Friday, June 14, 2024

The Vessel that could finally rewrite history


This object is super important because it surely evidence of the global Bronze age trade system from before the building of the Great pyramid around 2400 BCE. We have plenty of conforming for tgat global trade evidence but this is direct.

Understand that high quality copper came from lake superior and tin from this part of the world. All this confirms that literacy was likely inspired by an even earlier Sumerian cuneiform development. Mining in lake superior started around the same time as the great pyramid began as best we know.

In short, we have ample proof that they could ship by sea just because of Lake superior. ( Thousands of mine working over at least a thousand years.)

The point is that the bronze Age was out looking for metal everywhere including SE Asia.

If all collapsed in 1159 BCE and trade was reduced to a trickle kicking off the Greek Dark Age and a lot of other nasty things in the levant which we have info for..

I wonder how many pounds of gold went for that large bowl.


In 1950, near Chua, near Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, a farmer, while working his field, dug into the ground and found a large stone basin engraved with anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures. The peasant had no idea what he had found, and uses it as a basin for pigs. This vessel is called "Fuente Magna."

It is not known exactly how, but over time the "Fuente Magna" ended up in a small local museum for about 40 years, ignored by everyone.

Someone finally noticed an incredible oddity in this vase: its interior was filled with cuneiform engravings, quite similar to Sumerian or proto-Sumerian, a script used in present-day Iraq over 5,000 years ago.

Ancient inscription expert Clyde Ahmed Winters, carefully examined the "Fuente Magna," and stated that the vase had characters very similar to those of ancient Sumerian, Indian Dravidian, Iranian Elodite, and Libyan Berber from 5,000 years ago. Bolivian archaeologist Max Portugal Zamora also examined the vase, and said it was at least 5,000 years old.

But how is it possible for a proto-sumerian inscription to be found on a vessel found near Lake Titicaca, 3,800 meters above sea level, on another continent, thousands of kilometers away from where the Sumerians lived? Modern science and archaeology are silent. There are no official explanations for this anomaly

But if we think about it, the only possible explanation is that 5,000 years ago someone transported that pot from present-day Iraq to Bolivia. There is evidence that navigators from Sundaland, a sunken region of the Pacific Ocean, of which only Indonesia remains, arrived in the Americas and brought the coconut palm there, thousands of years ago. The semi-submerged city of Nan-Madol may have been built before the thaw, so 14,000 years ago. Therefore, it is possible that these navigators transported the "Fuente Magna" vessel from one continent to another. Or, it is possible that the navigation skills of the Sumerians were much greater than what we know of.

The "Fuente Magna" vase is further evidence that our past is quite different from what we thought. In the distant past, humans moved from one continent to another, leaving traces of their passage. Then suddenly, this ended, and we had to start from scratch. Why?

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