Thursday, August 8, 2024

Science of the WEREWOLF

I have been reviewing eye witness accounts now for over thirty years. My original focus was the Sasquatch and that continues, but what fell out of the data flow was ultimately a smaller subset of something else altogether. There exists today over 20,000 individual reports identifying as the Sasquatch. the subset is well over 200 reports and that is increasing as they are been more commonly been identified as dogman in particular, but now also more correctly as a WEREWOLF. They are obviously global in distribution

so far the sasquatch appears North American in distribution although plausibly related species show up in Eurasia as wildmen.

These are actually pretty hard to hide because both are BIG. many other cryptid reports for smaller animals show up including obvious primates, but are easily misidentified and thus ignored and none will walk into a human lab.

Mythology aside, the werewolf is our woodland APEX predator.  Fortunately for us, there is ample deer and pigs to consume out there and we tend to show up to beat the bushes when someone goes missing.  that is why they generally avoid us by selecting a hunting range away from us. like bears, encroachment takes place on those boundaries..

Firstly you need to understand that the werewolf, nee dogman, nee big bad wolf etc is also the EXTINCT GIANT SLOTH.  It is part of a linage of insectivores and this leads to different lifeways.

It turns out that they ambush kill and then carry the prey back to their likely boneyard to allow a good harvest of maggots to set in.  This is why human victims actually disappear and appear, if ever, twenty plus miles away.  This type of report has shown up multiple times.

Understand something.  All eyewitness reports initially identify the base conforming data that allows identification.  This means 20,000 of us have seen and identified a sasquatch.  no questions asked folks.  however it is then that the mind will focus of some other aspect of the experience and provide real detail.  for that reason, reviewing those reports is painting a picture one paint stroke at a time.

Because of this i have a deeply detailed picture now, certainly of the Sasquatch and its behavior, but also a lot about the Giant Sloth or Werewolf.  for the record, the books by David Paulides are a treasure trove of these Werewolf reports and i presume that he actually knows but cannot tell you.  The reports conform to expected behavior.

something else does need to be noted as well.  Both these creatures can project into our minds to serve their ends.  We cannot do this, so imagine it is not possible.  If you see a NOT deer or a NOT little red riding hood, you are seeing an APEX predator and it is not your friend.  I will not get into primate behavior around children as the danger is real but not immediately fatal.  just saying so as not to totally ignore Sasquatch.

and never go alone into the wilderness if a choice exists.  you alone are simply not good enough.

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