Thursday, January 2, 2014

Are US Supercarriers Useless?

I hate to be picky, but the enemy has always had the range on aircraft carriers.  An aircraft carrier’s role is to deliver airpower into a theatre and stand off and deliver while evading enemy counter measures.  Unless your platform can threaten to support an opposed landing on a hostile coast, it is of scant use and that is why the submarine is a weak arm.

It is still about boots on the ground and a carrier task force can do just that.  It has been the global police man since WWII.

If you are going up against a prepared capable enemy force, of course the equation changes sharply.  Yet here we are transitioning to fighter drone technology available in flights massing thousands of birds able to saturate enemy capabilities.  I like our chances.

War itself has been obsolete for a long time and the larger wars more so.  Combat hostilities are today at their lowest level ever and the trend continues downward.  Soldiers still talk and plan for another Great War but convincing cause has long since disappeared.

The future of naval warfare: Are US supercarriers useless?

DodBuzz asks an interesting question: Will aircraft carriers remain useful in future wars? The answer is no. And the reason is missiles like you're seeing in this photograph: a Raduga KH-22cruise missile mounted on a Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire long-range strike bomber.

Mark Jacobson—former advisor to General Stanley McChrystal and ex-CIA chief General David Petraeus—told DodBuzz that America's potential enemies are constantly thinking about how to beat the US military with new tactical ideas but, surprisingly, the Pentagon seems to be anchored in the past:

The services don't change. I'm not sure all the service chiefs get this yet… Are we focusing on new types of destroyers? Is anybody willing to question the existence of aircraft carriers? If you look at history this may be the battleship all over again [...] It won't be a useful weapon in the Taiwan Straits, and it may not be one 15 years from now, depending on how many nations have hypersonic missiles.

In fact, they can be rendered useless today. Carriers have been indispensable platforms in recent wars—without them, the US wouldn't have been able to quickly deploy air squadrons in different operation theaters. However, this has only been possible because the US Navy wasn't facing an enemy equipped with a KH-22 or a similar weapon.

The KH-22 is supersonic cruise missile that can sink an American super carrier from miles away, hitting them at Mach 5. It was designed by the Soviet Union after analyzing the naval battles of World War II. They asked this question: If we can attack aircraft carriers from a long distance, do we need to match their air power? The answer was obvious. Just like the battleship was rendered useless by aircraft carriers, the latter can also be neutralized with fast, impossible to stop missiles fired from a long distance. That's why the KH-22 was developed. With the newest variants, an airplane can fire one of these beasts from almost 372 miles (600 kilometers) away, opening a hole five meters in diameter and a dozen meters deep into any ship.

The first time you see an American nuclear super-carrier in person, you can't believe the size. It's simply astonishing. It must be even…Read…
It's hard to imagine a Russia vs United States war scenario today, but the fact is that Russia is also making these missiles forexport: The KH-22E uses conventional warheads, but they are equally lethal to carriers. Knowing all this—and knowing that China probably has these or clones of them, and other countries will get them too—does the United States really need more super carriers?

Seems to me like Jacobson is right. The next naval war could turn carriers into this century's battleship.

UPDATE: A reader posted a link to this brilliant paper by US Navy Captain Henry J. Hendrix, Ph.D. Perhaps all the armchair Commanders-in-Chief would like to read it and learn something, but here's the final paragraph of his conclusion:

An innovative culture has characterized the U.S. Navy throughout its history. The carrier had its day, but continuing to adhere to 100 years of aviation tradition, even in the face of a direct challenge, signals a failure of imagination and foreshadows decline. Money is tight, and as the nautical saying goes, the enemy has found our range. It is time to change course.

So what's the most effective vehicle in the Navy's arsenal, then? Submarines, of course.

These guided-missile submarines, known as SSGNs and each carrying up to 155 Tomahawks, represent the most effective path forward in strike warfare.

Super quiet, the Ohio SSGNs can penetrate enemy waters unseen, positioning themselves to unleash massive waves of precision strike weapons to take down critical nodes of enemy infrastructure, weakening resolve and resistance from the strategic center outward. Stealthy submarines, loaded with low-cost precision cruise and ballistic strike

Money is tight, and as the nautical saying goes, the enemy has found our range. It is time to change course. missiles capped with conventional warheads, provide the United States with an elegant "one target + one missile = one kill" solution.

