Monday, February 19, 2024

A Cold Front In Democracy

The fact is that an interested agent of the government can target an individual and deploy at no cost to himself implied power.  even hide it.  My point though, most of us know that this happens to be wrong.

Yet there is also no obvious way to counter it.  We are unable to order such agents or agencies in front of a judge to explain themselves.  Why is this, because you just read the real risk and it is independent of legitmate causation?

In practise marc needed to be able to bring any such agents in for discovery.  That would stop all this cold and force them to establish a real case file at least.

A Cold Front In Democracy

Marco Polo Under Attack: The Biden's, Political Persecution & The Escape to Costa Rica


FEB 16

The Secret Service and the Marco Polo Standoff

In Washington, D.C., power casts long shadows, obscuring the once clear lines between right and wrong. Here, it has become common for agencies to overstep these boundaries with little regard, emboldened by their seemingly unchallenged authority.

The date is January 19, 2024. A biting arctic chill has swept across the nation. In the Midwest, where cornfields and soybean once flourished, now lie expanses of snow, hardened by ice. In a small, central Illinois town, life unfolds at a measured pace. This community, known for its resilience and forthrightness, is steeped in traditions of church gatherings and deep-rooted family values. As the day wanes, the sun dips low, and tranquility settles.

Meanwhile, the nation's capital remains a hub of strategic maneuvering, a grand chessboard, where the clock stops for no one. On this evening, the focus is on neutralizing those deemed threats to the administration and, specifically, to a president who has become more of a worn-out puppet dictator than a leader.

Where secrets are the coin of the realm, this unmitigated authority reigns supreme, and a new chess move is about to be played. A tiny nonprofit organization's founder finds himself facing, yet again, another form of legal harassment and unwarranted lawfare, as another federal agency decides to enter the scene.

This act of political harassment is not just a challenge; it's a dangerous game where the family and legal counsel of the president of the United States of America is desperately praying for a false move on the part of their victim to justify their abuse of power and force their opponents into bankruptcy, prison, or both.

Garrett Ziegler's breath fogs in the frigid air as he stands at the threshold of his modest but proper home in the tiny outpost of the suburban town of Effingham, Illinois.

A chill runs down his spine, not just from the cold, but from the sight of the figure approaching his doorstep. The figure, barren of the sight of authority – still proclaims to be a Special Agent Lane from the United States Secret Service (USSS), and chaperoning her are the local police officers of this small town. Her footsteps are measured, her demeanor, an unsettling blend of professional cordiality and underlying threat, she wants one thing - to ensure her presence is not forgotten.

"Garrett, my name's Agent Lane with the Secret Service. You mind if I talk to you inside? It's frigid out here," she states, her voice steady but carrying an unspoken command.

Ziegler stands firm. The founder of the nonprofit organization Marco Polo is known for his relentless pursuit of truth, particularly the unsettling truths about the family that has turned the nation's White House into a perpetual slumber party. The weight of his endeavors, the gravity of his findings about President Biden and his family, feels heavier in this moment.

"No. You can call my counsel," Garrett responds, his voice a mix of defiance and caution.

Lane's eyes narrow slightly, "Okay. What is that number, please?"

Garrett rattles off the number, his gaze not faltering from the agent's. "And what's their name?" Lane presses further. "Tom Vidal," Garrett answers, "V - I - D - A - L."

U.S. Secret Service Special Agent Sandy Lane is seen leaving a private residence with local police, on January 19th, 2024.

The exchange is terse, the air charged with unspoken tensions. Agent Lane, taking note of the contact details, nods curtly before turning away. Garrett watches her leave, a sense of unease lingering in the air. His organization's latest work, a 640-page exposé detailing a litany of violations committed by the President's son, Hunter Biden, has drawn the ire of the most powerful commander in the world. Garrett Ziegler stands, a silhouette against the stark Midwest landscape, the embodiment of stoic resistance.

This is not the first waltz with the clandestine overtures of power. Flashback to March 2021, when the first tendrils of surveillance and intimidation reached out to him — a simple iMessage, a single sentence sent to the President’s son-in-law, summoned the watchful eye of the Secret Service.

It was a request for comment on a video, a digital stone cast into the still waters of the Biden family's carefully curated image, revealing the ripples of their influence. The response, in the form of a phone call, was swift and, to the untrained eye, bewilderingly disproportionate.

