Saturday, October 5, 2024

Half-Century-Old Dietary Recommendation May Be Linked to Cancer

I get the strong sense that no one has really done a work up on the actual science.  most of these oils were consumed as part of the whole seed, but also many could not be.

In the event, we produced concentrated forms which are then worked in order to make safe.  This means high doses that have not been investigated for risks.

And now we have meta stats telling us to slow down and do figure this out.  All because of an hypothesis that could not be tested except in the long term.

Half-Century-Old Dietary Recommendation May Be Linked to Cancer

While vegetable oils do lower blood cholesterol, they don’t reduce coronary heart disease mortalities. Many may put consumers at risk of other harm.

May 25, 2023Updated:January 16, 2024

This is part 1 in “Debunking the Fat Dogma”

In this series, we will break down the actual health effects of vegetable oils and whether they are better alternatives to saturated fats. Follow this series to find out whether what you are using to cook with is really the best option.

When the term “cooking oil” is mentioned, the immediate image that comes to mind for most people is pale and yellow liquid in large transparent bottles labeled “vegetable oil.”

Though vegetable oils are a staple cooking oil for many Americans now, they are only a recent invention. Decades ago, common fats used in cooking were animal fats such as lard, butter, and suet, all of which tend to have a higher saturated fat ratio.

The current switch to vegetable oils can be traced back to researcher and physiologist Ancel Keys, who hypothesized in the 1950s that replacing animal fats higher in saturated fats with vegetable oils, which tend to be higher in polyunsaturated fat, would lower blood cholesterol levels and in turn, reduce heart disease.

This idea, and various market changes, led to the widespread adoption of this dietary shift. And based on the available evidence, it seems that the hypothesis wasn’t entirely accurate.

While vegetable oils do lower blood cholesterol, they don’t necessarily reduce coronary heart disease mortalities. In fact, many may put consumers at risk of other harm.

Nevertheless, Keys’s hypothesis has persisted.

Starting in the 1960s, the American Heart Association put forward recommendations to switch from animal fat to vegetable oils. The idea influenced the first edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans in 1980. Both the American Heart Association and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, valid from 2020 to 2025, have recommended polyunsaturated fatty acid consumption over saturated fat.

What Are Vegetable Oils?The name “vegetable oil” can be a bit misleading. People may think that it’s healthy because it’s made from vegetables.

Most common vegetable oils are made from both edible and inedible plant seeds. Oils that are made from edible vegetable seeds include corn, soy, peanut, and sunflower oils, while oils made from inedible seeds include canola, cottonseed, and safflower oils. The name “seed oil” is less palatable than vegetable oil. These seed oils are high in polyunsaturated fat and are therefore prone to oxidation.

There are also oils made from the flesh of fruits, such as olive, palm, and coconut oils. These oils differ from most of the common vegetable oils as they have a low polyunsaturated fat content.

Most Vegetable Oils Have 2 Key ProblemsContrary to food guidelines, most vegetable oils on the market may not be suitable for cooking for two main reasons.

1. Prone to OxidationMany people have heard of oxidation but don’t really know what it is. Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which atoms and compounds lose their electrons. These atoms become unstable and thus seek to recover their electrons, so they steal electrons from other compounds. Other compounds then steal from others, and this continues in a vicious cycle. Fire, for example, is a rapid form of oxidation.

Oxidation is an essential process, but too much oxidation harms the body. A fire in the fireplace is warming, but even a spark that escapes can severely damage a piece of furniture. So it is with oxidation. If a cell’s DNA becomes damaged from losing electrons to oxidation, the DNA can become unstable and mutate. Cells that contain mutated DNA are at significant risk of becoming cancerous. This is why antioxidants such as vitamins C and E are vital to health.

The problem with polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in vegetable oils, is that they are highly oxidative. Polyunsaturated fats have two or more double—or unsaturated—bonds. These double bonds are highly reactive and oxidize when exposed to oxygen.

While polyunsaturated fatty acids spontaneously oxidize at room temperature, oxidation increases by several times during cooking. This has been demonstrated by Martin Grootveld, a professor specializing in bioanalytical chemistry and chemical pathology at De Montfort University in the United Kingdom. He further found that the higher the proportion of polyunsaturated fat, the greater the number of toxic oxidation products formed.

Oils that contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids are prone to oxidation, Sally Morell, founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation and author of 10 books on nutrition, told The Epoch Times. This is because omega-3 fatty acids contain the most double bonds in their structure, presenting many opportunities for oxidation. Naturally occurring omega-3 fatty acids have three to six double bonds.