25 Past life Reports

The comments attached are also as compelling and again conform to a past live remembrance.  What this truly tells us is that our society seriously suppresses such reporting and it takes this type of story to attract a few additional reports.  We have an additional 15 volunteer reports.

I suspect that ayahuasca therapy would be hugely informative.

In the meantime we get another report describing the Atlantean urban experience and town plan.  All this tells me that we have thousands of suggestive individual reports that can be collected to guide research leading to actual confirmation.  Thus we need someone to organize a cadre of investigators to follow up on reports in quite the same way BFRO works the bigfoot problem.  This makes actual spurious reports from outright hoaxers and fools largely go away.

10 Amazing Things Kids Have Said About Past Lives

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Many children seem wise beyond their years or like “old souls,” but some have said things that truly seem to hearken back to previous lives.
Parents have shared their stories via social media; many say their children have talked about tragic deaths followed by happier lives this time around.

1. When my son was 3, he told me that he really likes his new daddy, he’s really nice. My husband is his one and only daddy. I asked ‘Why is that?’

He replied: ‘My old daddy was really mean. He stabbed me in the back and I died. But I really like my new daddy, he’d never do that to me.’

2. When I was a little girl, I lost [it] when I saw some guy at the grocery store. It was unusual, because I was generally quiet and well behaved. I never had to be taken out of somewhere for misbehaving, but we had to leave the store.

When my mom asked what was wrong when we got in the car, I told her he took me away from my first mom and hid me under his floor and made me sleep for a long time until I woke up with my new mom.
I then refused to sit in the seat of the car on the ride home, but insisted on cowering under the dash board so he couldn’t take me again. It freaked her … out, as she is definitely my biological mother, so obviously my ‘first’ mom.

3. Getting my 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied: ‘Oh, nobody “scroofs” me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried, but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.’
She said this like it was nothing.

4. ‘Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other mom are so old now. They were OK when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn’t!’

He was maybe 5 or 6 years old. It was totally out of the blue.

5. When my little sister was younger, she used to walk around the house with a picture frame with a picture of my great grandpa in her hands crying and saying, “I miss you Harvey.”

Harvey had died before even I was born. Other than this common occurrence, my mom told me that she would constantly say things that my great grandma Lucy would say.

6. When my little sister first started talking, she used to say some really disturbing things. She used to tell us about how her old family would put things inside of her and would make her cry, but her Daddy eventually burned her so much that she was able to find us, her new family.

She spoke about things like that from the ages of almost 2 to 4. She was much too young to have ever been exposed to any content where children, or anyone else could [experience those things], so my family has always thought she held memories of a prior life.

7. Between the ages of 2 and 6, my son would tell me the same story of how he picked me to be his mother.
He said something about being with a man in a suit and picking a mother that would help him accomplish his souls mission. … We didn’t discuss spirituality … nor was he raised in any sort of religious environment.
The way he described it was that it was similar to grocery shopping, that he was in a bright room with people who were lined up like dolls, and that he picked me. The man in the suit asked him if he was sure, he replied that he was, and then he was born.

My son also had an early fascination with WWII era planes. He could identify them, their parts, what region they were used in, and the like. I still have no idea where he got that information. I’m a science gal, his dad is a math guy.

We have always called him ‘Grandpa,’ because of his peaceful and gingerly demeanor. This kid seriously has an old soul.

8. My nephew when he first began really talking in sentences told my sister and her husband that he was ‘so happy he picked them.’ And then went on to say that before he was a baby he was in a bright room and saw lots of people and he ‘picked his Mom because she had a nice face.’

9.  My older sister was born the year my Dad’s mom died. According to my dad, as soon as my sister was old enough to say the words, she said ‘I am your mother.’

10. According to my mom, when I was younger, I would tell her about how I had died in a fire a long time ago. I don’t remember that, but one of my biggest fears is my house burning down. Just being around open fire scares me.

I work as a caregiver and I'm only 19. I believe I have an old soul I have had dreams after dreams of me dying I was once a young Indian girl. The dream that tends to happen the most is when I'm sitting in a field... I was all alone but I was trying to hide.. This man comes up to me and says you will thank me... I know that he pushed me off a cliff I feel that there was an invasion going on .. He killed me to where I never suffered to this day I have my residents constantly tell me the see angels around me and that they follow my soul..

