tales reminds us of what is possible at the all important community
level. Now imagine organizing society along these lines and
internally capitalizing it at this level with its own self managed
banking apparatus.
success took years to assemble but it was merely a case of leadership
understanding the direction his electors wished to go and actively
supporting them.
this emphasizes though is that the core objective of effective
sustainability is plausible. And yes it all starts with energy and
the production of a surplus to support internal expansion and wealth.
this case, the political model sorted itself out and produced a great
result. This now needs to be come the new benchmark for communities
German Village Achieves Energy
Independence … And Then Some
February 1, 2012 |
Christie Allen
Wildpoldsried, Germany
produces 321 percent more energy than it needs and is generating $5.7
million in annual revenue — a remarkable accomplishment for a
modest farming community that has been able to invest in new
municipal infrastructure without going into debt.
IN 1997, when the
newly elected Mayor and Village Council of Wildpoldsried, Germany
took their posts, everyone agreed that its goals should be to build
new industry, keep initiatives local, bring in new revenues and
create no debt. Those goals included construction of a new sports
hall, theater stage, pub, and retirement house. Without going into
debt, the mayor and council assumed it would take several decades to
achieve. But clever thinking, a national policy that “paid back”
on investments in renewable energy and a community-supported vision
of environmental and economic stewardship, have led to fulfilling
those goals in significantly less time. This article tells the story
of Wildpoldsried, a small agricultural village in the state of
Bavaria, which serves as a model of how to achieve community
sustainability in the 21st century — and remain debt-free.
In May 2011, 14 years
later, Mayor Arno Zengerle announced at a town hall meeting that it’s
“half time” of his third term. He walked the community through a
massive list of accomplishments that include nine new community
buildings (including the school, gym and community hall) complete
with solar panels, four biogas digesters with a fifth in
construction, seven windmills with two more on the way, 190 private
households equipped with solar, a district heating network with 42
connections, three small hydro power plants, ecological flood control
and a natural wastewater system. Wildpoldsried (pop. <2 321="" 4.0="" a="" accomplishment="" an="" anaerobic="" and="" annual="" businesses="" community="" digesters="" district="" efficiency="" energy="" entrepreneurs="" euro="" farming="" for="" from="" generating="" have="" heating="" help="" i="" in="" industry="" install="" installations="" into="" is="" it="" local="" million="" modest="" more="" needs="" no="" now="" of="" panels="" percent="" pioneers.="" produces="" provide="" remarkable="" renewable="" retrofits.="" revenue.="" sell="" services="" small="" solar="" sprung="" technologies="" than="" that="" the="" this="" to="" turned="" up="" village="" with="">2>
In 1999, the Village
Council crafted a mission statement — WIR–2020, ‘Wildpoldsried
Innovativ Richtungsweisend (Wildpoldsried Innovative Leadership) —
which became the blueprint for how it should consider its citizens’
demands, community projects and future development and growth. In
turn, the council hoped that the guidelines would inspire people to
get involved, begin thinking greener and create jobs and businesses
for the community. The W.I.R – 2020 focused on three main themes:
1) Renewable Energy and Saving Energy; 2) Ecological Construction of
Buildings Using Ecological Building Materials (mainly wood-based);
and 3) Protection of Water and Water Resources (both above and below
ground) and Ecological Disposal of Wastewater.
One citizen, Wendelin
Einsiedler, started talking to his neighbors and friends about the
community’s direction, resulting in the formation of a civic
society. At the time, he wasn’t sure where things were headed but
wanted the society to be an active group that could lead the way for
the new initiatives in Wildpoldsried. In 1999, the society
established EW Wind Energy GmbH Hutoi to build two Enercon E-58
community windmills to produce 3.5 MWh of power. The total investment
was 4.4 million Deutsch-marks (DM), comprised of 25 percent equity
and about 70 percent debt and a small grant from the state of Bavaria
(200,000 DM) specifically allocated for testing the two Enercon E-58
wind turbines. (The value of a DM in 1999 was about 1.95 Euros €.)
In June 2001 the
society created a second company, EW Wind Energy GmbH & Co.KG
Haarberg, which had 94 investors. Each investor could contribute a
minimum of 5,000 € up to 25,000 €. Two windmills were
constructed, producing 4.5 MWh. The total investment was 6.6 million
DM, 2.5 million DM in equity and 4.5 million debt. In June 2008, a
fifth windmill was installed to produce an additional 4.0 MWh,
bringing total installed capacity to 12 MWh. Most recently, in May
2011, Einsiedler raised funds for a third company to install two more
windmills. This investment is only available to the citizens of
Wildpoldsried. The two new windmills will each have a capacity of 2.3
MW. Overall, investors in the society’s community windmill projects
have been receiving a minimum of an 8 to 10 percent return on their
investments, says Einsiedler.
Not long after
Einsiedler received approval for the society’s first pair of
windmills in April 2000, his brother Ignaz Einsiedler went to the
village council for approval to build a second biogas plant on his
dairy farm. The first biogas plant became operational in 1997. Two
other biogas plants are operating on village dairy farms. Today,
three biogas companies are operating four anaerobic digesters that
produce a total of 320,000 kWh/year. “One-by-one, individuals came
forward with ideas and plans to become energy independent,” says
Susi Vogl, council administrator.
Even before the
village council crafted a mission statement, many people were already
thinking greener. As a pilot project in the fall of 1994, the third
generation owner of Schellheimer, a local landscape company, built
the first private natural wastewater system for his home. At the
time, flooding was a big issue in Wildpoldsried and it was a constant
concern for the citizens.
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