Tuesday, July 2, 2024

John Robison: The Original NWO "Q Conspiracy Theorist"

Here is another thread in the history of what has come forward as the NWO.  This is a conspiracy of the stupid and the Rich who really believe that any of this can work out.  the proven chokehold on human progress by the so called communist MEME is still denied by these fools.

No introspection here folks.  It will end with the rule of twelve but do not tell these chaps.  all hierarchical systems naturally halt progress and economic improvement.  the romans showed us a long time ago when they were overcome by border societies making real tech progress.

recall those German tribes made the steel plow work for them

John Robison: The Original NWO "Q Conspiracy Theorist"

John Robison was a prominent physicist, mathematician and professor of philosophy at Scotland’s Edinburgh University. He worked with James Watt on the early steam car and he later invented the siren. As one of Europe's leading intellectuals -- in an age when that word actually meant something -- the conspiratorial Illuminati had attempted to recruit him into their ranks, but he declined. In 1798, -- about 100 years before The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -- Robison wrote “Proofs of a Conspiracy Against the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies” in which he exposed the secret societies behind the terroristic French Revolution.

"An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments ... the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of their unknown superiors."

"It was then discovered that this and several associated Lodges were the nursery or preparation-school for another Order of Masons, who called themselves the Illuminated, and that the express aim of this Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government."

Robison fingered Adam Weishaupt, a German-Jewish professor, as the man who founded the Order of The Illuminati on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria (Germany). Weishaupt was possibly a paid agent of the emerging Rothschild Family, also based in Germany. Weishaupt (code name Spartacus) recruited wealthy elites to his secret society. The Illuminati (Enlightened Ones) infiltrated Masonic lodges, which served as cover for their activities. They plotted the overthrow of governments, the destruction of Christianity, and the establishment of a world communal state, (New World Order) which future elites will one day rule.

It is interesting to note that May 1 is a "Holy Day" for Communists, Anarchists and "progressives." The German-Jewish Communists who briefly captured Berlin after World War I openly referred to themselves as "Spartacists" (after Weishaupt's Illuminati code name). It is also worth pointing out that "One World" Trade Center in New York, which replaced the demolished Twin Towers of 9/11 fame, not only contains pyramid/triangles embedded within its design, but stands 1,776 feet tall -- to honor the founding of the Illuminati, not the Declaration of Independence, as is claimed.

"It was then discovered that this and several associated Lodges were the nursery or preparation-school for another Order of Masons, who called themselves the Illuminated, and that the express aim of this Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government."

Robison fingered Adam Weishaupt, a German-Jewish professor, as the man who founded the Order of The Illuminati on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria (Germany). Weishaupt was possibly a paid agent of the emerging Rothschild Family, also based in Germany. Weishaupt (code name Spartacus) recruited wealthy elites to his secret society. The Illuminati (Enlightened Ones) infiltrated Masonic lodges, which served as cover for their activities. They plotted the overthrow of governments, the destruction of Christianity, and the establishment of a world communal state, (New World Order) which future elites will one day rule.

It is interesting to note that May 1 is a "Holy Day" for Communists, Anarchists and "progressives." The German-Jewish Communists who briefly captured Berlin after World War I openly referred to themselves as "Spartacists" (after Weishaupt's Illuminati code name). It is also worth pointing out that "One World" Trade Center in New York, which replaced the demolished Twin Towers of 9/11 fame, not only contains pyramid/triangles embedded within its design, but stands 1,776 feet tall -- to honor the founding of the Illuminati, not the Declaration of Independence, as is claimed.

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