Saturday, December 3, 2011

US Border Issues Prevent Marijuana Legalization

In the world of Real Politic, something is finally making complete sense.  It is that no government anywhere is prepared to end the prohibition of drugs until the USA is prepared to do so because the potential cost to that government is far too high.  There are real threats in place to keep the prohibition airtight.  I also think that the momentum of the situation is such that the President is unable to end the prohibition.

The only relief out there is that the noisy supporters of prohibition are thinning out and becoming quiet.

It is also clear that the arguments for a end to prohibition and the implementation of a regulatory regime linked to medical oversight have long since won the day.  I have repeated them here and though I wish the problem would go away, I know that that is impossible and thus support tight regulation.

I go further than that as I support a more rigorous intervention

PM says legalizing marijuana would cause us ‘a lot of trouble at the border with the United States

By Andy Radia | Canada Politics – 10 hours ago

Stephen Harper defended his government's policy on maintaining Canada's prohibition of marijuana, this week.

In an interview with a consortium of ethnic media in Vancouver, the prime minister stated his government has no intention of legalizing the drug and that doing so would cause us "a lot of trouble at the border with the United States."

"I don't want to say they would seal the border. But I think it would inhibit our trade generally because they're certainly not going to make that move in the United States," Harper said, according to the Filipino Post.

"I think as a cross-border phenomenon this would cause Canada a lot of difficulty."

Last week, four former Vancouver mayors each signed an open letter urging politicians to consider legalization and regulation of pot, saying those policies will increase taxes to government, remove illicit profits that lead to gang violence, and eliminate costly legal proceedings.

Harper disagrees.

"Look, I know the drug trade is a frustration. I know it fuels a lot of criminal activity, he said.

"But I think people, anybody is fooling themselves if they think that somehow the drug trade would become a nice business if it were legalized."

Despite the seemingly growing chorus of voices calling for an end to pot prohibition, the government is moving ahead with even tougher legislation to increase penalties for those who traffic drugs.

"This government doesn't favour the legalization of drugs," said the prime minister.
"Drugs are not bad because they're illegal. They're illegal because they are bad. They are corrosive to society. They're part of worldwide criminal and sometimes even terrorism networks and they do terrible things to people."

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