Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The JAB global Experimental Protocol

 The JAB global Experimental Protocol

First off, we need to understand just how bogus the COVID 19 pandemic was and is for that matter.  The Corona virus as platform was always the common cold augmented with militarized nasties and this surely includes SARs.  The problem with that of course is that the viruse has a very short effectiveness life span.  And the human immune system is quite able to fend it off, if not in its initial version, but in later versions.

So yes, the CCP military fanned out world wide in January 2020 to kick this thing off and of course we had a pandemic emergency in locales in China where no one could look.  Just where now are the survivor reports?  Just how much was a kubuki Show for our benefit.  The actual proof is just how little it all affected all those without access to modern medicine.  Last time i checked, historical pandemics raged through populations literally almost out of sight with no access.  We othewise have long learned to run or lock up.  And we did stop Small Pox and good sanitation has fended of the rest unless mosquito borne.

The real pandemic was in fact the JAB and this lacked rational motive unless you are into Eugenics and we have heard that story and we continue to have a slightly acceletrated death rate which is worrisome.  Of course it is even possible that the JAB was successfully denatured as well.

I do have a larger conjecture.  with four billion injectees, we have an excellent meta stat platform on which to run out thousands of untested protocols in which you only hit a million at a time and you spread it out so that no one can see the results.  A million is enough to give you a hard answer for your experiemnt and most will simply be a hard negative.  But then you know.

Do you not think this information is valuable to a senior scientist and the business?  We do know that the JAB is categorically not a vaccine, if only because no time was available to set one up and prove out.  Yet it is easy to posit a research wish list ready to go.  I wonder if pizser played them all?  And have we been doing exactly this throughout the history of vaccines?

It is all now coming under intense scrutiny and somehow it all looks like they went for broke.  WHY?

The Outlier problem

I have read hundreds, if not thousands of medical and biological reports and what almost all of them report is just how scant their data base happens to be.  most are under a thousand or so and much larger is difficult only because it is typically collected for other reasons.

This sounds good enough, but it is far from it.  Not least because a good researchers will cast out likely outliers one way or the other.  yet that may well be part of a natural subset that is highly useful and would show up in a million piece data base.

Understand that good researchers are today ignoring 20,000 confirmed eyewitness reports on the Sasquatch and over 250,0000 confirmed eyewitness reports for hte ufo.  Now imagine you simply do not want to see the objecting data in your test tube.

M ytakehome is if this was actually done properly, then we would have a potential data gold mine superior to anything else available.

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