I have had dreams for YEARS that I was chained to a board and stoned to death like during the salem witch trial type of thing and I still had red hair in the has always kinda creeped me out but I have always hated anything tight around my wrists or ankles

when my cousin breanne was born it was a few years after my great granmother grace passed. when my grandmother held her for the first time she said she had this overwhelming feeling she knew her or had a very strong connection with her.. a few months later my aunty colleen was sitting with my gramother and my aunt breannes mom and said im sorry i have to tell you this whenever im with breanne i feel like grace is her. when she was 2 or so she looked out the window at our family cottage that my grandmother and her siblings were born in or grew up in and started describing the landscape how things were about 20 years before she was born my grandmother then asked what she was talking about and she turned around and said i was only dead for a little while and then i came back as breezer. we alwasy call her breezer. everyone always says now that she is older that she behaves and talks the exact same way my great grandma does.

I'm either an Old Soul or a Medium. According to my Mother, when I was a child I use to say I had a older (imaginary) friend whom, after relaying many discussions, she believed was Native American. I use to tell Mom about all the things my friend told me about and wanted to wear my hair exactly like hers, going great lengths into explaining what it looked like. We had just moved here from Romania where we had lived since I was barely six months old and we didn't have a TV so Mom was at a loss as to HOW I knew about most of the things I said my friend had told me about or taught me how to make, like Water Buffalo and how to make a carry-basket to hold a baby out of sticks, cloth and twine; I still HAVE one I made as a kid on the shelf in my closet.
When I was younger I used to cry and say I wanted to go home even when I was in my home with my parents. I have had numerous dreams of past lives as well. If anyone is truly interested in learning how past lives can effect your behaviors and fears today a really good book to read is called Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss. It made a lot of things make more sense to me after I read it.

Idk, my mother said nothing about stuff but my brother said i used to say "Get that knife away! I don't want to die that way again!" In a shrill voice. yep. I have a fear of knives too.

When my son was about 3 he was with my mom in her car and he pointed to an "old time" car on the road and said, "Nana, do you see that car right there? When I was a man I crashed in a car just like that, but that isn't how I died." She said it turned her blood cold. He would say stuff like that all the time. He doesn't remember any of it now that he is 7.

I don't know if I am reincarnated or not but I have always had a fear of dying in a fire. Every single night while laying in bed, I used to beg God to not let me die tonight in a fire. I would say this over and over. I don't know why. One of my legs are like a tanned brown while the other leg is normal color. On the side of my leg going from outside of my right foot right up my leg and spread around my thigh and goes halfway up my back on the right side. It actually looks like this leg was burned. It is very dark, and spotted with white and brown splotchy patches. This leg also has a different texture, or feeling to it. It's like a pregnancy mask (tough leather-like texture). I sincerely believe I died in a fire in my previous life. I may be wrong but I would love to hook up with a psychic medium, or someone qualified to do past life regression therapy with me. I love reading about past lives. Who knows, maybe some day, somehow, I will get a session to really find out! :)

When I was a kid, I had a recurring dream that I was flying over a great circular city and then I got shot in the chest and was falling. Then I was in a dark red place and I chose to be human because they were what killed me so they were obviously stronger but I didn't leave that dark place for a long time. I've always felt uncomfortable in my body, like I'm missing my normal appendages and to this day I run on all fours in dreams. My birthmark is a big red mark over my heart. I still remember when I was about 3 we got a tv for the first time and opb had a show on Atlantis and it showed a round city and I remember telling my mom I had been there, or above a city shaped like the pictures. Life is weird.

I have a friend named Thomas who used to joke with me that we had been lovers in a previous life. One night I called him out of the blue, hysterical, begging him not to go to his job the next day. I kept saying, "They're going to kill you again, don't go" and it freaked him out so bad that they next day he didn't go to work, He went out strolling around the city and turned off his phone so no one could reach him. He was a volunteer fireman. In New York. The day he took a personal day with his phone turned off was September 11, 2001.

My son told me that he lived in NY in a penthouse and his dad was a baseball player. One day I asked if he had any brothers or sisters. He replied yes.. You were my sister but you ran away from home and I died early. so we promised each other in this lifetime we would never part... weird!

