Friday, August 16, 2024

Methane Baubles as slime molds?

This is a what the hell type report that appears real and certainly uncanny.  We have projected the existence of slime mold bubbles that are very large, but the existence of a large bubble makes the existence of many small ones even more likely.

And now we have a wall of baubles rising into the sky taking advantage of the water rich interface caused by a passing shower.  Understand these baubles are lighter than air because of methane.  Do we have a huge natural phenom here never understood?  The slime mold makes this possible.

Now imagine them somehow growing as well, though that means producing methane.  Then imagine then rising into the stratosphere as well above all our weather..

Do wetlands produce a wall of methane baubles that rise quickly following wet atmospherics?

something is going on here that science has not put together at all.

Methane Baubles

Uncanny reports via Nautilus.

One summer afternoon, there had been a rain shower that left the air fresh. I looked at the clouds and saw a rainbow strangely close by. I followed its arc and to my amazement, the rainbow came down nearby. I headed toward the floating colors. They were suspended droplets or possibly bubbles, each revolving in various shimmering rainbow colors. I drove through the rainbow, a distance of about 30 or 40 feet, discovering that it stopped short of the ground and just above my car. I turned around and drove under it again, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, I’m sure. Nature’s fleeting jewels hung above me as if on invisible strands from the sky, each one appearing to be about the size of a Christmas ornament. I drove under it again and again, while keeping back tears. – Marie L.

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