Well maybe not as he was a staff officer of some sort in east Germany then. He took full advantage of his opportunities after, but he could hardly have been on anyone's ground floor of the greatest conspiracy of all time. Imaginative fiction writing posing as conspiracy theory is becoming seriously off putting and hopelessly misleading to those who have not done their homework. On the other hand those same folks barely read anyway.
There is an alternate history spinning around the internet and this is part of it all. Remember that all conspiracies demand two people been completely loyal to each other in a chain of active causation. It simply does not happen because the third person will sell out the first two at the drop of a hat.
It also takes a huge chunk of authority as well to progress far. The Kennedy assassination works because the authority and the common cause existed briefly in time. It still leaked like a sieve and took extraordinary actions to suppress. They all talked as well and we can put the pattern together now.
The USSR fell apart because the leadership lost their nerve and failed to act immediately. After that it became too late.
Shock Revelation! — Putin Secretly Planned Collapse Of Soviet Union To Make Russia Great Again
Did the West bring about the
collapse of the Soviet Union? No, it looks like the collapse was
carefully masterminded by Putin and Russian patriots in order to restore
Russia to greatness and thwart American plans for world domination.
Why is the Anglo-American Axis so afraid of Putin and determined to bring him down?
Introductory note
This 5700-word article breaks new ground. It is by far the most important article on Vladimir Putin that I have personally read. I therefore recommend it to your attention and urge you to read it carefully.
The article delivers a fatal blow to the Putin demonizers who see Putin as a duplicitous agent of elite organized Jewry. He is vilified by his critics either as a crypto-Jew, a ruthless ex-KGB agent, or else he is said to be working in collusion with his Jewish masters to ransack Russia and enrich himself. Thus it has been alleged, without any proof, that Putin has already acquired a nest egg of $100 billion which he has stashed away in Swiss banks.
Putin is presented here in this article in an entirely different light: as a great Russian statesman and moral leader, anxious to restore traditional Christian values to Russia and rescue the world from the toils of the “Great Satan”, i.e. the United States, now itself an impotent puppet of international Jewry.
[ this is essentially correct and he has done a superb job and that includes kicking over misplaced cans like Syria and Crimea or Georgia for that matter. - arclein ]
Make no mistake: the struggle between Putin and the Western powers is a continuation of the age-old struggle between Good and Evil. Make sure you are backing the right side.
— Lasha Darkmoon
Why are the Western powers, led by the United States, so afraid of Putin?
No world leader has been so demonized by the West over the past
decade as President Vladimir Putin of Russia has been. No other
president or prime minister has been subjected to so many outrageous
personal attacks and unrelenting false accusations. Clearly, Vladimir
Putin represents a genuine threat to the World Shadow Government(WSG) in
a way that profoundly unnerves those who reside at the peak of the
global power pyramid.
Before that question can be answered, the hidden history of the
preplanned collapse of the USSR must first be understood and properly
considered. Only by understanding the true historical context in which
Vladimir Putin operated at that time will his actions and pronouncements
of today take on great meaning. This unknown history is also quite
important if one is to comprehend the reactions of his countless
detractors throughout the leadership of the Anglo-American Axis (AAA).
As follows:
Ultra-Secret Deal Made Prior To The Engineered Collapse Of The USSR Following The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
One of the best kept secrets which predicated the inevitable collapse
of Soviet communism and the subsequent breakup of the USSR is that it
actually occurred in a manner not too unlike a carefully controlled
demolition. Only in this case they were bankers and politicians,
investment brokers and power-brokers who actually pressed the buttons.
All of the plans toward that end were fastidiously laid by these
stakeholders, all of whom had the greatest interest in exploiting the
vast wealth of the Russian Motherland.
[ Really. That claim can be made by anyone anywhere and is totally bogus. arclein ]
The fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the USSR were not the
spontaneous series of momentous events that the Mainstream Media (MSM)
would have us believe. Neither were they the result of President Ronald
Reagan’s request: “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall”; although, his
Hollywood background certainly made for some great (and convincing)
political theatre. “Perestroika” and “glasnost” were simply buzzwords
bandied about to present the appearance of a fundamentally changed USSR.
Yes, Russia did become liberalized especially in contrast to Soviet
Communism, but only so it could be neo-liberalized by the banksters.
