Saturday, April 29, 2023

Dr. John Coleman: The transhumanist agenda is Satanic

This is a better description of all this.  I certainly came from a position of utter disbelief.  Yet it is also a likely expression of BAAL worship which has been out there from long before any of our recorded history.  It may well be responsible for the suppression of our recorded history as such would have stopped secret worship in its tracks.

BAAL worship was one ancient thread followed  all over in some form.  The other thread was subsumed by the Christian community under the Romans.  Thus the idea of communal worship had a binary expression always.  Maybe we all need to just accept that.

The present expression of BAAL worship has seen the natural pedophile conspiracy subsumed into BAAL worship.  It was always likely there, but it has become deeply entrenched as humanity has risen.

The Club of Rome lost me from the get go over their malthusian ruminations and let us leave it at that.  It is intellectually ridiculous but obviously dangerous to this day.

Dr. John Coleman: The transhumanist agenda is Satanic

People often ask who is behind the Satanic transhumanist New World Order and what do the “elites” do to protect themselves from all the bioweapons they are using to depopulate the earth.

There are some whistle-blowers, who have answered this question. Dr. John Coleman wrote books and gave excellent interviews about the Club of Rome, the ultra-secret governing body of the satanic Illuminati elite – who own this world. If you want to know why all of politics is a puppet show, he explains it brilliantly.

Dr. John Coleman: The Committee of 300, 1994 lecture (104 mins)

The Club of Rome (“COR”) is the chief “think tank” for the New World Order that was unknown in America until exposed by Dr. Coleman in 1969 for the very first time and published under the same title in 1970. Set up on the orders of the Committee of 300, its existence was denied until the silver anniversary celebrations of its founding held in Rome 25 years later. The COR plays a vital role in all US government planning, internal and external. It has nothing to do with Rome, Italy or the Catholic Church.Club of Rome, Dr. John Coleman, pg.1

People wonder about why the transhumanist agenda is Satanic and he explains this in his book ‘The Club of Rome’ published in 1970:

An order to begin to understand world events, it is necessary for us to realise that the many tragic and explosive events of the 20th century did not just happen by themselves; but that they were planned according to a well laid out blueprint. Who were the planners and creators of significant events?

The creators of these often violent and revolutionary events belong in the main to secret societies that infest our world, just as they have always done. Mostly, these secret societies are based upon the occult and occult practices, but as with all secret societies to make up secret governments, they are controlled by the Committee of 300. Those poorly informed persons, who believe that devil worship, demons and witchcraft have vanished from modern society, are misinformed. Today, occult-based secret societies along with Luciferianism, Black Magic and Voodoo, are flourishing and appear to be far more widespread than was originally thought.Club of Rome, Dr. John Coleman, pg.7

What is their agenda? It emerged very clearly from Club of Rome meetings that its main purpose and objective was to:

retard industrial development;

hold back scientific research;

depopulate cities, especially the formerly industrialised cities of North America;

move population to rural areas;

cull the population of the world by at least 2 billion people;

prevent reorganisation of political forces who oppose COR plans;

destabilise the United States through massive layoffs and loss of jobs and class and racial wars; and,
destroy capital incentive through high interest rates and high capital gains taxes.

With the destruction of industry, Harmon postulated, would come the destruction of all of our basic morals, our basic beliefs in God and country, our Christian-based culture, which will lead swiftly to the return to the world of an occult theocracy of the new dark ages 

COR high-priest Harmon said: “. . . nineteen images of man dominate various epochs, and from each he extracts such features he believes useful for replacing the industrial technological image, programs the COR and the Committee hope to emulate and which will turn the people of the world — those that are left as mindless slaves after the culling of Global 2000 has occurred, in a New Dark Age — the so-called New World Order.” [pg.44]

Harmon, the high priest of the COR, laid out a scenario that is in direct contradiction with God’s law, which says that we must be fruitful, and multiply and subdue the Earth, not for the benefit of the COR and the Committee of 300, but for the freedom of our people in the United States and others who choose to respect their national identities.

The Luciferians served by Harmon, the members of the Cult of Dyonisus, the “Olympians” – they say, “No, we were placed here to rule the Earth and we alone shall enjoy its benefits.” High priest Harmon concludes as follows:

“We must change the industrial technological image of man fast. Our analyses of the nature of contemporary society problems leads to the conclusion that the images of many that dominated the last two centuries will he inadequate for the post-industrial era. The image of man appropriate to that new world (not new – the concept, a Satanic one, is four thousand years old) must be sought, synthesised and then wired into mankind’s brains.” [Emphasis our own] [pg.43]Club of Rome, Dr. John Coleman, pg.43 and 44

In his video presentation at 40 minutes, he discussed that Robert Strange McNamara had a conference with the world’s leading bankers and stated: “The biggest menace facing the world today is the American middle class and overpopulation.”

He further discusses the genocidal plan to get rid of the “unwashed.” What he discusses is applicable today, 50 years later:

That is why we had the sudden appearance of AIDS. There were chemical and bacteriological warfare experiments ongoing in Sierra Leone, Africa. They used Lassa fever virus for biological warfare purposes to get rid of millions of people in the world.

They took the viruses back to the CDC. The same experiments were going on at Harvard. The Government gave millions of dollars to Fort Detrick where they did all the laboratory work on AIDS. They inserted AIDS into the small pox vaccine and vaccinated people in Africa and Brazil, hence starting the AIDS epidemic.

