Tuesday, August 6, 2024

When Food Is Not Real Food

Just about all our grains come to us with proteins and fats removed originally to avoid rancidity.  A lot of our storable food goes off far faster than we think unless oils and proteins are removed.

We can fix a  lot of this by freezing product.

The food industry needs to be backed into a corner and work up handy preservation methods and tools allowing better use. The good news is that most of our calories come in restaurants today and way more flexibility exists there to support a rapid throughput.

In fact, restaurants need to start selling raw milk.  They are even able to handle spoiled milk in baked products like we used to do.

When Food Is Not Real Food


Today, over 73 percent of the U.S. food supply is ultra-processed. While both natural and ultra-processed foods are referred to as “food,” there is a world of difference between them. Real food supports life, but ultra-processed food destroys it. Ultra-processed foods are poisonous to life. Why? Because they are full of poisons and unlimited food additives, and some of the best nutrients are stripped out of processing. We see this in all white foods.

White foods cause degenerative diseases through the creation of nutritional deficiency. Harvard University recognizes this saying that people who regularly eat whole grains develop cancer less often than those who don’t. A 1998 overview of 40 studies that looked at 20 types of cancer linked consumption of whole grains with reduced risks of stomach, colon, mouth, gallbladder, and ovarian cancers.

Health researchers decades ago found a troubling link between higher consumption of white rice and type 2 diabetes. “What we’ve found is white rice is likely to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes,” said Dr. Qi Sun of the Harvard School of Public Health.

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