In fact, the entire dissolution of the USSR was the product of
numerous top secret meetings which took place with very high level (as
in highest level) representatives from the USSR, USA, UK and other major
AAA nations and WSG controllers. By and large the most important of
these meetings concerned the meticulously engineered business and
commercial, banking and investment aspects necessary for an orderly
breakup of the USSR republics and its eastern European satellites.
By 1989 the pendulum of power had swung from those who wished
to see the USSR and her satellites controlled by communism to those who
wanted to directly control her prodigious natural wealth, industrial
base and other national assets by way of naked predatory capitalism.
Toward that end the many notorious Russian oligarchs were each selected
and appointed by the Western coalition of bankers to oversee the
outright theft of all major assets and natural resources from the
Russian people. This unique form of corrupt predatory capitalism was at
first hidden from public view as it was implemented to strip everything
of value from both the state and the citizenry.
This jointly blessed transitional process was the only way in which
the Soviet Union was ‘permitted’ to be liberated from those who secretly
controlled her destiny throughout nearly 75 years of nominal Soviet
Communism. Leaders such as Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin were
chosen to rubber stamp the entire state-coordinated theft by the
oligarchs. As political leaders are usually kept in the dark, neither of
them, nor their inner circles, were privy to the details of this scheme
to steal Russian wealth. They were merely frontmen whose primary task
was to usher the process along with the veneer of legitimacy. However,
because of their positions of political power and unique vantage points,
both were grimly aware that “a deal had been made with the devil”
behind their backs.
Boris Yeltsin bore the greatest burden because of the timing of his
term as President as he watched the oligarchs steal everything in sight.
His well known drinking problem and heart condition were surely the
result of having to go along with the whole charade.
Nevertheless, Yeltsin knew that in the future stewardship of Vladimir Putin, Russia would be “protected”. For just as the vulture capitalists from both Russia and the West executed their plans to strip Russia bare, so too had an ultra-secret group of Russian patriots and nationalists, loyal politicians and government officials, made an even stronger compact to take it all back — when the right time presented itself.
The CIA, also known as The Company, was directly involved in this CON of the century.
The following headline in the New York Times portrays exactly what
did not occur just prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall and subsequent
collapse of the Soviet Union: “Director Admits CIA Fell Short In
Predicting the Soviet Collapse.”
Can anyone believe that the CIA tried to present itself as
having failed to predict this monumental and unparalleled collapse,
particularly when it was the CIA itself that was actually pulling the
levers and pushing the buttons of what was essentially a controlled
The CIA even went so far as to take a lot of bad press to convince
the American public (and the world-at-large) that they had ‘truly’
failed miserably in this regard. Such was their intent to hide the
actual scheme perpetrated against the Russian people, as well as against
all the former republics that made up the Soviet bloc, that the CIA was
made the subject of various political dramas acted out all over the
‘Washington, DC theatre district’ in an effort to cover up any US
The Company does after all bear the direct responsibility of seeing
to it that all Anglo-American Axis international agreements are strictly
adhered to. In reality, contract enforcement of this nature has always
been the CIA’s primary duty. In the instant case of Russia, however,
their long range assessments and strategic analyses fell WAY short of
the mark. So mistaken were they that it can now be safely stated that it
was really the CIA that ultimately got conned. Perhaps there were also
those well-positioned CIA ‘whistleblowers’ who played the game so as to
alert their Russian counterparts of the various schemes and scams being
run from Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok by the Western banksters.
It should now be clear why all the Russian oligarchs ran to London, Tel Aviv and New York City.
What better way for the oligarchs to shield themselves from Russian
indictments than to seek the full protection of the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD
crime syndicate deep within theAnglo-American Axis (AAA). Even the
recently freed ex-president, Mikhail Kodorkovsky, of the now defunct
Yukos Oil, has been spending more time in the good ole USA stumping for a
new Russian revolution. The CIA’s other Russian political plant, former
world chess champion Gary Kasparov, has also been working overtime to
supplant Putin as “Protector of the Realm” as he preaches incessantly to
the American political establishment about the ‘grave danger’ of
Putin’s truly enlightened leadership.
It seems that neither of these Western dupes understands that this is
not 1917. And that Vladimir Putin is not Czar Nicholas of Romanov fame.
