Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Mach 6 Jet Engine

This is HUGE huge folks.  All of a sudden, thanks to superior electrical tech ,it is possible to get the jet engines we need to simply replace our first stage booster rocket.  We will now jump into space using our second stage rockets without having to fight our atmosphere.

Better yet the next generationb of jet engines will surely do this as well and jumpping to supersonic could become practricl. though i would not cont on that.  airfoil changes after Mach one is drag related and that problem does not go away.  Of course we can launch planes to supersonic but landing may be sketchy.

however, can we design for say mach 1.5 to travel much higher and avoid heat problems ass well.  The concorde was mach 2.0. but that was an issue.  slower just may work best for passenger travel.

Y-Combinator Backed Startup Making BREAKTHROUGH Super-Efficient Mach 6 Jet Engine

February 29, 2024 by Brian Wang

Electric motors are finally getting good enough in performance to capture efficiency gains from having a second turbine drive an adaptive cycle jet engine. This new jet engine will enable commercial flights anywhere in the world 3x faster than anything today for the same price.

That's the win – Commercial flights anywhere in the world 3x faster than anything today, same price.@k2pilot isn't competing with SpaceX.

Rather, he's building the Tesla of airplanes, to take on 110-year old Boeing.

Space planes just happen to be how you get there pic.twitter.com/qHCCjUsjWv

— Andrew Côté (@Andercot) February 29, 2024

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