When I was little I used to ask my mom "When can I go home?" or "When am I going home?". Apparently I would say things along about missing my family and my other mommy. My parents moved into the house we lived in almost two years before I was born so I have no idea what I would have meant.

when I was around 16 I was a Rainbow Gathering and an entire vial several hundred doses worth of LSD was accidentally poured in my mouth. LSD is notoriously non-lethal so the body was fine but the mind went through quite a journey. After a few days I was taken to a Native American Shaman who helped me to sort through what turned out to be a complete past life regression.

I have always had images of being a child hiding in an attic with other family members of Asian decent. I remember that we had to be quiet because soldiers? where searching the house for people. Specifically ones who were followers of a certain cultural beliefs or religion? I also remember wondering how the baby knew not to cry. I remember feeling so scared and it took everything out of me to not make a sound to breathe. I remember the attic being dark, small and dusty. I can recall that we didn't get found. I also remember looking outside of the cracks in the attic and I could see people boys & men lined up on their knees. I think that the person to the left? had to shot the one to the right or something about the fathers had to shoot their sons? Not too clear on that part. I just remember seeing them lined up and shooting. I think I was young in that memory. Maybe 5ish. Either way it has been with me.

My daughter has had nightmares for the longest time about being stabbed to death..up until a year ago, these nightmares were on a nightly I always wondered if they were memories from a past far she had had the nightmare maybe twice this year..

My brother's adopted daughter once said: "It's good to be back in my body".

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks

Here is another chap preaching the doctrine of blood alkalinity.  He also adds some excellent information regarding the anti-salt and anti-cholesterol campaigns as well.  My researches have largely come to similar conclusions with less compelling arguments.  It is time to love sea salt and eggs and plenty of veggies or vegetable soup.

We have two enemies between us and old age and both arrive because of lousy food choices.  Too much meat makes us acidic and vulnerable to cancer.  Vitamin C deficiency allows damage to our circulatory system to become chronic.  Correct both add sea salt and eggs to your raw and cooked vegetables and you will do fine.

And skip the junk or at least limit it to the monthly indulgence.

Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks - Video

Dr. Leonard Coldwell states that all cancers can be cured within four months. Listen to his reasons behind that statement and how it may be done. Dr. Coldwell also says that you need salt, even if you have high blood pressure. Find out why that is and why sea salt is better for you.

information Time: 6:55 Added: 7/13/2011
 Contributor(s): Coldwell, Leonard Dr.

Interviewer: Dr. Coldwell, I've seen a couple of your videos in the past and one of them I thought was interesting. You said, "Every cancer can be cured in two to six weeks."  Can you talk a little bit more about that and what are some of the ways that that's possible?

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: In my experience, every cancer can be cured in 2 to 16 weeks. Some cancers can be cured in minutes because every doctor in the world that's been in office for 20 years or longer knows cases of spontaneous healing. There's even a book out called "Spontaneous Healing" by a guy that I really don't like, just stating that there are cases of spontaneous healing. 

That means, if it's possible, we just have to find a way to access this. That's number one. We all know about this. It also happened very often when people went to Lourdes or to these religious places and, it's not really the place that cures them. It's the expectation and the way to that place that cures them. 

The second, you get rid of acidosis and toxemia. The second, the body gets alkaline and oxygen rich. Which, choosing a lot of greens like chlorophyll, everything that's green has a lot of chlorophyll, gives the body a lot of oxygen. Getting your body alkaline with good calcium, with good nutrition, with good trace supplements, trace minerals, will help to alkalize the body. So, that means the second you are alkalized, the cancer already stops. It can take a couple of days, a couple of weeks, but it stops. 

You get the body to a healing P.H. level, which the P.H. then goes from 0 to 14. Seven is neutral and you need to be slightly alkaline. 7.36 is ideal, but in the healing phase you should go up to 7.5, a little bit over alkalizing the system. 

A great friend of mine Dr. Martin in Germany is using oxygen step therapy, for example, where you take the blood out, it gets ionized oxygen, and you lead the blood back in, and you do this 12 times and you have basically brand new blood like a new born baby. So, you already eliminated the lack of oxygen. You see the blood coming out, it looks like black. They put the oxygen in and it becomes pink and it's like legal doping. You get it and you feel so energized and so vital. 