They also fail to realize that many of their fellow oligarchs abroad,
as well as political pawns at home, have met with disastrous fates; such
are the forces from on high which have aligned with Putin’s master plan
for a strong and sovereign Russia. Each one of the many oligarchs,
acting out of extreme self interest as they have, cannot even hope to
touch Putin now that state power has been irreversibly consolidated to
administer the Kremlin’s will.
The Ukraine: Another CIA-Coordinated Coup d’etat … For The USA And Israel
What is particularly surprising, in view of the very dynamic moves
being played on the current global geopolitical chessboard, is that the
West is so transparent in regard to both their method and motive toward
undermining Russia. The recent Kiev coup and ongoing Ukraine revolution
provide a perfect example of yet another nation collapse executed within
the historical orbit of Russia. Here, again, Zionist oligarchs with
ties to the US, UK and Israel have been appointed to all the key
national leadership positions, as well as to the governorships of all
the regions known as oblasts. Once again, the AAA game plan has been
executed according to the same playbook as that utilized during the USSR
collapse, with the billionaire oligarchs taking total control of the
wealth of the Ukraine.
Most do not know, but there is a plan afoot by the Modern State of Israel to set up a return to its original homeland in the Ukraine. The Eastern Ukraine was once a part of the kingdom of Khazaria during a time when Judaism was chosen by the king to become the official state religion. Those Khazarian adherents to Judaism would go on to constitute what is now known as Ashkenazi Jewry. Over centuries of migrations throughout Russia, as well as emigrations to all parts of eastern, central and western Europe, the Ashkenazim have evolved into the richest and most politically powerful religious group in Eurasia.
In fact the Modern State of Israel (MSI) was formed by the Zionist
movement which derived its power and wealth from Ashkenazi Jewry the
world over. However, the MSI experiment is not going so well. Most of
those Jews who emigrated from Russia and the Ukraine, as well as many
who fled Europe during pre World War II persecution, post WWII chaos and
right up to the present day instability now understand that they jumped
right from the frying pan into the fire.
Furthermore, many Jews have now come to realize that their cultural
PTSD [2] generated by both WWI and WWII was purposefully inflicted so
that they would be more amenable to taking up residence in a foreign
patch of desert land surrounded by Muslim and Arab nations which were
forced to watch the outright theft of Palestine in broad daylight from
their brethren. Not a good way at all to move into the neighborhood,
especially when the neighbors can very easily lob mortars and missiles
into your midst.
This is where the plot to repopulate the Ukraine comes in. Most Israelis of European descent are naturally more comfortable on “the Continent” completely out of range of such mortar and missile attacks. Hence, the Ukraine was chosen by the Zionist leadership as a new fallback position. Not only is the brazenly apartheid regime of the Modern State of Israel untenable in any civilized world, it has shown itself as the thoroughly rogue nation and criminal state that it is today. In fact, the Modern State of Israel has ignominiously distinguished itself as an unprecedented and peerless international pariah.
Particularly in light of their recent destruction of Gaza, Israel has essentially sealed its fate. Consequently, the Middle East has morphed into a HUGE powder keg ready to blow whenever Israel decides to cross one too many red lines for the umpteenth time. Any normal person living in such a volatile environment would only want to far remove themselves from such a precarious state of affairs, which is why there is now a very quiet movement of Ashkenazi Jews back to the Ukraine, their ancestral homeland.
The US-UK-EU-Ukraine coalition has telegraphed its misguided intentions from the start.
From the very beginning of the manufactured civil war in the Ukraine,
the Western powers have revealed their intentions of creating a new
“European Israel”. Removing the Russian language and substituting Hebrew
as the second official language of the Ukraine is just one quite
obvious move toward the establishment of a new Israeli enclave. All the
while the Anglo-American Axis accuses Russia of having designs to create
a new region –Novorossiya — known literally as New Russia.
Such a red herring has accomplished the goal of not arousing
suspicion as to the real plot to take over the Ukraine, just as
Palestine was in the late 1940s.
Furthermore, witness Israel’s extraordinary silence regarding the
whole AAA misadventure in the Ukraine before and during the ongoing,
fabricated civil war. Their silence is even more deafening in view of
the fascist Neo-nazi thugs being cynically used to advance Kiev’s
genocidal agenda throughout the eastern Ukraine. Of course, this
strategy is identical to Israel’s slow motion genocide of the
Palestinians, as well as the systematic and outright theft of their

Not only would such a “European Israel” provide a highly strategic
geopolitical location from which to continue their efforts to
destabilize Russia, the AAA would also use the Ukraine to run
interference throughout the European Union. Just as Israel has been used
to disrupt the entire Middle East for decades, the new Ukraine state
being constituted for Israeli resettlement will serve a similar function
throughout a Eurozone that is slowly becoming hostile to Jewish
populations and their interests.
