Friday, February 19, 2021

Bill Gates and Stupid-19, the Climate Con and the WEF's Great Reset

We have a remarkable century of crisis coincidences going back to mckinley and properly back to our last constituional President US Grant.  All of which have been exploited agressively to establish laws and the like well beyond what could have been expected..

what is worst in all this is the full on advent of faux science to pursue questionable commercial agendas as well while blocking proper review.  There is ample reason to question the whole vaccine mythology.

Now we have a climate mythology and a soon to come agricultural mythology.  All of which have been debunked scientifically but then suppressed.

Farmers die from obscure cancers just like smokers.  Autism pandemic goes global.  Neither happened back in the day.

Bill Gates of Hell promoting his "War on Greenhouse Gases" on CBS' 60 Minutes

FEBRUARY 16, 2021

NY Times: How Does Bill Gates Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis?


Though well known to the enlightened readership of The Anti-New York Times -- and completely unbeknownst among the bewildered subjects of the kooky kingdoms of Normiedom and Libtardia -- the true purposes of the tyrannical "solutions" to the parallel Globalist hoaxes of Stupid-19 and the Climate Con are to deal a 1-2 knockout blow to the American economy (and by extension, that of "the free world" ™) in advance of the final NWO financial takeover dubbed "The Great Reset" by the Globalist Ghouls at the World Economic Forum. And front & center of all three of these schemes is the thoroughly odious, media-anointed "genius," Bill Gates of Hell.

The fake virologist / climatologist has got a new Climate Con book out. Predictably, it is being puffed-up by CBS's 60 Minutes and Sulzberger's Slimes. It is titled, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need.

Translation: How to achieve world government under the guise of "saving the planet? ™"

As basic and as "in your face" as 1+1=2 --- yet very few can see it.

Stupid-19, the Climate Con and the WEF's Great Reset. Look at who is front and center for all three programs.

Wearing his trademark faggy-ass "down-to-earth" lavender sweater, Gates of Hell smugly told 60 Minutes' Anderson C-Sucker (who himself actually seemed a bit skeptical of Gates' ambitious zero emissions goal): "It will be very hard. But it's possible. It will be the most amazing thing mankind has ever done. It's an all-out effort, like a world war but it's us against greenhouse gases."

Speaking of "world war," those two great disasters of the last century (separated by only two decades) were also inflicted upon humanity by the same generational cult of Satanic Globalism and for the same reasons, namely, destabilizing sovereign nations and advancing world government. Indeed, pretty much all major events, tragedies and scams of the past two centuries only become understandable when viewed through this prism of Globalism. Knowledge of the New World Order agenda is the "Rosetta Stone" -- the magical decoder ring -- which clarifies everything into sharp focus. Let's just list a few of these major events and how they (by design) served the objectives of "The Cabal" (cough cough):

* 1901: The Assassination of President McKinley -- installed warmongering, big government banker tool Teddy Roosevelt in the White House.

* 1907: The Financial Crash / Panic of 1907 -- led to the formation of a "commission" (headed by Nelson Aldrich -- the maternal-line grandfather of the 5 third-generation brothers of the House of Rockefeller) tasked with finding "solutions" (a central bank) to such panics / crashes

* 1913: The Income Tax & the Federal Reserve Bank -- gave the Globalist bankers unlimited money-printing / debt-making power as well as turning the American people into human collateral for their government bonds / loans

* 1914-1918: World War I -- overthrew the dynasties of Europe and replaced them with either Globalist-controlled social democracies or, in Russia's case, Bolshevik communists. WW 1 also led to Jewish immigration to Palestine and the formation of the "League of Nations" -- an early skeletal structure of world government.

* 1929: The Crash and Depression -- ended the Republican dynasty of the "Roaring 20's" and brought forth the disastrous 12-year reign of Globalist Franklin Demono Rosenfeld

* 1939-1945: World War II -- subdued Germany, Japan, Italy and eastern Europe for Globalism / Communism -- led to the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, NATO, CIA, European consolidation, Foreign Aid scams, state of Israel and more

* 1952-1960: The "unexpected" Eisenhower Presidency -- permanently changed the Republican Party from a fighting conservative institution to a weak and mainly Globalist party -- empowered Democrats and stopped Senator Joe McCarthy's investigations into Communist penetration as well as other investigations into Globalist tax-exempt foundations.

* 1963: The JFK Assassination -- permanently empowered Globalist warmongers and communists in the Democrat Party by removing a patriotic moderate Democrat with an independent streak, and replacing him with the evil LBJ (who soon started the Vietnam War) instead.

* 1973: The Watergate Scandal -- maintained the Globalist Cold War which President Richard Nixon had wanted to thaw -- forced Nixon's departure and caused Demonrat super-majorities in Congress.

* 1981: The Assassination Attempt on Ronald Reagan -- nearly installed Deep State Globalist George H W Bush as President -- caused Reagan to become more of a "moderate."

* 1995: The Oklahoma City Bombing -- stopped the momentum of the growing anti-Globalist patriot movement in America -- restored President Bill Clinton's popularity and guaranteed his re-election in 1996.

* 2001: The 9/11 False Flag -- brought us 20 years of "War on Terror" to subdue the Middle East & Central Asia for Globalist consolidation -- restricted liberties domestically.

* 2012: The Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax -- a failed attempt by the Globalists to confiscate semi-automatic weapons from Americans who might one day oppose their foreign security forces.

* 2020: Stupid-19 -- enabled the Globalists to get rid of Donald Trump (by fake mail-in ballots) and control humanity under the guise of a "pandemic."

The pattern is very clear. Globalist scum like Bill Gates or George Soros, working for "higher-ups" and in collaboration with the CIA / MI6 / Mossad complex, will secretly bring about a situation or "crisis," and then advance the agenda with the pre-planned "solution" -- always presented as "spontaneous" and usually with great success. And that is why anybody "on our side" who is unwilling to talk "conspiracy" is, in the big picture of things, useless to the cause of goodness and liberty. And it is also why anyone who dares to question official story-lines, is instantly and loudly denounced by Fake News as a "conspiracy theorist ™."

When one looks at the world through the looking glass of the Globalist agenda, historical and current "crisis" events suddenly come into clear focus and cease to mystify.

The seemingly random disasters of the past two centuries were all planned and executed flawlessly by the usual suspects.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Bill Gates has a new book out on how to solve the climate crisis.

Boobus Americanus 2: If we are going to solve the world's problems, we'll need the talents and genius of men like Gates.
St. Sugar: Gates' only "genius" lies in his ability to deceive you, Boobuss!

Editor: I don't believe that he was ever really the computer or business genius either he is made out to be. Boy Billie the drunk driver dropped out of college and with bags of daddy's money he stole and took credit for the work of other

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