Thursday, August 17, 2023

Human immortality.

 Human immortality.

to start with, our own science is making real progress on the question and getting to live a long life is a real possibility facing some of us.

Way more important is that it was a real thing for the ruling class globally before 1159 BC when the global Atlantean world was wiped out.  We had long lived rulers in the form of the greek pantheon and the rulers of Sumer and surely from Egypt once we accept this possibility.  The ancients had no problem telling time either.  Even the illiad is placed in 1179BC by simply decribing star positions and method goes back to the deep stone age.

So folks, a life span of six hundred years was real and we need to understand it as real.

We also know that while science can help us, it will be much easier if the other side decides rto provide a helping hand..  To that end, we also know that the purpose of meditation is to quell the mind enough to allow us to tap the Inner sun.  This can flood the body with radient energy  without causing damage.  This easily allows our bodies to be restored to prime..It also allows us to emulate the actions of Jesus.

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