Saturday, February 27, 2021

Winged Humanoid Seen Voraciously Feeding in Aurora, Illinois Woods

We finally got a bullseye for the long understood Gargoyle.  We have had dozens of individuals reports for which the balance of probabilities support a Gargoyle event.  There are othyer winged creatures in the mix as well, but all are nocturnal feeders and jack rabbits are the main food source for what is weighing in under a hundred pounds.

Here we actually see one scarfing a rabbit down.  It reacts and takes off promply as seen many times already.  We have seen it all before but never front on full presentation.

This creature also drains blood like a vampire and is certainly to source of our cattle mutilation reports in the Mid West..

Winged Humanoid Seen Voraciously Feeding in Aurora, Illinois Woods

Monday, February 22, 2021

An Aurora, Illinois resident observed a dark brown skinned winged humanoid, with glowing yellow-orange eyes, voraciously feeding on a rabbit in a local wooded area.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"Hello, I've been wanting to tell you my story ever since I've seen your page. I had a encounter with the winged bat humanoid creature about 14 years ago. When I was driving my car in the east side of Aurora, IL.

I was driving to a friend's house with two of my other friends. They did not see it because they where on there phones. But I seen it very clearly.

It was around 7:00 PM dusk time. The encounter happened on the corner of Pierce and Wood St. by a bridge. As I was driving on Pierce St. turning onto Wood St. I seen what I thought was a human eating something on the ground wildly not to far in the trees. It really caught my eye as I got closer. I stared harder at the person thinking it was a bum that lived in the woods. But the way it was eating was voracious and when I seen what it was eating it scared me. It had a rabbit in its hands, eating the neck with blood pouring out. It was crazy! I drove very slowly. I couldn't take my eyes off it. My head lights where shinning straight into its face. It had pointed ears, brown burned ripped-like skin, sharp pointed teeth, glowing orange yellow eyes. Pointed long fingers with pointed nails. And was as big as a human.

With my lights shining in its face it looked up and was blinded. The first reaction was to put its hand in front of its face to block the light. I continued to stare in shock as it looked though its fingers and stared back into my eyes. Once it acknowledged that I was staring at it, it squared up its shoulders and two wide wings unfolded out behind it. Brown and thin almost, exactly like a bat. And then with one swoop of its wings it flew into the sky, leaving me in disbelief. I stopped and looked up but was not about to get out of my car. I drove off scared of what I just encountered yelling at my friends if they had seen that. It all happened within about 15-20 seconds but it felt like slow motion to me, because of all the detail I could see.

Very scary. I didn't report it because people would think I'm crazy. It sounds crazy. After these 14 years I finally started seeing reports of other people seeing it too. I knew I wasn't crazy and I know what I saw.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and everything that you do." MP

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