Oils high in omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, walnut, and canola oil.

Oxidized oil also goes rancid quickly, making it particularly odorous and unpalatable. For this reason, many mainstream vegetable cooking oils on the market have been refined.

2. Usually Highly Refined

The refinement of vegetable oils involves many industrial chemicals and processes. First, the oil is extracted using a solvent. Hexane, a crude oil constituent solvent, is a popular choice for this process (pdf).

Hexane helps pull the oil from the vegetable and seed pulps, potentially leaving behind hexane residues. Acute exposure to hexane can cause irritation.

The mixture is then degummed for impurities and winterized to separate waxes from the oil. The final steps are bleaching and deodorizing, during which the oil mixture goes through cycles of high heating to remove chemicals and give the final product a better appearance and more neutral flavor.

The actual harms of refined oils are unknown, though deodorizing has been shown to cause the formation of trans unsaturated fats, the worst fats to consume, and glycidol, a known carcinogen (pdf).

Vegetable Oils and Cancer

Oxidation is linked to cancer, so some experts worry that consuming oxidants from heated vegetable oils may pose a greater cancer risk.

In the 1950s, several randomized controlled clinical trials began testing a diet low in animal fat; participants switched from consuming animal fats, such as milk and cheese, to a polyunsaturated vegetable-fat diet.

Debunking the Fat Dogma

More from this series

While these studies saw reductions in cholesterol levels and often a decrease in heart attacks, long-term and follow-up studies showed that those who had traded animal fats for vegetable oils and proteins often reported higher overall mortality, often with increased cancer deaths.

Starting in the 1980s, several studies also linked low blood cholesterol with cancer, though it hasn’t been determined why this link exists.

“The people on the high vegetable oil died at higher rates from cancer, and there were a series of very high-level meetings at the National Institutes of Health throughout the 1980s trying to understand this very worrisome outcome,“ investigative journalist Nina Teicholz said. ”Those concerns were not resolved.”

The connection between seed oil oxidation and inflammation, and its relation with cancer, was first extensively outlined in Teicholz’s book.

Teicholz is the first to label seed-derived vegetable oils as “seed oils” and spent a decade researching fats and oils to write her New York Times bestseller “The Big Fat Surprise.”

Although other health experts have also linked vegetable oil with obesity and diabetes, Teicholz said the evidence is usually from observational studies. In contrast, the cancer link was seen in randomized controlled trials, making it more robust.

Saturated Fats Are More Suitable for CookingFats high in saturated fat tend to be the most stable when cooked, Grootveld said. Because saturated fats contain no double bonds, they are much less reactive with heat and oxygen.

Grootveld, who ranked cooking oils based on their oxidative abilities, said that oils high in saturated fat, including animal fats such as lard and tallow, are the least prone to oxidation. Both lard and tallow contain about 40 to 50 percent saturated fat, accompanied by monounsaturated fat and meager amounts of polyunsaturated fat.

All animal fats contain low amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but these fats generate only very low levels of oxidation products because of their very high saturated and monounsaturated fat contents.

Some plant-derived oils, such as coconut, are predominantly composed of saturated fat and are also resistant to oxidation. Palm oil is also resistant since it contains large amounts of both saturated and monounsaturated fats.

Oils high in monounsaturated fat, such as olive and some types of sunflower, are less resistant to oxidation than animal fats and may be suitable for low-temperature cooking at short intervals. These oils are more resistant to oxidation than polyunsaturated seed oils.

Grid Apocalypse Hits Carolinas: 360 Substations Down, Power Restoration Could Take "Months"

This mess reminds us how ill prepared we remain regarding an EMP attack. All our transformers need to be EMP proof..

Understand that wrapping something up with aluminum foil works wonderfully.

Our transformers are cased in metal and a properly built in breaker should do it.  conversation aside, it is not even difficult.  It may even be possible that they are all safe as can be.  After all a lightening bolt is a known design hazard since Ben Franklin.

The system would still go down as happened here and I would expect burned out cables from an EMP event.  

Here though we had a nasty flood event and that wreaked substations prone to flooding.  Those need to go up in the air.

Grid Apocalypse Hits Carolinas: 360 Substations Down, Power Restoration Could Take "Months"

Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024 - 08:05 AM

Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC), representing a district in the western portion of the state battered by Hurricane Helene, released a press release Sunday detailing the infrastructure devastation.

Edwards said power outages remain widespread in Western North Carolina as of Sunday. Fast-forward to Wednesday morning, Poweroutage.US data shows more than 400,000 residents are without power in the region.