Garrett, on March 25, would tell his audience on Telegram,

"I got a call from the SS last week for sending this hyperlink about the #LaptopFromHell to Biden’s son-in-law [Howard Krein]."

Yet, this initial contact with Garrett was merely a prelude to a broader, more insidious campaign. As if testing the waters, the Secret Service’s probing inquiries soon extended beyond the original sender of the message.

Garrett's mother, a civilian caught in the crosshairs, also found herself the target of a campaign masquerading as due diligence but reeking of a darker intent. The Secret Service, not satisfied with their apparent inability to silence Garrett after their initial phone call to him, decided to pressure his mother less than five days later, on March 30, 2021.

A Telegram post, made on March 30th, 2022, by Garrett, describing the harassment by the U.S.S.S.

This time, the guise of investigative questioning thinly veiled a campaign of shame and intimidation against Ziegler by using his mother to relay the attack - a tactic distressingly akin to the methods employed in authoritarian regimes, not the expected protocol in a nation priding itself on free speech and civil liberties.

Fast forward three years and the echoes of the past reverberate with chilling familiarity. Another publication, another probing message, and again, the Secret Service emerges from the shadows, their steps a calculated dance of intimidation repeated with precision. This pattern, this modus operandi, lays bare a strategy not of protection but of preservation of an image of a president with no skeletons in his closet.

Anita Ziegler, Garrett's mother, is about to relive the past as Agent Lane, in an unprecedented move, extends her reach beyond Garrett, and visits the home of his parents. The doorbell rings, a digital eye captures the scene, and her voice echoes into the microphone. The message is recorded and Anita reviews it. It betrays an unsettling interest in Garrett's personal connections. The digital imprint of Agent Lane's request hangs heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the government's far-reaching arm. her hands tremble slightly as she replays the message, her mind racing with concern for her son Garrett and the unforeseen consequences of his unyielding pursuit of truth.

"Hi, this is Agent Lane. I'm trying to get a hold of Anita Ziegler. I need to have a conversation with her."

U.S. Secret Service Special Agent, Sandy Lane is seen approaching the private residence on January 19th, 2024.

The agent's voice, despite being devoid of overt threat, carries an undercurrent of urgency, along with a hidden warning, that chills Anita to the bone. The Secret Service’s interest in her, a civilian far removed from the political arena, signals a disturbing shift in the landscape of justice and fair play.

This physical intrusion into their lives is not the first. The memory of a dead cat left on the elder Ziegler's porch on December 15, 2021, accompanied by a chilling death threat, lingers in Anita's mind. It was a macabre message – a sinister message meant to intimidate and silence, to instill fear. It was a warning that their family was not beyond the reach of those disturbed by Garrett's revelations. The incident had shaken the Zieglers, but Garrett's resolve had only hardened. Now, as Anita reflects on these recent events, the weight of worry for her son's safety feels overwhelming.

The day's unsettling events continue. The Secret Service are not finished with their assignment. Around 6:15 pm, Garrett receives word that Agent Lane has now reached out to his wife, Allie.

"Hi! This message is for Allie Ziegler. This is Agent Lane with the United States Secret Service. If you don't mind giving me a call back, I'd really appreciate it,"

the agent's voice sounds through the voicemail.

Special Agent Lane, (top right) appears in very close proximity to Joe Biden at the LIUNA Training Center, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023, in DeForest, Wisconsin.

These incidents, a clear response to Garrett's audacious, but perfectly legal act of sending the 'Report on the Biden Laptop' to Jessen Schulman – the wife of a Secret Service member assigned to Hunter Biden – marks a new chapter in the ongoing saga.

The cover letter, penned by Garrett himself, was both an invitation and a challenge: "Given your husband's work, we truly hope you will read it." But this act of defiance against a backdrop of political power plays had its consequences. The subsequent actions of the Secret Service, starting with the unexpected visit from Agent Lane, were swift and targeted.

The message was clear, those who dare to humiliate the princeling of the First Family will not be left unscathed. This response from the Secret Service potentially strays into the realms of harassment and legal overreach, reflecting the complexities and risks involved in exposing corruption at the highest level. Garrett and Marco Polo, though vastly different in their circumstances, represent two sides of the same coin - the pursuit of truth.

Garrett Ziegler’s home office, stacked with papers and research materials, bears witness to the meticulous work that led to the explosive report, a culmination of over 13 months of relentless investigation by Marco Polo, in which it chronicles in painstaking detail at least 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by Hunter Biden, the President's son, along with naming accomplices, including his father, president Joe Biden.