Lives were in jeopardy from scores of man-made viruses like HIV and Ebola Fever.

The elites protect themselves with herbal compounds mixed with sugar and the protection of low frequency radiation. Using the technology developed by the virologist Gurtjev (?) who proved that every living thing has a vibratory cycle. He was able to measure the vibratory cycle of deadly viruses. By vibrating them double their cycle you would kill them instantly. That is one of the defensive weapons they got that will kill the plague if they ever get it. The same technique will kill cancer cells. The medical profession run by the Rockefellers and pharmaceutical companies did not want you to know this.

Everyone should watch this video and read Dr Coleman’s book.

Know Thy Enemy.

Further reading:The Club of Rome, Dr. John Coleman

Atypical Small–Fiber Neuropathy Occurrence After COVID-19 Vaccination

What a kiss to your health.  Again, what i am most concerned with is the establishment of end points.  just when does all this stop?  We are all prepped to handle biological insults and to usually shake them off.

I strengthen mine by maintaining vitimin C saturatiion.

what this is realloy like is a robust cold sore that does not go away or simply migrates to otger parts of the skin.  Not good.

Atypical Small–Fiber Neuropathy Occurrence After COVID-19 Vaccination, Possibly Underdiagnosed

Unexplored COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events (Part 4)

Apr 25 2023

In this series, we evaluate some of the lesser-known yet common adverse events that are appearing in the research literature as well as in doctors’ clinics and, more importantly, how to deal with them and reduce the risks.

Three days post-vaccine, former Pussycat Dolls member Jessica Sutta woke up to “the most excruciating muscle spasms” that were unlike anything she had ever experienced, she said.

“It felt like I’d broken my rib,” Sutta said.

As an athlete and a professional dancer, she had broken her rib before on tour, “so I know pain very well,” she said in an exclusive interview on “American Thought Leaders.”

Sutta tried her typical therapies—seeing the chiropractor, doing acupuncture, getting massaged, and resting—but the muscle spasms and pain persisted, worsening into burning and stabbing pain in her sides.

She admitted herself to the hospital and was run through several laboratory tests, but her results showed that everything was normal.

At the same time, Sutta started to hear about reports from other people who had experienced neurological problems following the COVID-19 vaccination, but it was too hard for her to make the connection. She told her husband, who showed her a video related to vaccine adverse events, to turn it off, saying, “‘No way. This is just a muscle spasm. It’s going to go away.'”

However, her continued attempts with different remedies resulted in new debilitating symptoms.

Sutta was finally referred to a neurologist by her general practitioner.

“[My general practitioner] finally let me see him, and the first thing he said was, ‘When did you get the vaccine?'” she said. “He goes, ‘I think you had an adverse reaction.’

“That was the first time that I acknowledged it was actually happening to me.”

The pain Sutta experienced was small fiber neuropathy. She described it as feeling like she was being subjected to fire.

“It would come in contractions, it would come in waves, and it was so debilitating, and I just didn’t know what to do,” she said.

Unfortunately for Sutta, her neuropathy remains today.

According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), more than 1,600 cases of peripheral neuropathy have been reported after the administration of COVID-19 vaccines, and about 150 cases of small fiber neuropathy have been reported.

One woman, Caroline Bollinger, developed chest pain and tingling, numbness, and burning pain in her upper limbs 10 days after receiving a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

While her symptoms have since dissipated, she told The Epoch Times that they still flare up once in a while.

Less Classic Presentation in Vaccinated People

Since the advent of the COVID-19 vaccines, neurologists Dr. Diane Counce and Dr. Suzanne Gazda have been seeing many novel neurological manifestations among their patients.

Counce said a common neurological complication she sees is peripheral neuropathy. These are diseases that affect neurons outside of both the brain and spinal cord—including nerves in the internal organs, limbs, and skin.

Among them, small fiber neuropathy is the most common.

Small fiber neurons detect pain and temperature, hence why small fiber neuropathy is often associated with tingling, numbness, pins-and-needles, and burning sensations.

Some small fiber neurons are autonomic neurons, so diseases in small fibers can lead to impairments in sweating, blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, excretion, vision, and many other functions.Functionals of peripheral nerves. 

Source: Cassellini, Carolina & Vinik, Aaron (2007), ‘Clinical manifestations and current treatment options for diabetic neuropathies’, Endocrine Practice, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 550-566. (The Epoch Times)

Heat intolerance and impaired or excessive sweating are common manifestations of small fiber neuropathy and can occur in the absence of pain.

Since symptoms and severity are highly variable, Dr. Svetlana Blitshteyn, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Buffalo said the disease could be significantly underdiagnosed.

In the United States, small fiber neuropathy is usually associated with diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy is known as the classic small-fiber neuropathic presentation. This is where numbness, tingling, pins-and-needles, or pain initially sprout in the fingers and toes, gradually moving up the limbs in a stocking and glove formation as the disease worsens. Due to its prevalence, the diabetic neuropathic pattern is the most recognized, neurologist Dr. Matthew Bain told The Epoch Times.

There are also less common presentations of small fiber neuropathy. These include all peripheral neuropathies that don’t follow a stocking and glove pattern; the arms may be affected before the hands, or the head, chest, and torso areas may be the first places affected. The neuropathy can also be migratory, meaning that the numbness, tingling, and pain can change places from time to time, making it even harder to diagnose the disease.

