Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Bigfoot economic potential


Bigfoot economic potential

Firstly, for those intelligent folk still in denial regarding Bigfoot existence, we are well past 20,000 eyeball identifications.

What i am addressing here is their potential future as willing cooperators in the general program to Terraform Terra.  They do re4spond to trade instinctually.  So we have a starting point.  Obviously encouragement is needed but properly sized baths and the like should work out.  some of that has already been tested.

Our human future includes millions of folks out grooming the woodland instead of letting it run wild.  our natural problem is that we are good for the first several feet without tools.  Bigfoot on the other hand is handy to over twelve feet with those same basic tools and can actually operate year round without been drawn off to other tasks.

Understand that a groomed forest can support grass and weeds and likely twice as much fiber to allow rotational animal husbandry.  otherwise it chokes up because we do not have elephants or mastodons knocking them down.

Bigfoot endurance looks as good as ours because they have been tracked for miles into the mountains,    

Of course, no one has ever chased one down ,not least because they travel at a very fast walk and the follower has lots of time to contemplate actually meeting one.

they do not make tools but do use cast killing stones to take down deer.  This has been seen.  Their reach allows a long aimed throw as good as any arrow in practice.

I also think we have a handful of Neanderthal hunting bands about as well out there along with the so called little people.  Establishing a working relationship with one should bring in the rest.  Afterall, continuous food and useful housing works for any critter.

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