The report, despite being one of the most censored and prohibited books in modern history, has organically been seen online by millions, and sold over ten thousand physical copies, with hundreds more sent to reporters, politicians, former business associates of the Bidens, attorneys, and other figures who refuse to claim any knowledge of wrongdoing by their cherished favorite grandpa figure and his 'private citizen' son.

Jessen Schulman was hardly the first such person to receive an autographed copy of the report. She just happened to be an easy excuse for the executive branch to justify unleashing a federal agent on Garrett, the figurehead and founder of the organization that wrote the massive tome. This time, the agency was directly connected to the President, ensuring the message was sent loud and clear that the orders to harass, intimidate, and possibly threaten were coming from the very top.

In a striking juxtaposition, the actions of the Secret Service in Garrett Ziegler’s case stand in stark contrast to a shocking incident earlier last summer. Reports surfaced of cocaine being found within the White House, a revelation that cast a shadow on the integrity and effectiveness of the Secret Service. Despite their extensive resources and expertise, the agency was seemingly unable or unwilling to identify or prosecute the individual responsible for this breach. Adding to the controversy, multiple Secret Service whistleblowers allegedly implicated the Biden family in the incident, although no formal charges or conclusive evidence have emerged publicly to substantiate these claims.

Adding to the controversy, multiple Secret Service whistleblowers allegedly implicated the Biden family in the incident, although no formal charges or conclusive evidence have emerged publicly to substantiate these claims.

This apparent inconsistency in the Secret Service’s operations highlights a troubling disparity. On one hand, the agency demonstrates a proactive, almost overzealous approach in pursuing Garrett Ziegler and his non-profit organization, Marco Polo. Their actions, bordering on harassment, suggest a willingness to extend their reach into the personal lives of citizens engaged in politically sensitive activities. Yet, when faced with the serious security lapse of illegal substances within the nation's highest office, their response seems lackluster and evasive.

This dichotomy is not just a matter of operational failure; it speaks volumes about the priorities and motivations guiding the Secret Service. The agency, traditionally a bastion of impartial law enforcement and protector of national leaders, appears to have shifted its focus. Rather than upholding the rule of law and ensuring equal application of justice, their actions suggest a selective approach, influenced by political considerations and administrative directives.

This perceived double standard erodes public trust in a key institution meant to embody the highest standards of security and integrity. The American public is left to wonder whether justice is truly blind, or if it is now influenced by the corridors of power and the whims of those who walk them. The Secret Service’s role, once revered as the epitome of impartiality and dedication, now faces scrutiny and skepticism, as citizens question the agency's commitment to upholding the law without bias.

Shadow Tactics: The Unseen War Against Truth

The unsettling memory of finding a dead cat along with the accompanying letter at his parent's home still lingers in Garrett Ziegler’s mind like a haunting specter. A dead cat, its lifeless eyes staring blankly into nothingness, lay as a morbid warning, accompanied by a note with a thinly veiled threat. This macabre message was telling Garret and those associated with the Marco Polo nonprofit that they were in the crosshairs of powerful adversaries. The dead animal was more than just a twisted act of intimidation; it was a declaration of the lengths to which their opponents were willing to go.

The dead cat and the note that was left on the doorstep.

This incident, chilling in its brazenness, was not an isolated event. It was part of a pattern of harassment that has escalated over time, targeting not just Garrett but also other members of Marco Polo.

One such member, Marc De Giovanni, found himself facing threats so severe that he fled to Costa Rica, seeking asylum from the relentless persecution that haunts him in his homeland.

His departure, a desperate bid for sanctuary, speaks volumes about the perilous path the organization has embarked upon. The gravity of their situation is now painfully clear - their investigations are in direct opposition with the individuals, who have the ability to abuse their powers the most.

The affidavit of Marc De Giovanni, dated August 15, 2023, is a poignant testament to the disturbing reality being faced by the members of Marco Polo.

Addressed to Sheriff Roy “Sonny” Weatherford of the Sumner County Sheriff's Office, it details the unnerving encounters and threats that Marc and his family endured, beginning only five days after the discovery of the dead cat at the Ziegler household.