Counce, who has treated about 300 patients who developed symptoms postvaccine, told The Epoch Times that while acute and long-COVID patients tend to follow the classic diabetic-like patterning, the small fiber neuropathies linked to the COVID-19 vaccine can be atypical.

“I had one [vaccinated] patient whose entire shoulder was burning, but her hand felt okay,” she said. “She ended up being a small fiber neuropathy patient, and then I’d have some [vaccinated] people and their face feel like it’s burning or the middle of their back feels like it’s burning.”

Similar presentations have been reported by Sutta, who initially experienced painful muscle spasms in her core that then developed into burning small fiber neuropathies that radiated across her lower ribs and spine.

Counce also had a patient whose neuropathic regions would change every session.

Autoimmunity Implications

Gazda argues that these neuropathies are likely to be caused by autoimmunity, which occurs when the body attacks its own tissues. Coincidentally, less common presentations of small fiber neuropathies are also strongly linked with autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmunity from COVID-19 vaccines may occur if local blood vessels produce spike protein and become attacked by immune cells and antibodies, as has been shown in autopsy presentations by German pathologist Arne Burkhardt.

The spike proteins share many features with human proteins. Research by immunologist Dr. Aristo Vojdani shows that antibodies made against the spike protein could also attack at least 28 different human tissues.

Board-certified internist and founder and medical director of the Center for Balanced Health Dr. Keith Berkowitz said he would observe abnormal patterns where peripheral neuropathies occur with fatigue, mental fog, and tinnitus.

Small Fiber Neuropathy and COVID-19 Vaccines: Research

Several studies have linked COVID-19 vaccines to small fiber neuropathy.

A 2022 National Institutes of Health-funded study that hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed detected signs of small fiber neuropathy in half of the COVID-vaccinated people.

The study evaluated 23 people who developed neurological symptoms within a month of receiving their primary COVID-19 vaccines. None of them had a prior history of neurological diseases, most had no history of autoimmune diseases, and all developed symptoms within three weeks of vaccinations.

Another case study, published in January in the European Neurology Journal, concluded that an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was causal to the small fiber neuropathy manifestations in a 39-year-old male.

The patient developed tingling, numbness, and pain in his left shoulder within 10 days of vaccination. These symptoms then progressed to his two arms, hands, and feet.

Within three weeks, he developed muscle twitching and numbness in his feet and hands, the areas burning if touched. Punch biopsies taken from the patient’s left foot and leg showed abnormally thin, small fibers which returned to normal density after treatment with antibody infusions.

While fewer than 200 cases of small fiber neuropathies occurring after COVID-19 vaccination were reported to VAERS, symptoms that may be associated with small fiber neuropathies (pdf), such as itchiness, which has nearly 40,000 reports, and abnormal sensations, loss of sensation, and excessive sweating, have more than 20,000 reports.

Impaired sweating and heat regulation are major indicators of small fiber neuropathy. Studies have put the Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test (QSART) forward as a more accurate diagnostic test for small fiber neuropathy than the common skin biopsy. QSART tests for sweat activity.

Since skin biopsies are usually taken in the feet and legs, this may not be a suitable test for atypical presentations, given that the pain may also occur in the face, stomach, ribs, and shoulders.

However, the QSART machine is very expensive and unavailable in most clinics. Blitshteyn noted that patients would need to go to large university hospitals or major clinics to do these tests, which is why small fiber neuropathies—especially atypical presentations—are easily misdiagnosed.
Limited Treatments

While there are several anti-epileptic and antidepressant drugs used as first-line treatments for addressing small-fiber neuropathic pain, the results haven’t been too promising, with low overall effectiveness.

Blitshteyn said that, compared to symptom relief, it’s more important to find drugs that can address the cause of neuropathic pain.

She believes that autoimmunity and inflammation underlie long-COVID and postvaccine small fiber neuropathies, but there are few anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating therapies approved for such purposes.

According to Blitshteyn, some studies have mentioned steroids as a treatment option for small fiber neuropathy postvaccine. Intravenous infusion with antibodies, also known as IVIG, as well as plasmapheresis, have also been suggested to address inflammation and autoimmunity.

Steroids are approved for small fiber neuropathy, and while Blitshteyn has seen them lead to clinical improvements in some patients, they aren’t viable in the long term.

Both Gazda and Counce have used IVIG to treat their patients experiencing neuropathies linked to an autoimmune response. However, this treatment is expensive, and since it isn’t FDA-approved for small fiber neuropathies, insurance-based patients may not get reimbursement.

IVIG’s effectiveness is also subject to debate, with some studies finding negligible differences between IVIG and a placebo (saline solutions).

Some studies have reported success in using low-dose naltrexone and alpha-lipoic acid to treat small fiber neuropathy. Critical care expert Dr. Pierre Kory found low-dose naltrexone to be quite effective in his patients, but studies have been limited.

Apart from therapies for neuropathic sensory discomfort, small-fiber neuropathy is also associated with autonomic dysfunction, which can be a lot harder to treat. Dysautonomia, a form of autonomic disorder, is incurable.
Novel Presentations Complicate Diagnosis and Treatment

Another problem Gazda and Berkowitz noted was that many of the neurological adverse events postvaccine don’t occur as a single symptom. That’s because many different biochemical and metabolic pathways are affected.

