Friday, April 29, 2022

Cryptid Phenom

 Cryptid Phenom

I have been reading eyewitness reports, initially focused on the Bigfoot for 25 years now.  That has been at least one a day and a better estimate may well be plausibly two.  The big take home is that is 25 X 360 or over nine thousand reports.  I have personally read or listened to over 10,000 separate eye witness reports on cryptids.

I knew a long time ago we had more than 10,000 reports on the Bigfoot and today we can likely inventory over 20,000 for this creature.

within that body of reports, i early identified a subset of reports which has since blossomed into a large body of its own under dogman, but is the so called extinct Giant Sloth.

Understand that any eyewitness struggled with reporting what he saw, simply because there were few places to do so.  That has steadily improved and wonderfully so with Bigfoot.  That has made other reports finally show up on the radar in numbers to be taken seriously.

We now have a body of sightings that include the following:

Bigfoot cum sasquatch and various types in Eurasia and australia and Africa.

Giant Sloth cum Dogman also global

Thunder Bird

Gargoyle or Giant Vampire Bat global

Mothman or flying alien or humanoid.

Pterosaur in several varieties including a dragon like coloration.

Plausible Giant Owl

Therosaurs in Australia ( think Tyrannosaurus Rex )

These are the big boys and they are wide ranging and the reports are getting better.

For all these we are also seeing smaller versions and smaller oddities as well.  So ye s,the little people are out there beyond just Ireland.

We have amply learned that many of our larger creatures are able to make us either not see them or see something else.  The champion there is the Giant sloth

None of these cryptids have huge populations by our standards, but for most we are looking at a distribution typical of the Cougar who but for unfortunate tactical errors would match the Bigfoot in apparent scarcity. ( dogs chase them up trees for the hunters)  The reason we even know about the Giant Sloth is that the LaBrea tar sands was a perfect trap for them and we got ALL our fossil evidence from there.

Remember that Dogman is the Giant Sloth and is quite a tree swinger.  Its front hands sport several inch long claws able to grab tree limbs and disembowel anything smaller than an elephant.  It is also an ambush hunter.

My take home is that they are everywhere and mostly nocturnal which is why we never see them. Lone tramping in the woods is risky anyway and this should cause us to smarten up and go with a buddy.  That prevents ambush.

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