We know basically, what I used, what my MDs in Europe used is vitamin C injections. Intravenous vitamin C injections. 100 CCs a day, three times a week, that's what we used, in certain cases more often. And very often, believe it or not, in my personal experience the tumors or the cancerous growths was basically gone within a couple of days. Because vitamin C is so powerful and one of the greatest healers out there you can fix almost nearly every cardiovascular problem with vitamin C. They want to take it off the market. 

So, it's basically going to become a prescription medication and, then it's synthetic and will not work anymore like vitamin E. Vitamin E basically helps you to cure, very easily and fast, blood pressure problems in any way, shape or form. That's why they made a study with artificially created vitamin E, chemical created vitamin E and said, see, it doesn't work.  No, of course not. Chemicals don't work. 

Nature works. If nature creates a problem, nature creates a solution. It's very simple and easy. If it didn't exist 100 years ago, you don't need it today. It's very, very simple. 

When you want to help somebody to educate themselves, to eliminate his or her own cancer really fast, I would basically start instantly with a vegan diet or the raw food diet. 

My friend Paul Nison is one of the greatest raw food chefs. He has a fantastic book out there about raw food, so it's accessible for a couple of bucks. How to do it, he has free videos all over his website and I would go instantly on a raw food diet. I would make sure, if I don't have a very rare kidney disease, to drink a gallon of water a day with half a teaspoon of sea salt in it a day because we need salt for every body function. We need electricity and this electricity can only be produced with enough salt. So, if you have a lack of salt, you have a blood pressure problem. 

Interviewer: See?  And we're not supposed to have salt too. Especially if we have high blood pressure. That's what we're told. 

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Okay. It's the opposite. The problem is, they are talking about table salt. Very often table salt is one third glass, one third sand, and one third salt. So, the glass or the sand is scratching the arteries and they start to bleed. So, now cholesterol goes there to stop it from bleeding so that you don't bleed to death internally. 

Now they say the cholesterol, all of a sudden, is the cause of the high blood pressure because it narrows the blood ways. That's completely absurd because you die of not enough cholesterol. You do not die of too much. There are people with cholesterol of 600. Perfectly healthy, never been sick in their lifetime. 

So, what do you do with patient in a burn unit?  You give them 20 to 25 hard boiled eggs a day because they know only cholesterol can rebuild brand new healthy cells really fast. Nearly 87% of our cells is built on cholesterol. So, where does the new cell potential foundation come from if you have a lack of cholesterol?  

Everybody should have at least 250 combined cholesterol. Then they tell you LDL and HDL are good and bad cholesterols. It's not even cholesterol. It's a protein that transports cholesterol. So, they are too stupid to even narrow it down the right way.

 If you look at the facts and you look at what they know and what they don't know, you know that Dr. Gary Null stated it and a lot of other people, the medical profession, the medical doctor statistically has the shortest lifespan of 56 years of age. The highest abuse rate of alcohol and drugs. The highest suicide rates. Only the psychiatrist is higher. You go to somebody that has the lowest life span, highest suicide rate, highest drug abuse rate, and you ask them how to have a Healthy, happy, long life?  I think we should rethink our way of thinking.

Delta Elis - Bioresonance

We are going to give this story the benefit of a doubt simply because if the claims are true, deliverability is almost immediate at the mass market level and customer feedback will be as immediate.  We will know soon.  I do hope it is everything claimed.

I do know that simple electromagnetic energy is quite capable of destroying bacteria although it was not successfully implemented as a universal protocol.  It is more than reasonable that narrowly tuned emissions applied effectively could cure a vast array of biological insults.  Goodbye flu shot.

What is clear is that this market plan is side stepping the whole medical industry as well they need to.  There are few vacations in Maui using this technology.

There will still be plenty of other medical issues to address, but eliminating external biological assaults and stimulating natural recovery is a huge step forward.  So let us hope this turns out to be real.

Deta Elis – Star Trek Medicine – Bioresonance

Posted by Dr Sircus on November 25, 2013

Thought doctor McCoy had it good with his equipment on the Starship Enterprise? Wait until you get a load of what is coming to revolutionize the world of medicine. Medicine just got exciting thanks to Russian scientists and over 17 years of in-depth research. The future has arrived and just as three-dimensional printing will revolutionize manufacturing, this technology will revolutionize the practice of medicine.