He explained that 360 power substations "are out," indicating that "many of these substations were completely flooded, and Duke Energy is unable to assess the damage until the flooding has lowered, the water has been pumped out, and the equipment is thoroughly dried."

What's piqued our interest is that the powering up America theme to power AI data centers and other electrification trends, such as EVs and onshoring manufacturing (as outlined in "The Next AI Trade"), has led to shortages and price increases in the transformer market.

"Distribution transformers are a bedrock component of our energy infrastructure," National Renewable Energy Laboratory researcher Killian McKenna said, who was recently quoted by PV Magazine.

McKenna pointed out, "But utilities needing to add or replace them are currently facing high prices and long wait times due to supply chain shortages. This has the potential to affect energy accessibility, reliability, affordability—everything."

Other reasons for the transformer shortages besides power grid upgrades include raw material sourcing problems, pandemic-related supply chain woes and backlogs, labor constraints, shipping issues, and geopolitical tensions.

Given all of this, Jesse D. Jenkins, an assistant professor and macro-energy systems engineering and policy expert at Princeton University, responded to the dire situation of a grid apocalypse playing out in the Southeast US:

"This is devastating. We do NOT have 360 substations worth of transformers and other electrical equipment sitting in stockpiles waiting to be deployed. It could take a very long time to restore power to everyone. Are we facing a Hurricane Maria-type impact on grid infrastructure?"

Making matters worse for residents of North Carolina, some X users are pointing out the Biden-Harris administration supplied transformers to Ukraine. It's unclear if these transformers were drained for US stockpiles. Meanwhile, others note that Ukraine uses a different electrical system than the US.

What's not questionable is this: Earlier this year, US ambassador to Kyiv Bridget Brink jumped for joy on X, indicating United States Agency for International Development delivered "50 voltage transformers, 9 current transformers, & 80 isolators."

You know, just Washington elites have been prioritizing Ukraine's power grid over the US' fragile grid.

Nathaniel Horadam, a managing consultant and automated vehicle specialist with the Atlanta-based nonprofit Center for Transportation and the Environment, wrote on X, " It's Hard to express how insane this is. With ongoing supply chain challenges facing switchgear and transformers, this could take many months to resolve."

"There's no excess capacity to quickly replace substation infrastructure. Lower priority sites could literally take years," Horadam warned.

Possibly summed up here...

Really big 'sigh'...

America needs new leadership. Leftist elites prioritize other countries and illegal aliens over American citizens. This is happening against the will of the American people. The Biden-Harris admin has been sailing a rudderless ship in a worsening shitstorm as the world is on fire.

Unsurprisingly, The Bitcoin Price Follows Global Liquidity

firstly, Bitcoin is the effective GOLD of modernity and evade general money printing.  Yet it is totally dependent on our electronic infrastructure.  Is it immune to an EMP?

Secondly GOLD is natural value store because of its natural scarcity and special physical characteristics, but is otherwise terribly inconvenient.  Just about all the gold ever mined over thousands of years is above ground and even in a vault.

What is novel about Bitcoin is that it cannot be diluted and surpasses fiat money in that regard.  So yes it has become big enough to act as an inverse to money printing and certainly a place to dump all your ill gotten money.  I suspect by now, agents of the narco crowd have all dumped their coin there.

Unsurprisingly, The Bitcoin Price Follows Global Liquidity

Wednesday, Oct 02, 2024 - 02:00 PM

I have been intrigued by the significant increase in global liquidity during 2024, driven by extensive money printing and debt expansion, and how it impacts Bitcoin's price.

Bitcoin is an expression against the government's monetary expansionist policies, so its price follows global liquidity, as seen here on this chart.

It was fascinating to read the recent report by Lyn Alden and Sam Callahan analyzing Bitcoin's correlation to global liquidity.

This further reconfirmed my view that more monetary expansion drives more people to Bitcoin, increasing prices.

Their rigorous analysis found that over 12-month periods, Bitcoin's price moves in the same direction as global liquidity a remarkable 83% of the time.

This is higher than any other major asset class, making Bitcoin a uniquely pure barometer for global liquidity trends.

The report quantified Bitcoin's correlation with global M2 money supply, finding a very strong 0.94 overall correlation between May 2013 and July 2024. Bitcoin's average 12-month rolling correlation was 0.51, while stocks and gold showed moderately high correlations as well in the 0.4 to 0.7 range.