"Since December 2021, my family and I have received disturbing contact by individuals claiming to be with the FBI, but who refuse to identify themselves,"

Marc's statement begins, unveiling a narrative of covert intimidation tactics. His words paint a picture of an unsettling reality, where phone calls from unknown origins and visits by individuals claiming to be federal agents weave a tapestry of fear and uncertainty. The detailed accounts, corroborated by documented evidence, transform his account from a mere statement to a gripping chronicle, reminiscent of a political thriller, engulfing every member of Marco Polo in a shroud of dread.

The ordeal commences on December 20, 2021, with a call that sends ripples of disquiet through Marc's family. A woman, introducing herself as FBI Special Agent Juliette Garcia, reaches out to Marc's father in Kentucky. Her query, innocuous on the surface, hides a more insidious intent - to track Marc's movements. The number left behind, written on a note, “505-***-5396 Special Agent Juliette Garcia Santa Fe,” later unveils its own mystery.

The handwritten note, by Marc’s father on December 21st 2021, naming the alleged agent as well as the phone number he provided.

A private investigator's diligence uncovers the truth - the number belongs not to any agent of the law but to a burner phone, its ties tracing back to an individual marked by a history of criminal endeavors, embezzlement among them.

Just two months later, in February of 2022, a disturbing incident unfolded at the same home in Kentucky. Set against the backdrop of a rural landscape characterized by Amish communities and cattle farms, two individuals, a man, and a woman, arrived in a black, unmarked SUV, an arrival that broke the daily peace that resides in the calm farmlands. They presented themselves at the doorstep, claiming affiliation with the FBI.

In a scenario reminiscent of a tense espionage drama, Marc De Giovanni's family home becomes the stage for an unsettling encounter.

Two figures, their demeanor, and attire mirroring that of FBI field agents, arrive unannounced. They engage Marc's mother in a probing interrogation, their intent clear - they seek Marc, who at that time is visiting with his family.

Their nondescript clothing, aligning with the typical attire of field agents, and their authoritative presence lend an air of legitimacy to their claims. The gravity of their visit is accentuated by the brandishing of a thick portfolio, alleged to contain files on Marc, adding a weighty sense of urgency and threat to the interaction.

Yet, beneath this veneer of professionalism, inconsistencies arise. Their refusal to provide identification when requested deviates sharply from standard procedural norms, casting a shadow of doubt over their authenticity. Marc's mother, demonstrating commendable discernment, requests business cards as a means of verification. However, their response is evasive - claiming their cards are in their vehicle, they offer nothing but a name and phone number scribbled on a slip of paper, "Andrew Martin Bowling Green FBI 502-682-9844."

The handwritten note by the alleged agent in February 2022. His handwriting, his paper, his pen, and potentially his DNA on it.

The number, later revealed to be unassociated with any legitimate FBI agent, deepens the enigma surrounding their true identities and objectives.

The encounter took an even more ominous turn when the individuals, upon being asked to leave in the absence of a warrant, issued a stark warning. They stated, as recounted in Marc’s affidavit, "if you want to play that game, we will be back with a warrant," and darkly added that they would “bust the door down, with guns drawn” and were prepared to use them.

This threat, which implied potential violence and forceful entry, escalated the incident from a mere inquiry into a confrontation laced with the prospect of legal and physical intimidation.

This sinister episode is further escalated at Marc's residence outside of Nashville, Tennessee in July of 2022. In a development that sends a chill down the spine, an unmarked SUV, with a conspicuous flasher bar in its windshield, is parked outside his house. The vehicle's occupant, a male figure concealed behind dark sunglasses seems to be recording the house with a cell phone, adding a disturbing layer of surveillance to an already tense atmosphere.

Yet, this alarming incident marks the last of its kind for over a year. In the ensuing silence, a fragile sense of hope begins to emerge, suggesting that these intimidating tactics might have been a desperate bid to disrupt the Marco Polo team's groundbreaking work on the "Report on the Biden Laptop," released in October 2022.

However, this period of apparent tranquility proves deceptive. Unknown to the Marco Polo team, this lull is merely the calm before a storm of legal challenges.

The year 2023 emerges as a time of relentless legal strife, shifting the battle from covert intimidation to a flurry of costly and frivolous lawsuits. These legal actions, laden with baseless allegations, call for various agencies to launch criminal investigations into Marco Polo and Garrett Ziegler, signaling a new phase in their ongoing struggle against the Biden regime.