Patients may present with fatigue, brain fog, cognitive decline, tinnitus, movement disorders, autonomic dysfunction, or symptoms that may be unrelated to neurological complications.

Specialty doctors may be overwhelmed by the many symptoms that coexist and affect each other.

“If you’re a neurologist, you don’t necessarily know how to treat it if it is going to be an autoimmune problem or a vascular immune problem,” neurologist Dr. Robert Lowry told The Epoch Times.

Another problem with novel postvaccine presentations is that doctors may be hesitant to make a diagnosis, Berkowitz said. Patients may be tested multiple times before doctors prescribe any treatment.

Gazda said it’s important for doctors to be open to considering the role vaccines may have played and that they research how vaccine-induced spike protein pathways may affect the body. This approach will give some patients a better chance to recover.

Blitshteyn, who was the first doctor to notice the connection between dysautonomia and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, said that while postvaccine small fiber neuropathy exists, she sees more patients who are suffering from the same condition because of long COVID. She said that, therefore, such findings don’t necessarily discourage people from getting vaccinated.

Other doctors such as critical care pulmonologist Dr. Joseph Varon, who co-authored prophylactic and early treatment protocols for COVID-19, said if patients were treated and or cleared for COVID-19 early, there was a very low chance of developing sequelae, or aftereffects of disease.

Next: More than the underdiagnosed cases of postvaccine small fiber neuropathy, some doctors are more concerned about the slew of novel movement disorders they’re seeing in their patients.

Underground magma triggered Earth’s worst mass extinction with greenhouse gases

This is a wonderful reminder of just how little we really know about geological processes but also just how a simple insight turns past thinking on its head.

understand that i actually suspect that the newly created mountains along the ring of fire  and the himalyas were thrown up abruptly 12900 years ago only and that the entire continental shelf was above sea level before that.  Imagine geologists suddenly accepting that?

Now we see that massive basalt flows are not a particular problem at all and we should know that from Hawaii.  The problem is the injection of basalts into sediments and otherwise rocks able to roast off a lot of gas.  That also goes on for a long time.

This is certainly a much better understanding.  humanity will need to learn how to button up if such a process begins and to also protect animal life.  If we are really lucky, we  can use wormholes to recover populations forward in time as we may well be able to do with recent extinctions.

Underground magma triggered Earth’s worst mass extinction with greenhouse gases

There are parallels between today’s and past greenhouse gas-driven climate changes

Howard Lee

Tue 1 Aug 2017 11.00 BST

Coincidence doesn’t prove causality, as they say, but when the same two things happen together over and over again through the vast span of geological time, there must be a causal link. Of some 18 major and minor mass extinctions since the dawn of complex life, most happened at the same time as a rare, epic volcanic phenomenon called a Large Igneous Province (LIP). Many of those extinctions were also accompanied by abrupt climate warming, expansion of ocean dead zones and acidification, like today.

Earth’s most severe mass extinction, the “Great Dying,” began 251.94 million years ago at the end of the Permian period, with the loss of more than 90% of marine species. Precise rock dates published in 2014 and 2015 proved that the extinction coincided with the Siberian Traps LIP, an epic outpouring of lava and intrusions of underground magma covering an area of northern Asia the size of Europe.

But those rock dates presented science with a new puzzle: why was the mass extinction event much shorter than the eruptions? And why did the extinction happen some 300,000 years after the lava began to flow?

Now in a new study published in Nature Communications, Seth Burgess of the US Geological Survey, along with James Muirhead of Syracuse University and Samuel Bowring of MIT, think they have the answer. As Burgess told me:

It’s clearly not the entirety of the LIP that’s guilty. There’s a subinterval that’s doing the work, and I set out to figure out which subinterval that was, and what makes it special.

Burgess noticed that the beginning of the mass extinction, as well as a jolt to the carbon cycle and abrupt climate warming, coincided exactly with a switch in the style of volcanic activity in the Siberian Traps. During the initial 300,000 years of the eruptions, basalt lava poured over a vast area of Siberia building to several kilometers thick. In this time there was some stress to life in the Northern Hemisphere, but no mass extinction. Life only began to disappear across the globe at exactly the same time that lava stopped erupting above ground, and instead began to inject as sheets of magma underground.

In Siberia you have got the Tunguska Basin which is a thick package of sediments that contain carbon-bearing rocks like limestone and coal. When you start intruding magma, [it] cooks those sediments and liberates the volatiles. So the deadly interval of magma in the entire Large Igneous Province is the first material to intrude and pond into the shallow crust

In other words, it wasn’t the lava, it was the underground magma that started the killing, by releasing greenhouse gases.

Norwegian scientist Henrik Svensen had earlier identified hundreds of unusual volcanic vents called “diatreme pipes” all over Siberia that connected underground intrusions of magma (“sills”) to the atmosphere, showing signs of violent gas explosions. This new work emphasizes the importance of Svensen’s 2009 conclusions:

The diatremes that have been mapped are the geologic representation of that gas escape on a catastrophic level. Our hypothesis is that the first sills to be intruded are the ones that really do the killing [by] large scale gas escape likely via these diatremes.

Svensen, who was not involved in Burgess’ study, commented:

The Burgess et al paper is a crucial step towards a new understanding of the role of volcanism in driving extinctions. It’s not the spectacular volcanic eruptions that we should pay attention too - it’s their quiet relative, the sub-volcanic network of intrusions, that did the job. The new study shows convincingly that we are on the right track.

