Friday, July 7, 2023

US House Bill to Cut Funding for WHO Entirely

We do think that CCP bribery has captured a whole range of gllobal political elites and this certainly includes the WHO.  Balking at paying is a good start. .

Can we all agree on something? A communist does not become a good citizen just because he has money and power.  He has long since rejected consensus building for real authority and that means BIG MAN rule.  That is why they are quick to slaughter democrats out of hand. 

It is also why my Rule of Twelve works as a consensus building tool and is external to BIG MAN rule and is designed around the naturtal community.

This is a beginning though.  assumption of imperial power is so wrong..

Bombshell: US House Bill to Cut Funding for WHO Entirely, Terminate Involvement in WEF, Considers Exiting WHO. Threatens Implementation of WHO “Pandemic Treaty”?

By Peter Koenig

Global Research, July 03, 2023

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations (CoA), a highly influential US Congressional body on US budget proposals, has advised cutting government funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) entirely, as part of its budget proposal for fiscal year 2024.

The CoA’s bill would also block funding to the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology, the EcoHealth Alliance, as well as gain-of-function research. In addition, the legislation would terminate US government involvement in the World Economic Forum (WEF).

This bombshell report was published a few days ago by RFK Jr’s Defender, based on extensive interviews with concerned US Congress people. See this full report by Michael Nevradikis, Ph.D, a regular contributor to the Children’s Health Defense Newsletter.

The proposal would enhance the US government’s attempt to ban “misinformation” and “disinformation” programs, and to retain – and even bring back – the US’s Constitutional sovereignty and citizen’s right to free speech and expression.

Cutting US funding to the WHO would amount to about US$ 700 million savings per year. With Big Pharma, Bill Gates and other interest groups funding more than 80% of WHO’s budget, the US$ 700 million – though by far the largest country contribution to the “health organization”, may not be a lot, but it has significant symbolic and political meaning.

Other nations look to the US, since many, especially from the Global South, are fed-up with WHO’s scandalous Covid imposition during the past three years, WHO’s impending health tyranny through the planned revised International Health Regulations (IHR) and the fully integrated so-called “Pandemic Treaty”. If the US dares take this drastic, but necessary step, others who feel likewise may follow suit.

The new IHR cum Pandemic Treaty would literally deprive each of the 194 WHO member countries of their Constitutional sovereignty over national health issues, amounting to a WHO dictatorship, the extent of which can hardly be envisioned, but in the current neoliberal globalist Big Finance directed worldwide lawlessness, may well become a tyranny humanity has not experience in recent history.

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