When the neofascist junta in Kiev turned the military loose on the
urban and rural areas of the Eastern Ukraine, it became apparent that a
much greater agenda of ethnic cleansing was at work. Many authoritative
reports have indicated the wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians, as
well as the wanton destruction of infrastructure/places of
worship/homes/businesses of the Russian-speaking populace.
It is now clear that an insidious plan of deliberate genocide in Ukraine was formulated in order to make space for the soon-to-be transplanted Israelis who understand that Israel is on the cusp of their 21st century Armageddon.
Old Empires Must Die To Make Room For The REAL Global Transformation That Putin Promotes
If the Anglo-American Axis is distinguished by one pursuit above all,
it is its unquenchable thirst for oil and natural gas. So addicted is
the AAA to hydrocarbon fuel that the petrodollar quickly became the
world reserve currency. The strength of so much sustained worldwide
demand for oil as an energy source has now reached a critical point
however. Both the AAA war machine and economic juggernaut require LOTS
of oil and gas to run its tyranny across the planet. Not only is the
Anglo-American Axis terribly wasteful and inefficient in the utilization
of these energy resources, which Russia possesses in great abundance,
it expends considerable amounts of time and energy, money and capital in
the process of further acquisition of the hydrocarbon fuel needed to
maintain sole superpower status.
Herein lie the seeds of its own destruction, for the Anglo-American
Axis can no longer bear the costs necessary to maintain its empire. The
extent to which war and other forms of conflict have been relied upon to
secure additional sources of oil and gas no longer makes sense. All the
nations which have walked down this path of perpetual war have been
Some, like Israel, are now considered anathema to an overwhelming majority of nations worldwide. Likewise, the USA is vilified all over the world as a bully bent on self-destruction, just as the UK is universally known by its City of London bankster modus operandi.
In light of these commonly held perceptions, the fortune/fate ratios
of both the BRICS Alliance and Anglo-American Axis, are soaring and
plummeting respectively.
While the European-American-Japanese economic model continues to go
bust in real time, the BRICS Alliance is at the very least setting
itself up for a future boom. Clearly the trajectories of the BRICS
nations are poised to shoot toward the stars, as the Western powers are
precariously plunging toward an unprecedented “crash and burn”.
Ironically, it is only through the cooperation and collaboration with
the BRICS allied nations, and especially Russia, that the Eurozone and
American sphere of influence can be saved from almost certain economic
collapse and financial breakdown.
When the smoke and mirrors that define so much of the Western
economic mirage begin to fade, Eurozone countries will profoundly regret
imposing such counterproductive sanctions on Russia. It is they who now
suffer tremendous economic consequences, right in the middle of a
resurgent recession, from Russia’s much more debilitating economic
sanctions. Even the vaunted economic engine of Europe — Germany — has
lost its capacity to jumpstart the rest of the EU, all because they
chose to side with the real perpetrators of the Kiev coup d’état.
The battle for the Ukraine is not so much about the AAA geopolitical
gambit gone wrong, as much as it is a litmus test for those who will be
allowed to join an authentic global movement defined by economic
justice, social equality and political integrity. Furthermore, it is
respect for national sovereignty — above all else — that Putin’s Russia,
Jinping’s China, and Modi’s India expect from the world, as the rest of
the world ought to receive from all the BRICS nations.
Enter Vladimir Putin, The Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis
First, it is critical to understand that it is not just Putin the man
who they’re afraid of. It is not even Russia as a nation that scares
the living daylights out of the AAA. It is the FORCE behind Putin which
they have not seen occupy a major political office since John F.
Kennedy. Surely, the AAA must wonder how they all got so tricked into
believing that Putin was one of them in the first place. He was, after
all, a KGB functionary with all the right credentials to be trusted to
play their game, only their way, all the time.
However, just like JFK back in the early ’60s, once Putin saw exactly
how the AAA game was being played on the people — EVERYWHERE — he
flipped on them and has never looked back.
