Saturday, March 26, 2022

Sant Claus as Arch Angel Aspect?


It is not christmas, but it is a good time to consider that mystery of Santa Claus whose legend informs us of the importance of the Nativity to all christians and the gift of the Yesua to humanity itself.

We are told a phyusical story which is of course physically impossible.  It is however not spiritually impossible.Contemplate just that.

We know through physics et al that the spirit world is physically real as well and has an information density many times greater than possible with our physical bodies.  What this also means is that each of us  experience the Earth by operating a 3D physical body with our spirit body.  This spirit body is easily replicated before we do that and I have from the other side that each of us come on Earth with thirty two male aspects and thirty two female aspects.  It is possible to meet these aspects and I have met at least one such.

This is just the first level of experience.  Earth Angels work in the spiritual realm and can operate many more aspects to attend to their charges.  They actually pay attention to us even if we utterly ignore them.

It is the Arch Angels that appear to have global ability and can canvass the whole global population.  Thus appearing on the Nativity in order to bless their charges is a perfectly possible act.  They merely generate as many aspects as needed.  So suddenly having a spirit appear to children as a harmless old man dressed brightly suddenly is no longer so far fetched or even impossible.

How did this happen?  Was the purpose of this story to teach us about spiritual aspects?

And yet, the wonderful commercial aspect of Santa Claus was accepted globally.  Understand almost every person on Earth understands Santa Claus.  It barely existed a century ago and not at all two centuries ago.  It also continues to be associated with the babe in the manger.

None of this faces the slightest resistence either.

Now imagine if a full and proper understanding of the teachings of Yesua also meant a full understanding of aspect.

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