Greenhouse gas as a killer

While other scientists have proposed that an array of killers may have been involved in the end-Permian mass extinction, from mercury poisoning to ultraviolet rays and ozone collapse to acid rain, Burgess argues that it was principally greenhouse gas emissions triggered by magma intrusions that caused the extinction through abrupt global warming and ocean acidification. I asked him to outline the evidence for that.

There are 3 primary lines of evidence that support that link. The first is: right before the onset of the mass extinction we have evidence for a massive input of isotopically light carbon into the marine system.

He went on to explain various lines of evidence that point to the source of that carbon being methane and carbon dioxide resulting from magma intruding and cooking organic-rich sediments. He continued:

Just prior to extinction and persisting after the mass extinction the sea surface temperature is thought to have gone up about 10°C. You get that increase by pumping greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. So that’s the second.

And then the third line of evidence is a physiologic selectivity to the marine mass extinction. Organisms that make their shells out of calcium carbonate suffer much higher mortality than organisms that make their shells out of silica, for example, which suggests that the ocean was acidified, and you get that by pumping gases like CO2 into the atmosphere.

That’s not to say that other factors had no role in ruining the environment:

There is a cacophony of kill mechanisms, and I think that this first pulse of sills is the trigger for quite a few of those, sitting at the top, and beneath it are a cascade of negative effects from ocean acidification to climate warming and on down the line.

A series of associated events

Coincidentally, Joshua Davies of the University of Geneva and colleagues have just narrowed down the trigger for the end-Triassic mass extinction, another of Earth’s biggest mass extinctions, to the underground phase of its associated Large Igneous Province. The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) is another enormous igneous province which stretches from Maine to South America, and includes the Palisade Sill visible from Manhattan.

They too used high precision rock dates on a vast sill that intruded organic rich sediments in the Amazon Basin, and found that this underground magma intrusion also coincided with the extinction. Like Burgess, Davies also argues that greenhouse gas baked from sediments drove climate change, which drove the mass extinction in a smaller repeat of the end-Permian events, this time 201.5 million years ago.

“I think CAMP is very similar to the Siberian Traps and that’s the reason why there’s an extinction at that time. I’m not surprised that they got similar results,” said Burgess.

Diatreme pipes from magma intrusions have also been identified as a likely cause for a more recent global warming and very minor extinction event – the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) 56 million years ago. Again, prodigious quantities of greenhouse gases erupted from oil-rich deposits, although in that case it’s been hard to locate and date the “smoking gun” intrusions due to the fact that they are under the Atlantic Ocean.

A predictive model

Burgess’ insight makes a testable prediction:

Only Large Igneous Provinces characterized by sills intruded into a volatile-fertile basin are going to be lethal on a global scale.

This may explain why some Large Igneous Provinces are tied to mass extinctions, and some are not. Burgess thinks that the Deccan LIP, which happened at the time when the dinosaurs disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous, would not have triggered a major mass extinction on its own:

The Deccan Traps doesn’t satisfy those 2 criteria. It’s predominantly flood basalt lavas erupted onto old granitic rock. Acting alone there would likely have been negative effects on the biosphere because of the gases and the particulate matter released by those lavas, which are not insignificant, but I would argue that acting alone it would have been minor relative to the observed mass extinction. But with the Chicxulub impactor sharing the causal burden together they caused the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous.

Parallels today?

The more science learns of these past greenhouse gas-driven events, the more uncomfortable the parallels to today become. I asked Burgess if it was ridiculous to make the comparison.

No, I don’t think the comparison is ridiculous at all, and I think that the timescales over which the environment changes associated with mass extinctions are frighteningly similar to the timescales over which our current climate is changing. The cause might be different but the hallmarks are similar.

Geologically fast build-up of greenhouse gas linked to warming, rising sea-levels, widespread oxygen-starved ocean dead zones and ocean acidification are fairly consistent across the mass extinction events, and those same symptoms are happening today as a result of human-driven climate change. Even though the duration of those past events was longer, and the volume of emissions was larger than we will produce, we are emitting greenhouse gases around 10 times faster than the most recent, mildest example – the PETM. The rapidity of today’s emissions prompted scientists Richard Zeebe and James Zachos to observe in a 2013 paper:

The Anthropocene will more likely resemble the end-Permian and end-Cretaceous disasters, rather than the PETM.

When the promises made for the 2016 Paris Agreement on climate change are added up, they aim to limit peak warming this century to about 3.3ºC compared to about 4.2ºC for the business-as-usual scenario, and the 2ºC limit the world is aiming to stay under. It’s sobering to compare those numbers to the majority of mass extinctions in the geological record which were characterized by abrupt warmings typically around 6-7ºC.

Howard Lee is a geologist and science writer who focuses on past climate changes.

Poverty and Crisis: Sucking Humanity Dry

What makes this most offensive is that if the government just chose to fully underwrite the lowest say eight percent of the population with a guaranteed sustaining task or a four hour shift to earn and train and make fiat credit available to the implied natural communities to allow internal growth,  The REST of the economy would automatically do just fine.

Those who desparately want to loot and plunder are dolts who fail to grasp that a trillion dollars with zero users is worth zero.  100,000 tons of gold with zero buyers is equally worthless.  Out money is worth something because billions of folks want it.  Just what was the ruple worth when full communism was the law of the land?  BY law, demand could neither increase or be relieved.  Just how did that work out.

