Monday, May 16, 2022

James Churchwards Appearance on “The UnXplained”

An interesting report in which the producers utterly ignored the speaker's considered opinions and simply pushed century old  nonsense.  Hardly the way to advance knowledge.

We do learn that the original Churchward was a a young bank clerk in London who became a tea planter in Sri Lanka before immigrating to New York.  This is not unusual and somewhere there was family money to speed him on his way.  Everything else claimed about his career was fiction in pursuit of book sales which was fair enough for the time and place.

The whole concept of Mu still was been touted about, but it was very much part of ancient Hindu scriptures which certainly describe an ancient civilization in the Subcontinent and reports upheavals that conform with my my own work on the Pleistocene Nonconformity.around 13,000 BP.

Yet even without those upheavals, do understand that the Ice Age ended then and took at least 2000 years to fully complete.  This flooded the Indonesian archepelago and the South China Sea.  This was a tropical land much larger than the USA.  So yes, a continent went below the sea and also the Sahul went underwater in Australia. Let us not forget that another land archepelogo extended to Africa from southern India as well.  It was at least the size of Japan.

The actual earth upheavals are attested in the geology of both the Himalayas and the Andes but truly will beggar your imagination.

James Churchward wrote a work of fiction inspired by those scriptures.  He did not have a sub sea map to work with and basically threw stuff against the wall to make up a popular tale.  Again it does not matter.

The producers could have done far better but no one tried.  They just abused their only informant..

My Appearance on “The UnXplained”

Posted on May 14, 2022

Recently, I was featured as one of the “experts” on a segment of the UnXplained television series to discuss my great grandfather’s life and theories. I am disappointed the producers made it look as though I was a proponent of his theories.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I naively expected a balanced approach, where both sides would receive a fair shake and at the very least allow the viewer to make an evaluation of the options presented. I gained this impression since my appearance was on History, formerly called The History Channel. One assumes such a service is engaged to advocate truthful programming or if there is controversy, to portray each side.

Furthermore, a recent pronouncement by the show’s host and executive producer, William Shatner, included “Will we ever learn the truth about these mysterious ruins?”

The answer, Mr. Shatner, is a resounding NO!

While viewers respect you for the characters you played in previous roles, apparently your name and appearance is used now to promote the show and indoctrinate the viewers. The truth was never presented on the show and since I was interviewed I know what I told the camera. I have researched my great grandfather James Churchward and his theories for the past 15 years and written three books on the subject. The camera heard me say James wasn’t a Colonel in the Bengal Lancers, he was a London bank cashier before he became a tea planter in Sri Lanka. Eventually, he left to end up in New York City. I also told the camera Percy Tate Griffith writes in James’ unpublished biography, My Friend Churchey, that his first book, the Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men was a work of fiction.

Perhaps my mask modified facial hair was distracting or my voice was cracking when I said these things but the truth never reached the viewer’s eyes or ears. The standard weasel words used to legitimize the presentation such as “could have” or “believed by some” were absent to even indicate the information was not without controversy.

Now I understand why the name of the show is the UnXplained because after people watch the show the subject covered is still UNEXPLAINED.

PS I am willing to collaborate on a presentation covering the truth about James Churchward and his theories. Send an email if you are interested.