Saturday, June 25, 2011

Atlantis Subsidence

If you have worked through this blog, covering the past four years, and it has been that long, you know that I have been reconstructing aspects of Bronze Age Atlantean history.  What kicked the process off was the discovery of a tsunami overwhelmed port south of Seville in the right time and place and also linked directly to the Hecla eruption of 1159 BC  ending the European Bronze Age.  Twenty years without crops due to ash fall utterly disrupted the current civilization as such.

We have since expanded our understanding of this culture to include a time period that appears to begin around 3000BC and ends in 1159BC.  During this period and early on, the great Pyramids were built as was Stonehenge and many other ceremonial sites with significant astronomical associations.  This Atlantean culture covered the Eastern Atlantic sea board, North Africa to the Levant and established a presence along the Northern Mediterranean coast through trading factories or palaces.

At the same time a presence was established on the western Atlantic coast from New England down through the Bahamas and on into the Yucatan peninsula and other useful access points throughout coastal Americas.  The culture was fueled by the copper trade and I thought it naturally centered on the port city down river from Seville.  This happens to be a choke point for the Mediterranean.

Yet I have now had a chance to reconsider the potential of the Bahamas bank.  The area is huge and it certainly matches the description of Plato.  What is more, all roads actually lead to it in the traditions of both the East and the West.  Yet I had been held back by the problem of relying on sea level rises to explain the present submergence.  That is all right so far as it goes, but known sea level changes are simply insufficient or from the wrong eras.

I finally realized that an actual unique submergence in 1159BC solves two problems.

First, it allows even a full 200 to 300 meter descent of the entire bank taking what is obviously a huge independent island below sea level at one go.  This naturally produces the tsunami record.

Secondly the massive geological event triggers the massive disruption in Iceland that produced the Hecla eruption of 1159BC and likely triggered other eruptions in the Caribbean at the same time.  As important, it eliminates the actual need to link the tsunami directly to the eruption which is not a natural cause and effect relationship.  Earthquakes and earth movements cause both tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

There is one other clincher, for me at least.  As posted before, the earth’s crust was shifted thirty degrees south through Hudson Bay to end the Northern Ice Age 13900 years ago.  While this movement led to crustal compression of those parts leaving the equator and produced the Andes and the Himalayas, it led to crustal stretching on the other side of the equator.  The whole of the Gulf of Mexico is a subsided slab of crust as a simple look at the map will show.  The key break runs East West through Cuba and Haiti.

Any earthquake release along this huge fault would be able to release any portion of the crust to the North that had not as yet succumbed to the pressure to subside.  We have actually identified one of perhaps two places on Earth were subsidence is a real possibility.

Certainly this island was also subjected to rising sea levels brought on by the slow collapse of the Northern Ice Age.  This all took place far in the distant past and may have remained as a folk memory.  It was hardly damaging.  An actual subsidence is quite another matter.

My key point is that the land mass of the Bahamas Bank was locked and cocked to subside.  This immediately begs the question of whether the same holds true for all of Florida.  That is the remaining exception of lands not subsided yet.