Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sand dams

This is a promotional piece but it also goes where beavers are not yet ready to go.  what does hit home though is that a riverine dam needs to be only at most two feed high and generally covered with field stones.

The dam itself can be actually simple but robust just like a beaver dam.  every possible drainage in drylands can be systematically created this way using a simple back hoe to open a foundation trench while covering the ends with debris.  This is really a desert solution

doing up entire watersheds this way will saturate the water table allowing tree planting and ultimately the concomitant increase in rainfall.  Just keep it low so that fish can work themselves up river.

Sand Dams Worldwide is a not for profit organisation that supports rural, dryland communities to work their way out of poverty with dignity. We work with local partners to support communities to build sand dams - the most cost-effective method of catching and storing rainwater in drylands. Sand dams provide safe water for life and the opportunity to grow enough food to eat, store and sell. Sand dams empower communities, putting their future firmly in their own hands.

The need for safe water in drylands:

Over 40% of the earth's surface consists of drylands (hyper-arid, arid,semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas with concentrated periods of seasonal rainfall). These drylands which cover large areas of Africa and Asia are home to around 2.3 billion people, mostly living in rural poverty trying to eke out a living in a tough climate, typically spending up to 11 hours a day fetching water.

Sand dam success (so far) and Sand Dams Worldwide's vision:

As of 2022, Sand Dams Worldwide had enabled the build of over 1,000 sand dams in 10 countries, providing over 1 million people with access to safe water, and it is Sand Dams Worldwide's vision to enable 1 million sand dams to be built for 0.5 billion people by 2050 (supporting the world's poorest people to transform their own lives through sand dams, soil and water conservation).

 <iframe width="725" height="408" src="" title="Sand Dams: Transforming Lives and Land in Drylands" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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