Friday, August 23, 2024

Pinochet Overthrew Marxism

In 1973, Chile was sliding visibly into Marxism and the whole economy was tracking just like Venezuela without those oil bucks.

It was not going to end well at all just as what has happened elsewhere has never ended well.  Today Cuba in on its last legs with no bailouts left.  Yet somehow these creeps cannot keep chasing power to do it all over again.

Communism is clearly the rule of stupid uneducated folks who replaced rational thinking with Das Kapital.

While he ran the place, Chile was the one bright spot in South America.  And just why is it impossible to restore good governance anywhere?

Who bribes who and just how do the creeps benefit from having China destitute for thirty years under Mao.  Or North Korea for seventy years.

Gen. Augusto Pinochet led the violent overthrow of the socialist government of Salvador Allende, seizing power for nearly 17 years.

Rebuttal By

Here's a story about an anti-Marxist military coup with modern-day implications, as well as a very important lesson to be learned. The Slimes article reviews the dramatic Chilean coup of September, 1973. . "Fifty years ago, a violent coup ended one of Latin America’s most stable democracies, brought an abrupt halt to the Chilean military’s tradition of noninvolvement in politics and ushered in 17 years of ruthless dictatorship. . Salvador Allende, Chile’s socialist president, had embarked on an ambitious agenda that included the nationalization of the copper industry, land redistribution and state control over other strategic industries and banks. As the economy spiraled out of control and political polarization fueled increasing violence, businessmen, conservative politicians, professionals and some trade groups pressed for military intervention." ** Long story made short -- the commie scum was mucking up Chile pretty bad; so businessmen and the military (sound familiar?) intervened to save the country. The righteous conspiracy to overthrow the government of the Red Allende was aided by US President Richard Nixon, working through the CIA. Though many of the American plotters, including Nixon, had sincere motives for wanting to stop Latin America's slide toward Marxism, Deep Staters (like Secretary of State Henry Kissinger) supported the coup because they wanted to maneuver the continent into the Globalist sphere of interest, not the Soviet. They reckoned that they could (and eventually did) remove the military rulers and, in due time, get their own agents in there instead. .The coup's leader, General Augusto Pinochet, then served as supreme leader of Chile until 1990. The pro-business / pro-market economic reforms ushered in what even critics would acknowledge as an economic boom period dubbed "The Chilean Miracle." Chile, to this day -- enjoys a retirement system, established under Pinochet -- that is mostly privately funded. . Nonetheless, in spite of Chile's progress and stability throughout the 70s and 80s, year in and year out, the western Judenpresse trashed Pinochet for "human rights violations" ™ -- that is, his rough and well-deserved treatment of Marxist "intellectual" trash. An estimated 200,000 commies self-exiled themselves.

1. Allende was said to have committed suicide inside of the capitol building before the military could apprehend him. // 2. Allende's Marxist rabble had plunged Chile into chaos and crisis. // Pinochet, backed by the business class and, secretly, the Nixon administration, saved Chile.

Under pressure from "the international community ™," a plebiscite vote was held in 1988 -- in which 55% of voters rejected the proposal of extending General Pinochet's rule for another eight years. Consequently, presidential and parliamentary elections were held the following year. Military rule ended in 1990 with the election of Christian Democrat candidate Patricio Aylwin. Much like Spain following the death of General Franco in 1975, slowly but surely, Chile's "democratic" march to the Left resumed. . Pinochet stepped down as the army’s commander in chief in 1998 and -- at the request of the Leftist government of Spain -- was detained while visiting London for surgery on his back. Spain wanted the 82-year-old "criminal" for "the murder of Spanish citizens in Chile." Eventually, Britain allowed Pinochet to return to Chile for humanitarian reasons. But the new "democratic" Chile was already leaning leftward again by this time. At the time of Pinochet's death in 2006 at 91, he, his wife and his children were being tormented on phony charges of "fraud and corruption." He was finally "indicted" on charges of "human rights" ™ crimes, but was never convicted. Today, some 270 military officers and agents are still serving unjust sentences in Chile. . Modern day Chile remains divided on the legacy of Pinochet -- with Marxists and libtards holding his memory in disdain, and decent folk remembering him as the man who saved Chile from Marxist degradation and restored prosperity.

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