Common sense ideas whose present structure is deeply grounded in successful history. It is not broken so avoid fixing it. I really do not think that this particular aspect is a problem at all, simply because Trump in particular is a deal maker whose dealings inevitable used this feature however understood..
What is a real problem for the USA is its lack of a proper VAT which is been offset by other taxes even more troublesome.
Reforming public policy needs attention to VAT and universal Health insurance. Both are difficult and contentious only in the minds of the terminally biased. Understand that every other developed country has succeeded in doing both.
The Medieval Geniuses Who Invented Carried Interest and the Modern Barbarians Who Want to Tax It
Drew Armstrong
Monday, March 20, 2017
It’s no secret that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton fail to
understand that taxation is theft. Neither was even willing to retain
the few laudable provisions that exist in the tax code. Instead, they
used class warfare to condemn what is commonly referred to as “carried
Carried interest allows the
investment manager of a fund or partnership to be compensated with the
profits of the funds. The proceeds are taxed as capital gains rather
than income.
Despite the heated rhetoric, the
provision of law is based on a historical parallel that dates back to
the Middle Ages. A look back into history shows how carried interest was
created and why it is a vital component of a thriving society.
Merchants Fuel Long-Distance Trade
Once Venice's
government was comprised of people who knew how to make money and
create jobs, there was a dramatic increase in financial and legal
Think back to Venice, Italy in the year 1036. Due to the
geographic location and numerous beneficial alliances, Venice began to
grow wealthy as an international center of trade. Up to that point, the
Venetian head of state, or Doge, had absolute power and was always
selected from one of the three wealthiest families. But as the wealthy
merchant class grew, so did their power, and by 1036 the first merchant
was elected as Doge.
As the wealthy merchant class gained
power, Venice’s trade greatly expanded, creating enormous opportunity
for its citizens. However, after a series of political crises and a
deadly plague in 1172, the Doge Vital II Michele was assassinated,
leaving a void in the government. A new constitution was created by the
merchant class that changed the city remarkably. Dogal powers were
drastically reduced and the Great Council, or parliament, was created.
But now, instead of the nobility controlling the city, the Great Council
was made up of a group of families that had built their wealth on
trade, not inheritance.
Now that the government was comprised
of people that knew how to make money and create jobs, there was a
dramatic increase in financial and legal innovation.
As the National Bureau of Economic Research stated:
By the early fourteenth century, financial innovations included: the appearance of limited liability joint stock companies; thick markets for debt (especially bills of exchange); secondary markets for a wide variety of debt, equity, and mortgage instruments; bankruptcy laws that distinguished illiquidity from insolvency; double-entry accounting methods; business education (including the use of algebra for currency conversions); deposit banking; and a reliable medium of exchange (the Venetian ducat). All these innovations can be related directly back to the demands of long-distance trade.
Long-distance trade had the potential
for enormous profit, but it carried a substantial risk. An enterprising
young man could more than double his money if he could fill a ship with
goods to trade with Constantinople and the Eastern Mediterranean.
However, raising the capital to buy the original goods and hire a ship
was beyond the reach of someone trying to get a start in the merchant
trade. Additionally, there were pirates, bad weather, and shipwrecks to
consider. Any of these factors could affect the profitability of the
Enter Carried Interest
This is where the idea of carried
interest enters the story. Start-up merchants needed investors, and
investors needed some incentive to finance the merchants. For the
investor, there was the risk of their investment literally sailing out
of the harbor never to be seen again. The Venetian government solved
this problem by creating one of the first examples of a joint stock
company, the “colleganza.” The colleganza was a contract between the
investor and the merchant willing to do the travel. The investor put up
the money to buy the goods and hire the ship, and the merchant made the
trip to sell the goods and then buy new foreign goods that could then be
brought back and sold to Venetians.
Profits were then split between the
merchant and investor according to the agreements in the contract.
This arrangement limited the
liability for both parties. For the first time, poorer merchants had a
chance to improve their lot in life by taking on the inherent risks of
travel. This shared liability and carried interest agreement opened the
doors to a greater number of Venetians participating in trade and
wealth-building. Without the colleganza, Venice would have never grown
so successfully, and its people would have been stuck in a class system
with no opportunity for economic mobility. No longer was wealth reserved
for those lucky few born into it. Instead, wealth was available to
anyone willing to work for it.
We Must Retain the Carried Interest Provision
Eliminating the carried interest provision is a turn in the wrong direction.
Back to modern day: there are those in the government that
want to cripple start-up businesses looking to grow their company.
Businesses rely on investors to get started or jump to the next level of
success. Just like the merchants of Venice, American businesses would
stagnate without investors willing to take a risk. And investing in
start-up businesses is risky as there is no guarantee that the money
invested will ever return a profit. For over 100 years in America, the
risk for investors has been offset by the lower tax rate for capital
gains and carried interest.
Some people in the government think
that carried interest should be taxed as regular income, but that just
doesn’t make sense. Just like the Venetian investors who watched their
money sail away, sometimes for years, before returning, today’s
investors often must wait years to see a profit or possibly even suffer a
A lower capital gains tax rate serves as a great incentive to
take that risk.
Eliminating the carried interest provision is a turn in the wrong direction.
It would be a massive tax increase on investment capital and, as such,
would discourage investment. Rather than raising capital gains up to the
tax rate of regular income levels, we should be lowering both tax
rates. That would provide more incentive for investors to buy into
American businesses and create more jobs and more wealth for everyone.
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