The Power Play: Unveiling the Morris-Biden Legal Strategy

As dusk falls over the Los Angeles skyline in early spring, 2023, an intense legal battle simmers in the Superior Court of the State of California. The epicenter of this storm is the small but resilient nonprofit Marco Polo, captained by Garrett Ziegler.

They stand against a formidable foe – Patrick "Kevin" Morris, a man deeply entrenched in Hollywood with deep pockets to match, as well as being deeply intertwined with the Biden family.

P. Kevin Morris was spotted smoking from a bong outside his Los Angeles home on 20th July, 2023. via @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID

Morris's involvement is not the 'personal attorney' title he likes to broadcast - he is the pivotal financier - handling Hunter Biden's tax debts, bankrolling legal expenses, and orchestrating lucrative book and art deals. His actions reflect the Biden family's interests.

The lawsuit, filed on April 3, 2023, stands as a testament to this entanglement. Naming Marco Polo, Garrett Ziegler, and ten 'John Doe' defendants, presumably meant to represent the other members of Marco Polo, it demands an astronomical $60 million in damages.

This figure is not merely a claim for financial reparation but a calculated maneuver in a larger strategy. Its true aim is to inundate Marco Polo with an avalanche of legal fees, a ploy designed to stifle their investigative pursuits and muffle their voices of exposing their corruption.

Inside the courtroom, the air is thick with tension. Ziegler and Marco Polo's legal team confront Morris's attorneys, who, armed with vitriol, cast Marco Polo as a radical entity intent on destabilizing the presidency.

Ziegler's defense counters with the sanctity of the First Amendment, underscoring Marco Polo's dedication to transparency and accountability.

Outside, the media is mostly captured, parroting Morris's narrative as though his words were gospel. The lawsuit morphs into a spectacle, transcending legal boundaries to become a war of narratives played out in the public domain.

At the heart of this legal maelstrom is Morris, the linchpin in the Biden family's machinations, extending their influence far beyond the political arena into the realm of private citizens.

His financial backing of Hunter Biden's legal entanglements and opulent lifestyle forges an unbreakable bond with the family, making this lawsuit a mere extension of the Biden family's broader scheme. Morris, in this role, acts not just as an attorney but as an instrument of the family's will, pressing down upon Marco Polo with the full weight of their power and influence.

This strategic offensive quickly intensifies, manifesting in a barrage of five meticulously crafted complaints dispatched to various federal and state agencies. These documents, laden with allegations and demands, range from calls for criminal investigations to pleas for stripping Marco Polo of its nonprofit status.

Sent to the highest echelons of government bodies, including the Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service, they cast aspersions on the methods and motives of Garrett Ziegler and Marco Polo. The allegations, devoid of substance, accuse Marco Polo of illicitly acquiring and disseminating sensitive financial records, notably Suspicious Activity Reports related to Hunter Biden.

These baseless claims suggest a conspiracy by Ziegler and his team to breach federal regulations, culminating in a demand for a criminal probe by the Treasury Department.

This legal onslaught, part of a broader strategy orchestrated by the Biden family and executed through Morris, marks a perilous turn in Marco Polo's quest for truth. It signifies not just a clash of legalities but a battle for the very soul of transparency and accountability in the face of overwhelming power and influence.

The maneuvers imply a coordinated effort that could be perceived as having the tacit endorsement of the White House, given Kevin Morris's remarks that highlight the potency and influence of their legal battalion, stating, "We have 8 SDNY prosecutors on our team."

A series of Android SMS text messages from P. Kevin Morris, on June 4th, 2022.

Morris's confidence is further echoed in the assertion, "All this took was a phone call," suggesting a prompt and possibly influential response to their demands.

The strategy executed by the legal team is not only comprehensive but aggressive, as Kevin Morris commented:

"Any and all texts go automatically to SDNY and NY[C] and WDC FBI you fucking moron,"

indicates a no-holds-barred approach, engaging with the formidable might of federal investigative agencies.

An SMS text message from the cell phone number, 310-760-1353, was received on June 20th, 2022. (a copy from the communicator)

This approach is reinforced by a litigious stance wherein Morris notes,

"All I need in a civil suit is 51% - that's the great thing - you all are gonna give me everything,"

signaling a robust confidence in the outcome of civil litigation. Moreover, Morris's mention of directing financial penalties toward a social justice cause, "I'm going to give all your money to Black Lives Matters”, resoundingly smacks of a punitive and political gesture.

