Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thinking Critically About Where UFOs Come From: Examining Closer To Home

Understand that eye witness accounts globally surpassed 200,000 a long time ago.  This item also tells us that the past made a real effort to share their observations as well.

Denial has always been an exercise in scientific absurdity.

Rational speculation tells us that a number of alien population maintain observation bases on Earth.  We will ultimately do the same.  These bases need to remain covert and that is easily done by building entries deep enough underwater to access cliff faces to allow craft entry.

The craft themselves are certainly gravity machines and can use that tech to avoid crushing pressure.  All physics we worked on publicly back in 1955.  We need just that one discovery to explain everything we know about UFOs.

Most observed UFOs since then have been our efforts to actually master this tech and no one else's.  

The others are certainly about and are often observed transiting from space to their bases underwater.  And Paul Hellyer tells us we have 74 resident alien species about.

There are ample fact anchors in all the data and i do think COMMs are held off until global peace emerges with application of the Rule of Twelve.

Thinking Critically About Where UFOs Come From: Examining Closer To Home

Ancient Origins

Thu, Oct 3 at 6:06 AM

Speaking openly about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is only just becoming less taboo, despite them long being a part of our planetary history. Evidence of their existence is found in some of the earliest human records, including cave paintings in various countries that depict humanoid figures alongside flying craft. One of them, found at Palatki, which is just outside Sedona, Arizona, clearly shows a humanoid figure wearing some type of helmet, and an airplane-like craft in the sky above. Some petroglyphs like this one are more than 20,000 years old.

Petroglyphs at Palatki, near Sedona. A humanoid figure seems to be wearing some type of helmet, while a craft flies through the sky above. (©Ken Jeremiah)

The earliest texts, including those from Sumer, which existed 5,000 years ago, also mention flying craft and their pilots. The Kebra Negast, written in the 13th century, mentions flying craft, as do the ancient Indian texts Mahabharata, written between 540-300 BCE and the Vymaamika Shaastra (Science of Aerodynamics), penned in the fourth century BCE.

The Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmosis III reported bright objects in the sky more than 3,500 years ago. Initially he only saw one, but a few days later there were many of them. Confused, he recorded the event anyway and it is still preserved on papyrus.

Alexander the Great likewise reported UFOs in the sky in 329 BCE, which he described as resembling shiny shields.

In 1463, a large craft surrounded by light flew over several cities in Europe, and Hermann Schaden illustrated the occurrence for posterity. Similar craft were spotted over Nürnberg, Germany on April 4, 1561. According to witnesses, many craft in the sky seemed to be battling each other, and the event was recorded by Hans Glaser as a woodcut.

Woodcut by Hans Glaser documenting what might have been an aerial battle between UFOs. (Public Domain)

Other famous UFO sightings occurred in Japan. One was in 1180 when a craft resembling an earthenware vessel flew across the sky, and another was in 1235 when the samurai general Toritsune sent his troops to investigate flying lights that had encircled his camp.

In one case, a UFO (which was called utsurobune, meaning “hollow ship”) emerged from the water and came to shore at Hiruto no Hama. The event was recorded on various woodblock prints, the most famous being those by Nagahashi Matajiro and Kyokutei Bakin.

Woodblock print of the UFO that emerged from the ocean by Nagahashi Matajiro. (Public Domain)
From Ancient Sightings to Modern Experiences

There have been other famous UFO sightings, which are clearly a part of the historical record. Sightings stretch from the earliest human records to modern day, and the beginning of the modern UFO phenomenon is generally held to be in 1947. Ken Arnold’s report of nine UFOs flying in formation near Mt. Rainer in Washington made newspaper headlines across the country. After that, the floodgates had opened, and reports proliferated, demonstrating just how widespread this phenomenon is.

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