The sharp increase in poverty was a by product of the CCP COVID assault on the globe itself.  Charming.  Ending true poverty as i just described will collapse the whole CCP MEME.

Poverty and Crisis: Sucking Humanity Dry

The Four Horses of the Economic Apocalypse: Agribusiness, Oil, Arms and Big Pharma

Global Research, April 27, 2023

The World Bank says nearly 80% (560 million) of the 700 million people who were pushed into extreme poverty in 2020 due to COVID policies were from India. Globally, extreme poverty levels increased by 9.3 per cent in 2020.

In the UK, poverty is increasing in two-thirds of communities, as millions go without heat and skip meals. Due to the ‘cost-of-living crisis’, 10.5 million are experiencing financial difficulty. An additional 13.7 million people would be at risk of financial difficulty with further increases in costs.

Living standards in the UK are plummeting. For instance, 28 per cent (up from 9 per cent pre-COVID) of UK adults said that they could not afford to eat balanced meals. Absolute poverty is set to rise from 17.2 per cent in 2021-22 to 18.3 per cent in 2023-24, pushing an additional 800,000 people into poverty.

In the US, around 30 million low-income people are on the edge of a ‘hunger cliff’ as a portion of their federal food assistance is taken away. In 2021, it was estimated that one in eight children were going hungry in the US.

Small businesses are filing for bankruptcy in the US at a record rate. Private bankruptcy filings in 2023 have exceeded the highest point recorded during the early stages of COVID by a considerable amount. The four-week moving average for private filings in late February 2023 was 73 per cent higher than in June 2020.

Meanwhile, nearly 100 of the biggest US publicly traded companies recorded 2021 profit margins that were at least 50 per cent higher than their 2019 levels.

The Bank of England’s chief economist Huw Pill says that people should ‘accept’ being poorer. This is similar to the response of Rob Kapito, co-founder of the world’s biggest asset management firm BlackRock. In 2022, he said that a “very entitled” generation of people who have never had to sacrifice would soon have to face shortages for the first time in their lives.
Crisis – what crisis?

Of course, Kapito is no doubt referring to ordinary US citizens and not himself. Kapito, as the president of BlackRock, made $26,750,780 in total compensation in 2021.

Nor is he referring to the high-net-worth individuals who benefit from hunger by investing in BlackRock, a firm that continues to profit from a globalised food system which – by design – leaves around a billion people experiencing malnutrition. BlackRock is one of the rich ‘barbarians at the barn’ who continue to make huge financial killings from an exploitative food regime.

Kapito and Pill tell ordinary people to get used to their ‘new normal’ while business as usual prevails elsewhere, not least in one of the world’s most financially lucrative sectors – arms manufacturing. The war in Ukraine has been a ‘gold rush’ for Western arms makers as wealthy US neocons like Victoria Nuland continue to try to bring about ‘regime change’ in Russia by fighting Moscow to the last Ukrainian.

When Huw Pill tells ordinary people to get used to being poorer, he is not referring to the individuals and firms who have made hundreds of millions of pounds (courtesy of the taxpayer) from corrupt COVID equipment contracts thanks to the UK government prioritising politically connected suppliers at the start of COVID.

And this cannot be brushed aside as a ‘one-off’. These revelations are merely the tip of a massive corruption iceberg.

For example, Byline Times reports a cross-party parliamentary watchdog raised concerns that decisions on how to award money from the £3.6 billion towns fund, designed to boost economic growth in struggling towns, were politically motivated. It also notes that 40 potential breaches of the Ministerial Code were not investigated in the past five years.

Consider that the UN estimates that just $51.5 billion would be enough to provide food, shelter and lifesaving support for the world’s 230 million most vulnerable people. Then consider that 20 corporations in the grain, fertiliser, meat and dairy sectors delivered $53.5 billion to shareholders in the financial years 2020 and 2021.

According to Global Witness, ‘excess profits’ are sudden and significant increases in a company’s financial returns that are due not to their own actions but to external events. The EU says profits count as ‘excess’ when they are more than 20% above the average return of the previous four years.

Global Witness finds that the 2022 annual profits of the five largest integrated private sector oil and gas companies – Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and TotalEnergies – were $195 billion. Up by almost 120% on 2021 and the highest level in the industry’s history.

This means that these companies made $134 billion in excess profits, which could cover nearly 20% of the money all European governments together have allocated to shielding vulnerable households and businesses from the current energy crisis.

Centrica, the company that owns British Gas, reports record profits for 2022. Operating profits of £3.3bn were recorded, up from £948m in 2021. This surpassed its previous highest ever yearly profit of £2.7bn in 2012.

In May 2021, it was reported that COVID vaccines had created at least nine new billionaires. According to research by the People’s Vaccine Alliance, the new billionaires included Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, which has produced a vaccine with Pfizer. Both CEOs were then worth around $4 billion. Senior executives from China’s CanSino Biologics and early investors in Moderna have also become billionaires.

Although the nine new billionaires were at that time worth a combined $19.3 billion, the vaccines were largely funded by public money. For instance, according to a May 2021 report by CNN, BioNTech received €325 million from the German government for the development of the vaccine. The company made a net profit of €1.1 billion in the first three months of the year, thanks to its share of sales from the COVID vaccine, compared with a loss of €53.4 million for the same period last year.