Of course, Bitcoin's correlation isn't perfect. Shorter-term breakdowns can occur around crypto-specific events like exchange hacks or Ponzi schemes collapsing.

Supply-demand imbalances also cause temporary decoupling when Bitcoin reaches extreme overvaluation levels during market cycle peaks.

Yet despite these breakdowns, the long-term relationship persists.

Right now, liquidity is soaring to unprecedented levels, suggesting Bitcoin could soon embark on a massive bull run if this relationship holds.

While I believe no model perfectly captures Bitcoin's complexity, recognizing its role as a monetary canary in the coal mine can lend valuable insight.

If history rhymes, Bitcoin's sirens are ringing loudly that a liquidity-driven boom will soon be underway.

COVID Roundup: Bill Would Force Pfizer to Cough Up Compensation For Victims of Its Vaxx Fraud

It is a beginning. Big Pharma placed themselves above the law.  Or so they thought.  No one is above natural law when natural law comes hunting.

Their behavior is obvious and the results are becoming crystal clear.

And we have a global war underway behind the screens imposing natural law.

Just what will happen when AI defines natural law?

COVID Roundup: Bill Would Force Pfizer to Cough Up Compensation For Victims of Its Vaxx Fraud

By Ben Bartee - October 01, 2024

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.

Congressional bill would remove vaxx manufacturers’ liability shields

I assume most Armageddon Prose readers are familiar with the reason you can’t sue Pfizer for melting your liver or maiming your baby in utero, which is that they bribed Congress sufficiently back in the day to give them blanket immunity.

But, if not, via CNBC, 2020 (emphasis added):

“In February [2020], Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company…

These companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.”

H.R. 9828, per, if passed (not likely — at least not yet — because no Democrats are cosponsors and none would vote yes) would “amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes.”

Via Congressman Paul Gosar (emphasis added):

“Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement after introducing H.R. 9828, the End the Vaccine Carveout Act, a bill that would strip vaccine manufacturers of their unjust liability shields. This carveout has resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits for Big Pharma while leaving tens of thousands of people without the ability to seek legal justice and compensation for injuries caused by vaccines.

“Although federal bureaucrats and Big Pharma insist that vaccines are safe, there is an unfortunate lack of science regarding the safety of vaccines. For example, a review of 12,000 scientific papers by the Institute of Medicine published in 2012 found that 98% of injuries studied were either caused by or may have been caused by a vaccine. Another government study found that while vaccines caused injuries in 10 percent of cases, only one percent get reported, meaning those injured by vaccines are vastly undercounted.

Furthermore, according to the Center for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, nearly 20,000 Americans were reported as having been killed to date by a COVID-19 vaccine, equating to one death for every 14,000 people vaccinated, much higher than the one in a million deaths that is normally cited for dangerous vaccines.

Government bureaucrats and scientists responsible for approving vaccines are in bed with Big Pharma, often owning pharmaceutical stocks, serving as consultants and receiving lucrative contracts from pharmaceutical companies that pressure them to produce favorable results which is in direct violation of federal law.”

Study points to massive ‘negative efficacy’ of COVID shots

Via medRxiv:

“Absolute VE for a first booster was 40% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) -56 – 77) at 7– 29 days following vaccination, -9% (95% CI -104 – 42) at 30 – 59 days, and – 46% (95% CI -156 – 17) at ≥ 60 days.”

In human speak, that means “boosters” made the recipient 46% more likely two months out to contract the virus than the uninjected, hence the term “negative efficacy.”

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Homeschooling Numbers Continue to Climb After COVID-19 Pandemic: Report

The ststs show us that approximately ten percent of households are able to do this.  That vis not unreasonable as it takes a work at home mother or father at least.

The benefit is that the actual work load does not have to be stretched out to make up a school day.  It can likely be packaged into four solid hours after breakfast for most.  And certainly any feedback i have seen has been positive.

A dedicated parent is as knowledgeable as any teacher until we get to  into some high school classes.  and those are often special.

Again, so far this largely applies best to around an eighth of the student population.  It also signals that we can do so much better.

Is it possible to set up unsupervised work spaces for around six students around a large table.  this would be viewed by most as a reward and even promotion.  And allo0w the unwilling to be delt with separately.

Homeschooling Numbers Continue to Climb After COVID-19 Pandemic: Report

‘The growth is not driven by a global pandemic or sudden disruptions to traditional schooling,’ a report found.



New data from the Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy’s homeschool research lab show that 90 percent of states reporting data saw an increase in homeschooling in the 2023–2024 school year.