Because his predecessor Boris Yeltsin, who assisted the Russian oligarchs in the plundering, pillaging and raping of the Russian motherland, gave his firm blessing to Putin as political heir, no one ever thought Putin would perform such a radical 180° turnaround. In both the formulation of state policy and administration of the federal government he set about the process of taking back Russia from those who misappropriated her wealth. So dramatic was his conversion against the rapacious oligarchy that he is now spoken of as a veritable reincarnation of Peter the Great, who also saved Russia from enemies both within and without.
President Putin’s close alignment with the Patriarch of the Russian
Orthodox Church — His Holiness Patriarch Kirill — has become the cause
for the deeply religious and traditional people of Russia to become
enamored with him. His socially conservative agenda is much more in sync
with Russian sensibilities as it is protective of a refined culture
that is at odds with the permissiveness of an ever-coarsening Western
society. In this particular area of divergence, Putin’s Russia has
served as a countervailing force to the AAA modus operandi of sewing
seeds of social chaos and political disorder wherever they set their
sights. The propagation of overly permissive societal norms is their
signature strategy in this regard, which Putin repeatedly bumps up
It is significant to point out that the Russia that Yeltsin inherited
was one that the thoroughly corrupt oligarchs were promised. In other
words, the emancipation from Communism only came with the understanding
that the Russian oligarchs would be permitted to steal the nation’s
assets — natural resources, industrial plants and whatever else they
could get their hands on. This little known fact is why Boris Yeltsin
freely admitted at the end of his career to some historic mistakes,
especially those related to the systematic transfer of Russian wealth to
those now infamous (mostly Jewish) oligarchs.
Yeltsin knew that it was the key to Russia’s eventual freedom from those Western powers which were integral to orchestrating the fall of the Berlin Wall in a relatively orderly manner.
History has now shown us that Boris Yeltsin had great foresight in
his choice of Vladimir Putin as Prime Minister. His final words to Putin
in his capacity as President were: “Take care of Russia.” They have
likewise been translated as “Protect Russia.” In Putin was the perfect
vessel found to ensure that Boris Yeltsin’s last wish would be honored.
Putin himself uttered the following words a couple of days prior to
Boris Yeltsin’s funeral.
“We will do everything we can to ensure that the memory of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, his noble thoughts and his words ‘take care of Russia’ serve as a moral and political benchmark for us,”
Of course doing so meant that the incorrigible oligarchs either went to prison or into exile.
Which is exactly what Putin set about to do, regardless of Western
reaction and/or threats from all the usual suspects. Putin would not,
under any circumstances, allow predatory capitalists to destroy Russia.
He quite deliberately — under cover of “national security” — initiated
all of the necessary legal process and governmental procedure to reclaim
that which had been stolen from the Russian people. This particular
tack was especially effective, and foolproof, since the AAA has used the
same pretext to take over nations large and small for centuries.
Nevertheless, the West could only recoil in utter shock that a
President would actually protect his nation in this fashion. That Putin
put the interests of Russia and its citizenry before the bankers — and
the industrialists — and the powerful oligarchs was seen as the ultimate
betrayal. After all, his actions ran counter to the back room deal that
was cut by the real power-brokers who negotiated the “fall of the
Wall”. Communism was to be eradicated ONLY if the oligarchs were granted
unfettered access to Russia’s wealth. And so they were . . . for the
time being.
Little did anyone know that Boris Yeltsin — and especially Vladimir Putin later on — tricked them all. Unfortunately, such a benevolent deception ultimately took a great toll on Yeltsin’s health in the form of death by heart disease. As an extremely patriotic and self-sacrificing Russian leader, Boris Yeltsin knew that he had to play nice with the Western leaders (and their oligarch agents) if the nation was to be liberated from their predatory claws. In the end he did a superlative job, particularly in ensuring a smooth transition to Putin upon whom fell the weight of the benign double-cross.

The main reason Vladimir Putin is so despised by the Western Powers is because he totally tricked them for the benefit of the Russia people.
No one understands Russian history of the 20th century better than
the justifiably resentful citizens of the USSR. These folks suffered
great trials and tribulations at the hands of Communist thugs who were
put into power by Western bankers and the Anglo-American political
class. They know exactly what happened to their Motherland in the wake
of the totally fraudulent Bolshevik Revolution. They also know precisely
who was responsible for such a catastrophic social, economic and
political cataclysm.