Moderna was expected to make $13.2 billion in COVID vaccine revenue in 2021. The company received billions of dollars in funding from the US government for development of its vaccine.

This article has briefly touched on four horses of the economic apocalypse – agribusiness, oil, arms and big pharma. But let’s finish by mentioning the fifth and the most powerful – finance. The sector which sparked the devastation that we now see.

By late 2019, a financial crisis was looming. It was multiple times worse than the 2008 one.

Investigative journalist Michael Byrant says that €1.5 trillion was needed to deal with the crisis in Europe alone. The financial collapse staring European central bankers in the face came to a head in 2019:

“All talk about big finance bankrupting the nation by looting public funds, politicians destroying public services at the behest of large investors and the depredations of the casino economy were washed away with COVID. Predators who saw their financial empires coming apart resolved to shut down society. To solve the problems they created, they needed a cover story. It magically appeared in the form of a ‘novel virus’.”

The European Central Bank agreed to a €1.31 trillion bailout of banks followed by the EU agreeing to a €750 billion recovery fund for European states and corporations. This package of long-term, ultra-cheap credit to hundreds of banks was sold to the public as a necessary programme to cushion the impact of the pandemic on businesses and workers.

What happened in Europe was part of a strategy to avert the wider systemic collapse of the hegemonic financial system. And what we now see is an interrelated global debt, inflation and ‘austerity’ crisis and the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich in history under cover of a ‘cost-of-living crisis’.

As millions of workers take strike action in the UK, Huw Pill implies that they should accept their plight as inevitable. But they have no reason to.

The wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by $3.9tn between 18 March and 31 December 2020. Their total wealth then stood at $11.95tn, a 50 per cent increase in just 9.5 months. Between April and July 2020, during the initial lockdowns, the wealth held by these billionaires grew from $8 trillion to more than $10 trillion.

The only thing inevitable about the current crisis was the collapse of a debt-fuelled, unsustainable neoliberalism set up to facilitate outright plunder by the super-rich who have offshored more than $50 trillion in hidden accounts.


Friday, April 28, 2023

Bubbling "BeerBots" could boost the brewing of beer

This will certainy benefit the craft brewing industry which is steadily expanding.  That is good news.  Of course, the days of monopoly beer will be with us for a long time.

Yet craft beer is becoming a huge employer and that alone reccommends it.  The past century was all about increasing productivity at the expence of employment.  This is now changing over to better quality and also variety while enhancingpersonal productivity.  

The fact is that a monooly based on capital merely looks like a target market today.  This is only early days.

Bubbling "BeerBots" could boost the brewing of beer

April 25, 2023

In these two photos, BeerBots can be seen releasing carbon dioxide gas at the surface of a flask of wort (left), then sinking down to continue fermenting sugars (right)

Adapted from ACS Nano 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.2c12677

The longer it takes to brew a batch of beer, the greater the chances of microorganisms getting in and ruining the whole thing. In order to speed up and simplify the process, scientists have developed tiny BeerBots.

When making beer, brewers start by extracting sugars from grains such as barley, resulting in a solution known as wort. Yeast is then added to the wort, where it ferments the sugars and thus converts them into alcohol and flavor compounds.

The fermentation process takes up to four weeks, during which time bacteria may get into the wort and ultimately spoil the flavor of the beer. Additionally, once the process is complete, all of the yeast cells must be filtered out of the beer, which is a time-consuming task.

That's where the BeerBots come in.

Created by Prof. Martin Pumera and colleagues at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, the devices take the form of 2-mm-wide beads. Each bead is made by mixing active yeast, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and sodium alginate, then dripping the liquid mixture (one drop at a time) into a ferric chloride solution. In a final step, one side of each bead is made porous by exposing it to an alkaline solution within an electrochemical cell.

When the resulting BeerBots are dropped into a flask of wort, they initially sink to the bottom. As they start fermenting sugars, however, they produce carbon dioxide bubbles which propel them up to the surface.

There, the bots release carbon dioxide gas into the air, before sinking back down again. They repeat this up-and-down process until all the sugars in the wort have been fermented. The beads then stay on the bottom of the flask, where they can be collected and removed using a magnet – that process is reportedly much quicker and easier than filtering out free yeast cells, which take longer to ferment the sugars.

As an added bonus, it was found that individual batches of BeerBots could be reused in up to three more fermentation cycles before needing to be discarded.

All of that being said, Pumera tells us that the technology would be difficult to scale up to industrial use in its present form, so it may end up being utilized mainly by small-scale craft beer producers.

A paper on the research was recently published in the journal ACS Nano.

NASA lander makes first direct observations of another planet's core

The news is that seismic works just like on Earth.  And we can now watch it all for a long while.

Again, just like on Earth, we have a body of assumptions that are never questioned and here it is just too soon for the edges to show up.  they have on Earth of course and are just been ignored.

Our research is to assume the following and find and interpret evidence.

We truly need an alternative scanning method and tool to actually detect anything.  On the Earth ,all seismic tracks around the Earth through the upper shell, whatever that might be.  Now we again have a simiar core that has likely nothing to do with Iron.  All this because seismic does not pass through.  That is what is not said.