The report examined data from 21 out of 30 states that collect or report homeschool participation information. The other nine states are expected to report data in the coming months.

The 19 states that experienced growth were Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Only Vermont and New Hampshire showed a decline from the previous school year in the total number of homeschooled students.

The report identified two primary trends: sustained growth and rebounding growth. The three states with sustained growth, meaning they experienced no post-COVID-19 pandemic decline, were Louisiana, South Carolina, and South Dakota.

The other 16 states exhibited a rebounding trend, meaning they saw a post-COVID-19 pandemic decline, followed by an increase in 2023–2024.

“While homeschooling grew rapidly during the pandemic, most people thought that students would return to more traditional schools when the pandemic disruptions abated,” the report states. “Some states did show a decline, but few have returned to normal, even four years after the onset of the pandemic.”

During the 2023–2024 school year, the number of homeschoolers in North Dakota reached an all-time high, reflecting a 24 percent increase from the previous year. Similarly, Rhode Island saw a 67 percent increase in the number of homeschoolers from the previous year. Wyoming also hit an all-time high with an 8 percent increase over the previous year.

“The big takeaway is that this is new homeschool growth that we see in last year’s state reports,” report author Angela Watson said in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times. “The rebound effect is really interesting and we aren’t sure of the reason—but we know it’s not because of a global pandemic.”

Tracking accurate data on homeschoolers is challenging due to varying legislation and reporting requirements. States have different policies regarding homeschoolers; some classify them as private school students, while others do not.

“The fact that so many states are reporting highest-ever numbers seems like a big finding as well,” Watson said, “and that these counts are going up while overall school enrollment and population is declining.”

Some states, such as Texas, do not report homeschool statistics. However, other data indicate an increase in homeschool participation in the Lone Star state.

The Texas Homeschool Coalition examined data from the U.S. Census Bureau that showed that homeschooling in Texas nearly tripled between the spring and fall of 2020, rising from 4.5 percent to 12.3 percent.

The coalition also cited information gathered from the Texas Education Agency and statewide school districts indicating that more than 50,000 students migrated from public schools to homeschooling in 2022 and 2023.

“While there is a clear growth trend in homeschooling, the reason for that growth is unknown. What is clear is that this time, the growth is not driven by a global pandemic or sudden disruptions to traditional schooling. Something else is driving this growth,” the Johns Hopkins report states.

First New Schizophrenia Treatment in Decades a Much-Needed Alternative

Yes - This is an alternate biological pathway that appears to help.

so this is good news for a persistent problem.

A cure would be nice but still out of sight.

First New Schizophrenia Treatment in Decades a Much-Needed Alternative

01 October 2024

Experts expressed enthusiasm Friday after US health regulators approved the first new form of treatment for schizophrenia in decades.

The drug, called Cobenfy and developed by US pharma giant Bristol Myers Squibb, works differently from existing treatments, targeting the so-called cholinergic receptors, not the dopamine receptors.

"This drug takes the first new approach to schizophrenia treatment in decades," Tiffany Farchione, a top official in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said in a statement Thursday.

"This approval offers a new alternative to the antipsychotic medications people with schizophrenia have previously been prescribed," she said.

Schizophrenia affects only some one percent of Americans, but its effects can be devastating.

It can cause hallucinations, feelings of persecution and difficulty in controlling one's thoughts. About five percent of diagnosed schizophrenics die by suicide.

Lynsey Bilsland, who heads the mental health division of the Wellcome charitable foundation, said Cobenfy could be "game-changing, especially for those for whom other drugs do not work."

She added: "It works in a completely different way from any other currently used schizophrenia drugs. It has the potential to change the lives of millions of people."

Cobenfy – its scientific name is "xanomeline and trospium chloride" – is taken orally.

Two clinical trials confirmed its effectiveness, showing it can significantly reduce patients' symptoms.

Side effects include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, urinary retention and liver problems.

But compared to current drugs, those side effects are "reduced," said Matt Jones, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Bristol in England.

"It's obviously great news for people living with schizophrenia," he said, while noting that the drug has yet to receive approval in Britain.

Sameer Jauhar, a senior clinical lecturer in affective disorders and psychosis at King's College in London, said the side effects of current medications – including weight gain and sluggishness – can deter some people from following through with treatment.

He said he wants to see the results of longer-term trials, but quickly added that the positive results so far amount to "possibly one of the most exciting developments in our field, and I am very excited about this."

Ohio Train Derailment's Toxic Fallout Lingered in The Worst Possible Places

What is missing in all this is known working protocols for any such disasters.  Without such, no such cargo should be shipped.