An SMS text message from the cell phone number, 310-760-1353, on June 20th, 2022. (a copy from the communicator)

The legal team, at the helm of the President's son, and financed by the bong-smoking business partner who now owns Hunter Biden's 10% stake in Chinese-backed BHR, is employing a multifaceted approach, leveraging federal and state legal frameworks to target Marco Polo and Garrett Ziegler on various fronts shifting from a defensive legal posturing to an aggressive offensive, with the players themselves claiming coordination with the executive branch.

Justice Dies In Darkness: The Ongoing Saga of Ziegler and Biden

A new chapter unfolds in the relentless legal duel between Robert Hunter Biden and Garrett Ziegler, alongside Marco Polo. The air crackles with a blend of anticipation and foreboding as the legal titans of Winston & Strawn LLP and Early Sullivan Wright Gizer & McRae LLP prepare their battle lines, filing frivolous lawsuits one after the other, in the attempts to financially and spiritually destroy anyone they are paid to so to.

At the core of this legal maelstrom, Biden, wielding the might of his high-dollar legal squadron, levels childish accusations against Ziegler and Marco Polo. The allegations, baseless yet severe, claim transgressions of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, California’s Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, and the Unfair Competition Law. The complaint paints a clandestine picture of digital espionage and manipulation, accusing Ziegler and Marco Polo of penetrating the veils of Biden’s digital existence, but showing no evidence of actual wrongdoing.

The reality is, that his and Kevin Morris’s feelings were hurt, and no one is allowed to do such a thing without severe repercussions.

The case is championed by a formidable legal arsenal, including attorneys Paul B. Salvaty, Abbe David Lowell, Bryan M. Sullivan, and Zachary C. Hansen. Their collective legal acumen and experience signal a strategy of no quarter, a relentless pursuit of legal victory.

Behind them stands Kevin Morris, there to show face and shovel cash. As long as the checks get cut, these soulless mercenaries will continue to apply political pressure on anyone who stands in the Bidens' way of a squeaky-clean media persona.

This lawsuit transcends the confines of a mere legal dispute, morphing into a touchstone for broader issues of political strife, digital privacy, and the contours of legal warfare in a digitally interconnected era. Its reverberations are poised to echo beyond the courtroom, potentially shaping legal precedents and swaying public discourse, or silencing it.

The Last Flight: From American Soil to Political Sanctuary

In the lead-up to Marc De Giovanni's departure from the United States, the atmosphere thickened with tension, reaching a crescendo on August 10, 2023. Two men, presumed to be agents, approached Marc's Nashville suburb home, presenting identification cards the shade of light blue typically associated with retired federal agents, lacking official photographs — an anomaly that did not go unnoticed. Their credentials did not align with active FBI agents, which cast doubts on their intentions and raised the specter of intimidation rather than lawful inquiry.

Nor did they present a warrant.

Upon being denied entry, these men conducted an inspection of the property's exterior. Their persistence, coupled with the surveillance from additional agents stationed in nearby cars, suggested a coordinated strategy that deviated from standard law enforcement procedures.

A screen capture from a cell phone video recording, made by Marc, and seen by GEORGE NEWS, shows two unmarked federal vehicles outside his home in Nashville TN, on August 10, 2023. Two unidentified men can be seen observing the private residence.

These actions seemed less about enforcement and more about pressure tactics — the agents lingered, engaged in a hushed conversation, and kept a watchful eye on Marc's home long after being turned away.

This scenario, reflecting a similar experience faced by Garrett with the Secret Service, highlighted an emerging pattern. The absence of a warrant, the use of retired identification, and the overt surveillance indicated a troubling departure from protocol, reinforcing the impression of an effort to unsettle and coerce rather than to serve an official mandate.

This was not the standard operating procedure for any legitimate investigative effort but rather an incursion marked by the hallmarks of a campaign designed to intimidate, and possibly the precursor to a bogus criminal investigation spurred on by political agendas, for the sole purpose of persecuting anyone who is considered a threat to the administration.

Despite an initial confirmation by the Sheriff's department that the claims made in the affidavit warranted an interview by the Sheriff himself, or his Chief Deputy, Marc De Giovanni’s pleas for protection were met with silence.

The Sheriff's department, once a bastion for the aggrieved, offered no solace as the calls of a citizen seeking refuge from a maelstrom of federal might went unanswered. It was as if the very threads of justice that should bind a community were unraveling, leaving Marc exposed to the caprices of unchecked power.