NASA lander makes first direct observations of another planet's core

April 25, 2023

An artist's illustration of a cutaway view of Mars, showing the paths of the two quakes traveling from their points of origin to the InSight lander through the planet's core
NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Maryland

The mission may be defunct, but NASA’s InSight Mars lander is still uncovering new things about the Red Planet. Scientists poring over data have now made the first direct observations of another planet’s core, finding that it’s not quite what we thought.

The InSight lander was sent to Mars to study the planet’s interior, mostly by way of marsquakes. As you may have guessed, these are seismic tremors similar to earthquakes on our home planet, but because Mars doesn’t have plate tectonics they’re generally much weaker. Nevertheless, they can provide some clear insights into the structure and composition of the different layers below the red surface. Contact with the probe was lost in December 2022, but there’s still much to be gleaned from the data it gathered during its tenure.

In the new study, NASA scientists have made direct observations of the Red Planet’s core, thanks to a pair of quakes that occurred on August 25 and September 18, 2021. These were the first events detected from the opposite side of the planet, meaning their seismic waves had to travel farther to reach the detector, passing through the core on the way.

Seismic waves travel at different speeds through different materials and structures, and the variations in the data that eventually reach the detector can carry an imprint of the whole journey. This can tell scientists a lot about the interior of a planet.

In this case, the detections allowed the team to deduce that the Martian core is smaller and denser than previously thought. And while it’s mostly made of liquid iron, about one fifth consists of elements like sulfur, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen.

“Determining the amount of these elements in a planetary core is important for understanding the conditions in our solar system when planets were forming and how these conditions affected the planets that formed,” said Doyeon Kim, co-author of the study.

InSight may have finished gathering data, but the existing data will likely continue to fuel new discoveries for decades, the team says.

Newly Discovered Jellyfish Has 24 Eye

Something really different and it is not surprising to see it is a jelly fish.  we pretend that our oceans have been well searched for odd species and all that and it is far from the truth.

We need to understand that all such searches are a simple traverse and the slightest warning will put every thing into hiding mode.

I have walked my share of game trails and always saw nothing.  Cameras today after dark show us serious traffic.

and this is making zero allowance for cover which must also protect both land and sea creatures.  I suspect we rely on dumb luck.

This Newly Discovered Jellyfish Has 24 Eyes And Is Related To The World’s Most Venomous Creature

By Austin Harvey | Edited By Maggie Donahue

Published April 25, 2023

The new box jellyfish species was found in shrimp pools within the Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong.

HKBUThe newly discovered species, dubbed Tripedalia maipoensis, is related to the Australian box jellyfish, the world’s most venomous marine animal.

Researchers in Hong Kong recently discovered a new species of box jellyfish living in a brackish shrimp pond — the first-ever box jellyfish to be found in Chinese waters.

Named Tripedalia maipoensis after the Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong where the jellies were found, these small, cube-shaped jellyfish are completely transparent and colorless. Stemming from their bells, they have 12 tentacles that end in tiny, paddle-like structures, allowing them to travel more quickly through water than most other jellyfish.

The T. maipoensis also has 24 eyes arranged in clusters of six around its box-shaped bell.

“Two of them have lens for image formation, while the others can only sense the light,” Qiu Jianwen, a biology professor at Hong Kong Baptist University in charge of the research, said in a video posted to YouTube

. “Through comparing the morphology of the new species and the known species of box jellyfish… we confirmed that it is a new species.”

Like other box jellyfish, T. maipoensis has a venomous sting that can stun other creatures. In this case, researchers observed T. maipoensis stunning tiny shrimp known as Artemia, but it’s not clear if these tiny, half-inch jellyfish can sting humans as well.

“It seemed to paralyze Artemia offered in the lab,” Qiu told Live Science

. “But we did not touch the animal to feel the sting.”

Qiu and colleagues first observed the box jellies while analyzing samples from a “gei wai” — an intertidal shrimp pond — collected between 2020 and 2022. According to Qiu, the jellyfish were “quite abundant” with “up to 400 individuals in an area of the pond.”

Their research was published in the journal Zoological Studies on March 20, 2023.

“Although the box jellyfish family Tripedaliidae has been widely reported from tropical and subtropical waters, this is the first record of it in Chinese coastal waters,” they wrote in the study. “Future investigations along Chinese coasts are warranted to improve our understanding of the distribution of this new species and the diversity of Cubozoa.”

HKBU/YoutubeT. maipoensis is just the third known member of a group of box jellyfish, Tripedalia, with paddle-like structures at the ends of their tentacles.

The newly discovered species is also a cousin of the Australian box jellyfish, the world’s most venomous marine animal. Like T. maipoensis, the Australian box jellyfish, Chironex fleckeri, has a series of eyes around its cubic bell and can propel itself rapidly through the water. The Australian box jellyfish, however, is much larger than T. maipoensis.

With tentacles growing to an astonishing 10 feet long, the box jellyfish has a sting that can be fatal to humans. In many cases, these toxins can shut down a victim’s nervous system within minutes. Often, the victim drowns before they make it to shore. Humans who manage to survive a box jellyfish’s sting typically have permanent scars where they were stung.

This deadly sting has earned box jellyfish the nickname “sea wasp.”

These massive, deadly box jellyfish are typically only found in coastal waters off Northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific — but not in Chinese waters.

“We are thrilled by this discovery,” Qiu said in the video. “Finding a new species in Mai Po, where extensive research has been conducted, highlights the potential for more marine life discovery in the Hong Kong and even the Chinese coastal waters.”