Also do understand that often the only resolution is environmental dilution, and setting it all afire may well have been the best choice.  Just that we lack any science in the press.

Here we find that the nasties are quite persistent.  So go in with an air blower and apply to everything.

folks who own houses want to use them and them using air blowers quickly makes it all safe enough.

We have been using most of these chems privately for decades and we all know how to be careful.

Ohio Train Derailment's Toxic Fallout Lingered in The Worst Possible Places

01 October 2024

ByAndrew J. Whelton, The Conversation

Ohio National Guard’s 52nd Civil Support Team in East Palestine, Ohio, 7 February 2023. (Ohio National Guard/Flickr)

On Feb. 3, 2023, a train carrying chemicals jumped the tracks in East Palestine, Ohio, rupturing railcars filled with hazardous materials and fueling chemical fires at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.

The disaster drew global attention as the governors of Ohio and Pennsylvania urged evacuations for a mile around the site. Flames and smoke billowed from burning chemicals, and an acrid odor radiated from the derailment area as chemicals entered the air and spilled into a nearby creek.

Three days later, at the urging of the rail company, Norfolk Southern, about 1 million pounds of vinyl chloride, a chemical that can be toxic to humans at high doses, was released from the damaged train cars and set aflame.

Federal investigators later concluded that the open burn and the black mushroom cloud it produced were unnecessary, but it was too late. Railcar chemicals spread into Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The scene after a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 3, 2023. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

As environmental engineers, I and my colleagues are often asked to assist with public health decisions after disasters by government agencies and communities. After the evacuation order was lifted, community members asked for help.

In a new study, we describe the contamination we found, along with problems with the response and cleanup that, in some cases, increased the chances that people would be exposed to hazardous chemicals. It offers important lessons to better protect communities in the future.

How chemicals get into homes and water

When large amounts of chemicals are released into the environment, the air can become toxic. Chemicals can also wash into waterways and seep into the ground, contaminating groundwater and wells. Some chemicals can travel below ground into nearby buildings and make the indoor air unsafe.

A computer model shows how chemicals from the train may have spread, given wind patterns. The star on the Ohio-Pennsylvania line is the site of the derailment. Click the image for a larger version. (Andrew Whelton/Purdue University, CC BY-ND)

Air pollution can find its way into buildings through cracks, windows, doors and other portals. Once inside, the chemicals can penetrate home items like carpets, drapes, furniture, counters and clothing. When the air is stirred up, those chemicals can be released again.

Evacuation order lifted, but buildings were contaminated

Three weeks after the derailment, we began investigating the safety of the area near 17 buildings in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The highest concentration of air pollution occurred in the 1-mile evacuation zone and a shelter-in-place band another mile beyond that. But the chemical plume also traveled outside these areas.

In and outside East Palestine, evidence indicated that chemicals from the railcars had entered buildings. Many residents complained about headaches, rashes and other health symptoms after reentering the buildings.

A rail company contractor air testing report dated 11 days after the derailment noted a 'strong odor' but said the handheld air testing device did not detect chemicals. (Andrew Whelton/Purdue University, CC BY-ND)

At one building 0.2 miles away from the derailment site, the indoor air was still contaminated more than four months later.

Nine days after the derailment, sophisticated air testing by a business owner showed the building's indoor air was contaminated with butyl acrylate and other chemicals carried by the railcars. Butyl acrylate was found above the two-week exposure level, a level at which measures should be taken to protect human health.

When rail company contractors visited the building 11 days after the wreck, their team left after just 10 minutes. They reported an "overwhelming/unpleasent odor" even though their government-approved handheld air pollution detectors detected no chemicals. This building was located directly above Sulphur Run creek, which had been heavily contaminated by the spill. Chemicals likely entered from the initial smoke plumes and also rose from the creek into the building.

Our tests weeks later revealed that railcar chemicals had even penetrated the business's silicone wristband products on its shelves. We also detected several other chemicals that may have been associated with the spill.

Weeks after the derailment, government officials discovered that air in the East Palestine Municipal Building, about 0.7 miles away from the derailment site, was also contaminated. Airborne chemicals had entered that building through an open drain pipe from Sulphur Run.

More than a month after the evacuation order was lifted, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency acknowledged that multiple buildings in East Palestine were being contaminated as contractors cleaned contaminated culverts under and alongside buildings. Chemicals were entering the buildings.