“It has been said that the Russian steppes have born many a
philosopher. That great expanse of land runs on seemingly forever with
wide open sky and unbroken winds that stir the soul … to know the truth …
and nothing but the Truth.”
Only by understanding the temperament of those Russian peoples who
lived through the disaster of Communism, which was foisted on them by
foreign agents with a surreptitious agenda, will the forces that stand
behind Putin be correctly understood. In this regard, it is not Putin,
the President, that the Western Powers are dealing with. It is a proud
and patriotic Russian movement that sprang up with the awareness that
the Anglo-American Axis was responsible for their lost century. This
truth cannot be erased from history by airbrushing a few internet sites
which are controlled by the CIA. Nor can the many odious and therefore
inconvenient historical facts be eradicated from the Russian psyche when
so much pain and suffering was caused to so many.
Truly, the forces which support Putin in his quest for genuine
national sovereignty are much greater than any US President or UK Prime
Minister, NATO Supreme Allied Commander or European Union Leader. In
fact the power behind Vladimir Putin is Russia herself, a force quite
determined not to be held prisoner by the Anglo-American Axis ever
again. And no amount of saber-rattling by Washington, or economic
terrorism by the European Union, or financial sabotage by the City of
London, will alter that determination.
Nuclear Weapons Have a Way Of Serving As The Great Equalizer
Unlike every other country that has recently fallen to naked
Anglo-American aggression, Russia had substantially developed much
nuclear weapon technology during the Cold War. Little did the West ever
imagine that Russia would then use the prospect of not only nuclear
weapon technology, but also far more advanced and destructive weaponry
which has never been utilized before on Planet Earth, as a powerful
deterrent to unprovoked Anglo-American Axis acts of war.
Nor did the same Western predatory capitalists ever dream that the richest man in Russia — Mikhail Khodorkovsky — would be imprisoned for 10 years. Being their point man for the further looting of Russia’s oil and gas reserves and related assets, the whole misguided AAA scheme went completely bust. However, once the oligarchs were stripped of their power, money and influence, all the West could rely upon was brute force, as they continue to exercise with extraordinary savagery in places like the Ukraine. To intimidate and threaten, coerce and extort is all the Anglo-American Axis knows how to do these days, so successful have these tactics been in subjugating completely powerless and/or defenseless nations around the world for many decades.
Nevertheless, now that the Russian Federation has reassessed their
nuclear weapons capability and redeployed critical assets on their
western border, their tactical response and strategic preparedness have
never been better. While this particular state of affairs poses a great
obstacle to the AAA’s long range plan toward a New World ‘Order’, Russia
and the ever-growing BRICS Alliance present an even greater challenge
to their fatally flawed implementation plan.
Russia’s Demand For Respect Of National Sovereignty Is Representative Of A Much Larger Worldwide Movement
Russia is not only joined by the BRICS Alliance in its efforts to
level the global playing field, it is also supported by many other
nations near and far, Hungary being one that has broken ranks with the
European Union. Certainly the broke and bankrupted Anglo-American Axis
has its job cut out when going up against a growing number of countries
that will no longer be treated like stepchildren. When nations like
China and Russia, India and Brazil, South Africa and Venezuela, Bolivia
and Ecuador, publicly express their misgivings with American hegemony,
the whole world pays close attention. Therein lies the real power behind
Vladimir Putin.
History books will one day show that the world community of nations rallied around the moral high ground taken by Vladimir Putin in the second decade of the new millennium. Not only do the Russian people fully support their president, but the vast populations of China, India, and many other nations stand solidly behind their leaders against the incessant meddling by the Anglo-American Axis.
The pervasiveness of the internet has simply made it too easy to
share what is REALLY going on around the world, especially when the AAA
is working so vigorously against the interests of common people
Vladimir Putin, no matter what intrigues and machinations are set in
motion to disrupt his best intentions, has been found out by his own
people. They know that he has done his level best to protect Russia.
They also know that, in his resolve to take care of the Russian people,
he also considers the best interests of citizens of every nation,
including those which relentlessly antagonize Russia and persecute him
at every opportunity. This extraordinary posture is not only quite rare
among world leaders today, it is an admirable quality in any age … which
is just another reason why they so detest Vladimir Putin’s wise and
enlightened leadership.
