Monday, June 27, 2022

Unknown 'Sloth-Like' Creature Observed Near San Jose, California

We have had no reports describing the Giant Sloth in which it is using its limbs like a four legged animal.  It also may well have been a female as it is clearly smaller and we have noted a tail based photo that was a likely sloth.

Again, the witness intuited a sloth creature and it is usually best to go with that until proven otherwise.  Recall the unusual form of those creatures on a Greek island from four thousand years ago in sculpture form.

The low hanging gait is new information as well and likely applies to the male as well with their robust upper body designed for leaping through trees.

Otherwise it was in daylight which is good..

Unknown 'Sloth-Like' Creature Observed Near San Jose, California

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

A Santa Clara County, California resident observes a cryptid while driving on a country road outside of San Jose. The description is similar to that of a sloth-like creature. Interesting account.

I recently received the following account:

"Imagine you are driving along a country road by yourself…dark. Foggy. Clouds of mist hanging above the ground. Too few streetlights providing too little illumination. Chill breeze blowing-seeming like it was continuing straight down your spine. No other cars you can see. No headlights, no brake lights…you are alone. The radio cuts out and you notice there is no signal on your phone. Then you see it.

Well, my experience was far from that. It was early morning in May 2019, just before 6 am. The sun had just begun to rise, but it was not dark. I was headed down a country road on the outskirts of San Jose, California, on my way to the store for my morning coffee. My radio worked fine. Not scary in any way, shape, or form.

I had just turned down a street next to a huge open space that used to be two 18-hole golf courses and just past that is a county park with a lake. Lots and lots of empty space. I was up the hill from that a few blocks.

I saw an animal cross the road about 200 yards ahead of me. My first thought was “dog,” but the proportions were wrong. Too long. Too low. Weird shape. I looked more intently and my second thought was “fur covered alligator” because it was long, with a long nose/snout and low, less than a foot off the ground, despite its length of four or so feet from snout to butt, exclusive of tail. I am having a hard time recalling what the tail looked like. I know it was present, but I do not know what it looked like. I slowed down to get as good a look as I could.

It was moving quickly, but walking from my left to my right made a U-turn to see if I could get a better look, but the mystery critter had slunk away by now, into the space between bushes. As much as I am interested in cryptid research the idea of taking a picture occurred to me maybe 5 minutes after the event was over. In reality, the encounter did not last long enough to have readied my phone and taken the picture.

So I am looking at a four-foot long animal (plus tail) which I had a hard time making out the details of. It was dark, brown I guess is what I would call it. Dark, but not black. Hard to describe is the best way to communicate every aspect of the animal’s appearance. I did not see any markings in its fur or hair, it was pretty much the same color. No eye shine or anything unusual about its eyes. I did not get a good look at its face, it was at my 11 o’clock position moving to the left when I saw it. I did not see fangs or teeth protruding. Similarly, no tongue was visible. Its body was less than a foot from the ground, much lower than a dog’s body of similar length would be unless crouched down.

So that’s the story. Not very spooky, nor very exciting, I’m afraid. However, it is the truth. To change it and make it terrifying would change it from a true experience to a fictional creepy pasta." Roy

NOTE: The witness stated later that it resembled a 'sloth-like' creature. Other than that, it's hard to imagine what this was. Lon