His affidavit, a cry into the void, received no echo, no reassurance of the Sheriff's shield against the torrent of governmental overreach. In this chilling standstill, Marc discerned a tacit admission — his fears were validated by the absence of rebuttal or inquiry.

The fateful voyage from Nashville to the sanctuary of San José, Costa Rica unfolds under a cloud of anxiety and a sense of foreboding. Even here, mere hours from embarking on a new life, Marc's ultimate fate is not fully appreciated, as the sense of imminent arrest follows him every step of the way.

Starting with a delayed check-in that requires numerous phone calls by the staff, it is revealed that the dreaded Quad-S designation has been assigned, indicating to Marc that he has been placed on a watchlist.

This designation was recently revealed to be a blanket label "102 - National Extremist Terrorist" on the Secondary Security Screening Selection (SSSS) list by Air Marshal National Council whistleblower Sonya LaBosco.

It will set up a gauntlet of excessive security measures.

Pictured here is the Quad-S designation on the flight boarding pass of U.S. Citizen Marc De Giovanni, as he travels from Nashville to Atlanta, en route to Costa Rica, on 4th Sep. 2023.

The airport, usually a place of bustling activity and excitement, feels more like an interrogation chamber for Marc. His every move is scrutinized, and his belongings are dissected by the relentless gaze of security agents. The standard protocols of security checks are dwarfed by the severity of his experience, transforming his departure into an ordeal of public humiliation and intimidation, echoing the tactics of a regime more focused on control than safety.

In Nashville, the atmosphere intensifies as Marc approaches his gate. Here, a cohort of Department of Homeland Security agents in blue uniforms, accompanied by their vigilant bomb-sniffing dogs, command the area. Every passenger is compelled to participate in an additional layer of screening, and their electronic devices are subjected to meticulous examination.

Marc, however, is singled out. Pulled aside, his treatment becomes a spectacle for all to witness. He stands, surrounded by agents, his belongings being rescreened, as if on display in a security theater designed not for protection but for subjugation.

This public display, with passengers casting wary glances, underscores the heavy-handed tactics being employed, a charade of safety where the only tangible result is the erosion of dignity and freedom.

The scrutiny reaches a crescendo in Atlanta. The agents, waiting like sentinels at his next gate, signal a further escalation of Marc's ordeal. His name echoes over the intercom, a summons that feels more like an accusation. Subjected to an additional interview at the front desk, Marc's passport is held hostage, a symbolic gesture of his constrained liberty. He watches as other passengers pass by, their journey uninterrupted, their freedom unchallenged. He is unsure if he will be boarding a flight, or handcuffed. The former feels uncertain at this point.

The security theater continues with a peculiar display involving a machine and a white screen. Each passenger, unwittingly a part of this production, is instructed to pause for a photograph.

Marc, isolated and observed, will endure this procedure last. His screen, however, is a stark blue with a centralized circle, automatically capturing his image without instruction, revealing the façade of the entire process. It's a stark reminder of the disparity between the illusion of security and the reality of targeted surveillance.

As Marc finally settles into his seat on the plane, a mix of relief and apprehension floods him. He knows this flight is just the first step in his quest for asylum, a bid to escape the constant surveillance and harassment that has become his reality. It's a fight for his basic right to live without fear of his life or liberty, to express truths without the threat of persecution.

Day 1 in a foreign land, seeking safety and refuge from political persecution. The bars on the window, of this overpriced $30-a-night hostel, are a perfect symbol of what life under the Biden regime has become for, Marc.

Costa Rica grants refugee status on the grounds of political persecution, validating his fears and experiences, and painting a stark picture of his transformation from a concerned citizen to an international refugee, unable to return to his home country.

His flight to Costa Rica, thus, is not just a physical journey but a symbolic escape from a system that appears to have turned against its own.

Pictured here, a "forbidden" photo taken by Marc inside the refugee processing center, and the eventually approved 'provisional refugee status'.

MARC AARON DE GIOVANNI: “Provisional Card, Refugee Applicant” “Application Date: 11/01/2024” “Expiration Date: 10/01/2025”

Marco Polo member, Marc De Giovanni, a political refugee in Costa Rica.

Far away from the Biden Regime’s reach, one can only hope, that t
his new place called home, can finally provide a safe haven.

The lush green highlands of Costa Rica is now home to political refugee, Marc De Giovanni.

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