This groundbreaking medical technology is making many people a lot of money in Russia. Why? Because it destroys the pharmaceutical paradigm and the doctors that practice it, using electromagnetic vibration to diagnose and cure without side effects yet with pinpoint precision. Deta Elis Electromagnetic Bioresonance Therapy Devices will be sweeping the globe just like cell phones and computers.

Who has endorsed this technology? President Putin of Russia uses it and the Department of Health in Russia has approved it for wide use across their nation, which amounts to three hundred million people. The Russian space program uses this technology because it enables convenient and non-invasive monitoring and enhancing of the health of their cosmonauts. Medicine just became more affordable, more accurate, and infinitely safer with Delta Elis technology.

The first stop in this revolution is Hepatitis B and C as well as herpes. Russian doctors are claiming a ninety percent cure rate for these incurable infections. Everyone is familiar with the fact that you can shatter a glass with sound.

One of the Deta Elis machines, called the “Deta AP” will shatter viruses, bacteria and fungi, coming to us just as antibiotics become more of a terror than a help. This phenomenon where we can kill microbes with frequencies is called BIORESONANCE, and this is the principle that these Deta Elis devices use to cure.

Those who know of preceding technology like Hulda Clark’s Zapper will soon be able to afford Deta Elis machines, which will be like cell phones and soon even smaller, that will wipe out every infection imaginable with laser precision. Let us consider it a Zapper on steroids times 1,000 for starters!

With this “too good to be true” form of medicine (Bioresonance) one can have their diagnosis already in hand from a western practitioner and use one of the treatment machines that one can buy as a consumer/patient. Very soon even similar models will be available like MP3 players and one will be able to download, like on an IPad, applications that will address specific medical problems. So if you are travelling, for example, and come down with gastroenteritis, you can download on your personal computer the AP for gastroenteritis and run it until you get better. The application program will contain all the frequencies for eradicating the bacteria responsible for gastroenteritis. This is 21st century medicine at its best!

Just as Bioresonance can be used to balance a part of the body it can also be used to destroy parasites and bacteria. By far better than explaining, it is to watch a 33-second video and see it in action.

Can you see the power of this? Once diagnosed with a particular parasite or virus it can be targeted with a particular frequency that will cause no harm to anything else but kill the parasite/virus. The video above shows parasites exploding but for a very clear demonstration on glass in slow motion watch the following:

In the future, after practitioners are trained, Deta Elis diagnostic machines will reveal the exact parasite, virus, bacteria or fungus present and then the treatment device is programmed to destroy, and destroy it does. Though most of this is preprogrammed into the device diagnostics takes wings to a new level that pins down a patient’s overall chronic problems, translates that into a frequency, and then an exact positive outburst from the device will, over several hours, shower the wearer with the perfect healing frequency.

First we destroy everything that does not belong inside of us with one Deta Elis device and then we set upon the task of rebuilding our organs and numerous biological systems with another called the Deta RITM device, which helps to heal and rejuvenate organ pathologies and physiological systems such as the immune system, circulatory system, hormonal system and the like.

Infectious control in the 21st century certainly is not going to be anything like that of the 20th century. The age of antibiotics is about over as great harm has been done to the world’s populations with them. We have come close to compromising our biological existence with the reckless use of antibiotics.

Now we have antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens encroaching on our biospheres and it is getting increasingly dangerous to set foot anywhere near a hospital. Many people, including children, who die in the hospital after surgery die not from the surgery itself but from infections that get out of control. Infections cause 68 percent of childrens’ deaths. Not with Deta Elis devices in your pocket as there is no chance of creating anti-biotic resistant bugs or catching these from a hospital.

Every organ of the body has its own special frequency. The Lung resonates at 72 cycles per second, also known as Hertz. If the lung becomes infected its frequency will fall out of balance usually dropping a few Hertz. It has been discovered that by producing the same frequency as a healthy lung with a frequency generator we can rebalance the lung and induce healing. This process is called Bioresonance and can be used on all parts of the body.

There have been many researchers that have worked on energy medicine and Bioresonance this past century such as Dr. Rife, Dr. Voll, Dr. Schimmel, Dr. Morell and others. Some of the machines developed through the years run as high as 40,000 dollars.

