in small vessels throughout the body, leading to exhaustion of clotting factors and proteins that control coagulation,” continues the medical scientists at Harvard.

Notably, many sick and dying have red blood cells clumping together and are not moving freely. Severely clumped red blood cells (Rouleau) affect proper oxygenation because the red blood cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed. Early in the pandemic, New York physicians noted that it seemed COVID patients had been transported to 30,000 feet in altitude and were starving for oxygen. After taking chlorine dioxide, the red blood cells regain proper size and shape and move freely through the blood.

A Dutch study published April 10 in the journal Thrombosis

Research found 38 percent of 184 COVID-19 patients
in an intensive care unit had blood that clotted abnormally

Many sick and dying have red blood cells clumping together and are not moving freely. Severely clumped red blood cells (Rouleau) affect proper oxygenation because the red blood cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed. Early in the pandemic, New York physicians noted that it seemed COVID patients had been transported to 30,000 feet in altitude and were starving for oxygen. This video shows that the red blood cells regain proper size and shape after taking chlorine dioxide and move freely through the blood.

Chlorine dioxide does not thin the blood as a blood thinner like Coumadin would. It simply allows a more unrestricted flow of hemoglobin cells around one another. It reduces the Rouleaux effect. It does not impact the patient’s ability to create blood clots normally.

When blood is abundant, nourished, and well-connected, we feel alive and nourished. Red blood cells must demonstrate healthy separation. Blood does more than run through our veins and oxygenate cells. It ensures we have nourishment and moisture for the entire body. Blood keeps our tendons, skin, and hair healthy, strong, and flexible. It lubricates joints and allows for smooth movement. Blood nourishes the mind and is considered the material basis for mental activity. Vital blood ensures good sleep and helps us wake feeling rested.

Red blood cells (RBCs) exhibit unique deformability, which enables them to change shape reversibly in response to an external force. The deformability of RBCs allows them to flow in microvessels while transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Poor blood viscosity, RBC aggregation, and poor rheology, either independently or collectively, are linked to cardiovascular diseases. For example, Neumann et al. claim that “Plasma viscosity and erythrocyte aggregation were more predictive of myocardial infarction (heart attack) than age, male gender, fibrinogen concentration, abnormal ECG readings, or coronary score.” Another study confirms that high blood viscosity has been associated with cardiovascular-related diseases such as stroke, heart attacks, and deep vein thrombosis.

CO2, Hypocapnia, and Viscosity of Blood

CO2 influences the viscosity of blood. Acute hyperventilation and arterial hypocapnia make blood more viscous. This effect is part of the fight-and-flight response (an immediate stress reaction). While this is useful in the short run to prevent blood loss (due to bleeding), increased blood viscosity significantly strains the heart. It can cause other adverse effects, such as Thrombosis (formation of blood clots). In addition to many hours of hydrogen and oxygen inhalation daily, I am doing 20 minutes of carbon dioxide inhalation.

Standard Protocol:

10 ml of CDS 3000 ppm are added to 1 liter of water daily.

One part is taken every hour until the bottle’s contents are finished (8 to 12 doses).

In case of severe illness or danger to life, the dose should be increased, slowly and progressively, in separate doses, taken throughout the day, and, depending on how you feel, reach a maximum of 30 ml per liter of water.

The C protocol treats most diseases and does a general cleaning of toxins or ‘detox.’ If you are taking other medications, you should keep a safe distance of time, from one to two hours, so that you do not lose the effectiveness of the CDS.

Ideas for beginning protocol:

On day 1, add 2 ml to a liter of water.

Day 2 add 4 ml

Day 3 add 6 ml

Day 4 add 8 ml

Magnesium Delays Clotting

Magnesium has a fibrinolytic action, prolongs clotting time, delays peak thrombin time, slows down platelet clumping, and appears to reduce fibrinogen levels, all of which may prevent the development or extension of an infarct. In addition, the vasodilator action opens collateral circulation and reduces myocardial damage.

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