Thursday, August 24, 2023

Original Team Says LK99 Superconductivity Is Real

Besides been terribly fragile, the evidence i have seen so far strongly suggests that superconductivity exists at room temperature which is wonderful just by itself.  However, it is also my opinion that the effect is likely limited to a single atomic layer which is both good news and bad news.  It will be difficult to separate and work with.  yet we may determine the necessary structure and then replicate it all on a platform of graphine.

Now such a sandwich would if manufactured at scale could provide us the fuslage for a UFO type craft often observed.  and it may well be a lot less complicated as well.  An object was recovered that showed us atomic layering in the edge.

right now we need to discover conforming material mixes that can be annealed to produce a working surface.  It may have been there all along and we have just missed it.  An annealed surface shielded with graphene may surprise us.  We can do this roughly right now.

Team Says LK99 Superconductivity Is Real and Next Published Paper Will Provide Answers and Evidence

August 21, 2023 by Brian Wang

The original LK99 team reassures the world that LK99 superconductivity is real and was demonstrated. They will provide evidence and answers in the next published paper. They recommend other researchers need to have patience and try harder (and implied is to work with the original Korean team) because the others will also make it superconduct. They give example that it took 2 years to prove his metal insulator transition work, which also ended up being proven correct.

Professor Kim Hyun-tak was interviewed by the Korean SBS channel.

Professor Kim Hyun-tak’s answer (Korean time, August 19 night)

The review report of the journal paper will come soon, and we are preparing the expected answer [The team will respond to criticism and negative papers.].

Regarding question 1, the Nature article is a compilation of the experiences of researchers who have not seen superconductivity. don’t listen. Our paper demonstrates superconductivity.

Same for question 2. Haven’t you said that you haven’t seen the properties of superconductivity yet? We have to work harder.

Researchers are in too much of a hurry. Go through a little bit.

For example, it took me about 2 years to validate my MIT (Metal-Insulator Transition) research.And during the doctoral program, the crystals were made according to the recipe published in the journal paper, and it took a year and a half for the two to succeed even though they made samples every day. You’ll have to watch some more. It’s not even a month yet.

There is a room temperature superconducting phase in LK99.

Currently, LK-99 is undergoing international journal thesis review, and in Korea, the Superconductivity and Low Temperature Society level verification committee continues to reproduce experiments.

Questions being responded to :

Question 1: A research team at the Max Planck Institute for Solids in Stuttgart, Germany, found out why ‘LK-99’, found that LK-99 is not a superconductor. Science The journal ‘Nature’ reported on the 16th (local time).

Question 2. The LK-99 Verification Committee of the Korean Superconducting and Low-Temperature Society, is also saying LK99 is not a superconductor.

Nextbigfuture Has Articles and Videos Explaining Why LK99 is Very Difficult Science that Requires Patience

People on the internet want instant gratification on the LK99 room temperature superconductor science. We can hope for this and want this but this science is difficult.

The positive partial results only happen in about 10% of the experiments where the exact recipe is successful followed. This is not a simple process and it is new. It is like amateur cooks trying to follow a soufle recipe for the first time. What is success? It is partial levitation and low purity in about 1 in a million pieces of the starting material. You get one milligram or micron flake after starting with 400 grams of starting material. It is a hard and unreliable process.

The original peer reviewed LK99 superconductor paper only briefly mentions the thin film work and measurements but this is the most important part as only the chemical vapor deposited thin film has the zero resistance superconducting measurement.

The original team has said they will produce a new peer reviewed by the end of August or September, 2023. This is the part which needs super detailed replicable description and measurements. The bulk material never had the near zero superconducting resistance claim.

It is very bad that the bulk material and the bulk partial levitation are meaningless but the important part is whether the thin film material has the claimed superconducting near zero resistance.

Accepted Superconducting Science of Magic Angle Graphene

For years, MIT researchers have worked no magic angle graphene where superconductivity switches on and off.

MIT : Superconductivity switches on and off in “magic-angle” graphene. A quick electric pulse completely flips the material’s electronic properties, opening a route to ultrafast, brain-inspired, superconducting electronics.

In 2018, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero and his group at MIT were the first to demonstrate magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. They showed that the new bilayer structure could behave as an insulator, much like wood, when they applied a certain continuous electric field. When they upped the field, the insulator suddenly morphed into a superconductor, allowing electrons to flow, friction-free.

That discovery was a watershed in the field of “twistronics,” which explores how certain electronic properties emerge from the twisting and layering of two-dimensional materials. Researchers including Jarillo-Herrero have continued to reveal surprising properties in magic-angle graphene, including various ways to switch the material between different electronic states. So far, such “switches” have acted more like dimmers, in that researchers must continuously apply an electric or magnetic field to turn on superconductivity, and keep it on.

In 2018 they verified that superconductivity existed in bilayer graphene where one layer was rotated by an angle of 1.1° relative to the other, forming a moirĂ© pattern, at a temperature of 1.7 K (−271.45 °C; −456.61 °F). They created two bilayer devices that acted as an insulator instead of a conductor under a magnetic field. Increasing the field strength turned the second device into a superconductor.

The lesson here is that superconductivity can be a very fragile state and it can appear and disappear based upon minute differences.

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