“Take care of Russia” literally became Putin’s “moral and political benchmark”
Only by divine ordination does a KGB lieutenant colonel wind up
fulfilling the last wishes of his predecessor serving alternately as
both President and Prime Minister of Russia. Because Vladimir Putin took
that presidential directive so seriously, however, he now sits in the
crosshairs of the most formidable military machine and economic
juggernaut on Earth. However, in stark contrast to JFK’s short tenure
which took place in the very belly of the beast, Putin has an
unparalleled firewall of protection erected around him. He knew that if
Boris Yeltsin’s final wish was to be carried out, he and his
collaborators would have to be protected from harm. The AAA team, after
all, never plays nice and always breaks the rules.
In light of Putin’s perceived reneging on a contract that was
essentially agreed to by his predecessors, there existed no moral
imperative for him to abide by such an illegal and unethical agreement.
On the very face of it, he could have been rightfully accused of treason
of the highest order had he complied with the demands of the AAA. Only a
traitor would perform on such an outrageous contract, so Putin knew
that both the law and the people would be on his side once he flipped on
the oligarchs and their Western sponsors. Nevertheless, doing so has
brought the wrath of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group upon himself and
Being the wise, old soul that Putin is, he knew that his terms in
office would be the most consequential of the modern era … for both
Russia and the world-at-large. He has not shrunk from the demands of
such a difficult undertaking; in fact, he seems to be emboldened by the
formidable challenge that it is. But then he has the people of Russia
firmly on his side, as well as an overwhelming majority of nations on
Earth. When the people power around the planet starts to coalesce around
the true intentions that Vladimir Putin represents and has frequently
uttered, the change many wait for will come fast and furiously. Truly,
global transformation lies right around the corner; a genuine new world
order marked by implicit respect for both national and personal
The Future Of the World Lies With Russia
“Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” ~ Edgar Cayce
Clearly this prophetic utterance by Edgar Cayce was both prescient
and perceptive. For not only have the steppes of Central Asia forged the
hearts and minds of the Russian people over centuries, the tyranny of
Soviet communism proved to be a crucible like no other. Russia has
always been a nation of philosophers with writers like Tolstoy and
Dostoyevsky molding the national consciousness since the 19th century.
Given their relatively recent release from the imposed atheism of
godless Marxism, Russians young and old have re-embraced the mystical
traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Given this very profound and ongoing cultural transformation, a new
national mindset is emerging. Undoubtedly it is one that is bending
inexorably toward a more conservative and traditional society,
especially one that is moving in the opposite direction of Western
societies. Putin is well aware of the sensibilities which predominate
throughout the Motherland. He seeks to offend no one, but at the same
time will not let the crazies run the asylum as they do throughout the
Anglo-American Axis. Nor will he permit the values and principles,
customs and traditions of any minorities to dominate Russian culture.
In light of what is at stake for both Putin’s Russia and Obama’s USA,
it is now apparent that an epic battle has been raging across the land.
The most recent battle in the Ukraine is only one more among those
being waged throughout the entire Middle East and beyond. Both Russia
and China have seen their geopolitical positions assaulted and
undermined wherever they attempt to establish new markets or engage
trading partners. Particularly wherever energy resources are at stake,
the wars have become more apocalyptic. So much so that many wonder if an
epoch-ending World War III is around the corner. However, such an
engineered Armageddon can only be foisted on the community of nations
with the participation of both East and West.
Fortunately, Putin’s Russia will not be goaded into a World War Three
scenario. Neither will Jinping’s China nor Modi’s India. Because of
Putin’s unshakeable resolve and strong leadership within the BRICS
Alliance, none of the nations being routinely assailed by the AAA will
be triggered into full scale war. The whole world has Vladimir Putin to
thank for his sane and sober response to so many conflicts and
skirmishes, false flag attacks and proxy invasions being staged across
the planet on a weekly basis by the Anglo-American Axis.
The Russian people have come to respect Putin as a leader who is
fiercely protective of the Motherland. Comparisons to Peter the Great,
who has been praised “as an industrializer and cultural visionary who
turned his country into a European power” are quite understandable.
Under the stewardship of Tsar Peter I “Russia became feared but also
respected by its neighbors, and he is the official czar-hero of Russian
Perhaps the picture below, disseminated by the mainstream media as a
sneery put-down, does in fact reflect Putin in his current role as
“Protector of Russia” and moral leader of the free world.

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