Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ancient Artifacts in Coal Seams

Every once in a while I come across an unusual coal miner’s story and this one is quite thought provoking. 

Most such tales are of some out of place artifact or the other that is not particularly notable in itself.  The difficulty is with the location.  Coal is assumed to be ancient as it is.  Stratigraphic work pretty well locks in the age of the coal itself.  Thus artifacts found in the coal were placed there when the coal was laid down or emplaced much more recently.

The first proposition is unreasonable for a couple of reasons:

1                    The coal making process is wet and destructive to any material capable of weathering.  Mere weathering would have eliminated most such artifacts and the wall cited in this report in particular.
2                    The forming of coal uses pressure and deformation.  This would be immediately apparent.

This leaves the second proposition.  The wall is a recent manufacture of the past that certainly includes the 200,000 years of human emergence.  Our postings have made it clear that there was an equivalent human civilization to ours that abandoned Earth around 15,000 years ago.  Thus there is 25,000 year window between 40,000 BC through 15,000 BC in which all sorts of artifacts could have been left in coal seams.

We ourselves are coming to the end of the utilization of coal seams for fuel after about two centuries of exploitation.

The other thing that needs to be noted is that a coal seam is an excellent geological holding system if you wish to store something that will never be weathered by stray chemistry. The coal will sponge all that up for you.  For that reason, any true ancient artifacts are best searched for in coal.

In addition, 15,000 years is sufficient for the seam itself to squeeze out any voids made by the mining needed to place the artifacts.

In short if I wished to preserve a structure and artifacts for thousands of years, I would be hard put to do better.

Why a wall is created using twelve inch cubes is not obvious.  Why it was polished to smoothness is also not obvious.  Did the block actually contain something?  This looks like an effective way to dispose of dangerous waste material.  That makes plenty of sense.

Disposing of a dangerous irradiated object could be done be placing it into a concrete filled mold.  When it hardened it could then be polished down to precise dimensions.  The value of that is that a simple eyeball test would spot any form of failure. 

So my guess is that the observed wall of blocks where blocks of disposed hazardous material placed in a coal seam to be kept out of harms way.

Recall that any upright citizen who took the effort to swear a statement over facts he and several others observed was certainly telling the truth as he understood it to be.  To make it up in the face of so many other witnesses is not believable.  He stood up to create the record.

Awesome or Off-Putting: Oklahoma’s 286 Million Year Old Block Wall

     Awesome or Off-Putting is a weekly delve into cryptozoology, ufology, aliens, medical marvels, scientific wonders, secret societies, government conspiracies, cults, ghosts, EVPs, myths, ancient artifacts, religion, strange facts, odd sightings or just the plain unexplainable.

     Most historians would agree that human civilisation began sometime in the 1850s. No exact date has ever been given – and frankly we don’t need one. What we do need is an answer to this – if that’s true how could there be a 286-million-year-old-block wall found deep in an Oklahoma mine?

     One man claims he’s seen such a wall with his own eyes.

     In 1928 Atlas Almon Mathis was a miner hammering away in Oklahoma’s deep underground. He was looking for coal – what he found was far more baffling. You see, although it’s commonly accepted that the earth was formed about 4.84 billion years ago, the modern intelligent human didn’t show its face until around 200,000 years ago, according to fossil finds. This is where things get confusing. We’ll let Mathis tell his own story:

     “In the year 1928, I, Atlas Almon Mathis, was working in coal mine No. 5., located two miles north of Heavener, Oklahoma. This was a shaft mine, and they told us it was two miles deep. The mine was so deep that they let us down into it on an elevator. . . . They pumped air down to us, it was so deep…

     “…the next morning there were several concrete blocks laying in the room. These blocks were 12-inch cubes and were so smooth and polished on the outside that all six sides could serve as mirrors. Yet they were full of gravel, because I chipped one of them open with my pick, and it was plain concrete inside. As I started to timber the room up, it caved in; and I barely escaped. When I came back after the cave-in, a solid wall of these polished blocks was left exposed. About 100 to 150 yards farther down our air core, another miner struck this same wall, or one very similar.”

     A weird mirror-wall is a strange enough find by itself – but it gets weirder when you think of how old it’s speculated to be. A website called  explains the oddity:

“The coal in the mine was probably Carboniferous, which would mean the wall was at least 286 million years old.”

     And what does such a supposedly old wall mean? Some say it rewrites history – that there’s no way modern humans are only 200,000 years old. Some say humans have technologically developed and then destroyed themselves several times in the world’s history – and that right now we’re just at the tail-end of another cycle. Others believe the commonly accepted fossil record is true as we understand it – that we do have the correct age or our ancestors – but that time travel may come into play.

     A webpage called Skybooksusa adds a bit more to the puzzle – and they follow it with some questions of their own:

     “According to Mathis, the mining company officers immediately pulled the men out of the mine and forbade them to speak about what they had seen.  Mathis said the Wilburton miners also told of finding “a solid block of silver in the shape of a barrel… with the prints of the staves on it,” in an area of coal dating between 280 and 320 million years ago.  What advance civilization built this wall?… Why was the truth, as is so many of these cases protected and hidden?… What is the real truth about time travelers, modern humans, and modern technology in our past?”

     So what is the truth? We don’t know. But the first thing we’d like to do is go to Oklahoma’s Coal Mine #5 and check things out. If the wall has actually lasted for all these millions of years, it probably hasn’t withered away since 1928.