Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Saudi Desert Greening initiative

The Saudis are certainly ambitious.  Understand that all this is a natural extension of the African Sahel which has been greening up before my eyes this past two decades.  The Sahel extends completely across africa and restoring the hydraulic cycle ther is an obious improvement that i spoke to from the beginning of this blog.

all those ambitious ideas are actually happening at scale.  Man ymiloions of trees are now growing.  Man more are been planted as the people all do exactly what works.  It is well underway and is proving itself to the human consensus.  This means thgat the whole Sahara will be fully reforested and those great lakes vwill once again be refilled.  

This will take a long time. The width of the Sahara is one thousand miles or so. assuming we can consume twenty miles every twenty years, we have at least one thousand years of work ahead of us.  Then water accumulation may well take centuries longer as wdll.

All this will force the hydraulic cycle for the whole middle East and all those cdeserts there will green

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