Contaminated water can cause contaminated air

The creek that flowed through town became heavily contaminated by the spill. More than 43,000 fish died downstream, and chemicals traveled 270 miles (435 kilometers) down the Ohio River.

As tainted water flowed downstream, light chemicals like butyl acrylate naturally left the creek and entered the air by a process called volatilization.

Equipment installed at various points along contaminated creeks to aerate the water ended up releasing chemicals into the air. (Andrew Whelton/Purdue University, CC BY-ND)

Unnaturally however, the equipment used for cleaning the creeks also transferred chemicals from the water into the air. Residents near aeration equipment, which injects air into water, in part to help fish survive, complained of odors entering their homes and experiencing health problems. Our study shows the chemicals in the air may have been up to 2 to 25 times higher near these aerators.

Over the four-month study period, rain and the actions of contractors increasing and decreasing water flow also stirred up the creeks, releasing more chemicals into the air.

Steps to protect public health in future disasters

As with past disasters, what happened in East Palestine offers many lessons for communities.

One of the most important is for communities to demand an exposure pathway diagram immediately after a chemical incident occurs. An illustration can help the community recognize potential threats, whether from the air or from culverts beneath their buildings, and see where testing and guidance are needed.

A diagram illustrates chemical exposure pathways in East Palestine. Visualizing these risks can help residents and communities figure out how to respond. Click image to expand. (Andrew Whelton/Purdue University, CC BY-ND)

Monitoring the health of people exposed to the chemicals is also crucial. Because so many people became ill in and around East Palestine, and because testing overseen by government agencies did not pinpoint the exact conditions responsible for the illnesses, we recommend long-term medical monitoring for those affected.

People closest to the disaster site – those who lived in, worked in or visited buildings that became contaminated – likely experienced the greatest exposures. Railroad workers, government workers, cleanup workers, visitors and residents in Ohio and Pennsylvania were among those reporting health problems. Norfolk Southern and one contractor were cited for failing to protect workers from exposure.

Indoor building contamination can be a long-term problem. Just like with wildfire smoke, affected buildings need to be professionally cleaned because the chemicals can remain for months.

Building exteriors also need to be decontaminated. Chemicals may continue to release from surfaces into the air.

\A sheen from the chemical spill was still evident on a creek in East Palestine on March 24, 2024, more than a month after the derailment. (Andrew Whelton/Purdue University, CC BY-ND)

There is also a need for better methods and evidence-based policies to rapidly identify chemical exposures. The US Environmental Protection Agency, months after approving the use of handheld air testing devices to screen homes, determined that those chemical detectors could not have reliably alerted to butyl acrylate at all levels that can cause health problems. Not all the chemicals spilled were monitored for in buildings.

For complex disasters, we recommend calling in experts from outside the responding agencies and companies involved to provide the needed specialized expertise.

John Kerry Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: "First Amendment Stands As Major Block" To "Govern"

THe turmoil continues and this chap now tells us we must shut your mouth and we all must take orders from just who?  We all know how that worked out for those German Prison guards.

Any damn fool can just assume the authority of the President and just do as he likes.  Recall the NAZIs. None ever truly asked for permission on the specific.

Particularly when Hitler did not want to know.  So just how is this going to work out you fool.  And along comes AI who must demand the truth.

John Kerry Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: "First Amendment Stands As Major Block" To "Govern"

by Tyler Durden

Monday, Sep 30, 2024 - 02:44 AM

The World Economic Forum held its 'Sustainable Development Impact Meetings' during last week's United Nations General Assembly in New York City. Speaking at the meeting, far-left elitist and former presidential climate envoy John Kerry expressed frustration to fellow globalists, stating that the First Amendment frequently obstructs their agenda.

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win...the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change," Kerry said.

Kerry noted, "It's very hard to govern today."

We'll translate "govern" for readers as it essentially means narration control (or official government-approved propaganda)—that is, through the censorship blob at federal government agencies in Washington, DC, the intel community, Silicon Valley's big tech, fact-checkers, think tanks and legacy corporate media.

Kerry's choice of words and tone shows that far-left radicals in the Obama-Biden-Harris team are frightened that their own misinformation and disinformation propaganda jammed through far-left corporate media outlets is no longer sticking as the citizens gravitate to the 'free speech' X platform run by Elon Musk for their news in the pursuit of truth after being lied to for decades by their corrupt government and corporate overlords.

Here's the Conservative Treehouse's Sundance take on Kerry:

Within the recent WEF discussion, Secretary Kerry outlines how freedom of speech is a 'threat to the global democracy 'because the governing officials have a difficult time controlling information. Kerry goes on to posit how the next administration, presumably in his hope Kamala Harris, will forcefully structure all the tools of government to stop Americans from using the first amendment to freely speak about issues.