The Russians have outdone everyone bringing this technology into medical and healthcare practices as well as into every home. Over the last 17 years, the Russian scientists, spearheaded by Dr. Konoblov, a medical doctor and Ph.D. physicist, have  developed small, portable devices that are innovative cutting-edge at only a fraction of the cost of previous generation machines.

Using pharmaceutical poisons just got that much more insane! Remember when cell phones came out or the personal computer? In five years, we will see everyone walking around not just with his or her cell phone but also with a safe therapeutic device that will put health empowerment back into the peoples’ hands.

The Russians conducted extensive studies on over 25,000 people and established an accurate system of analyzing and reinforcing energetic health of the organs, and their connection to specific areas on the skin (dermal-visceral zones). 

As a result of these devices’ action, a weakened organ receives energy needed for normal functioning, which is redistributed on a wide scale, restoring their workability. Thousands of people have been able to cut down on their dosages of medicines, and in some cases have entirely stopped taking them and have regained excellent health.

Gentle safe medicine just became a reality so doctors can now go back to the Hippocratic Oath that says: “First do no harm” when treating people. These gentle devices achieve exactly this – they can heal without being invasive and without causing harmful side-effects. The devices can be used with children and pets, and can therefore act as your “family doctor”

One of the most extraordinary claims coming out of Russia answers a long-standing problem in energy medicine and that is the problem of measuring results. They are claiming that the results can be confirmed by all well-known diagnostic methods. To date Deta Elis has developed more than 3,000 treatment programs, with an overall positive effect in many health problems in excess of 85%.

To my devoted readers and patients
This is my first communication to the western world about this rising technology. In January of 2014 these devices will also be manufactured in Germany making them much more accessible. The Russian business plan is a traditional multi-level-marketing model with Dr. George Georgiou Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM), an expert in energy medicine and holistic medicine, at the very top in the English-speaking world selected to train doctors and practitioners in bioresonance testing and treatments.

This is perfect for those who want to make a business opportunity with this technology and is a good setup for practitioners who will be using the diagnostic machines and selling the treatment devices to patients. For a small taste of that, see this video of Deta Elis at their big celebration and award party. It is exciting and it is Russian.

It would also be worth watching this other 5-minute video about the company and their innovative devices –

No doubt when I publish this document there will be a rush to obtain this new technology. My patients from around the world will be given priority and then of course my readers, who will come under my banner with Deta Elis. Practitioners of every stripe are invited as well as patients who want to learn to use the Bioresonance approach on their own.

Treatment devices like the Deta AP and the Deta RITM are approximately 500 euros ($675 USD) each but even less expensive units will come next year with simpler design in a mini version with the ability to download your own frequencies for a wide range of ailments. Diagnostic machines start at 2,500 euros ($3400USD) and their most sophisticated combined diagnostic and treatment device the Deta Professional goes as low as 8,000 euro ($11,000 USD) – about one fifth of the price of similar units. You can see all of these devices at

Compare that to the cost of most medical equipment and drugs as well as therapies and one can see that the onetime startup cost for the consumer or practitioner is more than reasonable. Obama care, on the other hand, will undoubtedly fail as it should because it promotes the wrong type of medicine at obscene prices

Clothes Made of 3-D Printed Chainmail

3D printing was looking for the killer app and I suspect that we have just discovered it.  Materials will have to be designed and mastered, but the software solution is already to hand.  Presume every design can be processed this way and presume all imaginable textures can be produced.  The material can even be made as strong and as light as we desire.  Thus you pick the design you want, step into a measuring booth allowing the computer to produce a three dimensional model and let the system for the rest.  You receive a packaged tightly compressed garment that easily shakes out.

It that is not a billion dollar industry, I do not know what is.  Better, it is coming quickly.

I expect plenty of limitations but then with the size of the industry and natural reward already built in, change will come quickly.

However, your home printer can merely print off a simple gown or coverall every day if you want.  It may well be coming to that.  Remember Star Trek?

Look at These Clothes Made of 3-D Printed Chainmail


Nervous System, the Boston-based design firm founded by Jessica Rosenkrantz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg has been making stylish, 3-D printed jewelry for years, but have just developed new design software that could shake up the 3-D printing market. Photo: Nervous System

It might be hard to believe, but 3-D printers are already passé. Sure, there’ll be a steady flow of cool hardware and neat materials in the years to come, but the reality is that low-cost 3-D printers are basically machines that are great at cranking out small plastic objects, very slowly. But they don’t have to be.

Nervous System, the Boston-based design studio known for combining biologically inspired aesthetics with additive fabrication has developed a new software tool called Kinematics that pairs 3-D printers with web-based design tools to create large, desirable objects in under an hour.

Kinematics was inspired by a commission from Google who wanted a stylish way to promote their uber-customizable Moto X phone. Their goal was to send a van around the country to demo the device and leave visitors with a 3-D printed souvenir. The challenge was that the tchotchkes had to be customized by the shoppers and printed in the vehicle while they received the sales pitch.

Nervous System was excited by the open-ended challenge, but knew that traditional prints would take far too long. They realized that by printing relatively flat designs with built-in hinges, parts could be folded into impressive structures, but printed in a fraction of the time. The result was a Javascript tool that allowed visitors to customize a chunky piece of jewelry via touchscreen and have it 3-D printed and assembled as they watched.

He believes Kinematics is a generalizable tool that can be applied to everything.

After Google 3-D printed their last tchotcke, Nervous System continued developing the software and upgraded to a larger, higher-resolution selective laser sintering 3-D printer that enables more adventurous geometries. Emboldened by the success of their jewelry, they decided to step up the fashion food chain and print entire dresses.

Each garment starts as a 3-D model, created in the traditional fashion. The Kinematics software then breaks the model down into triangular planes, flattens the now polygonal 3-D model into a glorified 2-D sheet, and adds hinges that allow the printed piece to be folded back into its original form like a giant piece of plastic origami. It then compresses the garment, reducing its volume by 85 percent, and sends it to the 3-D printer for fabrication.

The results are impressive and compare favorably to Iris Van Herpen’s 3-D printed haute couture and Victoria’s Secret’s rapid prototyped panties, but Nervous System cofounder Jesse Louis-Rosenberg believes we’re a long way to go before we’re printing our wardrobes. “Once we see 3-D printed fashion actually being worn at a real event by someone not as a 3-D printed thing, but simply as fashion, that will be a sign it is ready to go mainstream.” Instead, he believes Kinematics is a generalizable tool that can be applied to everything from wearables to sculptures. 3-D printer operators can try it out here.

New releases to the software will features options for building in locking mechanisms to stabilize the parts, alternatives to the bulky hinge mechanism, and developing new folding schemes that will help avoid the distinct polygonal feel many of the Kinematics pieces share. Eventually, Louis-Rosenberg would like to support printers capable of producing parts with multiple materials: “We are excited about the possibilities of combining hard and soft, conductive and insulating.”

Kinematics shares similarities with Hyperform, the inventive “4-D printing” process developed by MIT alum and TED Fellow Skyler Tibbets. Both tools radically expand the size of objects that can be printed on affordable machines, but Louis-Rosenberg is looking to solve an even bigger problem.

‘Design is the often neglected other half of making 3-D printing accessible.’

“A 3-D printer isn’t very useful if you can’t make anything for it to print,” says Louis-Rosenberg. “Design is the often neglected other half of making 3-D printing accessible.” Despite its importance, 3-D modeling software is expensive, difficult to learn, and apps that offer 3-D scanning as a solution often createmonstrous results. There is also the deeper issue that for all the democratization 3-D printers bring to the world, few people consider themselves designers. They might be able to put together a slick ensemble from Nordstrom, but given a sewing machine and fabric, they’d freeze.

Going forward, Nervous System wants their design tools to be engaging, fun even, and so far they seem to be on the right path. “Kinematics seems to have really clicked with people,” says Louis-Rosenberg. “It’s a great step towards engaging people in design and having consumers play a more active role in the things they own.”

2013 can easily be called the year of 3-D printing with Makerbot’s acquisition by Stratasys, the launch of the hi-def Formlabs Form 1—among countless new systems—as well as the torrid stock performance of more established companies. That said, 2014 is shaping up to be the year that software engineers develop tools that will put all these amazing machines to good use and actually deliver on the promise of next-generation manufacturing.