Governing is too challenging, according to Kerry, when the government cannot stop people from seeking and discovering information that is against their interests. Effective governing required compliant adherence to a singular ideology. Against the backdrop of COVID-19 and a host of similarly related government narratives, if people are free to find alternative information and think for themselves, they become increasingly more difficult to control. Yes, this is said quite openly. This is the mindset of those in power.

At a separate WEF meeting earlier this year, Emma Tucker, WSJ Chief Editor, said the days of corporate media "owning the news" and "being the gatekeepers of the facts" are over as she complained people are going to 'other sources' and questioning the official government-approved narrative.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thinking Critically About Where UFOs Come From: Examining Closer To Home

Understand that eye witness accounts globally surpassed 200,000 a long time ago.  This item also tells us that the past made a real effort to share their observations as well.

Denial has always been an exercise in scientific absurdity.

Rational speculation tells us that a number of alien population maintain observation bases on Earth.  We will ultimately do the same.  These bases need to remain covert and that is easily done by building entries deep enough underwater to access cliff faces to allow craft entry.

The craft themselves are certainly gravity machines and can use that tech to avoid crushing pressure.  All physics we worked on publicly back in 1955.  We need just that one discovery to explain everything we know about UFOs.

Most observed UFOs since then have been our efforts to actually master this tech and no one else's.  

The others are certainly about and are often observed transiting from space to their bases underwater.  And Paul Hellyer tells us we have 74 resident alien species about.

There are ample fact anchors in all the data and i do think COMMs are held off until global peace emerges with application of the Rule of Twelve.

Thinking Critically About Where UFOs Come From: Examining Closer To Home

Ancient Origins

Thu, Oct 3 at 6:06 AM

Speaking openly about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is only just becoming less taboo, despite them long being a part of our planetary history. Evidence of their existence is found in some of the earliest human records, including cave paintings in various countries that depict humanoid figures alongside flying craft. One of them, found at Palatki, which is just outside Sedona, Arizona, clearly shows a humanoid figure wearing some type of helmet, and an airplane-like craft in the sky above. Some petroglyphs like this one are more than 20,000 years old.

Petroglyphs at Palatki, near Sedona. A humanoid figure seems to be wearing some type of helmet, while a craft flies through the sky above. (©Ken Jeremiah)

The earliest texts, including those from Sumer, which existed 5,000 years ago, also mention flying craft and their pilots. The Kebra Negast, written in the 13th century, mentions flying craft, as do the ancient Indian texts Mahabharata, written between 540-300 BCE and the Vymaamika Shaastra (Science of Aerodynamics), penned in the fourth century BCE.

The Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmosis III reported bright objects in the sky more than 3,500 years ago. Initially he only saw one, but a few days later there were many of them. Confused, he recorded the event anyway and it is still preserved on papyrus.

Alexander the Great likewise reported UFOs in the sky in 329 BCE, which he described as resembling shiny shields.

In 1463, a large craft surrounded by light flew over several cities in Europe, and Hermann Schaden illustrated the occurrence for posterity. Similar craft were spotted over Nürnberg, Germany on April 4, 1561. According to witnesses, many craft in the sky seemed to be battling each other, and the event was recorded by Hans Glaser as a woodcut.

Woodcut by Hans Glaser documenting what might have been an aerial battle between UFOs. (Public Domain)

Other famous UFO sightings occurred in Japan. One was in 1180 when a craft resembling an earthenware vessel flew across the sky, and another was in 1235 when the samurai general Toritsune sent his troops to investigate flying lights that had encircled his camp.

In one case, a UFO (which was called utsurobune, meaning “hollow ship”) emerged from the water and came to shore at Hiruto no Hama. The event was recorded on various woodblock prints, the most famous being those by Nagahashi Matajiro and Kyokutei Bakin.

Woodblock print of the UFO that emerged from the ocean by Nagahashi Matajiro. (Public Domain)
From Ancient Sightings to Modern Experiences

There have been other famous UFO sightings, which are clearly a part of the historical record. Sightings stretch from the earliest human records to modern day, and the beginning of the modern UFO phenomenon is generally held to be in 1947. Ken Arnold’s report of nine UFOs flying in formation near Mt. Rainer in Washington made newspaper headlines across the country. After that, the floodgates had opened, and reports proliferated, demonstrating just how widespread this phenomenon is.